Today’s Scrip-Bit 23 November 2016 Psalm 139:1.

Psalm 139:1.    O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.

Ah friends, I think I prefer the going to bed late and getting up late yes. At least when I get up I don’t have any back pains. I might be a li’l groggy (smile) but a few sips of java usually banishes that grogginess. 

And if I so desire, I can always go back to sleep after writing the Bit. I know it makes the Bit later than I want it to be, but I can’t change the night owl nature in me. I just feel more comfortable that way. 

Anyhow, enough of my rambling, the grogginess is gone. (smile) Here is something from our One Year Book of Bible Promises, with writings by Ruth Harms Calkin, which I think is quite applicable to many of us Christians. It’s called ‘Turnabout.’ 

Please read with me: ‘God, for so long I thought that by praying I could change Your mind. Often I prayed Fervently, pleadingly Until I felt Emotionally pulverized. 

Then I gradually began to grasp That the purpose of prayer Is to find Your mind And let You change mine. 

Little by little The turnabout is renewing me. Slowly I begin to feel A settling quietness. I wait while You woo me To Your will, dear Lord. I wait until my thoughts Harmonize with Yours. 

For in my deepest heart Despite my guarded resistance I somehow sense That what You want for me Is stupendously more Than anything I could Dream or wish or want For myself.’ 

And isn’t all of that the gospel truth friends? It surely is! So many times we get these ideas and try to bend God to our will, rather than bending our will to His. 

But if we’re serious about our relationship with Him, gradually, li’l by li’l, He’ll show us that life is so much better when we bow to His will than if we try to force ours on Him. Remember who is the Big Boss? 

He is the Creator and Controller, we are merely His minions, beloved though we might be. And thus it is our job to bow to Him, rather than the other way around. 

And the promise for that poem is our Bit for today. ‘O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.’ 

And if we hearken back to what we were just saying, we’ll understand that our great and wonderful God knows everything about us, since He created us. Listen to Bruh David as he continues to expatiate (smile) on the everlasting presence and power of God. 

‘Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising; thou understandest my thought afar off. Thou compasseth (comprehendeth) my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. 

For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether. Thou hast beset (enclosed or hedged) me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.’ (Ps.139:2-6) 

That says it all my brethren! The Lord knows EVERYTHING about us, even before we do. That’s why it doesn’t make sense to hide anything from Him. We’re just foolishly fooling ourselves if we think we can do that. 

Now let me share an interesting explanation from the scholars, re the Comparative Attributes of God. ‘Psalm 139. The comparative attributes of God contrast human abilities with the divine nature. Everyone has some knowledge, but only God has all knowledge (omniscience). Every person has some degree of power, but only God has unlimited power (omnipotence). 

Illustration: Psalm 139 lays a foundation for understanding the comparative attributes. The omniscience of God is seen in verses 1-6. The omnipresence of God is seen in verses 7-11. The omnipotence of God is seen in verses 12-16. 

Application: A Christian’s response to the comparative attributes of God should be to surrender to His leadership because He is wise, He is able to protect us, and He knows the true way to life with Himself. (First Ref. Gen.3:8; Primary Ref. Ps.139:1; cf. Eph.1:8).’ 

Oh my people, yuh see the only behaviour that makes sense in our position is to surrender our will to the Lord, because He knows best! 

Even Jesus in His gravest and greatest time of need – before His crucifixion – pleaded with the Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane: ‘O my father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except (unless) I drink it, thy will be done.’ (Matt.26:42) 

Yeh friends, we can plead for grace and mercy and whatever, but in the long run we must, or ought to submit to the Lord’s will, for that’s what it means to be a true and faithful Christian. End of sermon! (smile) 

Now let’s go home wailing our Wednesday Wail with true passion and sincerity. All together now: ‘Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: I’m so glad to be alive on this Wednesday! Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: Thank God the breath of life is still flowing through me on this Wednesday! 

I am halfway home. My hands are fixed securely on the plough, and I’m not turning back. I’m not looking back at the past, not focusing on what has gone before. But my eyes are fixed straight ahead; straight ahead to a glorious future with Jesus. Glory Hallelujah!’ 

And I sincerely hope we put all of that into action today my people. Oh, what a joy it is to be in league with Jesus! Much LOVE!

…when a Christian surrenders to God’s will…he has no more worries…Glory Hallelujah…!

P.S. I know it’s late, but it’s glorious! (smile) Much LOVE!






Today’s Scrip-Bit 6 July 2016 Zechariah 4:6b

Zechariah 4:6b.    Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord.  

And then it was another bright and sunshiny day on God’s great earth! 

And all His people joyfully declared: ‘Glory to God for bringing us safely through the dark and evil night into the glorious and brilliant light of His Son and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!’ 

Yes friends, our wonderful God is always working on our behalf! What does the scripture say? ‘Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper (protector): the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. 

The Lord shall preserve (keep) thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve (keep) thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth,and even for ever more’ (Ps.121:4-8) 

Ah mih people what encouraging and reassuring words! They tell us all about the sustaining power of our omnipotent God! 

Now hear this other aspect of our marvellous and magnanimous God. It comes in the form of a poem ‘The Task,’ from our One Year Book of Bible Promises with writings by Ruth Harms Calkin. 

And it says: ‘Lord, You give me a task So utterly impossible So totally beyond comprehension – The very thought of it Startles me. I want to run hide escape Anything, Lord. Then You electrify me You invade and permeate me 

You penetrate every fiber of me Until the task is accomplished By Your own magnificent power. Then You praise the performance Your creativity achieved And You reward me beyond expectation – As though I had done it All by myself, My Father.’ 

Wow mih breddren! Isn’t that a most magnificent God? He gives you a task that seems utterly impossible, then gives you the wherewithal to perform it with flying colours, then turns around and praises and blesses you, as though you had done it all on your own, when, without His omnipotence, you couldn’t even have accomplished the initial step! 

Oh my people, I feel that way everyday when I come to write the Bit, for basically it’s not my idea, but the Lord’s, and through His Holy Spirit, He guides and enables me to write it. Yuh think I could have been writing the Bit for nine years now in my own strength and wisdom? No way Jose! It’s the Lord who empowers me each and every day! 

And the scripture verse on which that poem is based is also our Bit for today. ‘Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord.’ Yes friends, it’s not through might nor power, but through His Holy Spirit that the Lord accomplishes His tasks through us! 

Now that piece of scripture comes from a vision of the prophet Zechariah about a magnificent, golden candlestick and two olive trees. And the angel in the vision asked Zechariah if he knew its significance? 

And when Zechariah said no, the angel informed him. ‘Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord.’ (Zech.4:6) That’s the full verse there. 

And the scholars offer us this explanation. ‘4:1-14. The fifth vision, the golden candlestick and the two olive trees: The work of God (the rebuilding of the temple) would be accomplished through God’s leaders, Joshua and Zerubbabel, who would be enabled to perform their tasks by the Spirit of God. 

The vision indicates that future Israel will be a blessing to all the nations of the world through an abundant supply of the Spirit of God as the result of the coming of the Messiah, who will unite the offices of priest and king in Himself.’ 

And did it all come to pass as prophesied my people? It surely did! For since the coming of Jesus, beginning at Pentecost, all believers have been imbued with the Holy Spirit as their guide and assistant. In the olden days the Spirit would come upon someone when the Lord needed them to do something special, but didn’t dwell within them as He does in us now… 

And all God’s children declared a loud, sincere and heartfelt, ‘Glory to God for His wonderful goodness to the children of men!’ And He certainly deserves oodles of glory my breddren! 

Now we won’t get into the ramifications of our Bit today, we’ll leave that for tomorrow, the Lord willing. Let’s go home instead by declaring our Wednesday Wail with sincerity, truth, faith and hope, some of the things that keep us going on the right path, the straight and narrow one, in this evil, godforsaken world. 

Wailing now: ‘Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: I’m so glad to be alive on this Wednesday! Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: Thank God the breath of life is still flowing through me on this Wednesday! I am halfway home. 

My hands are fixed securely on the plough, and I’m not turning back. I’m not looking back at the past, not focusing on what has gone before. But my eyes are fixed straight ahead; straight ahead to a glorious future with Jesus. Glory Hallelujah!’ 

Oh friends, I do hope those words were sincerely and truthfully felt and meant, because only then can we enthusiastically go out with great expectations of victory, and do the important work Christ has entrusted us with. Have a godly and blessed day my people! Much LOVE!

…when the Holy Spirit comes upon you…your life changes for the better…you can walk on water and move mountains…



Today’s Scrip-Bit 22 January 2015 Psalm 3:8

Psalm 3:8.     Salvation belongeth unto the Lord: thy blessing is upon thy people.   Selah.

Aye mih people, is Thursday morning, another chilly one, and the ole fella fighting this cold tooth and nail! (smile) We going down to the wire with it, we not giving up! It’s a fight to the death!

Oh I know that it has to run its course, but while it’s doing its thing, I’m also doing my own, trying not to let it make me feel too terrible, because you know that nothing in this world makes you feel as miserable as a simple fresh cold.
Ah Lord eh! We can put man on the moon and voyage out to Venus and Mars, but we can’t cure a simple cold! Steups! But I guess them’s the breaks! And believe me, it was difficult to get up this morning, although I wasn’t sleeping. But a certain malaise in my spirit just said lie down and rest. (smile)
And I did for a short while. But knowing that the Bit had to go out, I eventually forced myself out of the bed. And I believe I have the right medication for whatever is ailing us this morning, in the words of The One Year Book of Promises, with writings from Ruth Harms Calkin.
This passage is titled ‘God’s Promises,’ and it says: ‘With increasing joy I am discovering that God’s promises do not suddenly disappear when our courage fails and our fears become overwhelming. Feeling or no feeling, when God gives a promise that speaks directly to our need, it stands firm regardless of negative circumstances.
There may be times of questioning, and we may not understand God’s timing, but His promise remains certain during our deepest trial. If we consistently rely on His immutable Word, we can disregard the darkness.
Oswald Chambers says, “Are you in the dark right now regarding your circumstances? Then listen, and God will give you a very precious message for someone else when you are in the light.” God waits for us to trust Him when trusting seems the most difficult thing to do.’
Ah Friends, the cruel, evil and ungodly world that we’re currently living in, is certainly making it hard for us to trust God and rely on His promises. But if we want to succeed, we have to truly stand in faith on His word, even though we may seem completely surrounded by darkness.
And as the Bible promise for that passage so truthfully declares: ‘Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience (endurance, perseverance), that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.’ (Heb.10:35-36)
Yes mih breddren, the one thing we CAN’T DO, is GIVE UP! And it’s when life seems the darkest that we need to hold on to God’s promises the strongest. For as the saying goes; the darkest hour is the one just before the dawn. And that’s no lie! We experience the roughest times just before we experience our breakthrough.
So please, let’s hang in there with Jehovah God, for He knows what He’s doing. His thoughts and ways are so much higher than ours that we don’t, and can’t always understand what He’s about. In His omnipotence He created us, and still controls the universe, and sincerely promised that all His plans for us were all for good, for peace, with hope for a bright future. (Jer.29:11)
And as our Bit so wisely and rightly declares: ‘Salvation belongeth unto the Lord: thy blessing is upon thy people.   Selah.’ And of that my people, there is absolutely no doubt! That’s why so many people of great faith in the Bible declared it.
Now let’s look at a few more of those scripture passages that declare salvation comes from God, as we’ve been doing for the last few days. And we’ll begin with words of Bruh David, who called out to God so often and so seriously in his writings. Listen to how he begins Psalm 35 – A prayer for rescue from enemies.
‘Plead my cause (contend for me), O Lord, with them that strive (contend) with me: fight against them that fight against me. Take hold of shield and buckler (a small shield), and stand up for mine help.
Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me (stop those who pursue me): say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.’ (Ps.35:1-3)
And we all know the turbulent and tumultuous life that Bruh David lived, but he never forgot or gave up on the God of his fathers, who faithfully saved him from his enemies whenever he cried out for help.
Now hear the author of Hebrews, whom I can’t help but think is Bruh Paul, with all the similarities of speech and mannerisms.
‘Though he (Jesus) were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him. Called of God a high priest after the order of Melchizedek.’ (Heb.5:8-10)
And isn’t that the gospel truth Friends! Jesus died, rose from the grave and ascended into heaven so that we could have eternal salvation! Without those wonderful, selfless acts of His, there would be no general salvation. Many of us would stay lost and unsaved.
So let’s give Him a big shout of praise and thanks for saving our sinful souls from eternal separation from Almighty God, the worst fate that can befall a human being.
And all God’s people declared a loud and heartfelt: ‘Thank You Jesus! Thank You ever so much for sacrificing Your holy, sinless life on the cross, so that Your shed blood, precious as it was, could pay for, atone for our abominable sins. We praise You, bless and glorify Your holy name! Amen.’
And now Friends, we’ll end with this well known verse from Psalm 42 – An intense longing for God – a contemplation from the sons of Korah.
And it simply says: ‘Why art thou cast (bowed) down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise Him for the help of his countenance (presence).’ (Ps.42:5)
Yes my people, I implore us to keep hoping in God, though our souls might not feel like doing it, for regardless of what anyone else says, only from Him is true salvation and eternal life possible. Much LOVE!
…to EVERY problem in our lives…Jesus IS the answer…



Today’s Scrip-Bit 4 November 2014 Psalm 4:1.

Psalm 4:1.      Hear me when I call , O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged (relieved) me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me (be gracious to me), and hear my prayer.
Ah Friends, can you believe it’s already Tuesday? Wow! The days are certainly flying by quickly, which means we have no time to lose in getting to know our wonderful Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
We need to make our peace with Him ASAP; in fact RIGHT NOW, for who knows if He will come without warning today and pluck His people from wherever they are, and from whatever they are doing. And once He comes, heralded by the sound of the mighty trump, all bets are off, or as they say, who don’t win lose.
And I’m sure you don’t want everlasting separation from God to be your eternal lot and destiny. So please get a move on, give your all to Jesus Christ! It’s the best decision you can ever make as a mortal being!
Now here is another excerpt from the One Year Book of Bible Promises, one that’s rather appropriate for our current, modern-day lifestyle. It’s titled ‘Busy Day,’ and says: ‘Lord, this is one of those days I must ask You to preserve my sanity In the midst of turmoil. I’m so pressed by commitments– Plus a thousand trivial tasks- That I can scarcely see over my head.
So I plead for enough wisdom To sort my priorities carefully. Regardless of my frenzied schedule May I keep my sense of humour And even enjoy a hearty chuckle or two. Calm my quivering nerves With mental flashes from Your Word. Help me to maintain At least a semblance Of Mary-Martha balance.
And tonight when we’re together again Should my husband confront me with “What have you been doing today?” May my answer be genuine and gentle: “Part of the time, darling I’ve thanked God for you.’
Yes Friends, that definitely sounds like many of us! And the accompanying scripture is: ‘And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful (worried) and troubled about many things (the little details).’ (Luke 10:41)
Ah mih people, balance is so sadly lacking in so many -too many- of our lives, that most days we don’t know whether we’re coming or going! And balance is ever so important, if we want to live fruitful and faithful lives.
And the best way to achieve balance is by keeping Jehovah God in first place in our lives, and giving ourselves to continual prayer, which brings us to our Bit. ‘Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged (relieved) me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me (be gracious to me), and hear my prayer.’
And some of you will be glad to hear that this is the last day for that particular Bit. (smile) And as usual, we’ll get into the scriptures with a story about Jesus on the subject; the one where He cleanses the temple.
The Good Book tells it thus: ‘And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew (overturned) the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves;
And would not suffer that (allow) any man should carry any vessel (wares) through the temple. And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of (for) all nations the house of prayer? But ye have made it a den of thieves.’ (Mark 11:15-17)
Yuh see Friends, the constant desecration of the Lord’s house, His haven for prayer, was one of the few things that made Jesus so angry that He resorted to violence.
Meanwhile, the awesome power of prayer is shown in Acts, where Bruh Paul is in Macedonia. ‘And on the Sabbath we went out of the city by a riverside, where prayer was wont to be (customarily) made; and we sat down, and spake unto the women which resorted thither (met there).
And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple (purple dye), of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto (took heed of) the things which were spoken of Paul.
And when she was baptized, and her household, she besought (begged) us, saying, If ye have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come into my house, and abide there. And she constrained (compelled) us.’ (Acts 16:13-15)
Oh my people, how great indeed is the power of prayer, because it works through the omnipotence of the Creator of the universe and all therein!
And I don’t believe that there’s anybody who cried out to Jehovah God as much as Bruh David did. Listen to his plea from the opening verses of Psalm 5 – a prayer for protection. ‘Give ear to my words, O Lord; consider my meditation (groaning). Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray.
My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up. For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell (sojourn) in thee.’ (Ps.5:1-4)
And we’ll close this series of messages on prayer; its uses and its amazing power, with the moving and memorable words of Jesus’ half brother James, who only came to faith after the resurrection.
‘Is any among you afflicted (suffering)? let him pray. Is any merry (cheerful)? let him sing psalms. Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord;
And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults (trespasses) one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual (effective) fervent prayer (supplication) of a righteous man availeth much.
Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are (with a nature like ours), and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by (land for) the space of three years ans six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.’ (James 5:13-18)
Oh my fellow believers, those are indeed words of awesome wisdom! It is ever so important that prayer occupies a central place in our daily lives. As such, we ought to be devoted to prayer, because it’s the strong lifeline, the umbilical cord between our mortal selves and the divine God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
If it’s broken, then we perish, like a baby in its mother’s womb when its lifeline breaks. So please, I implore us to be wise and not break that very tenuous connection, reach out to God with prayer, in hungry hope and expectant faith. Much LOVE!
…continue in prayer…and watch in the same…with thanksgiving… (Col.4:2)


Today’s Scrip-Bit 29 May 2014 Philippians 4:13

Philippians 4:13.     I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Oh Friends, I certainly wasn’t able to sit on my deck yesterday afternoon and enjoy the warm, healing rays of the sun, for it was a tad chilly, just like the weather people had said. And it looks like today will be just the same. Oh the annoying vagaries of the weather eh!
However, with bated breath, hungry hope and expectant faith, we are patiently waiting for those ‘lazy, crazy days of summer’ to arrive. (smile) For we know that they will eventually appear, because the Lord has decreed it, just not exactly when.
And so, as we wait with eager patience for all that God has in store for us, let’s make, or rather reaffirm this pledge, this declaration of intent, since we have invoked it before.
‘I can do all things through Christ. God has new opportunities for me. I am not settling for where I am now. I’m stretching myself, and pursuing what He (God) has put in my heart. God’s plan for my life is greater than I could imagine, and I am determined to be who He wants me to be. This is my declaration of what I can do through Christ.’
And all of God’s people proclaimed a loud and lusty: ‘Praise the Lord! Amen!’
Yes Friends, please remember that when we partner with Christ, when we have Him and His Holy Spirit buried deep in our hearts, minds, bodies and souls, when He’s our true guide and leader, anything at all is possible through His omnipotence!
And that’s something we Christians don’t take as seriously and believe as strongly as we ought to, for if we did, a lot of us wouldn’t be in some of the unfortunate and/or untenable situations that we’re currently in.
Unfortunately, too many of us simply pay lip service to our Bit. ‘I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.’
Oh Friends, that’s a basic tenet of our faith! If we don’t truly believe that, and even more importantly put it into practice, then our faith is useless, since we can’t successfully fight the evil powers of this world in our own strength.
Now just before our Bit, Bruh Paul made two other famous statements to the Philippians. Speaking in appreciation of a gift they’d sent him (most likely money), he declares: ‘But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me (concern) hath flourished again (revived); wherein ye were also careful (though you surely did care), but ye lacked opportunity.
Not that I speak in respect of want (regard of need): for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I both know how to be abased (live humbly), and I know how to abound (live in prosperity): every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.’ (Phil.4:10-12)
Oh my fellow believers, what mighty words, and also lessons that each and every Christian ought to learn and apply!
Now here is some worthwhile info from the scholars on those verses and our Bit. ‘4:10. Wherein ye were also careful, or, “regarding your care for me, you really were concerned”: Paul acknowledges that they were concerned about his needs all along, but they lacked opportunity to minister to him.
4:11. Not that I speak in respect (because) of want: Paul’s ability to be content despite the circumstances assures the readers that his joy of verse 10 is not solely over his “need” being met at their expense. He implies that he could have done without their financial aid. For justifies this implication.
I have learned…to be content: The Greek here suggests that contentment is a lesson learned neither in a classroom nor overnight, but through many practical experiences in life.
4:12. By listing some specific examples, this verse elaborates upon the very general and broad “in whatsoever state I am” of verse 11. Be abased means literally to discipline oneself, that is, to tighten the belt in lean times. To abound means to live in prosperity.
Every where and in all things I am instructed (or, “in all circumstances I have learned the secret of how”) to be full, that is, “well-fed” To abound means to have plenty. To suffer need means to go without.
Paul has acquired the skill for successfully living with little and with much, the latter probably being harder: “For one man who can stand prosperity, there are a hundred that will stand adversity.” (Thomas Carlyle).
4:13. The apostle’s ability of knowing how to live skillfully on little or in prosperity does not mean that he is a spiritual superman.
The reason he can live in such extremes is not owing to his own ability. Rather he can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth him, thus enabling him to adapt to his various, ever-changing circumstances.
God orders Paul’s various situations, and God gives him the strength to be content in them all, trying and perplexing though they may be.’
Oh yes my brethren, it’s God’s provision that enables us to be strong and content in any and every situation. But it’s not an easy thing to accomplish and can only be learned though life’s hard lessons.
That’s why it’s so awfully important to have the Holy Spirit of Jesus firmly entrenched in our being, so that we can have the necessary help to face all our situations, be they good or bad.
Steups! And it’s interesting that I had one of those situations a little while ago. In the middle of copying verse 10, above, the power suddenly went, and I lost a little of what I had written. But I didn’t pull out my hair and scream to high heaven, as I would have done previously. 
Now I was unhappy and annoyed, but over the years I’ve learned to save stuff as I write, so it wasn’t as bad as it could have been, or has been in the past, when I had to start over from scratch.
So I had to reboot and all of that, and with my already waking up late, it just makes the Bit even later. I don’t like it when the Bit is late, but life happens, and I just have to grin and bear it. (smile)
Oh, one more thing, for those of you who happen to check out my Blog site, please accept my humble apologies for the different fonts and sizes that have been appearing on it lately. That’s not my fault. I post it properly, but somehow or the other when wordpress, my blogging site, converts it, these days it comes up that way.
I’m not thrilled with it all, and I’m trying to have it fixed. But until then please bear with me. Chuh!
Anyway, we have lots to meditate and ponder on today, to learn to live contentedly in whatever situation we find ourselves, so let’s get to it nuh. (smile) And I know it’s long, but that makes up for yesterday’s short one. (smile)  
And I hope that the Bit helps us all to keep our focus on Almighty God, as it’s designed to do. For that’s wisdom at its zenith! Much LOVE!
…to know, know, know Him (Jesus)…is to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE HIM…for He makes everything worthwhile…



Today’s Scrip-Bit 17 December 2013 Proverbs 10:22

Proverbs 10:22.    The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.

Oh Friends, I don’t know about you all nuh, but I’m tired of the snow and cold already! And that’s only the first big snowfall and cold spell of the year. I guess I’m tired mainly because I had to be out and about in it all.
But here this, the weather people are forecasting above freezing temps and rain for later this week! That discrepancy and uncertainty is what drives people crazy and also gets them sick, because they don’t know how to properly prepare for the weather in these changing times.
However Friends, I also have the answer, the antidote for it all; prayer!
And like Gramps Schuller (Dr. Robert H. Schuller) describes it in his devotional for yesterday: ‘Prayer is the umbilical cord that allows you – with your embryonic ideas – to draw nourishment from a source that you, like an unborn infant, can neither see nor fully know or comprehend – God our heavenly Father! Prayer is the power that pulls everything together successfully.’
And that’s a novel but absolutely true way to put it my people! When I read it yesterday, I just knew that I had to share it with you. And would you believe that I’ve been reading that devotional for a number of years now, and that idea did not even sound familiar when I read it yesterday.
Ah Lord eh! Makes you wonder what I’m thinking about when I read them. (smile) I guess though, that I wasn’t mature enough in Christ for it to make a notable impression on me, before yesterday. But who knows, since our God moves in such mysterious and unfathomable ways with His higher thoughts and methods.
Anyway, the important thing is that I’ve finally recognized it, so let’s turn to our Bit. ‘The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.’
More undeniable truth my brethren! For when our God blesses us, we know that we are blessed, and He doesn’t include any sorrow in it. Now maybe the sorrow will come before, or even after the blessing, (smile) but the blessings are usually blessings alone.
And we’ll continue from where we left off yesterday, with Abraham’s servant being sent to his master’s home country, Mesopotamia, to find a wife for Isaac from his brethren. And Friends, it’s not by luck or chance, but rather by divine decree and guidance, that Abraham’s servant ended up in the city where Nahor, Abraham’s brother dwelt.
Neither was it luck or chance, but divine appointment, that caused Rebekah to come out and fulfill all the conditions that the servant had desired of the Lord in prayer.
Oh mih people, yuh see the wonderful and inescapable truth of what we’ve been saying above, about prayer being the lifeline, the umbilical cord to God! The servant prayed faithfully, setting some parameters, and asking the Lord to send someone favourable to fulfill them.
And I like how the Good Book says that before he was even finished making his requests known to God, that Rebekah showed up. (Gen.24:15a) Oh my brethren, we can’t ask for a better example than that of faithful and fulfilled prayer!
And if you read what transpired afterwards, as I asked you to do yesterday, (Gen.24:16-25), you’d have seen Rebekah offer the servant drink, as well as offer to quench his camels thirst. And when she’d fulfilled her pledge, he gave her an expensive gold nose ring, weighing half a shekel, approximately $960.00, since a shekel of gold is worth around $1920.00. To that he added 2 gold bracelets for her hands of ten shekels weight. Do the math my people.
And after he enquired about her family, she then ran home and told her family about the strange happening that had befallen her. That brought her big brother Laban out to meet the servant. And to make a long story short, (smile) they invited him to lodge with them. He graciously accepted the offer, and after the camels were looked after, they set food before him, but he refused to eat before he divulged his purpose. (Gen.24:28-33)
‘And he said, I am Abraham’s servant. And the Lord hath blessed my master greatly; and he is become great: and he hath given him flocks, and herds, and silver, and gold, and menservants, and maidservants, and camels, and asses (donkeys).’ (Gen.24:34-35)
What I want us to note here my fellow believers, is the difference in blessings. In the first scenario, the Lord showed the servant favour by granting his prayerful request, while in the second, He gave Abraham material wealth.
So not because our Bit says that the blessings of our God make us rich, it doesn’t necessarily mean material wealth. The blessings of our great and wonderful God can come in all shapes, sizes and forms, whatever suits His purpose. His omnipotence and LOVING-kindness don’t limit Him to any one kind of blessing.
And that’s something all believers ought to fully understand. Not because we pray for material wealth or any other kind of blessing means that we’ll automatically receive it. We’ll be showered with whatever fits the needs of God’s plan for our lives.
And until we fully understand and appreciate that point, we’ll always feel disappointed and/or hard done by our God. But we need to remember that God’s not there to simply do our bidding, to serve our selfish and petty requests.
On the contrary, we are here to serve His desires; to LOVE Him, to LIVE out our Faith, and to SPREAD His Holy Word! At times though, we seem to forget that HE is the MASTER, and we are the SERVANTS, not vice versa! 
And on that oh so important remembrance, we’ll close for today. I don’t want to give us too much to ponder on, (smile) just enough to keep us focused in the right direction – on Jesus Christ, our ever-LOVING Lord and Saviour. Much much LOVE my fellow believers!
…this Christmas season…let’s show the world what true LOVE is all about nuh…by keeping Jesus first and foremost…in our hearts, minds, souls and actions…

Today’s Scrip-Bit 3 November 2013 Matthew 5:12

Matthew 5:12.   Rejoice and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

Oh Friends, the church bells are tolling this beautiful Sunday morning! They’re tolling to invite us to fellowship and worship as the body of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ down here on earth! Wow! What a special benefit and honour to be numbered in that most august society!

Many of you may remember growing up with the church bells pealing every Sunday morning and evening, calling all the faithful to the house that Christ built. I remember them quite vividly, because I lived only a couple minutes walk away from St. Andrews Anglican in Scarborough, Tobago, and I’d use them as a time piece, listening for when the last bell begin to toll, then I’d hustle off to get there just in time.

There were either two or three tollings, I don’t remember, but back then, when the bells pealed, you knew that almost the whole community was getting ready to go to church, regardless of their denomination. Unfortunately though, church bells tolling as a means of inviting the faithful to worship is now a thing of the past, like prehistoric dinosaurs.

The youth of today don’t even know that church bells existed, for there are very few around now, and even fewer toll, and likewise, even fewer attend church regularly. But my brethren, going to church and fellowshipping with others of like faith, is exactly one of the things Jesus had in mind when He commanded us to ‘Rejoice and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.’

That’s because it’s much easier for believers to rejoice and be exceedingly happy, in spite of persecution, when they are gathered together worshipping and praising Almighty God, whether it be in a church, a house, a thatched hut, a cave or in the open air. Togetherness is the bedrock, the foundation of Christ’s body! No wonder we’re not making the progress we should, since that body is so fragmented, divisive, quarrelsome and resentful of each other.

But Friends, it’s virtually impossible for us to stand strong in the face of persecution when we’re not in sync with each other. That only gives the forces of evil an excellent opportunity to further divide and conquer us. For as logic declares, a group can usually stand stronger together against a common enemy, than a single individual.

And my people, coming together is one of the things we desperately need to concentrate on, if we’re to ever survive the challenges and persecution that the evil world powers are plotting against us. And even as a group, we can’t do it without the omnipotence of Jesus working in and amongst us. So please, let’s seriously concentrate on coming together, rather than drifting further apart nuh. That’s the only hope we have of strengthening and growing Jesus’ LOVE Revolution.

And I have the perfect quote for that from an article I read earlier on in the Anglican Newspaper, November 2013 edition. I copied it for use at some future time, but in God’s mysterious workings, (smile) that time seems to be now. It’s written by Bishop Patrick Yu, on the subject of inviting people to church.

He writes that ‘Growth is actually the sign of all living things, including a living faith and a living church!’ Now that’s gospel truth my people! If we’re not growing in faith and fellowship, then to all intents and purposes, we’re spiritually dead.

Anyway, enough sermonizing from me for today. (smile) Let’s get to the scriptures I faithfully promised you yesterday. And the first one deals with the first part of our Bit: ‘Rejoice and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven:’

Peter puts it this way: ‘Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as (to the extent that) ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.’ (1 Pet.4:12-13)

Yeh Friends, it’s definitely not an easy concept to grasp and then hold on tightly to, but we do need to believe that when we suffer for Jesus’ sake, we’re part of His suffering. Therefore, when He comes back in all His majestic glory, then we too shall participate in the overwhelming joy during those momentous times!

And James say it thus: ‘My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations (various trials). Knowing this, that the trying (testing) of your faith, worketh (produces) patience.’  (James 1:2-3)

Short and sweet eh Friends! (smile) What a way we doing a lotta smiling today mih breddren! But that’s just the way it ought to be, if we’re exceedingly glad.

Now here’s what the scholars have to say: ‘1:2-3. In this epistle on Christian living, James opens with a most crucial topic: the trials of life. These verses describe the various testings – whether from the world and Satan, or from God – into which godly Christians fall (Gr. peripipto). These “negative” experiences are to be accepted with great joy, not for the sake of the trial itself but because of the positive work God can accomplish through the testing.

The words in verses 2 and 3 (temptations and trying) are often regarded as virtually synonymous. If this were true, then the trials themselves would produce spiritual maturity. But they do not. Often, testings make Christians bitter instead of better, with no spiritual growth occurring. The Greek word for “trying” (dokimion) might be better translated as “approving.”

It is not merely one’s presence in such trials but one’s victory over them that brings spiritual growth and maturity. Those Christians whom God can use the most are those whom God has bruised the most.’

And all God’s people said a low, unenthusiastic ‘Amen,’ because they know that’s the living truth, and it’s hard for the flesh to handle!

But enough for today Friends, I don’t want to stretch your intelligence and busy lives by running on too long. (smile) So let’s ponder all that we’ve said and heard, then make some good and godly decisions, in as many areas as we can, obviously with the help of Jesus. Much LOVE!

…for whom the bells toll…for all mankind…why…so that they can come to Christ…to acknowledge Him as Lord and Saviour…and receive the free…but oh so wonderful gifts of salvation and everlasting life…


Today’s Scrip-Bit 26 August 2013 Psalm 37:1

Psalm 37:1:     Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.
Oh Friends, as Jesus opened the windows of heaven this morning, before He could even look out, an unfamiliar strain from earth reached His ears. It sounded like a chant, but one that He’d never heard before. So He leaned out the window to try and hear it better. Lo and behold my people, a warm, fuzzy smile broke out over His radiant countenance as He heard these words rising up to heaven.
‘TGIM! Thank God it’s Monday! Time to be up and about Jesus’ business! The battle will soon be joined, for Jesus is already at the front lines! Up and at them Christian soldiers! For the victory is ours, through Jesus! Amen!’
Ah Friends, what a blessed day that will be eh, when we begin the workweek in such a joyful and godly mood and state of mind! But don’t worry, we’re working on it. It will become reality in God’s good time. But until then, let’s lustily sing our Monday Morning Battle Hymn.
As one sweet, sounding harmonious choir now: ‘Oh Lord God Almighty, Creator of the universe and all therein! We, your humble servants, praise your Holy Name and thank you that this Monday morning we have jobs to go to; jobs we don’t like, jobs that are unfair, difficult and even dangerous, but which serve a useful purpose here on earth; keeping lives and families together.
We also thank you Father for the renewed vitality and enthusiasm you’ve wrought in our weary souls over the last two days. It’s that rejuvenation of Spirit which allows us now to sally forth with confidence into the evil, ungodly world that surrounds us, to begin a new week of work, constantly buffeted and bombarded by the enemy’s wicked taunts, wiles and lies.
But heavenly Father, we’re not afraid, for we know we’re invincible, sure conquerors, once we’re wearing your powerful, protective spiritual armour. We surrender our all to you, and humbly ask that you let your incredible aura of LOVE, the Holy Spirit, lead and guide all your servants as we go out to meet the enemy in battle.
Fill us with steadfast faith, so that we can make worthwhile inroads into the enemy’s ranks, and thereby further your glorious kingdom. We pray this in the Holy Name of your Son, and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. AMEN!’
Ah mih breddren, that was good! Jesus was pleased. So with the adrenalin pumping, the faith, strength and confidence soaring, let’s go out now and engage Lucifer and his evil buddies in a fight to the death!
And our Bit ties in quite nicely with all of that my people. ‘Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.’
Oh Friends, I know that is often very difficult to do in this evil and ungodly world, when it seems that the wicked is forever prospering, while the righteous struggle and suffer. But please remember my fellow believers, that even the psalmist and man of great faith, Asaph, also had that problem, as he tells us in Psalm 73, the mystery of prosperous wickedness.
‘But as for me, my feet were almost gone (I had almost stumbled); my steps had well-nigh slipped. For I was envious at the foolish (boastful), when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.’ (Ps.73:2-3) 
But Bruh David then tells us why we should not be jealous of the prosperous evildoers. ‘For they shall soon be cut down like the green grass, and wither as the green herb.’ (Ps.37:2)
Now that’s the true state of the wicked my brethren! And I’m sure we don’t want to be a member of any group that’s eventually going to be destroyed by Almighty God.
Note too, that Moses in his only psalm, ‘From everlasting to everlasting thou art God,’ acknowledges God’s eternal staying power and man’s short, flimsy and futile nature. ‘For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: in the morning they are like grass which groweth up. In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down and withereth.’ (Ps.90. 4-6) 
Meanwhile Friends, the author of Psalm 92, in his praises for the Lord’s goodness, puts it thus: ‘Oh Lord, how great are thy works! And thy thoughts are very deep. A brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand this. When the wicked spring (sprout, spring up) as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; it is that they shall be destroyed  for ever: But thou, Lord, art most high for evermore.’ (Ps.92:5-8)
And that’s undeniable, unalterable, indisputable gospel truth my brethren, for our God is the Creator and Controller of this universe and all therein! Please let’s not forget that very significant and salient point, because in doing so, we jeopardize our eternal destiny. 
Yes Friends, with His omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence, there’s NOTHING or NO ONE greater than Yahweh, the Most High God Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
It thus behoves us to pay serious attention to His Word, His commands, His statutes and His dictates, if we want to live a long, prosperous and righteous life, encompassed by salvation through the sacrificial death of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, with eternal life in heavenly places as our final reward.
And that, my fellow believers, is true wisdom, wisdom of the everlasting kind! Much LOVE!
…wickedness will never prosper for very long…because in the eyes of our righteous and just God…it is an abomination to His exalted Being…and therefore must be destroyed… 



Today’s Scrip-Bit 4 August 2013 Matthew 8:26

Matthew 8:26.    And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was great calm.

Oh Friends, is Sunday morning, and all the hoopla about the Caribana Parade finish now! Thank the Lord! I don’t think any serious negative incidents occurred, for the duchess didn’t mention any. She just said that the bands didn’t start coming down the boulevard until around 4 p.m.
Now it’s been bad over the years, in terms of the bands heading out on the parade route, but I’ve never seen or heard it that bad. And it’s somewhat amusing now, because when the old Caribana group, which consisted mainly of immigrant West Indians, ran the show, the lateness of all the events was blamed on their West Indian mentality for not respecting time in a professional manner.
But it’s an entirely new set up now, with new and supposedly more time conscious people. So who or what is to blame for such a late start eh? (smile) Anyway, I won’t get into it, because I really don’t know what’s happening, and Caribana and all that it entails is just too confusing and controversial for my small mind to handle.
So this Sunday morning I’ll just stick with my Bit, which I do know a little about. (smile) ‘And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was great calm.’ 
Oh my brethren, fear is so rampant in all walks of life in our evil and godless society, that it’s not funny. Whether it’s fear of terrorism, the downturn of the economy, losing one’s job, one’s home, of physical attacks out on the streets in broad daylight, and even home invasions now, attacks right in your castle, fear is one of the common denominators of modern-day life.
But technically speaking, so much fear should not exist, because our society has achieved such a high level of technological innovation, with so much surveillance and supposed safety measures. But sadly, those same technological advances are cowing us for Big Brother is using them to scare us and enact controversial laws that deprive us of our privacy and other freedoms.
However Friends, true believers don’t need to be that worried. Yes, physical stuff happens to us, our privacy and privileges can be curtailed, or even taken away, but with Jesus Christ as our mind and body guard, we can still stand strong regardless of what comes against us. That’s because we can do ALL things through Christ, who strengthens us. (Phil.4:13)
Unfortunately though, that takes a fairly high level of faith, which seems to be sadly lacking in many Christians, for far too many of us are getting frantic and panicking as the world situation deteriorates. Now we do have to be concerned, but we don’t have to turn ourselves and our situations upside down.
Remember yesterday we quoted these words of Jesus: ‘In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.’ (John 16:33b). Well Friends, that is a staple bit of scripture that we all should learn, believe and hold tightly to, otherwise all the negative happenings in the world today will just confuse, confuffle and eventually drive us crazy. It will only raise fear in our souls, rather than the powerful energizer, faith.
Remember we also said yesterday that the level of our faith will determine the level of our fear, and asked us to read Hebrews chapter 11, the chapter dedicated to faith and its rewards. I hope we all did, because it’s for our individual benefit and no one else’s. And if we did read it, we saw the numerous people who operated on faith in Almighty God, even though their individual circumstances cried out for fear.
Look at Abraham nuh. Imagine in his seventies, rich as ever, not wanting for anything material, the Lord told him to pack up and move away from his family. And though he didn’t know where the Lord was sending him, he obeyed God, and that was credited to Abraham for righteousness.
Today Friends, we have many more options and stuff than any of those people mentioned in the Good Book had, but our faith seems to be at a much lower level. Why? I really don’t know. Maybe life’s just become too easy and we take too many things for granted, like heat, light and water. And since we’re not accustomed to doing without the basic amenities, when something happens to any of them, we get all jittery and fearful.
And a good example of that loss of basic functions is when the Internet goes down. Wow! Our whole world stops and everybody gets jittery. That’s because too much of our lives now depend on computers and all the communication devices that are currently in use. Five or ten years ago, many fewer people would have been affected by such a breakdown, but unfortunately every day we’re becoming more and more linked to, and thus more affected by the technological revolution.
In many respects it’s a good thing, but there are also some serious drawbacks, as it’s also prone to criminal and fraudulent activities. And remember that anything a man builds, another man can break into or destroy. Man-made safe guards don’t always do the trick. Just look at all the successful hacker activities that are now taking place.
Oh my people, we have to use all this new-fangled stuff as mere tools, and stop allowing them to run and control our lives. In other words, stop bowing down to them, because we are certainly using them as idols, and they are taking away from our time with God.
Now do you think He appreciates that? No Way! Remember His first commandment is that we should have no other Gods before Him, and we should not bow to any graven images or idols.
Unfortunately though, in this crazy, confused world, there are all sorts of idols to worship, and unless we have a strong relationship with Jehovah God, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, we will easily get scared and afraid of stuff that’s not supposed to intimidate us.
Oh Friends, I implore us this Sunday morning to keep looking to our wonderful, omnipotent and magnanimous God for strength and courage to face the vicissitudes of this life. That’s because only in Him, His Word and His Son Jesus Christ can true strength be found through positive faith.
And that’s wisdom of the eternal kind! Much LOVE!
…courage doesn’t mean the absence of fear…but more the abundance of faith…

Today’s Scrip-Bit 25 June 2013 Luke 1:27

Luke 1:27:  To a virgin espoused (engaged) to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary.
Oh Friends, this really is the year of the flood yes! Look at the above average rainfall that’s caused terrible flooding and all the other inherent disasters that’s happened this past week in Northern India and also here at home in the Western Province of Alberta.
The city of Calgary, one of the five largest in Canada, and the surrounding areas of High River and Medicine Hat, were literally under water. The newspaper claims that Calgary, possibly the country’s most progressive city, has been left in shambles. River-like torrents of water have been running down the city’s streets, and thousands have been evacuated.
Add all of that to the wicked flooding we recently saw in much of Europe and in the Western Province of Saskatchewan, and we have to admit that flood damage seems to be this year’s chosen area of disaster. And the hurricane season is just starting, so who knows what’s going to happen eh. We just have to be prepared to face whatever disaster comes our way.
And Friends, despite all the negative news, as true believers in Jesus Christ, we can all relax – well not really relax, we still have to mind our business, drunk or sober, (smile) but we don’t have to go crazy with worry, anxiety and overwhelming concern, because our God has promised to look after us in whatever situation we may find ourselves. And we all know that He’s always faithful in keeping His promises.
Besides, worry and anxiety never fix anything, just cause more problems and negative consequences. And today, please let’s give God enormous thanks for our safety and well-being, and also pray for the thousands of unfortunates who are caught up in the numerous disasters around the world.
Individually, we may not be able to do much to help them, but together we can certainly move mountains on their behalf, with the help of Jesus. So please let’s remember them in our prayers, because the day will certainly come when we’re undergoing our own disasters and need them to pray for us.
Now let’s turn to our Bit, which is the same as yesterday. ‘To a virgin espoused (engaged) to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary.’
And according to the scholars: ‘Espousal (similar to our engagement period) was, under Jewish law as binding as marriage. It lasted about a year, during which time the woman’s purity was maintained.’
Yesterday we talked about the new Norwegian version of the Good Book changing the word ‘virgin’ in Mary’s case to that of ‘young woman,’ which entirely misses the point, and thus fails to convey the fundamental aspect that Mary’s virginity had and has on the Christian faith.
Today we’ll look at two other scriptures and hear from the scholars, per the great importance and relevance of Mary’s virginity to our beliefs. And the whole virginity business began with Isaiah’s prophecy to King Ahab at an upcoming Assyrian invasion of Israel.
‘Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.’ (Is.7:14)
Then Matthew, in his gospel, referring to Isaiah’s prophecy, declares: ‘Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel, which being interpreted (translated) is, God with us.’ (Matt.1:23)
And the scholars tell us that: ‘A virgin relates Mary, the mother of Jesus, to the prediction found in Isaiah 7:14. Matthew used the Greek word, ‘parthenos’ to translate the Hebrew word ‘almah.’ His contextual usage of ‘fulfill’ is certainly indicative of his understanding the Isaiah passage to contain a definitely predictive element.
The quotation of Isaiah 7:14 follows the Septuagint (Old Testament in Greek) rendering where ‘parthenos’ is also used to translate the Hebrew ‘almah.’ There can be no doubt that the Greek term ‘parthenos’ is always to be translated ‘virgin.’
The Hebrew ‘almah’ is the most accurate and precise term for virgin used in the Old Testament. Therefore Matthew is clearly correct in quoting Isaiah 7:14 as being fulfilled in the virgin birth of Christ.
Immanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us: This is a title describing the deity of the person of the Son of God rather than a name actually used by Him. It implies God will come to dwell among His own people, which He did in the person of Christ.’
Ah Friends, some of that might be slightly confusing, but the scholars want to show how truly important the concept of Mary’s virginity and Christ’s virgin birth are to our Christian faith. And not totally acknowledging it as such, in essence denies the basic tenet of our faith; that of Christ being the incarnate (spiritually conceived) Son of God and not the physical conception of man.
In other words, Jesus was the human embodiment of God, God in the flesh of man. That means that if Mary wasn’t a virgin in the real and true sense of the word, then Jesus’ father had to be a human being, and that would totally negate all of the New Testament.
So please my brethren, let’s be careful to try and keep the true meaning of the Good Book in all we say and do, so that we don’t mislead others, or give them the wrong perspective on what our faith really is all about. And I daresay that in many modern translations that is already taking place.
But Friends and fellow believers, the Good Book MUST NOT be watered or dumbed down to meet the dumb and watered down minds of this current age. Instead we should concentrate on lifting, upgrading the minds of our young people to meet the understanding of the Good Book. Please, I implore us to make that a critical part of our outreach, our ministry. 
And in closing, I’m asking us to float up a few words of prayer to heaven for the ole fella, who’s going to have some surgery this morning on his right hand to rectify a condition they call ‘trigger finger.’ Please pray for it to be successful, and that I can continue writing the Bit without missing any days, because that would be very disappointing.
I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but since our God is omnipotent, and we can do all things through His empowerment, I feel confident that He will help me find a way, even if in the natural, there seems to be none. Much LOVE!
…let’s remember that God’s Word never changes…so don’t go changing it on the whims and fancies of this fallen world…

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