Today’s Scrip-Bit 11 September 2012 2 Samuel 23:3

2 Samuel 23:3.     The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.
Oh Friends, the ole fella’s shaking it a bit rough this morning. In fact he’s been shaking it rough all weekend. Hn! Ignorance really is a hell of a thing yes! Why do I say that? Because last week I saw that I was running out of my arthritic medication, but thinking that I had some in the bag I carry around, I didn’t contact my doctor for a refill. And as the Lord would have it, I ran out over the weekend. However, when I checked the bag, lo and behold, there were no arthritic pills. And though I took some other stuff, it just didn’t feel the same. Don’t know if I was suffering withdrawal symptoms or what, but my whole body just seemed more achy and out of sync than normal. And to make matters worse, my allergies are acting up this morning. Brother! The ole body is surely crying out for constant sunshine and warm seawater yes! (smile) Anyway, enough of my woes, they’re inconsequential to those of many others. Here’s a quote though, from American author Clarence Day (1874-1935) that we can all attest to. ‘The real world is not easy to live in. It is rough; it is slippery.’ And isn’t that the living truth Friends! In fact our world is getting rougher and more slippery everyday. That’s why we have to assume full responsibility for our health and strength with continuous positive action, and not wait until a crisis forces us to act. But as Christians, true followers of Jesus, we don’t have to get all flustered, anxious and worried over the world’s rough and slippery nature, for Jesus reassured us that He had already conquered the world, so we should be of good spirit, and do our best while abiding in Him. (John 16:33) Today is also the eleventh anniversary of the World Trade Centre bombing in New York City. You can imagine the emotions that will be fired up over that today. But you know what, our Bit today encapsulates what was wrong with that whole scenario. ‘The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.’ Obviously the rulers, or those who controlled the people who committed that heinous crime, weren’t just, or didn’t fear God. And sadly that’s a fact that’s happening all over the current world; rulers neither are afraid physically or emotionally of God, nor do they reverence Him. They just do as they please, or follow the evil, ungodly schemes laid down by their evil, ungodly masters. And it’s worthy to note that today we’re dealing with some of Bruh David’s last words. Before our Bit, he proudly proclaims: ‘The Spirit of the Lord spake by me, and his word was in my tongue… Bit… And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain.’ (2 Sam.23:2,4) As we said earlier, there are surely very few, if any rulers of that calibre existing today. Now here’s a brief explanation from the scholars. “David attests the divine inspiration of his psalm. Verses 2-7 contain a lovely testimony in song of David’s abiding trust in God and the unconditional covenant of God with the house of David.” Yes Friends, although Bruh David was far from perfect, he staunchly abided in the LOVE, power and trust of God, so that the Lord made an unconditional covenant with him. His name and his house would always be revered in the annals of Jewish history. It’s also interesting to see that the terminology used by Bruh David to describe his God was also used by a couple of other famous faithful followers in their songs of praise. In his song, Moses declares: ‘Because I will publish (proclaim) the name of the Lord: ascribe ye greatness unto our God. He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgement: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.’ (Deut.32:3-4) And all God’s people declared a loud and grateful; ‘Praise the Lord, for He is indeed our Rock and our salvation!’ And Samuel’s mother, Hannah, after she had cried out to the Lord and He had filled her barren womb with the prophet, she also joyfully declared: ‘There is none holy as the Lord: for there is none besides thee: neither is there any rock like our God.’ (1 Sam.2:2) Ah mih people, the word ‘Rock’ emphasizes the stability, permanence and unchanging nature of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as a place of security, safety and rest, of hope and salvation! Where else can we find a God who truly possesses all those qualities eh? NOWHERE, my Friends, NOWHERE! And yuh know what? The Holy Spirit just advised me to stop here for today, because the rest of my message would be much too long for our busy, short attention spans. (smile) And since I try to be as obedient as possible, I’ll certainly bow to His greater wisdom. So Friends, please let’s ponder today’s message and allow it help us in our walk of faith through this rough and slippery world. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen. Much LOVE my brethren!…without the true rock…Almighty God…to lean upon…the human animal will flounder and die…

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