Today’s Scrip-Bit 2 August 2012 Proverbs 13:12

Proverbs 13:12.           Hope deferred maketh the heart sick, but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.
Oh Friends, the ole fella must be really getting old yes! Why am I saying that? Because this is Caribana week, sorry, it’s now officially called the Scotia Bank Caribbean Carnival, or something to that effect. There have been some lawsuits regarding the ownership of the name ‘Caribana,’ and whoever is running it now apparently can’t legally use that name. But Friends, from now until forever, it will always ring on in the minds of the local populace and visitors as Caribana. Anyway, as I was saying, Caribana week is in full swing and I’m not enthused or excited about any of the events. Even my beloved Pan Competition doesn’t awaken the usual enthusiasm. I suppose because I can’t jump and prance like I used to, due to my bad knees, I’ve just lost the excitement of the season. But don’t write me off just yet, for ole Lucifer has been whispering in my mind: ‘Go to the Caribana Parade. You can do it.’ And if I truly felt that excitement, I believe I could do it. However, it’s not only the state of my knees that have me unenthusiastic, but also the fact that these days when I go to the parade, I don’t see any of the people I use to party with over all those earlier years, Plus the young people’s attitude sucks, to put it mildly. They don’t know how to party in the streets, don’t know how to jump up without causing confusion. Unfortunately they only know about rushing and pushing, blatantly ignoring the space and rights of the other revellers. That’s why I understand they now have six foot barriers to prevent people from getting into the bands. Those barricades might just turn me off too, because as far as I’m concerned Caribana is a participatory event, not something to just stand on the sidelines and watch. Who knows though what will happen come the weekend? Only the Good Lord in His high heaven, and He’s not telling. But don’t be too surprised if you see the ole fella sashaying down the boulevard as best he can, for with our God, ANYTHING is possible. (smile)So saying, I guess I can slip in a quote from Gramps Schuller (Robert H) of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove California. He says: ‘Blessed are those whose dreams are shaped by their hopes, not by their hurts.’ And that’s so very true Friends! When we concentrate on our hopes and dreams, rather than our hurts and disappointments, we always come out better off. That’s because hope entails positivity, reaching outwards and upwards to heaven and God, while hurts cater to negativity, looking down to Lucifer and Hades. And that’s why our Bit so rightly declares: ‘Hope deferred maketh the heart sick, but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.’ Yes my people, if we don’t have hope then we’re lost; we become depressed, anxious and easily traumatized. But when hope invades our souls, then we’re revitalized, enthused, become excited about Life and LOVE again. As Cousin Sol says later in the same chapter: ‘The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul: but it is abominable to fools to depart from evil.’ (Prov.13:19) And the extraordinary good thing about hope is that when it revitalizes us, it grows like a well watered tree. Everything around us takes on a completely different look; a more positive and amenable feeling comes over us. I know we’re not supposed to live by our feelings, like a yo-yo, but feelings are a part of our God-given nature, and at times the negative ones will lead us, but hopefully not for very long. And remember Friends, that hope is the basis of all Christian endeavour, as Bruh Paul declares to the Roman Church: ‘For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for it? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience (perseverance) (eagerly) wait for it.’ (Rom.8:24-25) That my Friends is the irreversible, unalterable truth! If we see it, why hope for it eh? But when we don’t, then we eagerly hope for it and persevere until it becomes a reality. And this scripture verifies all that: ‘Now faith is the substance (realization) of things hoped for, the evidence (conviction) of things not seen.’ (Heb.11:1) That means brethren, before we can have faith, we must first have hope. It’s the seed of hope, planted in the deep, dark recesses of the rich soil of our souls, that germinates when watered by the Word of God and bursts out into the bright light of Jesus as faith. It’s like the little acorn that through God’s marvellous engineering eventually grows into a mighty, towering oak tree. Oh my people, we Christians are the only ones who have the hope of salvation and eternal life built into our belief system. But unfortunately, too many of us allow the negative appraisals and feelings of the world to lead us, so much so that we’re in danger of losing our hope. Friends, that’s something we definitely cannot allow to happen, because if we lose our hope in God, then we’ll be totally lost, shipwrecked, done like dinner! We might as well be dead. So in these troubled and fearful times, one thing we have to dearly hold on to is our hope; our hope in Jehovah God, who’s created us, who LOVES us unconditionally, and has promised never to leave or forsake us. As Bruh David so rightly declares in his prayer for self-understanding: ‘And now, Lord, what wait I for? My hope is in thee.’ (Ps.39:7) Please remember that my brethren! And furthermore, let’s write it indelibly in our hearts, minds and souls, so that we won’t lose our hope. Much LOVE!…once there is the breath of life in our mortal bodies…then there’s always the seed of hope present in our spirits…

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