Today’s Scrip-Bit 8 February 2014 Isaiah 9:16

Isaiah 9:16.   For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.
Ah Friends, it was a shock; physical, emotional and mental shock, at having to get dressed in several layers of clothing last evening to go out in the minus 12 Celsius temperature, get in a cold car and drive around salt encrusted streets bordered by high snow banks, with my windows tightly closed to keep out the bone-chilling cold.
And just consider that some 24 or 30 hours before, I was running around half-naked, in the bright and hot sunshine, getting into cars that were steaming hot, hurrying to open the windows to let some cool air in. Hn! No wonder I was in a state of shock! (smile)
But that’s the reality of life, and we just have to hope and pray in faith that the Lord will enable us to bear anything that comes against us, as He has so faithfully promised. And that doesn’t pertain to just the weather, but to all walks and aspects of our earthly lives. Yes my people, we have to be very careful and cognisant of all that’s happening around us these days, for life’s not as innocent and carefree as it used to be.
As our Bit so wisely draws to our attention: ‘ For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.’ And many of us will recognize that as indisputable truth in these rough, evil and trying times.
Ah mih people, our leaders are failing us terribly; catering to the rich and powerful, as well as lining their own pockets, while oppressing the poor and needy, and above all, taking God out of our societies. That’s why our world is so fragile and in so much turmoil.
But as Isaiah continues after our Bit: ‘Therefore the Lord shall have no joy in their young men, neither shall have mercy on their fatherless and widows: for every one is a hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaketh folly (foolishness). For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still (in judgement).’ (Is.9:17)
Yeh Friends, the Lord’s wrath is still in place, still stretched out to punish us. And it will remain there until we repent of our evil ways and turn back to truly serving and worshipping Him.
As the scholars say of that last verse. ‘The leaders are specifically condemned for misleading the people. Isaiah’s words here are reminiscent of his message in chapter 3.
And this is what he says there, re the judgement of Judah. ‘For Jerusalem is ruined (has stumbled), and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings are against the Lord, to provoke the eyes of (rebel against) his glory. The show of their countenance (look on their faces) doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded (brought) evil unto themselves.’ (Is.3:8-9)
Oh Friends, doesn’t that sound just like our current society? It surely does!
But Isaiah continues to give the Lord’s message. ‘Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given (done to him).’ (Is.3:11-12)
Oh my fellow believers, per God’s faithful promise, the righteous will be saved, but the wicked shall receive their just reward of destruction, for our God is a God of absolute and perfect justice!
And we’ll end with the verse following those above. ‘As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err (lead thee astray), and destroy the way of thy paths.’ (Is.3:12) And those words are living truth my brethren!
For as the scholars explain it: ‘Children are their oppressors, and women rule over them indicates the utter failure of male leadership in their society.’
Oh Friends, the failure of male run societies has been an ongoing tragedy from the beginning of time, and ours today is certainly no different! But as serious believers in Jesus Christ, we have to stand steadfast and strong and try to improve the wrong that’s constantly and cruelly being done. That’s the task Jesus allotted to His followers.
It’s not easy, but if we persist and persevere, and resist the advances of the evildoers around us, while standing steadfastly on God’s promises to always help us and never leave or forsake us, we will be able to successfully battle the disgraceful leaders of today. That includes voting in all elections, and even more importantly, putting righteous people in office.
But my brethren, in order to do all that, we also have to be unified under the banner of Christ’s church. For until we begin coming together, instead of drifting further apart, nothing much will change for the better, but just get worse. I guess to a certain extent our problem is fear of human repercussions. But which do you think is worse, or which do you fear most; the wrath of man, or the wrath of God?
I’ll leave us to ponder that question. And when you’ve come to a conclusion, please act seriously on it. And a good guide is to remember that from day one, the Lord has built His universe on the irrefutable and wise principle of whatever you sow, that’s exactly what you will reap. So please be careful of the seeds you sow, for they will either come back to harm or help you. Much LOVE!
…you can’t sow corn and reap peas…or sow destruction and reap prosperity…neither war and reap peace…or hate and harvest LOVE…

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