Today’s Scrip-Bit 15 August 2020 Ephesians 2:6.

Ephesians 2:6.     ​And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.


Come on friends, let’s play! It’s Saturday, and that means it’s play time! Yeh, that used to be true, but not so much again. Our world has changed up so much in the last few months, that most of us wouldn’t recognize it if we truly saw it. (smile) But it’s still our world; it’s all we have, so let’s make as good a time as we can out of it nuh! Our great God didn’t make us to be wimpy, fearful individuals, but strong, bright, courageous and adventurous persons, who are able to take the bad with the good and handle both situations with aplomb under His watchful power! 

Wow! Like the ole fella in fine fettle this Saturday morning. (smile) Ah just hope he’ll still be in fine fettle when it comes to deciphering the quotes that our friend Anselm sent us this past week, as he aspires to inspire us for a better tomorrow. So let’s check out the first quote nuh: ‘Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.’ And is that ever a most useful quote for these perilous, unprecedented and uncertain times in which we’re currently living! 

Yeh friends, in this pandemic and strife filled time, we cannot afford to gripe and complain about what we don’t have, our normal course of affairs, but instead we need to be thankful for what we do have and make do, be contented with it. Remember these oh so important words of Bruh Paul to the Philippians, when they sent him a financial gift. ‘Not that I speak in respect of want (in regard of need): for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.’ (Phill. 4:11) 

Oh my people, that is something we need to learn so badly in these controversial times; be contented with what we have. But please note it is a learned behaviour. It doesn’t just happen automatically. We have to consciously apply ourselves to learning it. So let’s start doing so today, right now nuh. Consequently, I believe that this next quote is rather appropriate. ‘Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.’ 

And isn’t that living truth? We ought to be grateful to those who make us happy because they are the ones who cause us to rise up and do productive stuff. And I like how the quote puts it: ‘charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.’ Friends, without that kind of people in our lives, we would be simply lost and adrift in an uncaring world. And it puts me in mind of Jesus’ historic comment: ‘I am the true (genuine) vine, and my Father is the husbandman (vinedresser, gardener). (John 15:1) 

Isn’t that wonderful. Jesus is the vine to which we need to stay attached, and the Lord God Jehovah is the charming gardener who makes our souls blossom with all Hie wonderful blessings and gardening skills. I LOVE it! (smile) And this next quote fits quite nicely with the first two. ‘One man may hit the mark, another blunder; but heed not these distinctions. Only from the alliance of the one, working with and through the other, are great things born.’ Now that’s certainly gospel truth right there mih bredrin! No man is an island! 

And though we may do great things separately, we can always do greater things together. Yuh see how Christ created His church – like a human body with many different parts, but all forming together as one. Hear Bruh Paul to the church at Rome. ‘For as we have many members (parts) in one body, and all members (parts) have not the same office (function): So we being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us…’ (Rom. 12:4-6a). 

Yes my people, our Creator gave us different individual gifts because He wanted us to work together, be one, like the Holy Trinity that we serve and worship. It’s ONE deity, divided into three parts, each part having a different function, and if the parts don’t function in sync with each other then the whole body won’t function properly. And that’s why Christ’s church is not functioning properly here on earth, we, the believers in Christ, are not working together, but against each other, as unto the world, with greed and power and pride dominating our activities. 

But hear this next quote nuh: ‘Power is not revealed by striking hard or often, but by striking true.’ And if you don’t believe that, then yuh don’t know nothing about real power! The fearful, or the tyrannical think they need to strike hard and often at whatever displeases them, but the person who truly knows about power, strikes at the right place and at the right time. That’s why so many people grab power and lose it just as quickly, because they don’t know how to handle it. Just like most of those who win the lottery and are broke in no time flat. They don’t know how to truly handle money! 

And that leads us to this last quote. ‘I believe that if one always looked at the skies, one would end up with wings.’ Now in reality, that might not be true, but as a believer in Jesus Christ, there is much substance to it. When we look to the heavens, where Christ is seated, having defeated the devil in His earthly sojourn, we come to realize how blessed and triumphant we truly are. Why? 

Because Bruh Paul says it in spades. ‘But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great LOVE wherewith he LOVED us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us (made us alive) together with Christ, (by grace ye are (have been) saved;) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through (in) Christ Jesus.’ (Eph. 2:4-7) 

Oh precious people of God, how can you ever beat that eh? God has not only raised up Christ to sit in heavenly places, but will do the same for us who believe and sincerely worship Him! That’s why it’s oh so important to keep our eyes on heaven, since it’s our home, the place where our real treasure, our indestructible, incorruptible treasure is stored, and we’re just pilgrims passing through here on earth, working to bring others to Christ. Much LOVE!

…for where your treasure is…there will your heart be also… (Mat.6:21) 

P.S. Oh friends, I have to testify today yes. Every Saturday when I look at the quotes, there’s a li’l trepidation as I wonder how I’m ever going to pull them together to make some sense. And I usually do, with the Lord’s help obviously. But sometimes there’s a struggle to pull it off. Today however, the usual trepidation was there, but the faithfulness of God, His awesome grace seemed to be even more prevalent than normal. 

Why do I say so? Because today’s Bit came together ever so smoothly, one thing led right into another, even the scriptures came up sort of automatically, and I did not have to pull out my hair, (smile) to put the words and thoughts together. I hope it all makes sense though. (smile) So, under those wonderful circumstances, how can I not sincerely serve and worship the Lord eh, and give Him much thanks and praise for His faithfulness? Much LOVE! 

Today’s Scrip-Bit 14 June 2019 Philippians 4:11.

Philippians 4:11.    ​Not that I speak in respect of want (in regard of need): for I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content.

After the rain comes the sun, so since yesterday was another very ‘riney’ day, today ought to be blessed with loads of sunshine! And it does seem to have begun that way. But what’s with the rain this season eh? I think the Lord’s trying to tell us something. What? I really don’t know. Perhaps a warning of some sort. But obviously we’re not paying attention, so we keep having more rain than sunshine. 

And the workingman is totally perplexed and annoyed at the situation. ‘TGIF! Thank God is Friday oui! The slave master drive we hard this week and ah real tired now. Just hoping for a nice warm sunshiny weekend, to just lay out on the deck in mih hammock, catch some rays, sip a few, and just relax. But it seems like it going to be a blooming rainy weekend! What it is with this rain thing this year eh? 

Brother! We having more rainy days than sunny ones, and the weather not even getting real warm yet, the middle of June and we still have heat coming on in the house because the children cold! Steups! I don’t know what it is nuh – if the Lord trying to tell we something. But since is the weekend, and the only time I have to do my own thing, I’m going to enjoy it as best as I can – eat, drink and be merry, even if I have to do it inside! Thank God for Fridays and weekends yes…even when it cold and rainy!’  

Ah mih people, that’s the beauty of the workingman; he accepts his circumstances, even though he dislikes them, and works around them to keep himself contented. But we sophisticated Christians simply gripe and complain and thus don’t enjoy what the Lord’s granted us. Remember we’re supposed to be happy and contented in whatever situation we find ourselves. But we can’t do that unless and until we actually take the bull by the horns and become contented – with God’s help of course! 

And we’ll begin doing that by chanting our Friday Chant which is different to the workingman’s song because our Lord and Saviour, Our Leader, Jesus Christ desires that we have some boundaries and borders to keep us safe from enemy attacks. So let’s chant it now, like we really mean it nuh. 

As one strong and sincere voice: ‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through another week of work! It hasn’t been easy, but with your generous help, I made it through. Now, please help me to get sufficient fun, fellowship, rest and relaxation in these two short days off, so that I can be renewed and refreshed in soul, body and mind, to go back out and do it all over again next week, furthering your glorious kingdom with each step I take. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen!’ 

Yes my fellow believers, we need to be a tad more careful about our doings, our goings and our comings, because we have a heavenly purpose to fulfill, and we can’t do that properly if we’re wishy-washy, and doh-care, else the enemy will just destroy us and our witness for Christ. And we definitely can’t allow that to happen, so let’s tighten up, and strengthen up our lives in appropriate fashion nuh. 

And one of the ways we all need to do that is by being contented with what we have at any particular time in life. Yes, I know that’s not always easy to do, especially when in our circumstances there is much less than the optimal amount of whatever we need. But the fact is that we need to cry out to and hold on to God for help to become like Bruh Paul said, in regards to the gift he received from the church at Philippi. 

‘Not that I speak in respect of want (in regard of need): for I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased (live humbly), and I know how to abound (live in prosperity): every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.’ (Phil. 4:11-12) 

Oh friends, is that ever something we believers need to learn and quickly too in this world that now lives by the motto of always wanting more and wanting it quicker than the last time. We’re definitely not a contented society in spite of the abundance we possess. But remember we’re supposed to be in the world, but not of it, so we’re not supposed to follow it’s selfish and greedy and discontented mores. 

And please note that contentment in whatever situation is a LEARNED behaviour. It doesn’t just come about like magic or a miracle; it’s something we have to earn and learn, not in a classroom, but by experiencing hard times as well as good times, by facing life like Portia. (smile) But unfortunately our current society is famous for wanting to be great without putting in the necessary effort that it takes to be great. 

Everybody nowadays is a superstar! That’s why our standards have fallen so low, and what used to be an ‘F’ is now a ‘C’, or even a ‘B’. But friends, please note that falling standards in a society only means one thing, that society is on its way down, and if its standards continue to fall, then it will soon become a lesser society, or even an extinct one. 

History bears out that contention. Just look at all the great societies we’ve had, how they prospered when their standards were high, they worked hard, made the necessary sacrifices to grow. But when they reached the top, they got fat and lazy and just wallowed in their prosperity until everything toppled down, and some other nation who was hungry and productive took over their crown. 

And sadly that is what seems to be happening in our current Western society; we’re on the way down because we’ve become fat and lazy and want everything now for now and for nothing, or next to nothing! But as believers my brethren, we are expected to always take the high road, have high standards within this world of low standards, and be contented with whatever we have, knowing that our great and generous, merciful and forgiving God is on our side and will not let us suffer more than we can bear. 

That’s why Bruh Paul could declare his ability to be contented in any situation. And he sums it up thus: ‘I can do ALL things through Christ which strengtheneth me.’  (Phil.4:13) Yes friends, we can only live contentedly if we are living for Christ, who is the enabler of the brethren. He is the one that gives us the wherewithal to be contented in whatever situation we find ourselves. Please, let us never forget that, provided we want to be successful and contented in this earthly life. Much LOVE!

…the joy of contentment…experiencing both good and bad times…with Christ always by our side…enabling us…


Today’s Scrip-Bit 14 April 2018 Philippians 4:11.

Philippians 4:11.    Not that I speak in respect of want (regard of need): for I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content.

Well friends, it’s Saturday…and yuh know what? The ole fella slept in some. (smile) But who wouldn’t want to sleep in when the spring rain is falling gently on the land, moistening and nourishing it after a long, dry, hard, ugly winter, so that the beauty of nature can sprout and gaily flourish in the spring time? 

Yeh friends, spring is God’s most colourful and productive season where He advances His grand plans for the rest of the year, letting us know through the beauty of a resurgent nature that all things are possible with Him in the lead. Glory to our great God, my people! 

Now since it’s Saturday, let’s turn to some quotes from our friend Anselm this week, as he aspires to inspire us for a better tomorrow. And it seems like he was on a happiness trip this week, because all of them either deal with happiness or being happy. (smile) 

Here’s the first one. ‘Happiness depends upon ourselves.’ Now that’s invariably true; regardless of your circumstances, be they good or bad, you are the one who ultimately controls your happiness, although oftimes we unwisely allow others to do so. 

And the next one says: ‘Happiness …is governed by our mental attitude.’ I guess that’s basically true, although our circumstances play a large part in our happiness. Then there’s: ‘Happy people plan actions; they don’t plan results.’  Now you might not plan the results, but you definitely put forward the actions which you believe will bring about certain results that you desire. 

Next up is: ‘The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.’ Who would have ‘thunked’ it eh? (smile) Happiness depending on thoughts? But yes, they do to a large extent. And the last quote tells us: ‘Nobody really cares if you’re miserable, so you might as well be happy, and make the most of where you are.’ 

A lot of truth in that too, especially in this ‘I and me,’ selfish generation. We certainly don’t care about each other as much as we should, so it’s best if we try to enjoy where we’re at, at any particular time, without depending too much on others or our circumstances. 

That leads us to today’s Bit. ‘Not that I speak in respect of want (regard of need): for I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content.’ Now friends, that is the Christian way! All this talk about striving to be happy just confuses and muddles us up. We have to learn to be content in whatever state we currently are encapsulated. 

As Bruh Paul continues: ‘I know both how to be abased (live humbly), and I know how to abound (live in prosperity): every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.’ (Phil.4:12) 

Yeh mih people, that’s how Christians ought to live. But remember it’s a learned behaviour, through practical experiences and the hard knocks of life, consequently, it doesn’t happen overnight. And we need to have the joy of the Lord as our strength to accomplish it. Or as Bruh Paul tells his Philippian readers: ‘I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.’ (Phil.4:13) 

Now that is a magnificent verse of scripture; possibly the most endearing and reassuring for true believers. But as always, in God’s economy, we have to believe it first, before we see it. And if by faith, we don’t believe it, then we’ll never see it. That’s the foundation of our Christian way of life: all things are possible through Christ, if we believe that they are. 

So please my fellow believers, let’s stop killing ourselves to acquire the things of the world which we believe will make us happy, because happiness is but a fleeting illusion, if we depend on our circumstances, or other people, or our possessions to make us happy. Those things and people can change from one day to the next, thus will what we call our happiness. 

But if we find joy, which is a constant state and does not change with circumstances, then we’re in a much better position to live a contented life. But on the other hand, real joy can only be found in the Lord God Jehovah; in His strength, His promises and His eternal and unconditional LOVE, because they never change, but always stand steadfast and strong, and therefore can be relied upon to keep us anchored and well grounded. 

Oh friends, since we’re running later than I expected, I’ll close with this one piece of advice from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ that covers it all: ‘But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.’ (Matt.6:33) 

Yes my faithful brethren, if we put God first in EVERYTHING that we do, we’ll want for nothing, we’ll be contented, joyful, happy and have all we need in this earthly life. That’s the promise of Jesus…and He doesn’t lie! Much LOVE!

…he who places wants above needs…will always be left wanting…