Today’s Scrip-Bit   31 May 2024 Philippians 4:5a

Philippians 4:5a.       Let your moderation (gentleness) be known unto all men. 

And the end of the month of May, could not fall on a better day…Friday! Thus all the glorious shouts of ‘TGIF! Thank God it’s Friday and another summer weekend is in the offing!’ We get all worked up about our weekends, especially the summer ones, because we can get out there and go where we want, and do whatever we want without the restrictions of the winter weather. We’re free and easy! But please, let’s not go wild and behave like leggo beasts, for that’s exactly how the enemy, his satanic majesty, wants us to behave; to forget God’s warnings, His rules and regulations and just fly without any reservations. 

And once in a while, it is good to fly without reservations, although there is usually a price to pay when we do that. (smile) In the meanwhile, let’s remember these most memorable and oh so important  words of Bruh Paul to Timothy: ‘For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of LOVE, and of a sound mind.’ (2 Tim. 1:7) Now the most important aspect of that statement in this case is the ‘sound or disciplined mind.’ Yes friends, that means we have self-control, which is also a fruit of the Spirit, wherefore we don’t go around flying off the handle or making hasty decisions, and going to the extremes. 

In other words, like Jeeves says, we need a modicum of circumspection or moderation in all things. Now, what does moderation in all things mean? And we have a couple of commentaries based on the meaning the world has of it. The first says: “Everything in moderation,” goes the old line, meaning don’t binge, and don’t abstain, but do take it easy on the bad stuff. Between the two poles of asceticism and indulgence, moderation is about never giving up or fully giving in.’ 

The second one gets more philosophical. (smile) ‘According to Craiutu, Aristotle considered moderation a moral virtue and Plato, in “The Republic”, described moderation as the harmony between reason, spirit, and desire. “It’s the disposition of the soul where reason, spirit, and desire are in agreement,” says Craiutu. “It’s more than just temperance.’ And strangely enough Bruh Paul wrote about it to the Philippians: ‘Let your moderation (gentleness) be known unto all men.’ (Phil. 4:5a) Now what’s this moderation business in the Christian life you ask? Is it the same as in the world? Yes and no. 

Here are a couple more commentaries on the Christian explanation of ‘moderation.’ The first tells us: ‘Let your moderation be known unto all men. Let your gentleness be evident to all. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. In any case, Paul’s idea is that don’t be so strict and extreme about the letter of the law; be fair minded, reasonable, and gentle.’ And the second says: ‘This characteristic of the Christian (moderation) must be a conspicuous one; that is, Christians must be well-known for their gentle, kind, courteous and tolerant ways with others. Put another way, behave as Jesus would because this was one thing Jesus was known for.’ Amen! 

And that’s basically all that moderation means: behave like Jesus! And yes, you claim that’s not so easy to do, because He was the Son of God, deity, sinless and strong, but we have His power, His Holy Spirit dwelling within us, which gives us the ability to behave in a decent manner…remember the spirit of power, of LOVE, and of a sound or disciplined mind.  No, we will never be perfect, but we don’t have to behave like the world behaves. And if we’re seriously intent on behaving like Christ, let’s not forget this scripture that Bruh Paul writes to the Philippians: ‘Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform (complete) it until the day of Jesus Christ.’ (Phil. 1:6) 

Yes my brethren, once the Lord has begun a good work in us, meaning making us like Jesus, raising us from glory to glory, He won’t stop until He takes us home, or Jesus returns. So we don’t have to be overly worried about behaving like Jesus if we’re serious about living the Christian life…which in fact is not easy, but very worthwhile. The whole thing boils down to the true state of our hearts, and how much we truly LOVE Jesus and want to serve Him the best way we can. And I believe that if we remember and meditate on these words of His, our lives will become fuller and more satisfactory. 

And it’s all about discipleship. ‘If any man will (desires to) come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.’ (Luke 9:23) Then there are these most telling words. ‘A new commandment I give unto you. That ye LOVE one another; as I have LOVED you, that ye also LOVE one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have LOVE one to another.’ (John 13:34-35) Oh my fellow saints, I do believe that if we ponder and think on those words of Jesus, we will come to a positive realization in and of our Christian walk. 

Now, let’s go to the throne of grace, through our Friday Chant, seeking help to live up to our responsibilities in these trying and troubled times. Altogether:  ‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through this past week. You know it’s been rough…  because our many serious problems are escalating instead of improving. And it’s obvious we can’t fix them on our own, so Lord, we’re desperately crying out for your help. Oh heavenly Father, with your omnipotent help, and our trusting faith, we know that we can stand strong and steadfast and defeat the simmering unrest in our land. We therefore ask you Lord to give our leaders the wise guidance to handle these unexpected storms properly. 

And please help the rest of us to be responsible and to stay safe amidst all the anxiety and confusion of these ungodly times. We fervently pray too Lord that you’ll use the discontent and dissatisfaction in our land as a means of restoring faith in you. Return backsliders to your fold. Show them the error of their ways. And please introduce a new flock of believers, who will embrace your LOVE and compassion by the example, we, your faithful believers set. So that our sinful world can wake up and smell the coffee, wake up and smell it sweet and strong! We pray this in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Amen!’  

And I’d be seriously amiss if I didn’t point out that one of the requirements for getting divine help is setting a good Christian example. Nuff said! Much LOVE!

…a word to the wise is sufficient…

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Today’s Scrip-Bit   28 January 2024 Nehemiah 8:10b.

Nehemiah 8:10b.       the joy of the Lord is your strength.

 ‘Sunday morning coming down…’ That’s what the song says. And Sunday morning has come down wet and cloudy … But what else is new eh? (smile) And regardless of the inclement weather, we’ve gathered in the Lord’s house for fellowship, to offer up prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, so that we might receive in return the peace of God, which passes all human understanding, that will keep us safe, through Christ Jesus. (Eph. 4:6-7) 

Now, I would say that is a most worthwhile exchange, with us possibly even getting the bigger benefit, for though the Lord enjoys hearing our prayers, supplications and thanksgiving, the gift of His supernatural peace in this crazy and ungodly world is nothing short of manna from heaven! (smile) For when we are filled with that peace, nothing on this earth bothers or scares us. All glory be to our wonderful God, my people! 

And this morning we’re going to open the proceedings by singing a somewhat recent bit of gospel soul, that is, in comparison to all the older stuff we often sing. (smile) It comes from the early nineteen nineties, and it very much resembles what so many of us are currently going through; searching for peace and joy in an unstable world. It’s titled ‘Take Me Back Dear Lord,’ and I believe it was first performed by one of the early Christian soul singing bands, that’s Andrae Crouch and the Disciples from the album of the same name. 

Some of you older folks might remember when he was one of the big names in Christian music, before popular Christian artists like the Winans; CeCe and Bebe came on the scene. Anyway, today is a day for real soul; true soulful music, that brings about the emptying of our emotions in sacrificial praise to God. So, let’s offer up those sacrificial praises in a rich, soulful, scintillating version of ‘Take Me Back Dear Lord,’ remembering that when the praises go up, the blessings come down. (smile) 

And it opens with the heartrending Chorus that pleads to the Lord: ‘(Chorus: Take me back, take me back dear Lord To the place where I first received you. Ohhh Take me back, take me back dear Lord to where I first believed) (twice) I feel that I’m so far from you Lord But still I hear you calling me Those simple things that I once knew, The memories are drawing me. I must confess, Lord I’ve been blessed But yet my soul’s not satisfied. Renew my faith, restore my joy And dry my weeping eyes. (Chorus ‘Oh Lord, Oh Lord Take me back…)  

Bridge: I tried so hard To make it all alone I need your help Lord Just to make it home. (Chorus Take me back, dear Lord, Please take me back to the place where I first received you. Take me back dear lord, Take me back, I’m pleading dear Lord, I’ve got to get back there, to the place where I first believed! Take me back, dear Lord, take me back, back to the place where I first believed.’ 

Oh my faithful believers, that was beautiful! And I’m sure the Lord heard the plaintive cries in our voices, asking for simpler, more easily understood times, before we lost our way to all the pressures and distractions that the world throws at us. And I know for a fact, that though many of us feel blessed with all the earthly amenities, our souls are not satisfied. That’s because we’ve strayed from the LOVING arms of God, put too much ungodly distance between ourselves and Him. And when that happens, we automatically lose our faith, and our joy is severely depleted. 

That’s why Nehemiah tells us ‘the joy of the Lord is your strength.’ (Neh. 8:10) And that’s the gospel truth! For if there’s no joy of the Lord in your soul, then you will be weak as a church mouse, and the devil will have you for easy pickings. And in order to keep our faith strong, we always have to come back to Jesus’ basic words of faith building: ‘But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.’ (Matt. 6:33) That’s the golden truth my brethren! The only way to keep our joy fresh and our faith strong is by continually keeping Almighty God first place in our lives. 

Yes, occasionally we might stray, and Jesus addressed that in the parable of the Lost Coin, the Lost Sheep and the Lost or Prodigal Son, found in Luke 15. The younger of two sons takes his inheritance somewhat early, then goes off to a distant land and wastes it in dissolute living. When famine hits that land and he is destitute, with no handouts from anyone, he ends up working in a pig pen, the most despised job for a Jewish person. 

But there in that pig pen, when he’s contemplating eating the pig food, he comes to his senses and decides to go back to his father’s house as a servant, where even the servants have more than enough. But while he is still some distance off, his father sees him, runs out to greet and hug him, happy that his son which was lost has now been found, whom he thought was dead, was still alive. That was obviously cause to kill the fatted calf and have a big celebration. 

It’s the same way friends, when we stray from God, He’s always on the look out for us, waiting for us to come back home, humbled and realizing our mistake. And He’s always glad to welcome us back. That’s why Jesus said: ‘I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just (upright) persons, which need no repentance.’ (Luke 15:7) 

Oh my people, let’s never forget that our God is in the saving business. Jesus said it loud and clear. ‘For God so LOVED the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world though him might be saved.’ (John 3:16-17) 

Yes my fellow saints, those are words of indisputable truth, words for us to live by! And if we don’t live by them, then we’ll just have to suffer the consequences involved. And like the Prodigal Son, we’ll eventually find ourselves in rather unpleasant circumstances. So please, let’s allow godly wisdom to reign amongst us! Much LOVE!

…a word to the wise is sufficient…he who doesn’t hear will certainly feel… 

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Today’s Scrip-Bit   27 December 2023 Proverbs 4:7.

Proverbs 4:7.       Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

Well, after the pleasure, usually comes the pain! And I’m sure that many of us are in pain this dark, wet, drizzly Wednesday morning as we crawl back out to work after the long Christmas weekend. (smile) Yes, the celebrations were most excellent, but now comes the time to pay the Piper for all the piping he’s done over the last few days. And believe me, the piping isn’t quite over yet, because we’re moving into the New Year’s Eve celebrations this weekend, which is an even a bigger time for the piper. (smile) 

That’s where, unfortunately, so many of us forget about Jesus and the Christmas celebrations, and concentrate more on ringing out the Old Year and ringing in the New one, with all the numerous resolutions for the upcoming year, most of which will most likely fall by the wayside a couple months into year. What a feckless, indecisive and soft society we’ve become! Anyway, realistically speaking, many of the things we talk about doing in and for the New Year, we cannot do in our own strength, regardless of how strong our determination is, since we usually set the bar too high. 

The truth of the matter though, is that there’s only ONE resolution we really need to make; that’s a desire to get to know Jesus better, to LOVE Him more, be more obedient to His Word and Will! And if we do that, life will surely improve, because Jesus will guide us to do the things we need to do to improve it. For as the song says: ‘The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows. The more that I LOVE Him, more LOVE He bestows. Oh each day is like heaven, My heart overflows. The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows. Yes, The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows!’  

And that’s the gospel truth my people! We, who do our best to serve and LOVE Jesus know that, and that’s why we continue in His service, although sometimes things can get a bit tough for His name’s sake. But in the long run, serving and LOVING Jesus is the ONLY thing that makes sense in this crazy and turbulent world! End of Sermon! (smile) 

Now here’s a prayer that will help us do just that. It comes from this month’s In Touch Devotional. Please pray with me. ‘Lord, I don’t want to feel guarded, my heart closed off to Your LOVE, Your Spirit, Your gifts. Instead, let me be open, my face turned toward Yours, my ears turned to Your voice, my feet set in Your direction. Align my soul to better receive Your wisdom and follow where it leads – so that I may see Your beauty where it multiplies, Your grace where it flows. Amen!’ 

Oh mih people, those are the exact things we need to do if we desire to serve and LOVE Jesus! Our hearts must be open to His LOVE, Spirit and gifts. Our faces must be turned towards His, our ears tuned to hear His voice, and our feet walking in His direction. As the Good Library says: ‘Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.’ (Ps. 119:105) And all of that helps align our souls to better receive His wisdom and go where it leads. 

As Cousin Sol says so wisely in Proverbs: ‘Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline (turn away) from the words of my mouth. Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: LOVE her, and she shall keep thee. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her. She shall give to (place on) thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee. Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of thy life shall be many.’ (Prov. 4:5-10) 

Wow! What magnificent words of wisdom my brethren! Yes those words that encourage us to seek and find wisdom and understanding are also true words of wisdom! And if we’re wise, we will follow them. Why? Because that’s the ONLY way we will ever see the multiplication of God’s infinite beauty and enjoy His amazing grace as it rains down on us. Oh my fellow saints, as Cousin Sol says, wisdom is the principal thing and along with it comes understanding. And what exactly are those two illusive, intangible things that are so important in this life, you ask? 

Well. the scholars tell us that ‘wisdom is basically the skill to live life successfully.’ Meanwhile ‘understanding is the capability to distinguish between true and false, good and evil, what matters most and what does not matter at all.’ And those two are so important, because, as Cousin Sol showed in his oration on the preciousness of wisdom in the previous chapter. ‘The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens. By his knowledge the depths (deeps) are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew.’ (Prov. 3:19-20) 

Yes friends, wisdom and understanding are so important that God used them to create the world! And if they were that important to God, then they ought to be even more important to us. And since Cousin Sol tries so desperately to impart the importance of wisdom and understanding to us, that we need to hear these next few verses. 

‘My son, let not them depart from thine eyes, keep sound wisdom and discretion: So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace (favour) to thy neck. Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble. When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. Be not afraid of sudden fear (terror), neither of the desolation of (trouble from) the wicked, when it cometh. For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken (caught).’ (Prov. 3:21-26) 

Now, with all that wisdom and understanding under our belt, (smile) let’s go home declaring (awright!!!) our Wednesday Wail, letting the whole world know of our wonderful, invaluable position in Christ Jesus. Altogether: ‘Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: I’m so glad to be alive on this Wednesday! Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: Thank God the breath of life is still flowing through me on this Wednesday! I am halfway home. My hands are fixed securely on the plough, and I’m not turning back. I’m not looking back at the past, not focusing on what has gone before. But my eyes are fixed straight ahead; straight ahead to a glorious future with Jesus. Glory Hallelujah!’ 

And as an added bonus to all who endure right to the very end with Christ, that future will be even more grand and  glorious than we can ever ask or imagine. So let’s plan to meet at the very end nuh, so that we can all enjoy that most glorious future with Christ! Much LOVE!

…a word to the wise is sufficient…but fools refuse instruction… 

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Today’s Scrip-Bit 15 June 2020 Jeremiah 13:15.

Jeremiah 13:15.    ​Hear ye, and give ear, be not proud: for the Lord hath spoken. 

Monday, Monday, Monday… Chuh! Another blooming day to go to work! And as if going to work wasn’t bad enough after such a relaxing weekend, we have to go amidst all the confusion and chaos caused by the Covid-19 virus and a host of disgruntled and dissatisfied protesters in the street. Ah Lord eh! What a way we world in a sad mess! 

But friends, the news isn’t all bad! No, there’s some good stuff too – namely that the Creator and Controller of this great universe, Almighty God Himself…Yahweh…Jehovah – whatever name you choose – has His people safely ensconced in the palms of His mighty hands, under the shelter of His powerful wings! And all His children declared a loud and proud: ‘Praise the Lord for His goodness and mercy to the children of men!’ 

But the problem we encounter though, is that with our free will it behooves us to come to Him, He won’t simply conscript us like soldiers in time of war. We have to join His army of our own free will, and once we do that, we then need to stick ever so closely to Him, like white on rice. (smile) He will keep and protect us. That’s His ever-faithful promise, and all the storms that are currently besetting us will pass, as they all do – just in His time. 

So there’s no need to fear what’s currently happening in our world, although we must be concerned and do our part to help reshape life in a more equitable and Christian manner. And one of the ways we can ALL participate in that reshaping is through prayer; the most powerful weapon in the universe! It’s the method of communication that the Lord, in His eternal wisdom, devised for us to bring our problems and concerns to Him, as well as to just have friendly chats and tete-`a-tetes with Him. 

So as one strong voice, with sincere hearts, let’s call out to Him right now nuh, invoking our Monday Morning Battle Hymn, asking for His mercy and grace in the worldwide problems that we’re now facing. ‘Our Father, who art in heaven, we, Your humble servants, praise Your Holy Name and thank You that this Monday morning we’re alive, and hopefully haven’t contracted the virus that’s causing havoc around our world. And our anxieties have been recently deepened because some restrictions have been lifted in the lockdown, so more of us are going out to work now without any guarantees of safety. 

Then to complicate matters Father, suddenly, and unexpectedly, just like the virus, worldwide strife and protests have also struck us in this sad time of pandemic, and we don’t have a clue how to handle either situation properly. Mass confusion is currently prevailing in our world, and we desperately need your help to solve both problems, as You are the ONLY One with the power and insight to successfully handle them. 

Heavenly Father, we admit that we have all sinned and seriously come short in obedience and compliance to Your Word, but we know that You are a merciful, forgiving and gracious God, and You have faithfully promised to hear and answer our prayers when we humble ourselves, pray, and sincerely seek Your face. That’s why we come to You now, with sincere repentance in our hearts, pleading with You to give us, ordinary folks, as well as our leaders, employers and medical personnel, wise guidance and direction. 

Please show us how to successfully handle these scourges that are currently plaguing Your beautiful earth. Please help our leaders to wisely quell the strife and protests, and the scientists to find a positive solution, a sure antidote to the virus as quickly as possible. And for those who have already contracted the virus, or been injured in the strife, we pray that You will ease their suffering and heal them. 

Father, please show them Your awesome grace and mercy, and keep Your promise that You’ll hear our prayer, forgive us, and heal our land if we turn from our evil ways. Show this evil world that You are indeed Jehovah Rapha; the God who heals! We pray this in the holy and blessed name of Your Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Amen! And again we say: Amen!’ 

And my people, if our hearts were truly sincere in that prayer, then we know that our faithful God has begun working on the solution to our problems, and they will be eventually conquered, but in His time, when He decides that His purpose for allowing it to happen has been achieved. Until then, we just have to hope and pray and stay strong in His LOVE! And living the way He desires just might help us too. (smile) 

For interest sake, I just opened the Good Book and discovered these inspiring words uttered by the prophet Jeremiah to his people Israel when they were in a period of disobedience. ‘Hear ye, and give ear, be not proud: for the Lord hath spoken. Give glory to the Lord your God, before he cause darkness. And before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains, and while ye look for light, he turn it into the shadow of death, and make it gross darkness.’ (Jer. 13:15-16) Now wise people hearing those words would certainly take some time to ponder their lives and see if they are doing what the prophet advises. For who knows if that is one of the reasons our world is currently so dark, so overrun by darkness? 

And the scholars add this interesting explanation: ‘13:15-17. A third illustration concerns a weary traveller in danger of being overtaken by the falling darkness of night. Such was Judah. It must renounce all pride and give God His rightful glory before the final darkness of national catastrophe engulfs it.’ 

And the psalmist also had these wise words of advice: ‘Give (ascribe) unto the Lord, O ye kindreds of the people, give unto the Lord glory and strength. Give (ascribe) unto the Lord the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come into his courts. O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: fear (tremble) before him all the earth. Say among the heathen (nations) that the Lord reigneth: the world also shall be (is firmly) established that it shall not be moved (shaken): he shall judge the people righteously.’ (Ps. 96:7-10) 

What more can I say eh friends and neighbours? Just that a word to the wise is usually sufficient, and he who has ears to hear, let him hear! Much LOVE!

…obey God…and all will be well…