Today’s Scrip-Bit 21 May 2019 Psalm 136:1.

Psalm 136:1.   ​O Give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy (LOVING-kindness) endureth for ever.


Well it’s a beautiful morning – a tad chilly though, but one designed to energize us to get up and go to work after such a wonderful long weekend! And the weather actually behaved! Except for some gusty winds there wasn’t much precipitation at all! 

Let’s hope that we will get some more sunshine and less rain for the next little while, so that the flooded, satiated land will get a chance to dry out and be ready for planting the crops we so badly depend on to keep our comfortable lives in that comfortable condition. (smile) 

And just to show us how blessed and LOVED we are, please check out this most appropriate poem from our One Year Book of Bible Promises with writings by Ruth Harms Calkin. And NO, I don’t go looking for them, they come and find me! (smile) And this one is simply titled ‘ALL!’ 

Please pray with me: ‘O God Thank You, thank You For your reiterated ALL…You have promised: ALL my needs shall be supplied. ALL grace shall abound toward me. ALL the promises are mine. ALL things asked I shall receive. ALL sufficiency for ALL things. You are with me always ALL the days… And today!’ 

Oh precious people of God, ALL of that is gospel truth! So how can we ever truly clam to be not blessed, not LOVED, not cared for, etc. etc! NEVER! For the Lord God Jehovah, our Creator, and great Provider has provided for us in all things, instances and cases! 

We just have to get ourselves together and do whatever it takes to realize them because they are not going to simply fall in our laps without any effort from us. We need to understand that we’re in a covenant, a partnership with God and there are certain things we have to do to keep our half of the bargain! 

The problem is though that we just like to talk our half and don’t get up off of our fat, lazy and comfortable fannies to do our Bit! But friends, we’re just shortchanging ourselves when we adopt that unwise attitude, for the Lord has so much in store for us, more than we can ever ask or imagine, but we won’t get it until we begin seriously asking, knocking, seeking for and doing it! 

And I’m laughing here because all of that was just one straight piece of diatribe (bitter criticism, denunciation), flowing without a break! I guess I feel strongly that we complain about stuff that we would not have to complain about if we did what we ought to do! 

And don’t get me wrong; I’m a part of the problem too. It’s just that Christ died so horribly, so that we could have so many good things, and then we don’t do what we need to do to have them, that it seems to make His death and suffering a wasted effort. I know He’ll NEVER say that, but the way we abuse and not use the provisions that He’s made available to us is a sin in itself! 

And don’t ask me where ALL of that is coming from, because I don’t know. It’s definitely not something I planned to write. So I guess whomever, or whatever is leading and guiding me, hopefully the Holy Spirit of God, must want those things to be aired. So in fact, I’m just a channel for God’s grievances; negative things He wants us to address a.s.a.p! (smile) 

And yes friends, our wonderful God does have grievances against us…and we ALL know what they are! And we’re so full of ourselves, of foolish pride and narcissism, that instead of attending to the grievances of God in our lives, we simply go on about our merry way and expect it ALL to work out, because our God is so good! 

Steups! Oh my people, our God is good yes, but we can never bear the full force of His wrath… and that’s what we will bear if we don’t smarten up soon and attend to the matters that He’s unhappy with! End of Sermon! (smile) 

And the scripture verse assigned to our poem is taken form Psalm 136, that psalm of wonderful praise to our great God, and it’s also our Bit: ‘O Give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy (LOVING-kindness) endureth for ever.’ And yes my faithful saints of Christ, that is ALL ever so true! 

However, there is also another side to the coin, and Bruh David captures it well in Psalm 6, his prayer for mercy. ‘O Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure.’ Ah mih people, our God’s patience is endless, but there comes a time when even He, gets fed up with our pussyfooting and running around like a foolish dog chasing its tail. And at those times His wrath, His chastening is ever so evident in our lives, and we cry out for mercy! 

But the long and short of the matter is if we had done as He asked, we would not have had to cry out for mercy! End of story! Yes friends, I do hope it ALL makes sense. But then I also know that the Lord has given us ALL the power to pick sense from nonsense! (smile) 

So let’s go home declaring (steups…wrong again!) our Tuesday Mantra, telling the world, who and whose we are! All together now: ‘In God’s eyes, I’m not what I do. I’m not what I have. I’m not what people say about me. I am the beloved of God, that’s who I am. No one can take that from me. I don’t have to worry. I don’t have to hurry. I can trust my friend Jesus and share His LOVE with the world.  Amen!’ 

And if we sincerely believe it, then we need to go out and share that LOVE and friendship with others who don’t have it, for that’s what He expects of us! Much LOVE!

…we ALL have ALL that we need to live this life for Jesus…we just have to put our minds, souls and bodies to it…  

P.S. Today certainly seems like a day for ALL! (smile)