Today’s Scrip-Bit 30 January 2015 Psalm 63:3

Psalm 63:3. Because thy LOVING-kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.  

Well hello there my beautiful Scrip-Bit family! It’s a bright and sunny, slightly cloudy, exhilarating, and coming up hot Friday morning!

And before I could say anything further, the people rose up with one voice: ‘TGIF! Thank God is Friday yes! This week was a rough one. I didn’t know if I would make it through. But as usual, with the Lord’s help, I finally aced this week of slave labour! Thank God for Friday and the weekend!’
Ah Friends, that’s the lot of us who inhabit this planet earth. We have to do something positive to keep our minds and bodies functioning properly.
Right now I’m just thankful to see another glorious day, as I’m sitting out on my verandah, feeling somewhat better than yesterday, though still not up to scratch, sipping a cup of caffeine tinged with cough syrup, looking out over the well landscaped grounds at the fairly calm waters of the bay, listening to the waves lapping at the shore and the birds singing their morning songs of praise, giving thanks too that I’m alive and in Paradise!
Wow Friends! I sure am thankful for this break, although I haven’t had a chance to truly enjoy it as yet. But I know it’s going to happen sooner or later. The Lord wouldn’t bring me all this way to be sick most of the time.
Yuh know after the rough times come the good ones; like night follows day, and vice versa. So whatever tough times you’re going through right now my people, I implore you, don’t give up, don’t even contemplate it, because rough times don’t last forever, but true believers in Christ do.
And as the Good Book encourages, weeping and sorrow might last for the night, but joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5) So let’s hang in there mih people, fellow believers in Christ. Our Saviour knew what it was to have hard times.
In fact, I don’t know if any other human being ever experienced the trials and tribulations, not to mention the excruciating, death inducing pain that He bore for our sakes. And He did it without much complaining. That’s why He was so well rewarded by the Father, with exaltation and glory – Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Saviour of mankind, to whom all must bow and confess that He is Lord indeed, all to the glory of the Father. (Phil.2:8-11)
So whenever times get rough, let’s just remember Jesus’ suffering and how he bore it, and use that as a stepping stone to enable us to bear our burdens. And when they really seem to be getting too heavy, we have the faithful promise and invitation to take them to Him, leave them at His feet, and take up the light load, easy yoke and rest for our weary souls that He has waiting there for us. (Matt.11:28-30)
So however we cut it Friends, we have welcome avenues to help us in our earthly pilgrimage. As for adventures in Paradise, I didn’t have any more yesterday. At the end of the Bit, I said I was going shopping, but thankfully the lady from whom I rented the car came by, and I sweetly asked her to take the duchess shopping for me.
The duchess had been waiting for some time for me to finish and I knew that she was silently boiling inside, because she doesn’t like to wait, although she claimed differently. Yuh see how the Lord looks after me, even when I’m in misery! (smile)
Oh, about the car tire. It seems that when I touched the curb of the parking lot the other afternoon when I came home, it cut the new expensive Michelin tire. And would you believe they couldn’t find a Michelin tire to replace it in sweet Tobago. Steups! It had to be ordered from Trinidad.
Poor girl! She must have thought that I was a godsend when I came into her life. But little did she know the problems I’d cause her. But don’t worry Jennel sugar, in due course the Lord will amply reward you for your LOVING-kindness towards the duchess and me. So just hang in and bear up with a smile.
So last night was just another lazy night. The wife brought back some really tasty Chinese food, which I thoroughly enjoyed, even went back for seconds, although I wasn’t feeling for food. The very thought of food these past two days turns me off. I’ve mostly been drinking fluids (water and pop) since I’ve been here. I have to force myself to eat. Being off my victuals is a sure sign that the ole fella is not really up to scratch.
Oh Friends, the breeze out here is beautiful, although the temperature is starting to rise. Got to go back inside and make another cup of java. Soon come!
I’m back my people, some ten minutes later. This second cup doesn’t taste as good as the first though. But I’m too lazy to go back inside and doctor it. Anyway Friends, now I have to go and find a Bit that’s appropriate for this writing. Bear with me.
Oh mih breddren, our God is so great and helpful that in less than five minutes I’m back with a most appropriate Bit. This from Psalm 63, God satisfies the thirsting soul, written by Bruh David when he was in the wilderness of Judah hiding from his enemies. But instead of begging for mercy in his rough times, he gives praise instead.
Let’s pray these fateful words together. ‘Because thy LOVING-kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee. Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name. My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow (the best) and with fatness (abundance); and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips: When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches. Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice.’ (Ps.63:3-7)
Words to live by Friends! Now let’s go home chanting our Friday Chant. I almost forgot it, but the Lord reminded me. He’s so good to me. Now as one: ‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through another week of work! It hasn’t been easy, but with your generous help, I made it through.
Now, please help me to get sufficient fun, fellowship, rest and relaxation in these two short days off, so that I can be renewed and refreshed in soul, body and mind, to go back out and do it all over again next week, furthering your glorious kingdom with each step I take. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.’
Have a wonderful day my people, filled with the LOVE of our wonderful God! Much LOVE!
…those who diligently serve the Lord…will always see His hand of blessings…work meaningfully in their lives…