Today’s Scrip-Bit 15 October 2018 Proverbs 19:23.

Proverbs 19:23.    The fear of the Lord tendeth to life: and he that hath it shall abide satisfied; he shall not be visited with evil.

Now if I didn’t already know it, I wouldn’t believe it! And what’s that, you ask with an inquisitive frown? If I didn’t know that it was Monday, I wouldn’t believe it, because everybody is so busy and diligently going about their first day of the workweek tasks in such good moods! Nobody’s sulking, miserable or seems depressed; no Monday blues whatsoever! No setta sick calls either! 

And then you’d tell me: Oh, they’re all following the example of that fringe group called Christians; the group that believes in what they call the Messiah, or Saviour, His name is Jesus Christ! Yes, they are very dependable, and do excellent work too! And all I’d be able to says, is ‘Glory be!’ (smile) 

What a great day that will be eh friends, when we have the whole world following our example of diligent and excellent work in Jesus name! Right now it’s still somewhat of a fairy tale, or massive future dream, but if we keep working away at it, in all diligence and excellence, and with Jesus’ help, that day will eventually come. So let’s not give up hope and stop trying, for once there is life, there is hope!  

However, for the many of us who still struggle with getting it together on a Monday morning, we have the perfect elixir to fix whatever ails you. We call it our Monday Morning Battle Hymn. It’s simply prayer, but then again, please remember that prayer is the most powerful tool and/or weapon in God’s great universe! So let’s not waste any more time in putting it to work nuh. 

All together now:  ‘Oh Lord God Almighty, Creator of the universe and all therein! We, your humble servants, praise your Holy Name and thank you that this Monday morning we have jobs to go to; jobs we don’t like, jobs that are unfair, difficult and even dangerous, but which serve a useful purpose here on earth; keeping lives and families together. 

We also thank you Father for the renewed vitality and enthusiasm you’ve wrought in our weary souls over the last two days. It’s that rejuvenation of Spirit which allows us now to sally forth with confidence into the evil, ungodly world that surrounds us, to begin a new week of work, constantly buffeted and bombarded by the enemy’s wicked taunts, wiles and lies. 

But heavenly Father, we’re not afraid, for we know we’re invincible, sure conquerors, once we’re wearing your powerful, protective spiritual armour. We surrender our all to you, and humbly ask that you let your incredible aura of LOVE, the Holy Spirit, lead and guide all your servants as we go out to meet the enemy in battle. 

Fill us with steadfast faith, so that we can make worthwhile inroads into the enemy’s ranks, and thereby further your glorious kingdom. We pray this in the Holy Name of your Son, and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. AMEN!’ 

Oh my people, it’s working already! I know you can feel it; feel the positive improvement in your attitude, and the excitement that’s being generated by the rush of adrenaline that’s suddenly flowing through your veins!

Wow! Prayer Power is fantastic! It works miracles! Now let’s be on our way about Jesus business, with bright countenances, joyful spirits, and a heart overflowing with LOVE, as He so dearly desires of us. 

But before we jump into the fray, let’s take a moment and set the thoughts engendered by these wise words of Cousin Sol firmly in our hearts and minds. ‘The fear of the Lord tendeth to life: and he that hath it shall abide satisfied; he shall not be visited with evil.’ 

That’s for certain sure my fellow believers! When we reverence our Creator, it means that we do our best to exalt Him and do His will. And since He faithfully takes care of those who uphold His name and His commandments, then there’s no need to worry, He will ensure that we’re contented with our lot.  And Bruh Paul has also assured us: ‘But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.’ (Phil.4:19) 

We do have to stand strong, steadfast and wise in the faith though for it to happen. And on writing to young Timothy, as per being a good minister of Jesus Christ, amongst other things, Bruh Paul warned: ‘For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation.’ (1 Tim.4:8-9) 

And the scholars explain. ‘4:8: The verse may be paraphrased, “For physical exercise is of limited value, but godliness, the result of spiritual exercise, has unlimited value, since it brings blessings for both now and eternity.” 

That’s indisputable truth my brethren! ‘For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially (especially) of those that believe.’ (1 Tim.4:10) 

Yes friends, we definitely need to exercise spiritually, so that we live godly and thus attain the wonderful promise of many blessings and abundant life, down here on earth and through eternity.

Please note though, that although God has provided salvation for ALL men, only those who sincerely believe in His Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ WILL be saved. So, I implore us to live our lives in accordance with those principles, otherwise…crapaud smoke we pipe! Much LOVE!

…salvation is available to all…but you must make a conscious decision to accept it…






Today’s Scrip-Bit 31 December 2016 Matthew 6:33.

Matthew 6:33.    But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. 

Well friends, the big day of New Year’s Eve is finally here! The partying will be sensational, the food will be to die for and the alco will be flowing like water! And everybody will hug and kiss at midnight and wish everyone a Happy New Year. Our society will be overflowing with good feelings for at least one time in the year. Glory to God! 

And everybody will be making resolutions to improve every aspect of their lives. But wait, by a couple of weeks later all those promising resolutions would have unfortunately bitten the dust. Most of us will revert to our former selves and our former caustic, uncaring behaviour, for the New Year’s scene is simply one without any real substance. We create a great clamour as we ring in the New Year, but in truth it only lasts for a short while, since nothing much changes from one day to the next. 

Oh I know some of you might think I’m being pessimistic, but I’m simply being realistic. I’ve seen it happen for so many years of my life, and each year our society becomes more evil and ungodly. Now nothing is wrong with a good party, but when we place so much emphasis on it and we don’t follow through, then it becomes a waste of time. 

Now since it’s Saturday, here are a few quotes, resolutions, from our friend Anselm, who aspires to inspire us for a better tomorrow. Here is the first one. ‘One resolution I have made, and try always to keep, is this – To rise above the little things.’ And that does make sense, because we should never sweat the little things. 

Then he says: ‘Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better person.’ Now that makes sense too. And the third one declares: ‘Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.’ And the last one is: ‘Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.’ 

Oh my people, all those resolutions are useful in their own way, but we don’t need so many. As I said at the end of last year, there is ONLY ONE RESOLUTION we need to make, and that is a sincere and diligent resolve to walk closer with Jesus, our Lord, Saviour, Friend, Brother, etc. etc. each and every day that His wonderful breath of life courses through our bodies! End of story! 

Walking sincerely with Jesus, and trying to be a more mature Christian encompasses everything else we need or want to do.  Why do you think He went through the trouble in the Sermon on the Mount to tell us our Bit eh? ‘But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.’  Yes my fellow believers, all who have pledged their allegiance to Jesus, must keep on seeking His kingdom and its righteousness without ceasing. 

Then Jesus adds: ‘Take therefore no thought for the morrow (Therefore do not worry about tomorrow): for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil (trouble) thereof.’ (Matt.6:33) 

And the scholars tell us, re those two verses. ‘6:33-34. The present imperative form of the verb (Gr. zeteo) indicates a continual or constant seeking. The contrast between the spiritual and the material is again emphasized. The believer is to seek first the righteousness that is characteristic of God’s kingdom and then all these things (material things) shall be added to him. 

When our priority is spiritual, God will take care of the material, for where God guides, He provides. We need not even worry about tomorrow, for sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. (v.34) This means that each day has its own troubles and challenges to be responsibly handled, without worrying about the hypothetical problems that could arise tomorrow.’  

And the sad part is that many of us Christians are material seekers as well as tomorrow worriers! The things of the world take first place in our lives, and consequently we have to worry about what will happen tomorrow. But if we just concentrate on following Jesus, we won’t have those things to worry about and all our material needs would be met. 

Hear what Bruh Paul told Timothy on the subject. ‘But refuse (reject) profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. 

This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation. For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. These things command and teach.’ (1 Tim.4:7-11)  

Now listen to the scholars. ‘4:8. The verse may be paraphrased, “For physical exercise is of limited value, but godliness, the result of spiritual exercise, has unlimited value, since it brings blessings for both now and eternity.’ 

Yeh friends, if we seek God first, things like physical exercise, healthy diets, and all the stuff we feel we need, they will be inculcated into our walk with Him. As we go, Jesus will see what we need and guide us and give us the wherewithal to accomplish them. 

And if you want an example of all that we’ve said, just read about Cousin Sol in 1 Kings 3:3-15, and you’ll see when he asked the Lord for wisdom and understanding to rule his people Israel, instead of riches and honour, the Lord made him both the wisest and richest man who ever lived. 

Friends, He will do the same thing for each of us who sincerely surrenders to and trusts in Him. Now the burning question I have to ask before we close, is did we walk closer with Jesus this year, did we become more mature, more spiritually minded Christians? 

Now only you and Jesus know the answer, and I sincerely hope we did. But just in case we didn’t, I’m pleading with us to make walking closer with Jesus our ONE and ONLY resolution for 2017. Let’s seriously focus in on it nuh. So at the end of 2017, if we’re still around, and I ask that question again, this time I’ll get a joyful shout of ‘Yes, I did!’ Now that’s wisdom at its zenith! Much LOVE!

…dress up in yuh fancy dan-dan…and party hearty…but please remember…that drunk or sober…to mind yuh business…