Today’s Scrip-Bit 27 June 2020 Luke 9:23.

Luke 9:23.    ​If any man will (desires to) come after (follow) me, let him deny himself and take up his cross DAILY, and follow me.

Well thank the Lord, some early morning showers of blessings graced the parched earth in my area! And I’m sure the earth was mighty thankful for them because it has been a few dry and hot days since they were last watered. And now the earth looks nice and clean as the reflection of the shining sun sparkles the drops of water on the green leaves and green blades of grass. 

Oh friends, there’s nothing like being cleansed; and that in body, spirit, mind and soul, for it cleans, refreshes and brings a new perspective to our thinking, to our way of life!  That’s why Bruh David pleaded with God in his prayer for cleansing: ‘Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right (steadfast) spirit within me.’ (Ps. 51:10) 

So let’s all send that prayer heavenward this bright, clean and beautiful Saturday morning nuh, as we take a gander at the quotes our friend Anselm sent us this week, in his sincere aspiration to inspire us for a better tomorrow. And the first quote states: ‘Whether it’s forced or invited, change is inevitable.’ And that’s gospel truth my people! There are only three things in this world we’re very sure about; death, taxes and change! And the comforting thing about them all, (smile) is that they all often come at some unforeseen and unbidden times.

 But change is a must, if the human race expects to survive. And we’re going through such a time right now with the double situations of the Covid-virus pandemic and the protests in streets all over the world. Things are going to change before those two babies are put to bed, that’s for sure! And this next quote falls in line with what we’ve just been talking about. I also like its expansiveness. (smile) ‘The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.’ 

Now that might boggle some of our minds, but it really is true. And right now we’re seeing the perfect example of it; sickness all over the world and protests all over the world. Those things are not relegated to small pockets of our world, but the entire universe, where much change, much improvement is certainly needed! And when it’s all over, the entire earth will have effected some change(s) be they large or small, but hopefully good and necessary. 

Yes, nowadays, the whole world is our playground; it is indeed a global village, where most things affect everybody in every part of it. For example, even the dust from the Sahara Desert, thousands of miles away, is currently affecting the citizens of Jamaica. It’s really a small, small world! 

Now the next quote is especially significant to the Christian believer. ‘Don’t say it cannot be done, rather say, you don’t know how to do it yet.’ And I say that, not only because it’s a useful way to view life, but with Christ as Lord of our lives, there’s nothing we cannot do, since all things are possible with Him, because He is God incarnate. And remember, He strengthens us to do whatever He requires us to do. That leads us to this quote, a rather interesting one, and one that’s also significant to the believer. (smile) 

‘Perfection is not attainable. But if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.’ And isn’t that the living truth friends? It surely is! And it’s also what Christ expects from His followers; steadfast diligence that nurtures an attitude of excellence. We know that we can’t be perfect, but if keep reaching for high levels, levels of excellence in all that we do, we will get as close to perfection as an imperfect being can get, and that’s what Jesus desires of us. But this last quote is the champion, (smile) and is again especially significant to believers in Christ Jesus. ‘If you believe in a cause, be willing to stand up for that cause with a million people or by yourself.’ 

Yes people, standing up for whatever we believe in is extremely important, whether it’s with a throng of millions, or by ourselves! If we don’t do that, then it says that we don’t truly believe what we profess. And standing up for our beliefs is NEVER easy, not even with millions involved, like the worldwide protests we’re now experiencing.  So you can imagine how difficult it can be when you’re standing up by yourself. But standing up is what we must always do, especially as faithful saints of Christ. 

And in these trying and troubling times it is even more important than ever for us to stand up for what we believe in, namely the gospel, the good news of Christ and His kingdom, which is at hand. This is a significant moment in time when the Lord our God is calling mankind to repent and return to His fold, and we are the workers on whom He is depending to get that job done. Remember Jesus words to His disciples when He saw the multitude that needed saving. ‘The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few: Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.’ (Matt. 9:37) 

Well friends, the good news is that we Christians are the labourers that the Lord is sending forth to reap the harvest of an unsaved and evil world. And no, it’s not easy, but I guess it’s time to remind us of the terms of discipleship which we agreed to. ‘If any man will (desires to) come after (follow) me, let him deny himself and take up his cross DAILY, and follow me.’ Now do you remember agreeing to that? If you consider yourself a follower of Christ, then you either explicitly or implicitly agreed to it. And you can’t complain that you didn’t read the fine print. (smile) Ignorance is no excuse!  

I’d also like to emphasize the point that taking up one’s cross and following Jesus is a DAILY exercise, not a once in a while, an occasional thing, as so many of us supposed Christians believe and do. Every day we need to get up and be counted; like soldiers, be prepared to stand our ground on matters of principle, in unity, on the true foundation of God’s Word which is our guidebook and lifeline. That is the only way Christ’s church will ever be successful! 

So let’s take some time today to ponder our walk with Christ nuh; let’s check out whether we’re really taking up our crosses DAILY and following Him, then, with the Lord’s help, make whatever changes are necessary. Much LOVE!

…stand up, stand up for Jesus…the trumpet calls obey…

Today’s Scrip-Bit 2 March 2016 Psalm 77:13‏‏

Psalm 77:13.   Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary (holiness): who is so great a God as our God?

Well hello there my beautiful fellow believers in the ONE and ONLY Jesus Christ; Lord and Saviour of sinful mankind, Son of God, Prince of Peace, Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, etc. etc….! 

Yes friends, that is the magnificent Being, Deity, and God we serve! Now one would be extremely foolish to serve and worship any other! 

However, as sad as it is, there are many, too many on His planet earth who serve and worship other non-gods, foolishly placing them above the ONE who made the heavens, the earth and all therein. 

To them we can only say, ‘that’s madness,’ in a decent and LOVING manner now (smile), try to tell them about our great Saviour Jesus, who sacrificed His holy and sinless life on the cross at Calvary to pay for our sins, theirs included, and bring us once more into the eternal fold of His Father, Jehovah God. 

But even more importantly, while telling them all that, we should endeavour to live the kind of LOVING, caring, compassionate, forgiving and peaceful life that our Lord and Saviour espouses. For as they say, more flies are caught with honey than with vinegar. 

Yes my believing brethren, we cannot afford to brow beat the unbelievers, as so many of us do, because that will only turn them away. Best we lure them to Jesus with our sweet words and positive actions. 

Hn, hn! And I have to chuckle here friends, because I don’t know where all of that just came from, because I didn’t plan it. But came it did, and it does make wonderful sense, providing a useful template for us all to follow in our earthly relationships. 

Now it’s a beautiful Wednesday in Paradise, unfortunately my last, so let’s wail our Wednesday Wail with much enthusiasm, sincerity and conviction. 

As one proud and loud wailer now: ‘Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: I’m so glad to be alive on this Wednesday! Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: Thank God the breath of life is still flowing through me on this Wednesday! I am halfway home. 

My hands are fixed securely on the plough, and I’m not turning back. I’m not looking back at the past, not focusing on what has gone before. But my eyes are fixed straight ahead; straight ahead to a glorious future with Jesus. Glory Hallelujah!’ 

And I will add another ‘Glory Hallelujah’ to that my brethren, because I’m so thankful for being alive in sweet Tobago on such a beautiful day! Glory to God my fellow believers! Now how can I look back at the past and dwell in it eh, when there’s such a glorious future to be had with Jesus? 

Remember we’ve got to keep looking straight ahead, so we can create straight furrows, for as Jesus says, he who looks back is not worthy to be in the kingdom. And we all see what happened to Lot’s wife when, against the Lord’s directive, she looked back as they were hurrying away from the godly devastation that was Sodom and Gomorrah; she became a pillar of salt. (Gen.19:26) 

We obviously wouldn’t want any such calamity to befall us, that is why we have to keep on worshipping and serving the Lord of the Universe, who provides us with sufficient to meet our earthly needs. 

That brings us to our very timely Bit. ‘Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary (holiness): who is so great a God as our God?’ 

Ah mih people, as per the second half of that sentence, there are so many scriptures to show the might and power of our God, that I don’t even know where to begin. But as they say, the best place to begin is at the beginning. 

So let’s consider how He made the universe and all therein nuh. He spoke it into existence. Note, He used mere words to create the universe, not any kind of heavy or busy action, just simple words. How much more powerful can we get eh? And if you don’t believe me, you can read all about it in the first chapters of Genesis. (smile) 

And note how He made man too eh: by simply forming him from the dust of the ground, then breathing His own spiritual breath of life into him. Up to now no other supposed deity or even the brilliance and ingenuity of present man can do that. 

Look at how He brought His chosen people, Israel out of Egypt nuh. Starting with the mind games He played with Pharaoh, the nine plagues and the killing of the Egyptians first born, from which the Jewish Passover was derived. You can check that out in Exodus chapters 7-10. 

Then look at how He got the Egyptians to give and lend their jewels to the Israelites, so that when they finally left Egypt after four hundred and thirty years, many of those under tough bondage, they left very wealthy. (Ex.11:1-3) All praise and glory to our great and powerful God! 

And what about the crossing of the Red Sea eh? Who else could have caused the simple stretching out of Moses’ hand over it, to part and allow the Israelites to cross over on dry land eh? Then when the Egyptian army tries to pursue them, Moses again stretches out his hand over the sea, and the water rushes back together and drowns the entire army? (Ex.14:21-30) 

The Good Book ends that chapter with these words. ‘And Israel saw that great work which the Lord did upon the Egyptians: and the people feared (stood in awe of) the Lord, and believed the Lord, and his servant Moses.’ (Ex.14:31) 

Aye mih people, that’s just the beginning of God showing His awesome might and power! We’ll continue with it tomorrow, the Lord in favour, because I doubt we can stand to hear about all of our God’s mighty works in one sitting; it’s liable to boggle our frail and simple minds. (smile) 

And our homework for today is to sit and ponder how mighty is our God, and seriously consider why we, or anyone else, would even consider serving and worshipping any other deity. Much LOVE!

…Elohim…O Elohim…God of exceeding strength and mighty power…