Today’s Scrip-Bit   4 July 2023 Amos 3:3.

Amos 3:3.       Can two walk together, except they be agreed?


Well, the Canada Day festivities are finished for another year now, but the Fourth of July Celebrations are running full steam ahead in the U.S, as they celebrate their country’s birthday. And yes, it’s already been marred by several shootings and much unnecessary partisan political activity, but hopefully it will not detract too much from the overall celebrations and, with God’s grace, might even serve to bring people closer together.

It’s a truly sad state our world’s currently in my people; pure antagonism, rebellion, dissatisfaction, hatred, greed, selfishness, personal aggrandizement and ungodliness seem to rule the roost. The great God Jehovah, the Creator and Controller of the universe and all therein seems to be a forgotten or passed over Being in all the fury and anger that’s lately erupted in our world. And when we add the many natural disasters to our man-made ones, we get a sad and sorrowful picture of our world and consequently our lives. 

Is that what Christ came to earth and died for, that we could live in more distaste, aversion, and distrust than the wild animals who have no brains and reasoning power? I doubt it. But the most important thing we need to remember, despite all the negative activities, we, especially believers in Christ, must NEVER GIVE UP! We must never stop preaching and living the good news of Christ’s gospel, the basic foundation of which is the greatest emotion and sentiment in our world, LOVE! 

Now, here’s a poignant and heart-touching story about the awesome power of LOVE, from our One Year Book of Bible Promises, with writings by Ruth Harms Calkin. It’s simply titled, ‘Stephanie.’ Please read with me. ‘More than anything else she wanted to play the piano. Her mother called to ask if I would give her lessons. “But I must tell you one thing. Stephanie is fighting an advanced malignancy. Her left arm has been amputated. Her future is critical.” I was startled. How could I teach a little girl with one arm to play the piano? Her mother’s words kept echoing… “More than anything else she wants to take lessons from you.” 

God, please help me to teach her the music of LOVE. On her first lesson, she came with her shiny red book. Her eyes sparkled. She could hardly wait! Week after week we sat at the piano learning notes, playing melodies – she with her right hand, I with my left. “I am Mrs. Treble,” she told me. “You are Mr. Bass.” It was a happy joke between us. “We’re really good together,” Stephanie said one day. “But you know what? I could never do it alone.” Stephanie taught me an incredible lesson: When I follow God’s instructions, we make beautiful music together. But I could never do it alone! Stephanie is with Jesus now. What joy it must be for her to play with both hands!’ 

Oh my fellow believers, what a beautiful and heart-warming story that is! And one that we can, and should learn a lot from. The basic gist of the whole story is that we cannot live this life by ourselves, we have to do it together, and in harmony, not in hate. For as the Lord in His awesome wisdom, asked through the prophet Amos: ‘Can two walk together, except they be agreed?’ (Amos 3:3) And the obvious answer is NO! Two of anything cannot live in harmony unless they are agreed on the basics of their association. 

And that’s the sad reflection on today’s world, very few of us agree on anything, so it’s virtually impossible to get a large number of people to walk in harmonic agreement. But as the story we just read so poignantly pointed out, we cannot live this life alone, or in hatred, distrust and enmity with others around us. That’s simply a no brainer. But yet we strive to prove otherwise with all the ridiculous, nonsensical arguments we keep putting forth. And the one thing that’s oh so necessary, the ONE and ONLY thing that can ever improve our lives and circumstances is if we truly learn ‘the MUSIC of LOVE!’ 

Yes friends, that’s the phrase in the story that hit me right between the eyes, right in the core of my heart, of my very being! Wow! What an awesome society we could be if we only learned the Music of LOVE! But nowadays, LOVE seems to be the furthest thing from human minds, when it definitely needs to be the uppermost thing! And this story from sister Joyce (Joyce Meyer) sort of proves the fact that humans are not interested in LOVE, in what’s good for them, in what they need. She says she’s written over a hundred books and the worst selling ones were those based on LOVE! 

That says a whole lot right there my people; that we don’t value LOVE as much as we ought to. No wonder our world and all the societies in them, regardless of colour, creed or race, are in such terrible upheaval. We don’t value the emotion, the attribute, the God-given characteristic of LOVE that brings together. We seem to value more the satanic attribute of hate that tears apart. Consequently, we’re reaping the fruit, the harvest of that crop of hate we’ve been sowing for the last generation or so. 

And the scripture promise for our story today, were the telling words of Jesus, when children were brought to Him to be blessed, but the disciples turned them away. He decreed: ‘Suffer (allow) the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.’ (Mark. 10:14-16) That ought to resonate very powerfully in our hearts, my fellow saints. 

And now, a couple of acknowledgements from the scholars. They say that ‘Mark often stresses Jesus’ showing of strong feeling. (See 1:41, 43; 3:5; 7:34; 8:34;  9:19)’ Please check out those references. I just did, and they are interesting. The scholars also tell us that ‘Few of history’s religious leaders have shown much concern for children. Jesus however breaks this tradition. And children are highly receptive and incapable of having produced good works to merit heaven. Jesus implies that to such, who are open to His teaching and do not depend on their own presumed goodness, belongs the kingdom of God.’ 

Unfortunately, the crazy state of our world and our self-dependence presupposes our openness to Christ and His teaching. But for those of us who are still dependent on Jesus, let’s go home declaring (steupsss!) our Tuesday Mantra, letting all and sundry know to whom we belong lock, stock and barrel. 

As one sincere voice: ‘In God’s eyes, I’m not what I do. I’m not what I have. I’m not what people say about me. I am the beloved of God, that’s who I am. No one can take that from me. I don’t have to worry. I don’t have to hurry. I can trust my friend Jesus and share His LOVE with my immediate neighbours, as well as with the whole wide world! Glory be!’ 

Now, let’s go out and generously share that amazing LOVE and friendship of Christ with all we meet, so that they too can come to know and LOVE Him like we do! Much LOVE!

…the pairing of LOVE with music…is what heaven’s all about…and what earth should be following… 

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