Today’s Scrip-Bit 5 February 2013 Job 34:21

Job 34:21.     For his eyes are upon the ways of man, and he seeth all his goings.
Ah Friends, I don’t have a soul-stirring intro for you this morning, (smile) but I do have some wonderful news: Jesus is alive and kicking! Kicking very strongly too! Not no mickey-mouse business. What can be better than that eh? Nothing really, for that means His followers, which we are, will also be alive and kicking strongly, since as He goes, so do we. And all Jesus’ followers proclaimed a powerful proclamation: ‘Jesus is alive! He is alive today and forever! Blessed be the name of Jesus! Amen.’ But Friends, if we’re His followers, then we have to get up off our fat fannies and actually do some strong kicking, do our job to help the LOVE Revolution that Jesus began to make some serious progress, cause it won’t be done for us. Jesus has already done His part, it’s now time for us to do ours. We can’t ride on Jesus coattails and hopefully get by either, because as our Bit reminds us: ‘For his eyes are upon the ways of man, and he seeth all his goings.’ Yes mih people, Jesus’ eyes are forever on us, and He’s also constantly monitoring the motives of our hearts, so it’s even worse than being on Candid Camera. We can’t get away with anything; neither external nor internal. But in spite of that, many of us still try to pull the wool over Jesus’ eyes. What a joke friends! And we not only make ourselves look foolish when we do that, but we also reveal the low level of our faith, and our lack of true understanding of Jesus. But don’t despair my brethren, for it doesn’t mean that Jesus will push you aside and leave you to flounder aimlessly, because it’s the lost, the sick, the lonely, oppressed and misunderstood that He came to save, as He so poignantly declares in Matthew 18. ‘For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.’ (Matt.18:11) Ah mih breddren, what a wonderful person is our Jesus! Words certainly can’t describe Him adequately. What do we call Him? Wonderful Counsellor, Prince of Peace, Heavenly Advocate, Sacrificial Lamb, etc. etc! Wow! No one entity can play as many roles as He did, and still does. Please praise Him for His glorious service and sacrifice to the children of undeserving men! But as our Bit explains, there’s one drawback for us to Jesus all embracing powers; He sees all that we do, all the time. And in these evil, ungodly times, we definitely need to buckle down and start behaving like true followers, not like the hypocrite Pharisees of old. For remember that Jesus experienced the same problems and emotions that we do, when He sojourned here on earth. That means when we don’t do as we should, He will experience great disappointment. It’s just like how we’re disappointed when those close to us do wrong. And I believe that disappointing Jesus is one of the worse things we can ever do. After all He’s done, the sacrifices He’s made on our behalf, the least we can do is try to please Him, since we can never repay the LOVING-kindness that He’s shown us. But getting back to our Bit, I want to share some scriptures that also declare that the eyes of our Creator are constantly on us. Now there are so many that most likely I won’t be able to share them all today. Anyway, let’s begin with the time that Asa, king of Judah, was rebuked by the seer Hanani, for relying on the king of Syria for help in war, rather than on the God of his fathers. ‘For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward (loyal, at peace with) him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore henceforth thou shalt have wars.’ (2 Chr.16:9) But instead of turning to the Lord and repenting, Asa got angry, threw Hanani in jail, and oppressed some of his people at the same time. Now listen to Asa’s end: ‘And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign, was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not the Lord, but to the physicians.’ (1 Chr.16:12) Oh Friends, when we are rebuked by the Lord, please let’s not get angry and do foolish things that we’ll live to later regret. For our God only rebukes us because He LOVES us. It’s always for our own good. Just like when we rebuke our children for wrongdoing, it’s not so much to punish them, but to make them see the error of their ways, because we care for them, and want them to stay on the straight and narrow path that leads to salvation and eternal life. That’s the same thing our God wants for us. As Job says, in speaking of his integrity. ‘Doth not he see my ways, and count all my steps? If I have walked with vanity (falsehood), or if my foot hath hasted to deceit; Let me be weighed (let Him weigh me) in an even balance, that God may know mine integrity.’ (Job 31″4-6) Ah Friends, living in this fallen, ungodly world is difficult at the best of times, and we will make mistakes, but overall the motives of our hearts should be right with God. Integrity is one of the pillars on which Jesus built His church, but unfortunately, today we’re seeing that pillar of integrity slowly crumble as we either turn away from Jesus, or pay mere lip service to His challenges. How can we expect others to believe in Jesus when we don’t follow through on our promises eh mih people? When we say one thing and do another? When we fight amongst each other over petty stuff, then go out and preach Peace and LOVE? It just doesn’t work like that my brethren. And we’ll end with some wise words from Cousin Sol. ‘For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth (observes, weighs) all his goings.’ (Prov.5:21) Oh Friends, please, let’s do like the Lord today nuh and ponder our goings, and make sure that they are on the straight and narrow path, for that’s wisdom at its zenith. Much LOVE!…to those who know right…but do wrong…the price of justice rises even higher…