Today’s Scrip-Bit 26 August 2014 Psalm 60:12

Psalm 60:12.    Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.

Oh Friends, it’s triumphant Tuesday! Meaning we have triumphed over Monday, and are setting out to do the same to Tuesday under the ever-watchful and mighty presence of our omnipotent and LOVING Deity, Jehovah God!

And all God’s children declared a loud and joyful shout: ‘All praise and glory be to Almighty God for bringing us safely through another dark night into the bright and scintillating light of His Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Everlasting thanks to the One who selflessly sacrificed His sinless life so that we could be reconciled to the Father!’
Yes my fellow believers, we shall be eternally grateful to Jesus for that! So on this triumphant Tuesday in the last week of August 2014, where it’s somewhat cloudy in my area, let’s go out and show our appreciation by living a godly and righteous life nuh, showing our true colours through examples, not merely words. A life that will bring glory to our merciful and forgiving God.
Let’s do as Jesus desires; be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. As He humbly requested: ‘Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.’ (Matt.5:16)
Yes my people, we can do no better than that, in this dark and evil world. Now here’s a gentle reminder and appropriate encouragement for a cloudy day like today. I’ve shared it before, but it’s always helpful to bear it in mind.
‘So never let a cloudy day ruin your sunshine, for even if you can’t see it, the sunshine is still there, inside of you, ready to shine when you will let it.’
What an awesome truth my brethren! Those are words from a poem of Amy Michelle Pitzele, written when she was nine years old. Wisdom indeed from the mouths of babes!
So just remember that even if there is some darkness or cloudiness in our personal lives today, and we can’t see any light, please don’t despair, because the light of both the Sun and the Son are ALWAYS with us, though the clouds of life might hide them for a brief moment.
We have to learn to see the light through the eyes of faith. And our Bit today, taken from Psalm 60, a contemplation of Bruh David when he was embattled, surrounded by foes on all sides, also reminds us of the omnipotence of our most wonderful God.
Bruh David was absolutely sure of these words when he wrote them. ‘Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.’
That’s indisputable, gospel truth my believing brethren! A truth that we should keep ALWAYS before us, as a guiding light to our earthly walk of faith and LOVE!
And in the words of the false, or wishy-washy prophet Balaam, foretelling the happiness of Israel, which he saw in a God-induced trance, though with open eyes: ‘I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners (shatter the forehead) of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth (sons of tumult).
And Edom shall be a possession for his enemies; and Israel shall do valiantly (mightily). Out of Jacob shall come he that shall have dominion (shall rule), and shall destroy him that remaineth in the city.’ (Num.24:17-19)
And the scholars tell us: ‘Primarily these oracles (of Balaam) refer to the royal triumphs in the period of the early monarchy, but these victories prefigure the greater conquest of Christ at His first and second advents (comings).
A Star: this can be used metaphorically for a king (Rev.22:16). That a king is meant is confirmed by a Scepter shall rise out of Israel, a scepter being part of the royal insignia (Gen.49:10; Ps.45:6; Amos 1:5,8).
Shall smite the corners of Moab: The word ‘corners’ is best understood as “the head” or “skull” (Jer.48:45 and Samaritan Pentateuch). The king of Israel would conquer the neighbouring countries, Moab, Sheth (most likely Shut), Edom, Seir, Amalek, and the Kenites (vv.20-21).’
Likewise, the prophet Samuel saw it fulfilled when he wrote: ‘And David gat him (made himself) a name when he returned from smiting of (killing) the Syrians (Edomites) in the valley of salt, being eighteen thousand men. And he put garrisons in Edom; throughout all Edom put he garrisons, and all they of Edom became David’s servants.
And the Lord preserved David withersoever he went. And David reigned over all Israel; and David executed judgement and justice unto all his people.’ (2 Sam.8:13-15)
And the scholars give us an interesting note here. ‘8:13. Because in Hebrew the ‘d’ (dalet) and the ‘r’ (resh) looked very much alike, they were often mistaken for one another. Probably Edomites rather than Syrians (i.e. Edom rather than Aram) should be read here, as in 1 Chronicles 18:12 and the title of Psalm 60.’
That does seem to make sense, since in the verses following, it’s Edom and Edomites that Samuel refers to. Anyway my people, please note and deeply believe that we serve a just, upright and faithful God, in whom we can place ALL our trust, and surrender ourselves completely to Him, because He IS the Creator and Controller of the universe.
Please don’t ever doubt it and thus allow your faith to fail you, for even in the darkest hours, He is ALWAYS right beside us… even better, dwelling inside of us, guiding and helping us through the power of His Holy Spirit.
So child of God, DON’T EVER despair of God’s presence in your life, for He has promised NEVER to leave or forsake you, and He who has promised is indeed FAITHFULL!
So please walk bold and strong in the awesome power of His LOVING-kindness this fateful Tuesday morning. That’s the hallmark of a true and faithful believer! Much LOVE!
…darkness foolishly tries to overpower light…but if it ever does…it’s only for a fleeting moment…because light is stronger than darkness…and will always overpower it eventually…
P.S. Ah Friends, it was just one of those late nights that turned into a late morning. (smile) Please accept my many mea culpas. Much LOVE!