Today​’s Scrip-Bit 28 April 2019 Job 19:25.

Job 19:25. For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day (at last) upon the earth:


It’s that day and time again friends; Sunday and time to meet in the Lord’s sanctuary to worship and fellowship, praise and give thanks and hear His Word, and thereby receive assurance and confidence to handle the upcoming week. And with the Easter season still resounding powerfully in our hearts minds, bodies and souls, it’s most appropriate for us to open today’s session with this glorious hymn that tells of Jesus’ awesome work on our behalf.  

It’s something written by Samuel Medley way back in the mid-18th century and awesomely titled ‘I know that My Redeemer Lives!’ And isn’t that the God-awesome truth? It certainly is, because our Jesus rose triumphantly from the grave on Easter Sunday to live for evermore as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Glory Hallelujah! So let’s shout it out in perfect harmony with the sincerity that only true belief in Jesus can bring. 

Voices strong and sweet: ‘I know that my Redeemer lives; what comfort this sweet sentence gives! He lives, He lives, who once was dead; He lives, my ever living Head. He lives triumphant from the grave, He lives eternally to save, He lives all-glorious in the sky, He lives exalted there on high. He lives to bless me with His love, He lives to plead for me above, He lives my hungry soul to feed, He lives to help in time of need. 

He lives to grant me rich supply, He lives to guide me with His eye, He lives to comfort me when faint, He lives to hear my soul’s complaint. He lives to silence all my fears, He lives to wipe away my tears, He lives to calm my troubled heart, He lives all blessings to impart. He lives, my kind, wise, heav’nly friend, He lives and loves me to the end; He lives, and while He lives, I’ll sing; 

He lives, my Prophet, Priest, and King. He lives and grants me daily breath; He lives and I shall conquer death; He lives my mansion to prepare; He lives to bring me safely there. He lives, all glory to His name! He lives, my Jesus, still the same. Oh, the sweet joy this sentence gives, “I know that my Redeemer lives!” 

Oh friends, oh friends, that was a wonderful rendition, filled with pure, unadulterated soul! It was so sweet and sincere that all heaven joined in and Jesus blushed as we sang of His wonderful and well deserved accolades, and the Father reached out, took both His hands, squeezed them, and whispered a heartfelt ‘Thank You Son!’ Oh what a wonderful moment in the kingdom of God! 

And my people, it’s not like we’re singing untruth; it’s all true, and wasn’t granted free by the Father either, but was sacrificially earned by Jesus. He paid a high price with His sinless life in a tortuous crucifixion, so He deserves all the pomp and glory and exaltation. Let’s look at a few of the things He’s done and is still doing for us nuh as entrenched in the words of the song. 

He died, but rose triumphantly, is still living, and will live forever more exalted in heaven on high! And what’s His purpose for living? To bless me with His LOVE, to plead my sinful case with the Father, to feed my hungry soul, to be my help in time of need, to satisfy all my needs through His riches in glory, to guide me, comfort me when I’m weak, listen to my soul’s complaints, to silence ALL my fears, wipe away my tears, as well as to calm my troubled heart! 

And don’t forget the blessings He bestows, and the wise friend and brother who never leaves me in the lurch and will LOVE me to the end! Mama Mia! Could there be any more that our Lord and Saviour does for us? You bet your bottom dollar! Remember, He’s also our Prophet, Priest and King, the One who allows us to draw breath each and every day! 

And don’t forget, because He lives, we too will live, in those mansions He’s preparing for us! And how can we not laugh and sing uproariously when we experience the sweet joy of the sentence: ‘I know that My Redeemer lives!’ We’d be unfaithful and foolish to do otherwise! 

And believe you me, we are not the only ones who knew that they had a Redeemer! Way, way back in time, old Job knew that. Even though the Lord humiliated him, when he had done no real wrong, brought him to his knees with untold trials and tribulations, to prove his righteousness to Satan, so much so that his friends and family deserted him, and he’s left to seek pity, he maintains his righteousness by declaring (Steups! wrong again): 

‘Oh that my words were now written! Oh that they were printed in a book! That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock forever.’ (Job 19:23-24) The scholars put it this way: ‘But from the depths of degradation he expresses the confidence that if his case could only be recorded for posterity, future generations would judge him favourably. Furthermore, he knows confidently that he has a Redeemer. One who will champion his cause and vindicate him.’ 

And he proclaims it in no uncertain terms: ‘For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day (at last) upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh (resurrected body) will I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold; and not another; though my reins be consumed (how my heart yearns) within me.’ (Job 19:25-27) 

He could not have said it any plainer than that! And it just lets us know that the Old Testament people also believed in the resurrection of the human body, although they might not have had as much physical evidence as we do. 

The long and short of the story though, is that all who believe, both the dead and those alive, shall rise ‘to meet the Lord in the air (the Rapture): and so shall we ever (always) be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.’ (1 Thess.4:17b-18) Bruh Paul said it, and he should know, so please be comforted my people. Much LOVE!

…there is only ONE Redeemer…His name is JESUS…