Today’s Scrip-Bit 27 April 2018 Joshua 1:9.

Joshua 1:9.    Have not I commanded thee? be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. 

Well a good morning to you my friends and Scrip-Bit family! Today is the Big Day! Yes, today the ole fella is going down to St. Michael’s Hospital, in Toronto, at long last, to have the tumour growing on his Pituitary Gland removed. Glory Be! And that’s why the Bit is so early. 

The tumour’s been hanging around for so long now that I’ve become accustomed to it, and after it’s removed, I’ll have to adjust to a new normal. But I can handle that. (smile) So all I’m asking is for you faithful fellow believers to bombard heaven with prayers for the success of the operation. (smile) Ask the Lord to guide the hands and hearts and heads of the medical team to do their best work, and to keep me strong and faithful. 

Now today is also Friday, so we have to consider the workingman’s song of freedom from unfair labour. ‘TGIF! Thank God is Friday! Our best friend, the weekend is here again! Time to let our hair down again and enjoy ourselves as much as we can, with whatever the crazy world has to offer; say, sex, drugs and rock and roll! Whatever is out there is ours for the taking. And yuh better believe we going to take it in these two short days off. Thank God for Fridays and weekends oui!’  

Ah mih people, the workingman surely goes out on a limb, but we believers in Jesus Christ can’t afford to do the same. We’re not allowed to be that lustful and licentious because our Lord and Saviour has set up boundaries of proper standards for us to adhere to. That’s why our Friday Chant is so much different from the ordinary workingman’s song. 

So let’s chant our Friday Chant with as much enthusiasm as the workingman sang his song nuh. As one now: ‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through another week of work! It hasn’t been easy, but with your generous help, I made it through. 

Now, please help me to get sufficient fun, fellowship, rest and relaxation in these two short days off, so that I can be renewed and refreshed in soul, body and mind, to go back out and do it all over again next week, furthering your glorious kingdom with each step I take. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen!’ 

Yeh friends, our song is much more reserved, excluding the extremes that the workingman seems to favour. And as we come to our Bit, I have to chuckle because I came down here just now wondering what I was going to write about, but the Lord beat me to it. I usually put some bookmarks in my Bible between the pages of scripture I’m interested in using that day. 

Now apparently when I used something from the first chapter of Joshua recently, I left a bookmark there, so the Bible naturally opened there this morning, and the first words to greet my eyes were those of our Bit. ‘Have not I commanded thee? be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.’ 

Obviously the Lord was telling me that was my duty for today; to stand up strong and courageous, don’t be afraid of what I was about to go through. In other words reassuring me of His continual presence and His LOVING-kindness, and His promise to bring me through all adversity in better shape than before. 

Glory to our great and wonderful God my brethren! How can I not trust and be faithful to Him under those conditions eh? And in all my messages, that’s all I’m trying to get through to us: if you trust the Lord He will be faithful to you. As Bruh David so stoutly and proudly declares in the opening verse of Psalm 27: ‘The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?’ (Ps.37:1) 

Ah my people, when you have the Lord as your ally, you need to fear no one or nothing at all, for He is always with you, wherever you go, looking out for you in all situations. And this is most appropriately set out in Psalm 91 – God is a refuge and fortress. ‘Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the Most High, thy habitation (dwelling place); There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. 

For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear (lift) thee up in their hands, lest thou dash (strike) thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder (cobra); the young lion and the dragon (serpent) shalt thou trample under feet’ (Ps.91:9-13) 

Oh friends, what glorious promises! And that’s not all. Hear the Lord’s declaration: ‘Because he has set his LOVE upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation.’ (Ps.91:14-16) 

Wow people, wow! I don’t remember if I featured this scripture in my recent messages on the promises of God, but if I didn’t, it certainly deserved to be amongst them. And if I did, we can certainly be reminded of it, so that we can stay faithful and courageous in the strength and joy of our God. 

Now I don’t know what shape I will be in tomorrow, so I can’t say exactly when the Bit will come out, but the Lord willing, it WILL come out at some time. So please remember me in your prayers, and talk to you some time tomorrow, the Lord in favour. 

And I don’t see why the Lord won’t be in favour, since I haven’t really accomplished the desires He’s put in my heart to exalt and glorify Him. So if He took me home now, then He’d be wasting all those desires. And if there’s one thing I know, our God is wise, He doesn’t waste his desires. (smile) Much LOVE!

…trust in the Lord with all your heart…and lean not unto thine own understanding…  (Prov.3:5)




Today’s Scrip-Bit 8 October 2014 1 Kings 17:24

1 Kings 17:24.     And the woman said to Elijah, Now by this I know that thou art a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in thy mouth is truth.

Aye Friends, it’s just one of those days when the old body completely rebelled. It finally said: ‘Enough is enough! You can’t have me constantly going to bed late and yet expect me to get up early! I’m not superman, just flesh and bones yuh know; a simple mortal…and a fairly old one at that! I’m not as young as I used to be, so I can’t stand the constant jammings like I used to before!’
And what could I say eh? Nothing but, ‘I’m sorry, and please accept my most humble apologies…and please forgive me, and I’ll try not to do it again. Mea culpa…mea culpa…’
And yuh know what, being the good Christian body that he is, he LOVINGLY forgave me. Glory Hallelujah! Now we’re best buddies again, with hugs and kisses all around! Oh what a wonderful friendship, just like the kind we’ve been speaking about the last few days.’ (smile)
Ah mih people, that might all sound a bit trite and foolish, but it’s loaded with truth and wisdom. We can’t keep on misusing and abusing our physical bodies without suffering its eventual rebellion and breakdown.
Unfortunately though, in this superficially busy world, too many of us are trying to light the proverbial candle at both ends simultaneously and keep it lit there for a long time. But that only brings misfortune in the end, because our bodies, as well as our minds were not made to take that kind of stress and strain on a long term basis.
And I’m sure all of us will agree that the amount of physically and mentally broken people in our society nowadays is way too high, especially amongst our young people, especially with the kind of prosperity we’re experiencing.
Although the facts and figures do show that our supposed prosperity is only superficial, like everything else around us, for actual prosperity is only going to the already rich, who are becoming richer with each passing day, while the poor are in fact becoming poorer.
Our society is suffering from a terrible inequity of resources, and until that is straightened out, things will only get worse, not better. So please, my people, let’s try to be wise and sensible where our minds and bodies are concerned nuh, since they are our basic foundation, and like all foundations, once they get too weak, the whole edifice which they support will eventually collapse.
And I have to laugh here, because that is definitely not the beginning I envisaged for today’s Bit. But I guess the Lord had a different plan in mind.
Here is what I had written while listening to some music from an Hour of Power religious programme: Oh Friends, it’s Wednesday morning, the middle of the workweek, and we’re alive… All praise to God! And even better yet, we’re winning the battle, standing steadfast and strong for Jesus! What else can one ask eh? Nothing really.
However, while listening to the music I was blessed with this great idea… And it’s not rocket science either. The way I see it, the things I want, the desires of my heart that God has put there, are basically to write words and music and to run horses…and TO HELP!
Yes Friends, HELP! That’s the most important of those four things. Why? Because regardless of how successful we are at our worldly pursuits, if we don’t HELP, then they are all worthless and meaningless in God’s great scheme of things.
Remember what Jesus came to earth to do? To HELP us, to save us from our sinful selves. And we term that most wonderful selfless act of Jesus as LOVE!
So therefore, if Jesus LOVED us so much that He wanted to HELP us and willingly sacrificed His life that we could be free from the bondage of sin, then that logically means that HELP is certainly akin to LOVE!  And when you add Faith, and Hope, the most important become HELP and LOVE!  
The problem though is that in our basically selfish, I, me, and mine society, the words LOVE and HELP don’t resonate with us the way they used to a generation or so ago. And to make matters even worse, there are more people desperately seeking LOVE and HELP than ever before, especially in a time of general peace.
That unfortunately makes it even more difficult since there’s less LOVE and HELP to spread round now to more people. Ah Lord eh! What a mess we’ve made of our world my fellow believers! And I know a lot of us who are expected to help, also need help in a bad way.
But yuh know what: when we give of the little we have, like Jesus noted of the poor widow who threw her last two mites into the collection plate, then our lives become even more blessed.
Here is how the Good Book recounts it: ‘And Jesus sat over against (opposite) the treasury, and beheld how people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites (small copper coins worth something like one-eight of a cent), which makes a farthing (a Roman coin).
And he (Jesus) called unto his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury. For all they did cast in of their abundance (surplus); but she of her want (out of her poverty) did cast in all that she had, even all her living (her whole livelihood).’ (Mark 12:41-44)
Oh my people, as the scholars explain: ‘12:43-44. God does not measure giving by conventional human standards.’
Yes my brethren, when we give of the little we have, our wonderful God sees the generosity of our hearts and expands our source so that we can give even more.
It’s like how He sent Elijah to the poor widow of Zarephath for food, who herself only had a little flour and little oil to make the last cake for her son and herself, then she was expecting to die after that. But she listened to Elijah’s plea instead and fixed her last bit of food for him.
And yuh see what happened? She and her household miraculously had food for many days after that. Elijah even raised her son from a death-like state. (1 Kin.17:8-23)
That finally brings us to our Bit: ‘And the woman said unto Elijah, Now by this I know that thou art a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in thy mouth is truth.’
Yes my people, that is what is expected of us, every time we open our mouths – truth! And even more so if we are expounding on the Word of our omnipotent and LOVING God!
So please, as we diligently and faithfully go about doing God’s work today, let’s make sure that we try to HELP and LOVE others, and that every word we speak is truth, so that we can bring glory to Him, like Elijah did with the poor widow. That’s our bounden duty! Much LOVE!
…oh when we…HELP and GIVE and LOVE…from the goodness of our hearts…Jesus smiles down on us with even more blessings… Glory Hallelujah! 
P.S. Sorry about the lateness and length of the Bit Friends, but all I can say is that the Lord had His special purpose for it, allowing me to write the things I’ve done. So don’t shoot the messenger, (smile) just enjoy it and put it into practice in your lives. Much LOVE!



Today’s Scrip-Bit 23 July 2014 John 21:22

John 21:22.   ‘Jesus saith unto him, If I will (desire) that he tarry (remain) till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.’  
‘Just one of those days, just one of those days…’

Yes Friends, it was just one of those days, or rather nights, when impulsively, and some may say foolishly, I was lured by the sweet song of the summer siren on to my front porch late last night, until after 1 a.m. And what was I doing out there at that late hour?
Why, simply enjoying the cool, fresh morning air, eating watermelon and playing games on the Duchess’ I-pad, watching the lightning flash around me, listening to the thunder roll ominously, communing with my wonderful God, until the rain finally began falling. Mama Mia! And I might have been out there even later if the rain hadn’t begun blowing in on me. (smile)
And when I did get to bed, this time lulled by the sweet song of the falling rain, I obviously didn’t have the parts to resist the temptation to sleep in until after six o’clock this morning. And that’s my story…and I’m sticking to it! (smile)
Yeh mih people, I’ve promised myself to enjoy this summer, come hell or high water, for who knows how many more I’ll see eh? And as far as I’m concerned the weather’s been most excellent; not too hot, with a cool breeze blowing most of the time, thus making the need for air conditioning unnecessary.
Although I’m not doing anything terribly exciting, simply enjoying the days as they pass by, with a deep peace in my soul, doing what I can and not worrying about what doesn’t get done, waiting with hungry hope and expectant faith, trusting the Lord to work everything out in His own time and in His own way.
And my fellow believers that is exactly where a lot of us fall down; we’re eager to do stuff, but we can’t wait for God’s timing. Unfortunately we fall for the world’s now for now folly, its need for constant busyness, and therefore rush to do whatever it is, outside of God’s timetable. Obviously our plans fail or falter, and then we get frustrated and miserable.
Trust me Friends, for I certainly know of wherewith I speak from loads of personal experience. (smile) There are all sorts of things that I’ve wanted to do, and thinking it was God’s will, set out to do them, only to realize that it wasn’t yet on His schedule. Now there are some that I’m still hoping to do, but am playing it, or trying to play it cool right now, expectantly watching and eagerly waiting to see how God’s plan for my life unfurls.
Oh Friends, there are too many good things He’s put in my heart, that never to allow them to come to fruition would be a total repudiation of His Word, re to give me the desires of my heart. And I know that our wonderful God will NEVER allow His word to be repudiated.
As He says in Isaiah: ‘So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void (without fruit), but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.’ (Is.55:11)
And all God’s children sang out with a loud, lusty and joyful, ‘Praise the Lord for His LOVING-kindness to the children of men!’ 
So my brethren, if today you find yourself in a similar spot, just rearing to go on some project that God’s placed in your heart, please be careful, talk to Him and make sure that it’s His time for it, because if it isn’t, you’ll only end up disappointed, and even begin doubting or struggling with your faith.
Now that doesn’t mean you have to go to the other extreme and rest on your fanny, conveniently using the excuse that it’s not God’s time. (smile) Don’t worry, I struggle with that too. Everyday I ask Him whether what I sometimes consider laziness or lethargy in not doing certain things is His will?
For whenever I plan to do some things which to me need doing, other things just seem to crop up and overshadow them, and I’m left wondering whether it was my fault, or simply God’s mysterious moving.
The important thing though my people, is not to worry. Be obviously concerned, and keep talking to God about whatever is happening, but never, never worry, for worrying won’t help, but often makes matters worse.
Ah mih breddren, regardless of what some may say, please be assured that our God is a great and wonderful God; most excellent in compassion, mercy, forgiveness and LOVE! He’ll never lead us astray, and above all, He keeps His promises!
So whatever He’s sincerely promised, He WILL deliver, He WILL fulfill, but we need to work in consort with Him, not He with us, for remember, He is the Boss, our Creator, Provider, Guide and Strong Tower.
And now that I’ve written all of that from the heart, guided by the Holy Spirit, let me go and find a Bit that will fit it. (smile) Soon come.
Oh Friends, I’m back in less than five minutes, with a Bit that fits. Now listen up closely. ‘Jesus saith unto him, If I will (desire) that he tarry (remain) till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.’
In other words, mind your own business. Don’t look too closely at what I’m doing in the lives of others, simply concentrate on what I’m trying to do through you.
That was just one of the many times that Jesus rebuked Peter. It occurred after He’d asked Peter three times, if he LOVED Him, got an affirmative reply each time, then each time told Peter to feed his sheep. (John 21:15-19)
The Good Book then informs us: ‘Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus LOVED, (John) following; which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee? Peter seeing him, saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do (what about this man)? Jesus saith unto him, If I will (desire) that he tarry (remain) till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.’ (John 21:20-22) 
But as is often the case, though we hear the same words, we often interpret them differently, for the Good Book continues: ‘Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will (desire) that he tarry (remain) till I come, what is that to thee? This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true. (John 21:23-24)
Yuh see Friends, the amazing power of jealousy and envy and gossip? Apparently John was one of the few, if not the only one not to consider Jesus’ statement as meaning that He wouldn’t die.
And we’ll end with an interesting explanation from the scholars. ’21:20-23. Perhaps John added this account to counteract a commonly believed notion that Jesus had predicted that John would not die. He did outlive all of the other disciples. In fact, all of the others were probably dead by the time John wrote this beloved gospel in about A.D. 85’
Ah my fellow believers, it’s obvious to us today that Jesus never meant that John should never die, but in the simple, uneducated minds of those early disciples, especially after seeing all the miracles Jesus performed, that was certainly a possibility.
All Jesus was saying to Peter, and to us, is what 3 Canal so wisely and to the point say in their song: ‘Mind yuh business, mind yuh own business, seek your own interest, stop minding (other) people’s business… And if you ent have no business, well yuh better find a business, seek yuh own interest and stop minding people’s business, mind yuh own business…. Yuh too darm farse…’
Ah Friends, Jesus could not have put it any better. (smile) And if we’d only follow that wise formula, all our lives would be so much better; less frustrating, and not fraught with the envy, jealousy and resentment that now cloud them.
Those words, my people, slang-like though they may be, are indeed full of godly wisdom. Let’s follow them nuh… provided we want to live better lives. Much LOVE!
…the Lord has different plans for different lives…it’s not our job or purpose to question them…just to follow His plan for OUR LIFE…