Today’s Scrip-Bit 5 February 2015 Mark 6:34‏‏

Mark 6:34  And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people (a great multitude), and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.

And then it was Thursday! Thankful Thursday! Wow! Is it really Thursday already? That means a week of my vacation on God’s Little Acre has come and gone by… so quickly too. And I haven’t really done anything yet! Chuh! But I’m not going to complain because that’s obviously the Lord’s plan, and I’m trying my best to trust and wait on His timing.

So Instead I’ll say a simple ‘Thank You Lord for giving me Your breath of life to see another wonderful day in this wonderful garden of nature called Tobago! Thank You for helping me to get better with each passing day. I LOVE You and praise and glorify Your Holy Name. Amen.’

Yeh Friends, the best we can do is send up sincere prayers of thanks and gratitude to our heavenly Father, for complaining and grousing doesn’t net us any benefits and blessings.

And talking about prayer, here is a beautiful quote from Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781) a German writer, philosopher, dramatist, publicist and art critic, and one of the most outstanding representatives of the Enlightenment era. He tells us that ‘A simple grateful thought raised to heaven is the most perfect prayer.’

And isn’t that the gospel truth my people! The Lord’s not interested in our long repetitive, involved prayers, but the simple, genuine and heartfelt words that we send up to Him. That’s when we touch His heart and cause blessings, mercies, etc. to flow down to us. So regardless of the complexity of our problems, let’s try to keep our prayers simple and genuine nuh, for then I believe we will see better results.

And per adventures…what happened yesterday? I went back down to Store Bay, planning on the way to leave the duchess at our friend with the bar, but she wasn’t there, so the duchess ended up going with me to the beach.  And I made sure to stop and get my roti before I went. The lady claimed she had sold out the day before, that’s why she had closed earlier than normal. I ate it later and it tasted wonderful, nice pepper and some mango stuff. (smile)

Well Store Bay was kicking up again, although one of the lifeguards told me that it had been worse in the morning. I wouldn’t have wanted to see it then, because it was bad enough when I got there. 

And does the Lord ever move in mysterious ways! As I got to the top of the steps to go down to the beach, a tall, dark fellow was standing up there and I mentioned the roughness of the sea to him and we got to talking, only to find out that he was someone from my past, whom I had recently asked about.

His family lived in one of the apartments below us up Darrell Spring, when I was going to High School. He was born on Christmas Day so we called him Santa Claus, and he in his early days of talking named me Rando. He was really too young to remember me, but heard about me when he was growing up.

Later on, on the beach, I met a fellow whom I had taught at Fatima High School in Trinidad, some forty odd years ago. Is it ever a small world!

This little bit of excitement happened while I was in the water, out some ways from the shore, before the waves broke. I saw a skinny, older white man come into the water, and soon thereafter a wave washed over him as it broke. I saw him struggling to stand up and thought he was okay. But the lifeguards’ urgent whistle, and three of them running towards him told me differently. They lifted him up out of the water and led him, rather unsteadily to the shore.

Later on, while complimenting one of the lifeguards on their excellent job, he told me that the fellow was drunk, and if it had been in the morning, when the water was really rough, the fellow would have drowned. People don’t believe me when I tell them that Store Bay is not only one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, but when it gets unruly, hn, it’s also one of the most dangerous! And I can testify to that from personal experience.

Nothing much happened after that. On the way home, we stopped at our friends’ bar on the main road, sat with them for a while, then came home and did the usual; eat, read, watch t.v. and went to bed. Oh, oh, I forgot! Later in the evening we went up Bethel and listened to Redemption Sound Steelband practice. That wasn’t for long though. By ten p.m. we were back home.

Another simple, uneventful, but welcome and thankful day in the life, very different from those Jesus had, as outlined in our Bit. ‘And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people (a great multitude), and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.’

Oh Friends, I can’t declare enough the urgent need for us believers to be more compassionate to our fellow man. I was listening to an evangelical minister on the t.v. last night, and he kept stressing that our biggest concern nowadays ought to be compassion; obviously citing Jesus as the best example.

Oh my people, there’s so much strife, anger, hatred, resentment, hunger, poverty and need in our prosperous world, that the only thing to lessen it is compassion. It’s unconscionable, and definitely unchristian to see our brothers and sisters suffering and not help in whatever way we can. And there’s always some way in which we can help, even if it is only through a genuine smile and a kind word.

But unfortunately we’re allowing the greed, the lust for power and other worldly things to take precedence in our lives, rather than the things of God. Listen to this scripture from way back when, at a time when the Israelites were rebelling against God.

‘And Moses spake unto the Lord, saying, Let the Lord, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation, Which may go out before them, and which may lead them out, and which may bring them in; that the congregation of the Lord be not as sheep which have no shepherd.’ (Num.27:15-17)

Ah Friends, our current time is exactly like that! We’re rebelling against the commandments of God, and we need good, sincere, godly, compassionate men and women to lead us out of the terrible sinful situation in which we have found ourselves. Without such godly leaders, we’ll just plummet further and further down into the dark and dangerous depths of Hades.

But my brethren, even with good leaders, each of us still has our little part to play in returning our world to a godly stance. So please, today let’s embrace whatever plan the Lord has shown us for our lives. And whatever it is, I’m sure it’s filled with lots of kindness and compassion, so please put them into action. It’s our bounden duty. Much LOVE!

…if our God hadn’t been kind and compassionate towards us…we would never have had Jesus die for us…and thus still be headed for eternal separation from Him… 

P.S. Sorry it’s so late, but earlier on I got tied up in all sorts of unexpected stuff. But better late than never. (smile) And as the song on the radio’s saying, remember to pray for me. Much LOVE!