Today’s Scrip-Bit 9 March 2015 1 Corinthians 3:11‏

1 Corinthians 3:11.   For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Oh Friends, our God is indeed a great and wonderful God! And don’t let anybody tell you otherwise! And this winter Monday morning I’m here to testify to that fact. Glory Hallelujah! I can say all of that now with a smile, but yesterday morning for some reason or another all my aches and pains decided to act up on me at once.

Ah Lord eh! I went to church and had trouble getting up and sitting down. I guess you could call it just one of those days when everything seems to be in a negative mode. I even took some extra medication, but all to no avail. Finally, in the afternoon, I lay on my bed and cried out to our heavenly Father.

And like the wonderful parent He is, He heard my cry and answered me. ‘What’s the matter my child?’ He asked with real concern.

‘I…I…don’t understand what this is all about,’ I stammered.

‘I know,’ He replied, ‘but you don’t have to understand everything that happens to you. You just need to trust me. Do you trust me?’

‘Yes,’I replied.

‘Remember I have a good plan for your life, and I’ve promised never to leave nor forsake you. I LOVE you so much that I even sent my dearly beloved Son Jesus to be a sacrifice, and atone for your sins, so that you can once again have true fellowship with me. So why would I do anything to harm you eh? And have I not protected and looked after you, even when you weren’t living obedient to my will?’

I could only nod in agreement.

‘So why would I stop looking after you now, when you are sincerely trying to be obedient to my will? Oh, I know that life can get rough, but a part of that is to remake you into the likeness of Jesus. And nobody ever had it as hard as Him. So please don’t worry, everything will turn out all right. I’ve promised that. Just keep moving forward, keep believing and trusting. I know what I’m doing. Just remember that I LOVE you no matter what, and I’ll never leave nor forsake you.’

All I could say was ‘Thank you Father. I’ll try my best.’

And then the miracle happened! No, my aches and pains didn’t disappear, but a feeling of peace, of well-being washed over me, because my perspective had changed. I stopped focusing on what was wrong with me, and began focusing on what was right with God.

Ah mih people, in so many cases that’s what we need to do, but instead we stop and wallow in our misfortunes, even though we can’t change them. But when we truly put our trust and faith in the Creator of the universe, then our misfortunes don’t seem so grave. Though nothing has really changed in the physical realm, improvement has taken place in the spiritual realm.

And that’s my testimony for today. I do hope that it has some impact on you, in the sense that whatever is wrong in your life, you will know that you can take it to the Father in prayer and receive His peace and comfort.

Now let’s sing our Monday Morning Battle Hymn to get our motors up and running. With much verve and gusto now. ‘Oh Lord God Almighty, Creator of the universe and all therein! We, your humble servants, praise your Holy Name and thank you that this Monday morning we have jobs to go to; jobs we don’t like, jobs that are unfair, difficult and even dangerous, but which serve a useful purpose here on earth; keeping lives and families together.

We also thank you Father for the renewed vitality and enthusiasm you’ve wrought in our weary souls over the last two days. It’s that rejuvenation of Spirit which allows us now to sally forth with confidence into the evil, ungodly world that surrounds us, to begin a new week of work, constantly buffeted and bombarded by the enemy’s wicked taunts, wiles and lies.

But heavenly Father, we’re not afraid, for we know we’re invincible, sure conquerors, once we’re wearing your powerful, protective spiritual armour. We surrender our all to you, and humbly ask that you let your incredible aura of LOVE, the Holy Spirit, lead and guide all your servants as we go out to meet the enemy in battle. Fill us with steadfast faith, so that we can make worthwhile inroads into the enemy’s ranks, and thereby further your glorious kingdom. We pray this in the Holy Name of your Son, and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. AMEN!’

That was good Friends. Now let’s go out and put it all into action, for as out Bit truthfully and wisely tells us: ‘For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.’ There’s no doubting that truth my people! For from the beginning of the ages, Jesus was scheduled to be our redeemer and the rock upon which we would build our lives.

And after the Bit, Bruh Paul tells us how our building is going to work. ‘Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble (straw); Every man’s work shall be made manifest (become evident): for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire: and the fire shall try (test) every man’s work of what sort it is.

If any man’s work abide (endures) which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved: yet so as by (through) fire.’ (1 Cor.3:12-15)

Yes Friends, come the day of the judgement seat of Christ, our work on His behalf will be tested to see if it was worthwhile. If it stands up to the consuming fire of the test, as it will, if we build with incombustible stuff like, gold, silver and precious stones, then we’ll be rewarded. But if does not, as it most certainly won’t, if we build with materials like straw, wood and hay, then there’ll be no reward.

However, we shall not lose our salvation, though our work is burnt in the testing. As the scholars point out: ‘The stress in this entire passage is not on a person’s relationship to Christ; but on service to Christ.’

So therefore my fellow believers, when we go out today to work for Christ, let’s remember to put the emphasis on good building materials, materials that will stand the test of time and truly further God’s glorious kingdom. Much LOVE!

…working for Jesus…not only requires time and effort…but also good materials…