Today’s Scrip-Bit 17 July 2014 Mark 5:36b

  Mark 5:36b.       Be not afraid, only believe. 

Morning mih breddren! All praise and glory be to our Father in heaven, giver of good things, of blessings and mercies and forgiveness to His faithful children! And all God’s people said a loud, joyful and grateful, ‘Praise the Lord!’
Now please listen to these simple words from two songs I heard last night for the first time, two pretty li’l reggae riddims that warmed the cockles of my heart, reminding me of the part of my life I spent in J.A; the part where I so belatedly realized, as the old people would say, where I turned man. (smile)
And the first one comes from Ras Shiloh, and says: ‘Give a little LOVE. Show a little LOVE. Live righteously. Give a little LOVE. Show a little LOVE. That’s what the world needs.’
And isn’t that the gospel truth my Friends! Our world is so sadly bereft of LOVE, of TRUE LOVE, not the silly little word that’s bandied about nowadays, that it’s simply creating oodles of strife and destruction all over our beautiful planet.
And Friends, that’s all we’ll ever have until we reinstate, replenish, revive the LOVE that Jesus Christ died for, that He shed His precious, holy, sinless blood for. For without TRUE LOVE we have nothing at all!
And the second song is from Ras Zachari, and it’s chorus faithfully declares that ‘Jah is my keeper. He will hear me when I call. Jah is my Saviour. He will catch me when I fall. Jah is my keeper.’
Oh my fellow believers, truer words were never spoken! For the good Lord Jehovah is indeed our keeper, and He will definitely hear us when we call, and also catch us when we fall! He’s been doing that for ages, so why would He stop now eh? The problem though is that not enough of us believe it and consequently live by it.
However Friends, today I want to impress upon us the dire need for us to give and show much more LOVE than we’re currently showing, and also to remember that Almighty God is always there for us, ever ready to guide and protect us. If we would only keep those sentiments first and foremost in our consciousness and therefore live our lives by them, then our world would be a much a better place.
But we need to do, as Jesus says in our Bit: Be not afraid, only believe.’
And I think that one of our major problems is that with the troubled and uncertain state of our world, too many of us are too afraid to believe. But Friends, as the saying goes, if you don’t believe in something, then you’ll fall for any and everything. And that’s certainly not a wise and/or resourceful way to live our lives.
Then we come to the problem of what to believe in? Unfortunately the current world has no use or regard for the Word of God and the redemptive death of His Son Jesus, but unfortunately, or rather fortunately, that’s the only place where we can find real and true hope to endure and succeed in this earthly pilgrimage.
And a lot of us are wondering why the world is in such a messed up state, but the answer is very simple: we have removed from our society and consciousness the two great commandments that Jesus boiled everything down to: LOVE YOUR GOD, AND YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF!
‘Elementary, my dear Watson!’ would be Sherlock Holmes’ take on the subject.
Ah my people, both Jesus and His disciples and apostles stressed the need for BELIEF; STRONG AND CONTINUOUS BELIEF in their teachings. It’s the ONLY WAY that the church of Christ can come together, stay together and grow into the awesome, LOVING and faithful body that Christ envisions.
Let’s look at some of those instances now. And we’ll begin with some words of Jesus, when He was explaining the parable of the Sower. ‘But that (seed which fell) on the good ground are they, which in an honest (a noble) and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.’ (Luke 8:15)
Yes mih people, our hearts need to be good and fertile soil for the Word, so that we can grow it and thus produce good fruit in Jesus’ name with patient, honest, true and noble intentions. We have to truly BELIEVE!
Then listen to John as he talks about the true Light. ‘There was a man sent from God, whose name was John (John the Baptist). The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.’ (John 1:6-8)
Again my brethren, we see the emphasis on believing. And that’s simply because we’re always stronger and more steadfast in a situation of true belief. And if you don’t believe me, then try it and see. (smile)
Then later on in the same chapter, John declares: ‘But as many as received him, to them gave he the power (the right) to become the sons (children) of God, even to them that believe on his name; which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.’ (John 1:12-13)
Yes Friends, we do need to believe and be born again, not of flesh and blood, but of the Spirit of God! The Spirit that brings us to belief in Jesus Christ, and consequently salvation and eternal life.
Wow! What an awesome Saviour we serve and worship my fellow believers!
And we’ll close with some more words from Jesus, where He’s talking about the Son’s relationship with the Father, and telling His listeners that they think they can get eternal life by simply searching the scriptures, but that’s wrong, because those scriptures are talking about and testifying of Him; meaning that without Him they can’t get that eternal life.
‘Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?’ (John 5:45-47)
Now that’s a very good question my people, one which I’ll leave us to ponder on today, and hopefully, from that ‘ponderation’ (smile) we’ll all raise the level of our belief, our belief in Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of God. Much LOVE!
…true belief must first take root in our hearts…before it can produce any fruit…much less good fruit…




Today’s Scrip-Bit 9 May 2014 Acts 10:38

Acts 10:38.     How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed by the devil; for God was with him. 

Ah mih people, the ole fella’s a tad tired this Friday morning… 
And totally ignoring my incapacity, the crowd raucously declared: ‘TGIF! Thank God is Friday yes, and we done work for a couple of days! Thank the Lord for the weekend, so that we can party down the place!’ 
Thanks very much Friends… Now I know who my true Friends are not! (smile) 
But such is the importance of Fridays in our crazy, business driven, modern world, that many people would disregard important stuff just to get a leg up, a head-start on a Friday. But my fellow believers, we know that’s not the right way to handle the weekend, because that attitude will get us in even more trouble come Monday morning, when it’s time to resume work. 
So to help us in mitigating some of that wrongly directed enthusiasm, let’s chant our Friday Chant. With some soulful chanting now: ‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through another week of work! It hasn’t been easy, but with your generous help, I made it through. 
Now, please help me to get sufficient fun, fellowship, rest and relaxation in these two short days off, so that I can be renewed and refreshed in soul, body and mind, to go back out and do it all over again next week, furthering your glorious kingdom with each step I take. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.’ 
Yes my brethren, that’s more like how we should handle the blessed two days off work that we’ve been so graciously granted – more like a rejuvenation process than one that makes us even more tired and miserable. 
And that segues quite nicely into our Bit: ‘How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed by the devil; for God was with him.’ 
And do I ever LOVE that particular bit of scripture! That’s because it tells us in a nutshell, how Jesus lived His earthly life, and how we are to be, if we want to live ours as He did His. 
In my mind’s eye, I imagine Jesus getting up early in the morning, before the cocks even began crowing, making His ablutions, then going out to some quiet place to pray. Then after sincerely communing with His heavenly Father, He comes back home, has breakfast, gather’s His thoughts, contemplating what the day might hold, then hits the streets for a day of simply doing good!
I also like that phrase ‘doing good,’ because it encompasses such a wide variety of things and actions, something for everyone. And something must be wrong with me yes people, but I find it so much easier to do good than to do evil. 
In fact, all faithful believers in and followers of Jesus Christ, in other words, ALL CHRISTIANS, ought to find it much easier to good rather than evil. It’s just supposed to be who we are! 
Unfortunately though, such is the sinful and wicked nature of man, especially when grafted with the world’s driving lusts, that many supposed Christians are numbered amongst some of the most vile and evil people on planet earth! 
The worst part of that situation though Friends, is that it turns others off of Jesus when they see His supposed followers behaving like junk yard dogs, with Lucifer’s evil nature flowing up out of their hearts and minds. 
Ah mih people, my heart gets rather heavy when I think of all the wrong doing and evil deeds that are committed by us Christians, many of them for no good reason. Ofttimes we’re either too lazy to do otherwise, or we’re in a petty frame of mind, possibly seeking vengeance, instead of leaving it up to the Lord, as He has so often instructed us to do. 
And just to give us a gentle reminder of that scripture, (smile), here is where it originates. ‘To me belongeth vengeance and recompense; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.’ (Deut.32:35) 
Yes Friends, that’s the definitive command of our mighty God! And for paraphrases on it, you can check out Ps. 94:1; Rom.12:19; and Heb. 10:30. 
And I’m chuckling here, because I never intended to admonish us today, but rather to share some foundational scripture on the matter. I guess though, that the Holy Spirit saw the need for admonishment and guided me there. 
Anyway Friends, the long and short of the story is that CHRISTIANS ARE EXPECTED TO DO GOOD IN ALL ASPECTS AND WALKS OF THEIR LIVES! However, we can’t accomplish that without a heart, mind and soul truly filled with the LOVE OF JESUS. 
Therefore, I’m pleading with us, that today, and everyday hence, we get to the nearest outlet that serves up JESUS’ LOVE, and fill up our hearts, souls and minds with it. It could be from a number of sources; through the Good Book, a church service, a pastor, a righteous friend, or even our own serious and sincere communication with Jesus. 
But we definitely need to refill our souls and recharge our batteries with the LOVE OF CHRIST EVERYDAY, if we want to do His will. That’s the wisdom of all wisdom! Much LOVE!
…just like a tree can only bear one type of fruit…likewise…good things and actions…can only come from a good heart and a good soul…