Today’s Scrip-Bit   23 July 2022 Psalm 27:14.

Psalm 27:14.       Wait (in faith, patiently) on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait (in faith, patiently), I say, on the Lord.

A good lazy Saturday to you my Scrip-Bit friends and family. I’m afraid that I’m beginning to make a habit of this lazy Saturday thing yes, because I woke up at a reasonable hour this morning but resisted getting out of bed because it was Saturday and Saturday is a day to do as you please. (smile) And I did that, despite knowing the Lord’s work awaited my diligent perusal and pursuit. 

Anyway, I’m finally here, and as we do every Saturday, let’s see what interesting quotes our friend Anselm sent us this past week, as he aspires to inspire us for a better tomorrow. Now this first one aptly fits our current bill. ‘Motivation is what gets you started; Habit is what keeps you going.’ Yes friends, considering Saturday to be a lazy day was the original motivation that laid the groundwork for lolling the time away in bed on a Saturday morning, and since I’ve been doing it for a few Saturdays now, the habit, that’s doing something over and over, is what kept me going. (smile) 

So the quote is basically true. We need to be motivated by whatever it is to initially get up off our fat fannies and do something, but it’s the constant doing of whatever it is that keeps us going, keeps us keeping on. And there’s no better example than our Christian faith and walk. It’s our LOVE for and gratitude to Christ Jesus that originally brings us to faith, then as we consistently walk our talk and our faith grows, we just keep doing it through force of habit. 

That brings us to this next quote: ‘It makes a big difference in your life when you stay positive.’ That’s very true, for even if you are not a believer in Christ a positive attitude will certainly make your life a li’l better than if you stay negative. But just think about what your life could be if you have a positive attitude and are a believer in Christ Jesus? 

Wow! Jesus is the most positive person who’s ever lived! He came to do a job, bring salvation to those in bondage to sin, and He did it with diligence and a sure sense of purpose. He also did miracles, and promised that those who believed in Him would do even greater things than He did. (John 14:12-14) But could we truly do greater things than Jesus? Most likely not. So what is He saying then? 

As one commentator, Don Carson, in an article on the subject on website offers: ‘Might “greater” mean “more numerous” or “more widely dispersed”? In that sense, Christians have indeed done “greater” things than Jesus did. We have preached all around the world, seen millions of men and women converted, dispensed aid, education, and food to still more millions. The “greater” works may therefore be the gathering of converts into the church through the witness of the disciples (cf. John 17:20; 20:29), and the overflow of kindness that stems from transformed lives.’ 

The fact is that when we sincerely believe in Jesus, our horizons are expanded to limits our frail and finite minds cannot even conceive. And this next quote illuminates all that we’ve spoken about so far. ‘When you are enthusiastic about what you do, you feel this positive energy. It’s very simple.’ 

Yes my brethren. Enthusiasm plays a very big part in the rising up of positive energy in our souls and spirits. If we are not enthusiastic about something we don’t usually feel the need or the energy to do it. But when we are enthused, brother, we develop this gung-ho attitude, we just want to be up and doing whatever it is that causes our burgeoning enthusiasm. 

There’s one problem here though, not enough of us supposed believers are truly enthused about Jesus, otherwise we’d be out and about in the world doing a much better job on His behalf than we are currently doing, and the evil and evildoers would not be having the heyday they are now having. Ah mih people, that’s a sad commentary on our efforts to evangelize the world for Jesus. As I keep saying, we talk an extremely good talk, but we don’t put our talk into action as much as we ought to. 

Because of fear, shame, distaste, laziness or whatever, we simply seem to acquiesce to the ungodly doings of the world. Thus we don’t follow the good advice that our next quote provides. ‘It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.’ Now that’s the gospel truth! It’s when things are pretty bad, like right now, that we need to focus the most on Jesus, who is the Light and the Life, so that we can use His restorative power and energy to stand strong and come to our senses. 

Oh friends, right now our world is in a very dark place and only our total focus on Jesus and the resultant light that we cause to shine will enlighten its darkness. Remember Jesus considers us the light of the world and the salt of the earth. (Matt. 5:13-14) That means He expects us to provide a lot more energy, enthusiasm and guidance to the world than we’re currently doing. So let’s get with it nuh. The world very badly needs the stuff that Jesus brings to the table, and we are the conduit through which He expects it flow. So please, let’s not disappoint Jesus no further and do what He asks of us. 

Now here is our last quote. ‘Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them.’ That’s definitely a fine balancing act that we believers need to perform in this life. The Good Book does tell us to wait. Bruh David says it thus in Psalm 27. ‘Wait (in faith, patiently) on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait (in faith, patiently), I say, on the Lord.’ (Ps. 27:14) But Jesus also gave us the ‘Great Commission,’ where He desires us to ‘Go ye therefore, and teach (make disciples of) all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.’ (Matt. 28:19) 

Yes my fellow saints, we need to do both things; wait patiently on the Lord and go out into the world and do stuff. And to help us do that successfully, the Lord gives us His Word, His Holy Spirit, sometimes the advice of others, and sometimes the force of circumstances surrounding us. It’s not easy to pull it all together, but if we diligently meditate on the Word and listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will be able to successfully navigate the straight and narrow path that leads us directly to Jesus and cause others to want to come to Him. Much LOVE!

…only two roads to follow…the straight and narrow one to heaven…or the wide, crooked one to hell…the choice is ours… 

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