Today’s Scrip-Bit 1 May 2015 Psalm 22:9 ‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏

Psalm 22:9.   But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me HOPE (caused me to trust) when I was upon my mother’s breast.

And then it was Friday – the first day of May – May Day, May Day!
And the working population readily chimes in with: ‘TGIF! Thank God it’s Friday, and the weekend is here! Thank God it’s Friday yes! This has been a brutal week, and we do need the rest from slaving for massa.’
Now that might be so, but here’s another iron in the fire. Do you remember those May Day High School dances, the first Saturday in May, where we’d dance the maypole? If you do, then you are a real old-timer, but one filled with lots of wisdom and experience.
Ah Friends, it’s another glorious morning to be alive, brimming with the joy, LOVE, peace, mercy, grace, compassion and forgiveness that’s only to be found in Jesus Christ! Glory be to God!
Now here’s an interesting quote from Cervantes (Miguel Cervantes 1547-1616) the famous Spanish writer, whose novel Don Quixote, was supposedly the first novel to gain international acclaim. Anyway, Cervantes reputedly said that ‘Where there is music, there can be no evil.’
And that’s very true to a large extent, for when sweet music is bubbling forth from our hearts how can we ever imagine evil thoughts eh? Plus music lifts us out of our bad moods, out of our depression, and helps us forget our problems for a while. It’s also a special source of happiness that we can take with us wherever we go.
And I can personally vouch for all of that Friends, for music has been the mainstay, the constant companion of my many years on this earth. When Friends and family forsake you, music NEVER will. And hopefully it will continue to be my companion for the rest of my days, and even afterwards in heaven, where music and singing seem to be a big thing.
And since we seem to be into music this morning, let’s chant our Friday Chant nuh, with all the passion it deserves. ‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through another week of work! It hasn’t been easy, but with your generous help, I made it through.
Now, please help me to get sufficient fun, fellowship, rest and relaxation in these two short days off, so that I can be renewed and refreshed in soul, body and mind, to go back out and do it all over again next week, furthering your glorious kingdom with each step I take. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.’
Yes my people, regardless of the day, the celebration or occasion, we need to have the right perspective on the weekend, if we’re going to be ready for Monday when it comes around. And that means being careful not to give Beelzebub even a toehold in our lives.
And one way to do that is through HOPE, the HOPE that is found in Jesus! For as Bruh David truthfully declares in our Bit: ‘But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me HOPE (caused me to trust) when I was upon my mother’s breast.’
Yes my people, our Creator wisely put that never give up emotion of HOPE in our hearts from the moment we were born! And we’d be very foolish to let it go out, disappear from our souls, for it’s our pilot light, the steady flame that keeps our mojo working at all times. (smile)
Now let’s see what great scriptures on the subject we can find in the Good Book to titillate our senses. And we’ll begin with an interesting verse from Ecclesiastes, where the Preacher informs us that: ‘For to him that is joined to all the living there is HOPE: for a living dog is better than a dead lion.’ (Eccl.9:4) I guess he is just saying what we believe, that while there is life there’s always HOPE.
Now listen to Jeremiah: ‘Truly in vain is salvation HOPED for from the hills, and from the multitude of mountains: truly in the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel.’ (Jer.3:23) Yes my brethren, ONLY from the Lord God Jehovah can salvation be HOPED for and truly found!
And the author of Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, has this to say on the subject. ‘Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live: and let me not be ashamed of my HOPE. Hold thou me up (uphold me), and I shall be safe: and I will have respect unto thy statutes (observe thy statutes) continually.’ (Ps.119:116-117)
Oh my people our God will NEVER let us be ashamed of our HOPE in Him! That’s a forgone conclusion! All who HOPE in Him will be upheld with His powerful right hand! That’s His faithful promise!
But by the same token, we have our part to play in the relationship; to observe His statutes. And sadly that’s where the relationship usually breaks down. We want to have our HOPE upheld, but aren’t too keen on observing God’s commands. And that just can’t work Friends, for the relationship with God is a two way street, not just a one-way lane.
And we’ll end this series of messages on HOPE with a rather appropriate verse from Psalm 39, where Bruh David is praying for self-understanding. In the midst of his prayer, he loudly proclaims: ‘And now, Lord, what wait I for? My HOPE is in thee.’ (Ps.39:7)
Words of absolute truth and wisdom my fellow believers! Let’s keep that verse as a red flag always before us, so that we know why, and where our HOPE in this evil world comes from.
And I do HOPE that all we’ve said about HOPE in these past few days will continue to resonate and reverberate in our hearts, minds and bodies, so that we don’t lose our strength, faith and direction that’s to be found in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Much LOVE my fellow believers!
…HOPE…it is the eternal channel…that keeps us tuned into…our Creator…the Most High God Jehovah…






Today’s Scrip-Bit 30 April 2015 Psalm 22:9 ‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏

Psalm 22:9.      But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me HOPE (caused me to trust) when I was upon my mother’s breast.

Aye Friends welcome to this turbulent, tempestuous Thursday morning, the last day of April! It was just one of those nights. I don’t understand it myself. I went to bed a few minutes later than usual, but also got up several times during the night and couldn’t go back to sleep, couldn’t find a comfortable spot to set my aching body so that that beautiful elixir sleep could overtake it.

I guess many of you old-timers experience that at one time or the other. But it’s definitely frustrating, especially when you fall asleep at the time to get up. But you know what Friends?

It’s all a part of living this earthly life. And when you have that marvelous Saviour of ours, Jesus, walking with you, you can afford to grin and bear it, because you know that He knows what you’re going through, since He went through some serious pain and torment Himself, and that eventually He will work everything out for your good.

Glory to God, my people!

And as an adjunct to that, listen to this quote attributed to Ethel Barrymore (1879-1959), the screen and theatre actress, member of the prominent American Barrymore family of actors, whose distinctive style made her the ‘first lady’ of the American theatre. Ethel is reputed to have said: ‘You grow up the day you have the first real laugh – at yourself.’

And isn’t that the truth my brethren! Until we learn to laugh at ourselves, our mistakes, our troubles and our good times, we’ll never conquer the internal muse that tends to lead us to sadness and heartache and complaining whenever things don’t go our way.

As my One Day Devotional for People with Chronic Illness reminds us: ‘It takes fewer muscles to laugh than to cry. We’ll breathe easier and deeper, and we’ll be much more content when we laugh… for laughter helps us to put things into perspective. It lends HOPE and meaning to life.’ 

And that’s the absolute truth Friends! But there are some things that we just can’t laugh at, like the destructive and disastrous state of our world. In the past couple weeks we’ve had hundreds of migrants drowning in the Mediterranean ocean, heading for the perceived balmy shores of Europe, in search of a better life than the calamitous one they had left behind.

Then there was the sudden eruption of a dormant volcano in Chile, combined with riots in Baltimore and a devastating earthquake in Nepal. Hn! And that doesn’t take into account the numerous wars and rumours of war, the seemingly never-ending strife that’s going on all over God’s beautiful planet.

Ah Lord eh! What a mess we’ve made of this wonderful Earth! But Friends, as we keep saying, while there is life, there is always HOPE!

That’s because our Creator has instilled that wonderful emotion in us from day one, as declared by Bruh David in our Bit. ‘But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me HOPE (caused me to trust) when I was upon my mother’s breast.’

Yes my people, our great God knew the plans, the good future He had in store for us, so He made us with that little something termed HOPE, which causes us never to give up, never to simply lie down and die when times get rough, but to always have a spark of fire, like a pilot light going in our souls.

Now that’s a very good description of HOPE there my Friends, never thought of it before. But a pilot light never goes out, it just keeps burning quietly in the background; always ready to burst into flame when it’s needed. That’s the way HOPE operates in our souls; always there ready to burst into positive action, even though the surrounding circumstances might indicate differently.

So Friends, I’m here grinning like a Cheshire cat, because to muddy the waters even more, my allergies seem to have chosen this particular time to act up. There’s been a steady stream of sneezing and blowing for the last few minutes. But I’m practicing what I preach; I’m just grinning and bearing it all, because I know that all those things will eventually pass, fade away! All praise and glory to God!

Now let’s see what the scriptures have in store for us today, re that invigorating and renewing feeling called HOPE. And what better way to start than with these encouraging words of the psalmist, as he prays for help in old age.

‘But I will HOPE continually, and will yet praise thee more and more. My mouth shall show forth (proclaim) thy righteousness and thy salvation all the day; for I know not the numbers (limits) thereof.’ (Ps.71:14-15)

Yes Friends, that’s exactly how believers are expected to behave; always HOPING, and always proclaiming God’s righteousness!

Now listen to Peter, the rock, in his call to Christian dedication. ‘Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind (prepare your mind for action), be sober, and HOPE to the end for the grace (rest your HOPE fully upon the grace) that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.’ (1 Pet.1:13)

What marvellous advice my people!

And the scholars explain that verse thus: ‘1:13. The exhortation to set one’s HOPE involves an inward resolution. Gird up the loins of your mind: The imagery is that of personal discipline and outward conduct. Be sober (Gr. nephontes): Be free of every sort of mental and spiritual intoxication. The revelation of Jesus Christ is the Second Advent when Jesus returns to earth to set up his kingdom.’

Now Friends, it’s time for us to ponder all that we’ve heard this morning, to digest it, then act wisely on it all. That’s the wisdom of heaven. Much LOVE!

…gird up the loins of your mind…then spring into action…it’s the Jesus way…



Today’s Scrip-Bit 29 April 2015 Psalm 22:9 ‏‏‏‏‏‏‏

Psalm 22:9.   But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me HOPE (caused me to trust) when I was upon my mother’s breast.

Well Friends, it’s a wonderful Wednesday! We’re alive, the sun’s shining brightly, it’s fairly warm, God is still on His throne, and the universe is unfolding as it ought! Glory Hallelujah!

It also means that we’re now halfway through our work week, so please don’t give in or give up, don’t look back, just keep pressing patiently and excellently forward in Jesus’ name!

And all God’s people gave a mighty shout of ‘Praise the Lord!’

And I couldn’t resist sharing this poem from the One Year Book of Bible Promises with writings by Ruth Harms Calkin, it seemed so appropriate. It’s titled, I TRUST YOU.’

And it says: ‘Lord, it was on an April morning So many years ago That You said to me so clearly “Trust Me and you won’t be disappointed.” Having heard You on that special morning I simple cannot “unhear” you now.

I can’t forget that morning Nor do I think You want me to. Because You live in an eternal Now Your words are just as relevant today As they were that long-ago morning. I trust You. You will not disappoint me!’

And that’s the God-awesome truth my people! Once we have paid attention to, accepted God’s call on our lives, He will NEVER, NEVER disappoint us! You can bet the bank on that!

Why? Because our God is omnipotent and ever-faithful, and as the Bible Promise used for that poem says: ‘Jesus Christ (is) the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.’ (Heb.13:8) More God-awesome truth Friends!

And that unchangeable position provides us with a strong, uncompromising sense of safety and security. So we’re not surprised or confounded when Bruh David solemnly declares in our Bit: ‘But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me HOPE (caused me to trust) when I was upon my mother’s breast.’

Ah mih people, the Lord knew exactly what He was doing when He breathed His wonderful breath of live into our little bodies. And that word ‘HOPE’ is such a marvellous and magnificent word that with our finite minds, we can never really begin to comprehend its awesome meaning. But I’ve tried to break it down to it’s elementary potential.

‘H’ stands for Humour. Humour dissipates tension, cools situations like nothing else. And laughter is the best free remedy and medicine in the world! ‘O’ stands for Opportunity. We need to be always on the lookout for opportunities to serve God, for they crop up when we least expect them to.

‘P’ stands for Patience and Perseverance. We need to bide our time quietly, but still keep keeping on with the perseverance Christ expects of us. And ‘E’ stands for Enthusiasm, Endurance, Encouragement, Exhortation and all the other good stuff that lifts our spirits!

And that’s my take on the word ‘HOPE.’ Hope it makes sense. (smile)

Now let’s look at some scriptures that deal with ‘HOPE’ in all its different circumstances. And we’re going to begin with a statement from Job, who after enduring the cruel remarks and judgements of his supposed friends, says of God: ‘He hath destroyed me (breaks me down) on every side, and I am gone: and mine HOPE hath he removed (uprooted) like a tree.’ (Job 19:10)

Oh Friends, it’s such a sad and desolate time when our HOPE dies! We need to avoid that happening like the plague. For if there’s no HOPE in our souls, then there’s no reason really for living. For as Cousin Sol so wisely tells us in Proverbs. ‘HOPE deferred maketh the heart sick, but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.’ (Prov.13:12)

What a powerful statement my people! And the scholars explain it thus: ‘13:12. HOPE deferred depresses, but its fulfillment revitalizes.’

What a powerful truth, for when we lose HOPE our lives just seem to fall apart. But when we recapture that strong emotion, oh mih breddren, our lives are just flooded with purpose and promise, and we move on from strength to strength in Jesus.

Now listen to the Sons of Korah on the subject from Psalm 42 – An intense longing for God. ‘Why art thou cast down , O my soul? And why art thou disquieted within me? HOPE thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance (help, salvation), and my God.’ (Ps.42:11)

Yes Friends, that is wisdom personified! Being merely frail and fickle humans, our HOPES and fears and dreams are always in a state of confusion, a state of turmoil, that’s why it’s ever so necessary and important to hold on to the HOPE we find in Almighty God.

As we saw yesterday, the Good Book tells that ‘HOPE is the anchor of our soul.’ (Heb.9:19) What a promise, what an anchor my brethren! We couldn’t want for a better anchor than that which is secured in heaven!

And we shall end with a most encouraging and appropriate verse on the subject from Psalm 31. Bruh David wisely advises us: ‘Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that HOPE in the Lord.’ (Ps.31:24)

That my Friends is heavenly wisdom at its peak! So please let’s go out and put it into action in our lives today, so that we can be worthwhile ambassadors for Jesus. That’s all He really desires of us. Much LOVE!

…without HOPE…a man’s life is technically over…




Today’s Scrip-Bit 28 April 2015 Psalm 22:9 ‏‏‏‏‏‏

Psalm 22:9.     But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope (caused me to trust) when I was upon my mother’s breast.

Aye Friends, welcome to a terrific Tuesday! And some of you grouchily ask, what’s so terrific about it eh? We still have the same trials and tribulations to endure? But Friends, that’s a shortsighted approach to the situation from a negative position.

Think about it this way nuh. The breath of life is still coursing purposely through our finite bodies. That means the Lord still has use for us down here on earth.

And then think about all the new blessings, mercies, forgiveness, compassion and grace that He’s earmarked specially for today, to bountifully shower down on us, so that we can do His bidding successfully. Now if that doesn’t make it a terrific Tuesday, then I don’t know what does! (smile)

Oh my people, we all know that life was never meant to be a bed of roses, there will be struggles and serious difficulties, but remember when we walk sincerely with Jesus Christ, we will be empowered to face all the negativity with a smile and steadfast faith, and also come through it with glowing report cards, much more Christ-like than when it all began. Wow! What a wonderful God we serve and worship my brethren!

Oh Friends, the Lord has done His part, providing all that wonderful stuff for us. The problem though is that we now need to do our part, which is to gratefully and joyously receive His magnanimous offerings. We can be given lots of stuff, but until we accept and receive them, it’s all a wasted effort.

So today, please let’s look on the bright side of life and accept and receive with thanksgiving all that the Lord has offered us. That will certainly make it a terrific Tuesday!

And it also brings us to our Bit. ‘But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope (caused me to trust) when I was upon my mother’s breast.’

Oh Friends, what an encouraging scripture verse! From our very first breath, our Creator placed a little thing, sorry, a mighty emotion called HOPE in our souls. Yes my brethren, from the very beginning, God made sure that we had something strong and versatile to carry us through the rough times that we would most certainly endure in this earthly life.

So much so, that as Sister Joyce (Joyce Meyer) likes to say, we’ve become ‘prisoners of HOPE’! And that’s a rather apt description of Christians, for if we don’t hold on tightly to HOPE in Jesus, then crapaud smoke we pipe!

The term itself comes from Zechariah, when he talks about Zion’s future king: ‘Turn you to the stronghold, ye prisoners of HOPE: even today do I declare that I will render (restore) double unto thee.’ (Zech.9:12)

Yes my fellow believers, each and every day we need to turn to the stronghold of the Most High God, Jehovah, to replenish the HOPE in our souls! For without that HOPE, we don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell, against Lucifer and his evil minions.

Now Friends, here is some scripture that corroborates all that we’ve been saying. I never planned to include it all, but realized that just pulling a couple verses out of context would not be really helpful. So here goes.

The author of Hebrews is here talking about an anchor of the soul. ‘For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could sware by no greater, he sware by himself, Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee.

And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. For men verily sware by the greater: and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife (dispute). Wherein God, willing more abundantly (determining) to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability (unchangeableness) of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath:

That by two immutable (unchangeable) things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the HOPE set before us: which HOPE we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil (the Presence behind the veil).

Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made (having become) a high priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.’ (Heb.6:13-20)

Oh my people, I know that’s a somewhat convoluted and thus difficult section of scripture to understand, so here is some info from the scholars to help us do so. ‘6:13-18. God’s covenant with Abraham, which involves salvation (Gal.3:15-25), is secure, being based on two immutable things, that is, elements that cannot change.

First, God’s promise is based on His own unchanging Word. He cannot lie, nor will He allow His Word to fail (Matt.5:18; John 10:35; 17:17). Further, His Word was confirmed by an oath. And since He can swear by none greater, He swears by Himself. He rests His Word on His holy character.’

And the scholars continue to explain: ‘6:19-20. Starting at the end of verse 18, the author uses three pictures to demonstrate the security of being in Christ. First, it is described as a safe retreat for the believer, as were the six cities of refuge in the Old Testament to those allowed their protection. (Num.35:6-32).

Second, our HOPE is sure and steadfast as is a well-placed, unbending anchor. Our anchor is not located in the deepest sea but in the highest heaven. The third figure is that of a forerunner. Though the figure changes, the location does not. Our forerunner is likewise positioned in the sanctuary of heaven.

As our forerunner, Jesus is far different from the Old Testament priests. In the sanctuary they could intercede for the people, but they could not lead the people in themselves. As our forerunner, Jesus has opened the way before us, that eventually (and certainly) we might enter in with Him.’

Oh Friends, I know that’s a lot to digest, but I do hope that we take it seriously, and that it brings us all to a greater understanding of God’s Word, for that’s our avowed purpose. Please stay strong and steadfast in Christ; continue to be a prisoner of HOPE. Much LOVE!

…HOPE…it is the heavenly anchor of our souls…and that’s the Lord’s intentional doing…



Today’s Scrip-Bit 27 April 2015 Psalm 22:9 ‏‏‏‏‏

Psalm 22:9.   But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope (caused me to trust) when I was upon my mother’s breast.

Ah Friends, it’s Monday morning once again and the soaring sound of the trumpet is calling us to the battle lines, where our fearless and omnipotent General Jesus Christ is there waiting for us. And I must reiterate that our wonderful Leader always goes before us! He takes His role as a leader to heart and leads. He doesn’t follow, as so many other inferior generals do. 

And all God’s people loudly declared: ‘All praise to God for our marvellous Leader Jesus Christ! He is indeed the finest and fairest Leader in all the universe!’
And having said that Friends, let’s sing our Monday Morning Battle Hymn with much gusto, harmony and sincerity to boost our spirits before we hit the road.
Like one heavenly choir now, let’s sing: ‘Oh Lord God Almighty, Creator of the universe and all therein! We, your humble servants, praise your Holy Name and thank you that this Monday morning we have jobs to go to; jobs we don’t like, jobs that are unfair, difficult and even dangerous, but which serve a useful purpose here on earth; keeping lives and families together.
We also thank you Father for the renewed vitality and enthusiasm you’ve wrought in our weary souls over the last two days. It’s that rejuvenation of Spirit which allows us now to sally forth with confidence into the evil, ungodly world that surrounds us, to begin a new week of work, constantly buffeted and bombarded by the enemy’s wicked taunts, wiles and lies.
But heavenly Father, we’re not afraid, for we know we’re invincible, sure conquerors, once we’re wearing your powerful, protective spiritual armour. We surrender our all to you, and humbly ask that you let your incredible aura of LOVE, the Holy Spirit, lead and guide all your servants as we go out to meet the enemy in battle.
Fill us with steadfast faith, so that we can make worthwhile inroads into the enemy’s ranks, and thereby further your glorious kingdom. We pray this in the Holy Name of your Son, and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. AMEN!’
That was pretty good Friends because we paid attention to the direction of the wonderful choirmaster, Jesus. Now let’s see if we can pay the same attention to Him out on the battlefield that’s the workday world and thus do as good a job in His name.
But yuh know what Friends? It all begins with that marvellous, magical, miraculous emotion termed HOPE; which, when mixed with belief, becomes the elixir called faith, which just grows and grows and grows, regardless of the circumstances or situations. Ah mih people HOPE is an innate instinct that we’re born with; our Creator provides us with it from birth. 
That’s why Bruh David could justify his hope, faith and everlasting trust in the God of his fathers with the words of our Bit. ‘But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope (caused me to trust) when I was upon my mother’s breast.’  
Yesterday we looked at some scripture passages that dealt with HOPE, today we’re going to do the same. And my people God’s word is so chocked full of passages on HOPE, in all different kinds of situations, that it might just take me a couple of weeks to go through them all. Hn, Hn! Doh worry Friends, I’m only joking, but the Good Book does have a lot to say on the subject.
And we’ll begin with this rather interesting passage from Bruh Paul to the church at Rome. ‘For we are saved by HOPE: but HOPE that is seen is not HOPE: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet HOPE for? But if we HOPE for that we see not, then do we with patience (perseverance) wait (eagerly) for it.’ (Rom.8:24-25)
And that is not rocket science my brethren, but simple common sense! For if we see something in living colour, why would we still HOPE for it eh? But if we don’t see it in living colour, only through the eyes of faith, then we should HOPE for it, and wait with eager patience for it to appear in living colour.
And that’s where HOPE is tied into faith; it is the bedrock, the foundation stone of faith. (Heb.11:1) Without HOPE you cannot have faith, which is the next step in the process.
Now hear these words from Jeremiah’s Lamentations that tie in so nicely with what we’ve been talking about. Jeremiah is here talking about HOPE and relief through God’s mercy.
‘Remembering mine affliction and my misery, the wormwood and the gall (bitterness). My soul hath them still in remembrance, and is humbled (bowed down) in me. This I recall to my mind, therefore have I HOPE. It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I HOPE in him. The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. It is good that a man should both HOPE and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.’ (Lam.3:19-26)
Oh Friends, those are indeed beautiful words of absolute truth! Words for all true believers to live by!
Therefore my people, logic dictates that we end here, with them resonating and reverberating through our hearts, minds and souls, to buoy and boost us up, as we go out to do the Lord’s work today. Go in the LOVE, peace and wisdom of God, my brethren. Much LOVE!
…without HOPE…what’s a man living for eh…he might as well be dead…









Today’s Scrip-Bit 26 April 2015 Psalm 22:9 ‏‏‏‏

Psalm 22:9.   But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope (caused me to trust) when I was upon my mother’s breast.

Oh Friends, it’s that big first day of the week, Sunday! It’s the day on which many Christians choose to rest and also go to the Lord’s sanctuary to praise and worship Him with other believers. Now that’s absolutely necessary to keep harmony and unity and fellowship amongst Christ’s body of people here on earth. So please try and get in those two important aspects of our faith today, because we’ll surely need them come tomorrow.

Anyway my people, unlike yesterday, the ole fella has a lot to say today. Just hope that I can put it all together so that it makes sense. (smile) And the tidal wave of words was born from some literature I recently received from Sister Joyce (Joyce Meyer).  

She started it off by asking these questions. ‘Are you in need of financial breakthrough? Do you wish your marriage was stronger? Are you praying about a medical situation? Have you been waiting for a career opportunity? Do you long for your children to come back to the Lord?’ And I guess all of us will probably say yes to most of them, though to varying degrees.  
 But the point she wanted to make was that whatever our problems, our longings, our desires, there is HOPE, there is always HOPE when we surrender our lives to God, and make Him the true master of our destiny. And all of that just led me to want to put together a series of messages on that great emotion termed HOPE.
Now what is this HOPE we’re talking about eh? In her message Joyce defines it thus: ‘HOPE is the happy and confident expectation of good. It comes from a confidence that God is in control of your situation, no matter how things appear. HOPE is the belief that something good is about to happen at any moment!’
And that my people is the gospel truth! For if we are followers of Jesus, to whom nothing is impossible, then we ought always to feel positive about our situations, regardless of the circumstances surrounding them. Yes Friends, while there is the breath of life in our bodies, the lifeline of HOPE is always present too.
Now HOPE is where it all begins; it is the fountainhead of all our dreams and desires. Without HOPE, we can’t even have faith. For as the Good Book says: ‘Now faith is the substance (the realization) of things HOPED for, the evidence (conviction) of things not seen.’ (Heb.11:1) That means HOPE is indeed the basis for faith, the bedrock on which faith is built.
Unfortunately though my brethren, a lot of us don’t hold out much HOPE of anything in this life, and that’s wrong. In the Book of Job we find several instances where Job’s hope is lost. Listen to him as he remonstrates with God: ‘My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle, and are spent without HOPE. (Job 7:6)
Meanwhile in Chapter 17, when Job appeals to God, he mournfully declares: ‘And where now is my hope? As for my hope, who shall see it? They shall go down to the bars of the pit (hell), when our rest together is in the dust.’ (Job 17:15-16)
Ah Friends, we all know the sad fate Job suffered; from being king of the hill, to being the beggar at the bottom, all in one fell swoop. But please note, that though Job’s HOPE was at very low ebb, his faith had not withered at all, as he solemnly tells his friends who were tearing him apart.
‘Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways (defend my ways) before him. He shall also be my salvation: for a hypocrite shall not come before him. Hear diligently my speech and my declaration with your ears.’ (Job 13:15-17)
Oh Friends what powerful words of trust in God, from a man who had just lost everything! How many of us could have undergone such tribulation and still claim such strong faith in God eh?
Not too many, but that is the expectation of being a believer; though the walls are falling around us, we must still believe, still have hope, trust and faith in our omnipotent and ever-LOVING God, knowing deep down that He will never leave nor forsake us as He has so faithfully promised.
That’s not an easy row to hoe my people, but with our Saviour’s help we can do it. On the other hand, Bruh David was so sure of God’s deliverance that he declares in our Bit: ‘But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me HOPE (caused me to trust) when I was upon my mother’s breast.’
Yes my people, from the time we exit our mother’s womb and begin nursing at her breasts, HOPE is being instilled in us. How do we know that there is food and nourishment in those breasts eh, when we’re just a little bundle of joy? It’s the instincts of God, that have us so feverishly clamouring for succour, and knowing where to find it, at such a tender age.
So Friends, with all that good stuff to ponder on, let’s end this message on an upbeat tempo. Listen to these uplifting and encouraging words from Bruh David, as he seeks preservation and blessing from the God of his fathers. ‘I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest (dwell securely) in HOPE.
For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell (the abode of the dead); neither wilt thou suffer (allow) thine Holy One to see corruption. Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures evermore.’ (Ps.16:8-11)
Yes my brethren, we have that great confidence in those words because Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, has already travelled down that path, paved it, and made it safe for us.
And all God’s people declared a most grateful ‘Praise the Lord! For He is indeed the living HOPE of our future glory!’
Now my fellow believers, let’s go out and put it all into action nuh, so that we can truly glorify our heavenly Father and make Jesus proud of us. Much LOVE!
…to HOPE…and yet to HOPE…never losing HOPE…while we are yet alive…that’s the believer’s motto…


P.S. Oh Friends, I do HOPE that it all makes sense. But then I know that you all have the godly ability to pick sense from nonsense. (smile) Much LOVE!