Today’s Scrip-Bit 14 April 2015 Psalm 40:9‏‏

Psalm 40:9.    I have preached righteousness (proclaimed the good news of righteousness) in the great congregation: lo, I have not refrained (restrained) my lips, O Lord, thou knowest.

Ah Friends it’s the promising start of what hopefully will be a totally glorious Tuesday!
Yesterday wasn’t bad nuh, with the decent sunshine, warm temps and all that, but late in the afternoon the sun chose to be hidden betwixt the dark clouds and the rain. Let’s hope for a cloudless blue sky and tons of bright sunshine this spring day.

And yuh know Friends, I saw something yesterday in my One More Day Devotional for People with Chronic Illness that got me thinking I should share with you. It says that ‘Every day, every experience is an opportunity to grow.’

And isn’t that the God-awesome truth my people. Our experiences are like the springtime, which enhances growth. And we’d be rather foolish if we did not use the wide variety of happenings that we all experience to enlighten and elevate our earthly lives. It’s like the old saying, we should learn from our mistakes.

And remember too, that once we’re alive we should always be learning. We should NEVER stop learning! Learning something new every day, keeps the doctor and the funeral director away! (smile)

And as an added bonus, here’s this poem from The One Year Book of Promises with writings by Ruth Harms Calkin. I couldn’t help but include it since it portrays so many of us so vividly.

It’s titled ‘LIMPING HOME,’ and astutely declares: ‘Lord With a crooked stick for a cane I’m limping home. Mocked and maligned Stooped and stupid Soiled and shabby I limp toward You. You could say, “I told you so.” You could say, “It’s a little too late.” You could say, “Wait while I think it over.”

You could sweep me under the rug – We both know I deserve far less. But when I see the cross And the Man who died there Suddenly I know I limp Toward unfathomable LOVE And there is forgiveness Rushing toward me. I don’t ask for a banquet, Lord Nor do I need a gold ring. I’m so hungry So thirsty For You.’

More awesome truth Friends! We try to do it our way, on our own, but eventually realize that that’s impossible. And hopefully, when we’ve reached the end of our tether, we turn to our Higher Power, who is indeed the One that causes us to successfully accomplish all our desires.

And it’s interesting to note, that on our prodigal journey back to the Father, we suddenly discover the appreciation and wonderful welcome that’s waiting there for us, and the hunger and thirst for His unfathomable LOVE just overwhelms us. The sad part though, is that it often takes our brokenness to bring us to that realization.

And the rather appropriate promise for that poem come from these beautiful and welcoming words of Jesus. ‘Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.’ (Matt.11:28)

But for some ungodly reason, too many of us hesitate and/or refuse to accept that promise of rest and unburdening of our souls, and thus struggle more than is necessary to make it through this earthly life. That’s definitely not even common sense, much less wisdom my people!

So where then are common sense and wisdom found, you ask? Oh my brethren, those two marvellous traits are found in walking continually with God and doing what our Bit declares. ‘I have preached righteousness (proclaimed the good news of righteousness) in the great congregation: lo, I have not refrained (restrained) my lips, O Lord, thou knowest.’

Yes my people, the proclamation of God’s Word to the world is a rather integral part of our earthly lives!

And we’ll continue with the stuff I had left over from yesterday, which consists of a few more verses from Psalm 22 – A cry of anguish and song of praise. Listen to Bruh David exhort us: ‘Ye that fear the Lord, praise him; all ye the seed (descendants) of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him (hold Him in awesome reverence), all ye the seed of Israel.

For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard. My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation: I will pay my vows before them that fear him.’ (Ps.22: 23-25)

Oh Friends, how wonderful and productive this life, and this world would be, if we only carried out those vows and promises! But unfortunately, that’s only going to happen, if and when we get truly serious about promoting and promulgating the LOVE Revolution of Jesus Christ.

As individuals, we have to ask ourselves, how interested we really are in doing that, then get up off our fat fannies and do it. Remember Friends, that Christianity is an ACTION word, and nothing is more fulfilling and stimulating than walking with God every day, each step of the way. Much LOVE!

…with my lips…have I declared…all the judgements of thy mouth…  (Ps.119:13)





Today’s Scrip-Bit 13 April 2015 Psalm 40:9‏

Psalm 40:9.    I have preached righteousness (proclaimed the good news of righteousness) in the great congregation: lo, I have not refrained (restrained) my lips, O Lord, thou knowest. 

Spanah na na na nah! Spanah na na na nah! Hear the early morning bugle blowing mih Friends! Sorta late now though. (smile) It’s a time of call to arms for the mighty army of Jesus, one more Monday morning.

And the great thing with this army Friends, is that our wonderful Leader, our Supreme Commander, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords; He is ALWAYS in the forefront of the battle! No other supposed deity does that. They are always safe from harm, cloistered in their big and fancy palaces. Steups!

But out Saviour, our Lord and leader, Jesus Christ is ALWAYS in the trenches with us, His obedient and ever faithful foot soldiers! Glory to God! Oh give our Lord and God a shout of praise my people!

And all God’s people uttered a loud, proud and heaven directed shout of: ‘Oh Jesus Christ, Lamb of God, we LOVE and honour You and give You all the glory! For worthy is the Lamb that was slain on our behalf!

Thank You for saving us. Life would truly be unbearable without Your selfless sacrifice. Please help us to praise and glorify You all our days! This we pray in Your name. Amen!’

Oh Friends, it hurts me deeply when I consider the horrendous time and things Jesus went through for our ungrateful sakes. But I also LOVE and adore Him for doing it – without complaining too. Hn! Only wish we, His earthly followers nowadays could be so obedient and non-complaining too.

But that selfless sacrifice means that we can now look forward to spending eternity with Him in the many mansions of the Father, which he has gone to prepare for us. And that my fellow believers, we all know is the not only the BEST, but also the BESTEST thing that has ever happened in this whole wide world! Glory Hallelujah!

So after all that build up, (smile) let’s now sing our Monday Morning Battle Hymn with plenty feeling, with plenty verve and gumption, as we get ready to go out into the evil world and fight the heathen with the sword of LOVE; the LOVE of Jesus Christ.

Now let’s sing a real good rendition here mih breddren, As one big, sweet, harmonious and heavenly choir, let’s light up God’s universe.

‘Oh Lord God Almighty, Creator of the universe and all therein! We, your humble servants, praise your Holy Name and thank you that this Monday morning we have jobs to go to; jobs we don’t like, jobs that are unfair, difficult and even dangerous, but which serve a useful purpose here on earth; keeping lives and families together.

We also thank you Father for the renewed vitality and enthusiasm you’ve wrought in our weary souls over the last two days. It’s that rejuvenation of Spirit which allows us now to sally forth with confidence into the evil, ungodly world that surrounds us, to begin a new week of work, constantly buffeted and bombarded by the enemy’s wicked taunts, wiles and lies.

But heavenly Father, we’re not afraid, for we know we’re invincible, sure conquerors, once we’re wearing your powerful, protective spiritual armour. We surrender our all to you, and humbly ask that you let your incredible aura of LOVE, the Holy Spirit, lead and guide all your servants as we go out to meet the enemy in battle.

Fill us with steadfast faith, so that we can make worthwhile inroads into the enemy’s ranks, and thereby further your glorious kingdom. We pray this in the Holy Name of your Son, and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. AMEN!’

Oh mih people, mih people, that was wonderful, marvellous, the mostest! Wow! I don’t think we’ve ever sung any louder, sweeter and in greater harmony!

And yuh know why that is? It’s simply because this is the first time that we’ve ever truly followed the leading and direction of our most awesome and revered Choirmaster, the ONE and ONLY Superstar, Jesus Christ! Mama Mia!

And as Uncle John (John Hagee) would say: ‘Give the Lord a shout of praise in the house of God!’

And all God’s people responded with a loud and vibrant cheer of ‘Praise the Lord! Give Him thanks, honor and glory, because he is most deserving of them! All praise to the sacrificial Lamb, who is Higher than High, and Greater than Great!’

And now Friends, having sung the praises of our great God so much, it is essential, of the utmost importance that we go out and follow the words of our Bit. Words that Bruh David proclaimed eons ago, but which today are still applicable, appropriate and relevant to the continuation and furtherance of our wonderful faith.

‘I have preached righteousness (proclaimed the good news of righteousness) in the great congregation: lo, I have not refrained (restrained) my lips, O Lord, thou knowest.’

Yes my people, we need to go out and let the heathen and the heretic hear the Word of God! That’s our Great Commission! (Matt.28:19-20) It’s also the only way they will hear the Word. Remember too that faith is born, can only come by hearing the Word of God. (Rom.10:17)

Oh yes my people, we not only have to say like Bruh David says in Psalm 22 – A cry of anguish and song of praise – but also do it. ‘I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.’ (Ps.22:22)

We can’t afford to be afraid, and/or bashful and shy about proclaiming the Lord’s Word, for that’s our bounden duty, what’s totally expected of us!

Oh Friends, I had some other stuff to add, but we’ll leave that for tomorrow, the Lord willing, because I don’t want to stretch our short attention span too much (smile)

But let’s get real nuh, it’s high time we not only talk, but also truly walk the Christian walk, for it’s only by us doing so, will the Word of God flourish and last till time everlasting. Much LOVE!

…for the children’s sake…let’s shout the Word of God…from every rooftop…to every living creature…



Today’s Scrip-Bit 12 April 2015 Psalm 40:9

Psalm 40:9.     I have preached righteousness (proclaimed the good news of righteousness) in the great congregation: lo, I have not refrained (restrained) my lips, O Lord, thou knowest.

Well hello there you beautiful believers in Jesus Christ! How goes it this Sunday morning in mid-April eh? I hope that it meets you all safe and sound, and also up and about, preparing to go to church and praise and worship our wonderful God with other believers. For you know that’s the number one priority of a Christian on a Sunday morning.

Our God both desires and expects it of us, because He is always there ready to shower down blessings, mercy and forgiveness on us, whenever we gather to worship Him in sincerity and truth. That means that though you may have a personal relationship with Christ, that is not sufficient, you still need to meet with other believers in fellowship, to strengthen your bonds in Christ and to encourage, comfort and edify each other.

That’s why Jesus and Bruh Paul talk about His body, the church. It resembles the human body because it is made up of different parts, but all come together to form one body. No one part can’t do it all by itself. Just like no man is an island, likewise, no Christian is capable of doing it all himself.

And if by chance you’re physically unable to get to a sanctuary, then turn on your radio or your TV, find a church program and let the powerful and ever-faithful Word of God filter into your heart through your ears. That’s why He gave us two ears and only one mouth; so that we can listen more than we talk. (smile)

Remember too the fateful words of Bruh Paul to the Romans:  ‘So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.’ (Rom.10:17) 

And the scholars offer this important explanation. ’10:17. The word of God: Better, “the word of Christ.”  The reference here is to the oral communication of the gospel. Note that it is not faith in what is heard, but faith that comes about by what is heard. This is what Paul meant in 1:16 when he said the gospel “is the power of God unto salvation.”  

Saving faith is not man doing his part in response to God’s having done His part (synergism). Saving faith can come about only through the gospel. Salvation is God’s work alone (monergism). This also shows that there is no other way to be saved but by the explicit gospel of Christ.’

Yes Friends, faith is born, and then grows in us when we hear the word communicated orally. And I guess I’ll have to spoon feed you all here because very few, if any of you will condescend to check out Romans 1:16, so you can better understand the scripture. So here it is. ‘For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth: to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.’ (Rom.1:16)

Please remember my people that the Word of God is the most powerful force in the universe! For as the scholars tell us: ‘1:16. The power of God: The English words dynamite and dynamo are derived from the word “power.” If Paul were writing today he would probably speak of atomic power. The gospel is so powerful that it takes people all the way into heaven.

Every one that believeth: The basis of salvation is God’s gracious provision. (Rom.3:23-26) But the only means by which the sinner can appropriate this gift is faith (10:9-17) The gospel is the essential content of that faith. This is why Paul is so burdened to preach Christ to the world.’

Ah mih people, the power of the gospel of Christ is truly marvellous and miraculous! Without it, our faith would not exist; neither would we enjoy salvation, reconciliation and eternal life! Please keep that front and centre in our lives, as we make our pilgrim’s journey here on earth.

That bring us to our Bit, where Bruh David declares: ‘I have preached righteousness (proclaimed the good news of righteousness) in the great congregation: lo, I have not refrained (restrained) my lips, O Lord, thou knowest.’

Yes my brethren, the same way Bruh Paul was enthused to preach the gospel of Christ, that’s exactly how Bruh David felt about God’s Word, and proclaimed it loudly to all and sundry! That job has now fallen to us Friends, but are we expressing it with the great awe, zeal and enthusiasm like we ought to? I doubt it very much. A lot of us are ashamed of Christ, are afraid to talk about Him openly, even to our friends and neighbours, but yet consider ourselves Christians, His followers.  

But that’s not good enough my people. Hear how Bruh David continues after our Bit. ‘I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy LOVING-kindness and thy truth from the great congregation.’ (Ps.40:10)

Now that is what all believers ought to be able to say, and until we each can say that truthfully, then we’re not doing God’s will as we ought! Many of us instead of broadcasting the gospel and salvation boldly and diligently, we selfishly hide it in our hearts.  But Friends, that good news was not meant to be kept a secret; it was meant to be broadcast to all the world.

Remember Jesus Great Commission to the disciples:  ‘Go ye therefore, and teach (make disciples of) all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always(s), even to the end of the world.’ (Matt.28:19-20).

Yes my brethren, that is what all faithful believers in Christ ought to be doing; telling others about His sacrificial death on the cross at Calvary; which paid for our sins from now until eternity, plus the free gift of salvation offered to us through God’s grace, and the wonderful promise of eternal life!

Wow!  Oh my people, if you believe that you have all of that, how can you keep it to yourselves eh? It’s a travesty of justice! So please, starting today, right now, let’s up the ante nuh, let’s get more interested and zealous about the cause of Christ, and go out and gladly broadcast it to all the world, for that’s our bounden duty, as well as the zenith of wisdom! Much LOVE!

…the good news of Jesus’ gospel …should not be hidden under a bushel…but brightly exposed for all to see and hear…