Today’s Scrip-Bit 8 October 2013 Psalm 19:14

Psalm 19:14.    Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength (my rock), and my redeemer. 
Oh my beautiful Friends in Christ, I’m here to remind us that this glorious, but somewhat chilly Tuesday autumn morn in early October, is being brought to us courtesy the Almighty God Jehovah; the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!
And furthermore, He’s also the God who causes His bright and shining light to surround us; His unconditional and everlasting LOVE to enfold us; His omnipotent power to protect us and His supernatural presence to keep careful watch over us.
So with all those important aspects of life being taken care of, there’s absolutely no need to fear what the evil Lucifer and his evil cohorts can do to us, for our great God is ALWAYS with us, and that means, all is well.
And all God’s grateful children shouted: ‘Thank You Lord! We LOVE You and praise Your Holy Name! Amen!’
And remember too my people, that it’s the Lord God Jehovah who also gives us new mercies, blessings, forgiveness and manna every single day! He’s also the ONE who cause us to be prosperous, to get wealth, to beget children; children who will be strong in the land, children that will stand at one’s gate and rebuke and resist the enemy!
And above and beyond all that Friends, the Lord God Almighty is the ONE who created us, and also redeemed us from purgatory, where our abject sins had us headed, by sending His most holy and innocent Son, Jesus, to be sacrificed on that old, rugged cross at Calvary.
He selflessly and LOVINGLY did it all, so that we could be reconciled to Him, to be considered holy in his sight, worthy to come before Him, not of our own accord, or of our works, but because of the innocent blood of Jesus, shed at His crucifixion!
And all God’s people, all true believers in Jesus Christ, rose up, and boldly declared with a mighty shout of joy: ‘Oh Lord God Almighty, we praise and worship You in sincerity and truth! We bless Your Holy Name, and give you eternal thanks for the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ, to whom we bow in all honour and glory! Amen!’ 
Oh my fellow believers, it seems that this morning the Holy Spirit is intent on awakening us to all that our great and wonderful God and Creator has done for us since time immemorial, is still doing, and will continue to do throughout eternity.
So with all those things forthcoming from a gracious, merciful and ever-LOVING God, how can we, mere mortals that we are, not be overwhelmingly thankful and grateful eh? It’s impossible, if we truly believe in Jesus Christ!
And to show our true belief and gratefulness, let’s look at our Bit, which acts as a heavenly catalyst for our earthly endeavours. ‘Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength (my rock), and my redeemer.’
Ah Friends, what positive, inspiring and encouraging words!
Remember we recently did some messages on meditation and found it extremely helpful, if not absolutely necessary, in our walk of faith and LOVE with Jesus? For it’s when we truly sow the Word of God in our hearts, and can bring it to mind in times of need, that we become real powerful, steadfast and true believers.
As we meditate on God’s Word, doing more time as prisoners of hope, we grow and mature in faith. And therefore, our words, which contain much power, either for good or evil, are wholly suitable for a believer to utter.
And throughout all of Bruh David’s writings, you’ll find him either alluding to, or asking God to enable him to have godly thoughts, and thus speak appropriate words. And as followers of Christ, we ought to do the same my brethren.
Now listen to this passage of scripture from Psalm 51, a prayer for cleansing, after the prophet Nathan nailed and chastised Bruh David for the murder of Uriah the Hittite, and then his unsavoury relationship with Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba.
He pleads with heartfelt repentance: ‘Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness. O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall show forth thy praise.’ (Ps.51:14-15)
Yes Friends, we must ask the Lord to cleanse us of all unrighteousness, so that we can truly sing forth His praise, and with accompanying right actions, cause the unbeliever to come to Him.
For as Bruh David continues in Psalm 51: ‘For thou desirest not sacrifice; else I would give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.’ (Ps.51:16-17)
Oh my people, that’s the God-awesome truth! Our God doesn’t desire or delight in burnt offerings and other material sacrifices! What He needs from us is a truly repentant spirit and sorry heart! And once He sees that, He’ll be only too happy and willing to grant us the desires of our hearts.
We can’t find a better example of God’s largesse and forgiveness than with Bruh David. So today, please, let’s all open our hearts to Almighty God in prayerful and sincere contrition, so that our hearts, minds and spirits will be in agreement with His Word, and consequently the words that we speak, and the actions we do, will bring Him great glory, glory that He so rightfully deserves.
Yes my fellow believers, let us all go out today and be fruitful in God’s name, as is our bounden duty. Much LOVE!
…to obey is better than sacrifice…and to hearken than the fat of rams… (1 Sam.15:22b)