Today’s Scrip-Bit   15 May 2022 Mark 4:39.

Mark 4:39.      He arose, and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea, ‘Peace, be still. And the wind  ceased, and there was a great calm.

Come one, come all friends, on this the Lord’s Day, let’s get together and worship His Holy Name in sincerity and truth! Be it physically in the sanctuary or technologically from home, our location doesn’t matter because praise and worship of Almighty God transcends time and space. And so, without further ado, on this beautiful summer Sunday, let’s get down to worship with a beautiful gospel song from down South. And I don’t care if you call me prejudiced, I will always maintain that the best gospel music comes from the West Indies. (smile) 

And to prove the point, today’s song is a reworked secular chutney soca hit of Miss Denise Plummer, once upon a time the high priestess of soca, who turned her eyes and heart to Christ and began singing gospel music. The song was originally called ‘Na Leaving,’ which celebrated all the good things of T&T, that those who were leaving would miss. From the first time I heard it, it became one of my favourite soca songs, and not only for the lyrics, but also for the beautiful meshing of the African and East Indian riddims that we call chutney soca. 

Then when a friend sent me a copy of this reworked favourite with gospel lyrics, I was blown away, and just had to sing it. So, let’s do so again right now nuh. Let’s allow the riddim to take us away, to work up in our souls, as we sincerely raise our voices in sacrificial praise and mouth the beautiful, true lyrics. 

And after the first couple of bars of rocking chutney soca music, we shout out: ‘Jesus…Yahweh…Yeshua… Jahovah! From revelry to righteousness…Cyar leave Him. From hell-bound to holiness…Cyar leave Him. From sin to salvation…Cyar leave him. A kingdom destination…Cyar leave Him. There I was, in my glee, wallowing deep in a pig pen, full of life, but so empty, on my way to a fiery end. 

But someone told me about a Saviour, who said He LOVES me and He cares. In times of storm He is my shelter, so in His arms you’ll find me there. Yuh see ah cyar live life without Him, He is my King of Kings, He’s the reason I’m still living. Ah cyar leave Him…ah cyar leave Him. Never condemn or forsaken me dread…Ah cyar leave Him…ah cyar leave Him. For God man I living, For God I go dead. 

There are so few, who made it through, and come from the darkness of this world. But I saw the light, I found the truth. I have more than silver, more than gold. I gave my life over to Jesus, the greatest decision I’ve made. Boy I recommend you try Him, Jesus is the best upgrade. He came to earth and died on the cross, rose up just like a boss, when yuh see me smiling, He’s the cause. Ah cyar leave Him…ah cyar leave Him. Never condemn or forsaken me dread…Ah cyar leave Him…ah cyar leave Him. 

For God man I living, For God I go dead. I am under the rock. The rock is higher than I. Jahovah hides me. I am under the rock. Go tell my enemies, that I am under the rock. Jahovah hides me, I am under the rock. I am under the rock. The rock is higher than I. Jahovah hides me. I am under the rock. Go tell my enemies, that I am under the rock. Jahovah hides me, I am under the rock. 

From revelry to righteousness…Cyar leave Him. From hell-bound to holiness…Cyar leave Him. From sin to salvation…Cyar leave him. A kingdom destination…Cyar leave Him. Jesus…Yahweh…Yeshua… Jahovah! (And we shout again) Jesus…Yahweh…Yeshua… Jahovah!’  

Ah mih people, that was fantastic…and all heaven was rocking with us too! Because the music was so sweet, (smile) and they know that’s the kind of difference, the amazing transformation Jesus brings about in our lives when we surrender our all to Him! And yuh better believe that Denise’s words are the gospel truth! Once we get with Jesus, we just cyar leave Him. It’s impossible to leave Him! 

How yuh go do that eh, when He takes you from ‘revelry to righteousness, from hell-bound to holiness, from sin to salvation, from wallowing in a pig pen, heading for a fiery end,’ and took you out of the darkness and showed you the bright light of His awesome LOVE and compassion? Anyone who even thinks about leaving Jesus after all of that is not only a fool, but extremely crazy. Who else could be your successful shelter in the time of storm eh? Nobody! 

Because Jesus Himself controls the wind and the waves. And He proved that out on the sea of Galilee when a storm was kicking up an unholy ruckus and the disciples were scared to death, but Jesus was quietly asleep in the stern of the boast despite all the confusion around Him. And when the disciples woke Him, ‘He arose, and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea, ‘Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.’ Then He chided the disciples: ‘Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?’ (Mark 4:39-40) 

And it’s certain sure that when you find Jesus, you see the light and find the truth, because He is the way, the truth, the life, the light…and everything else that’s good and wonderful! That’s why Denise says, ‘He’s the best upgrade.’ No friends, you can’t get any better than Jesus in this universe. That’s why after giving His life for us on the cross, He could also rise up ‘like a boss’ from the grave, having defeated Satan and his hellish dominion on their own turf. 

Oh my people, giving your life over to Jesus is the best decision you could ever make, because then you become a child of God, a joint heir with Christ and thus entitled to all the benefits of heaven! Wow! What more can we ask eh? Absolutely nothing! And when yuh enemies looking for you, you can boast and make style on them because they can’t touch you, since you’re hiding under the rock of Jahovah, the rock that’s higher than you. Mama Yo! 

I don’t know what else to say nuh mih bredrin, except to invite you to come and hide under the rock with me, because when you put your safety and security in Jesus hands, He most definitely won’t allow your enemies to touch you. Because He’s the boss, the rock, the mighty conqueror, and the reason we still living! Much LOVE!

…on Christ the solid rock I stand…all else is simply sinking sand… 

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