Today’s Scrip-Bit 31 May 2014 Philippians 4:13

Philippians 4:13.   I can do all things through Christ which

strengtheneth me.

Oh Friends, another cultural icon has gone home to rest in Paradise after bearing the unholy pangs of this earthly life. I’m talking about Maya Angelou (1928-2014), the wonderful female American author, activist, educator, poet and actress, who died a couple days ago.


And believe me, hers was not an easy journey, definitely not an easy pilgrimage. But how could it ever be when you grow up Black in the racist white southern states of America in the early twentieth century eh?


And to make matters worse, you’re stubborn and ornery enough to marry a white Greek man, when interracial marriage was so strongly condemned, and even banned in some states. But such was the perseverance, the belly and backbone of Maya Angelou, that she stood her bounce and did her own thing, regardless of the racial problems. 



Obviously she paid for thumbing her nose at society, white society at that. But just like Nelson Mandela, who spent 27 years in prison, so too Maya, in the long run was vindicated, thereby proving that it was indeed possible to live life the way you saw and wanted it, provided you were willing to put up with the hard knocks it brought.


Eventually, her writings and her activism earned her numerous rewards, accolades, the LOVE and appreciation of a grateful public. Somehow or other though, I never became a big fan of Maya. Don’t ask me why, because I can’t say. She was indeed a good and prolific writer, but her overall work never thrilled me. Some of her stuff I did like, but when everybody was raving over her, I was just lukewarm. 


And I know that some of you might consider that heresy, (smile) but that’s just the way it is. I suspect too, that since some of her stuff that I read earlier on didn’t move me, I never had the inclination to delve deeply into her works. And it’s obvious that she didn’t suffer any lack for my not being her fan. (smile)


Anyway Friends, she was a refreshing and reassuring voice in the midst of a bigoted society. And she did stand up to all her detractors, like her forefathers did. And her life exemplified the saying that the Godfather of Soul, Papa James Brown made famous: ‘I’m Black and I’m proud!’


Unfortunately though, after some four hundred years, that is something a lot of Black people still have to put into practice. But then too, nobody can stand up to the rigours of racism, oppression and suppression without the help of Jesus!


As Bruh Paul so succinctly but wisely and truthfully says it in our Bit: ‘I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.’


And please believe me Friends, that’s the gospel, gospel truth! I’m sure people like Maya and Mandela could not have suffered the persecution they did, yet stand up to it and succeed in their efforts without strong faith in our omnipotent God. And if they could do it, when it was so much harder and dangerous, then so can we, my people, in these less risky times.


But we have to put the utmost faith in Jesus, which sadly, too many of us are refusing to do. And you know, before even Bruh Paul wrote those immortal words to the Philippians, Jesus Himself said them, or rather intimated as much. Listen, as He teaches the disciples through the story of the vine and the branches.


‘I am the true (genuine) vine, and my Father is the husbandman (vinedresser). Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth (prunes) it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Now ye are clean through (because of) the word which I have spoken unto you. Abide in me, and I in you.


As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.’ (John 15:1-5)


Oh Friends, that last statement is so profound and undeniably true, that every time we read it, we ought to stop and ponder the absolute truth it represents! Without Jesus, we can truly do nothing! Yet still, we foolishly try to live this life in our own strength.


Oh my brethren, when are we going to wake up and realize and acknowledge that fact eh, and then begin living for and through Jesus? Please remember that Jesus’ second coming is imminent; it could be today or tomorrow, and once He returns, all bets are off, there’ll be no longer any repenting and coming to salvation.


So if we’re smart, we’d jump on His bandwagon RIGHT NOW! We’d jump on the glory train that’s bound for heaven and getting closer with every powerful chug of its engine.


Oh my people, let’s stop being unwise nuh, stop listening to the lies and the deceit propagated by this evil and ungodly world, and grab hold of Jesus and all He stands for before it’s too late. Remember that the Father doesn’t even want to lose one single one of His greatest creation, mankind, to the master of darkness, Beelzebub.


And the Father has already done His part; provide Jesus as our saving grace. Now it’s up to us to receive that saving grace, believe in it, and put it into practice in our daily lives, because it’s wisdom from heaven above! Much LOVE!


…oh how it’s going to hurt the Father’s heart…when He looks out of heaven…and sees so many of His finest creation…woefully on the outside looking in…and there’ll be no one to blame but ourselves…