Today’s Scrip-Bit   8 May 2022 Proverbs 6:20.

Proverbs 6:20.      My son, keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake not the law (teaching) of thy mother.


And thankfully, another Mother’s Day has come around. It’s one of the best days in the calendar, because on that day many Mothers receive the kind of LOVE, treatment and appreciation that they ought to receive all year long. And it’s rather sad and disgraceful that in these supposed enlightened times, that women are still generally being treated like second class citizens, like servants and slaves. 

In many countries of the world, they have no rights whatsoever, they are beholden to the males in the family, who take advantage of their glorified manly positions and abuse the women folk with absolutely no thought to their welfare. But those are sins that men will eventually pay for, because God is like a mother to us, and He has a special affection for mothers. 

Anyway, on this Mother’s Day Sunday we are going to open our worship with a hymn specially dedicated to the Mothers of this world, appropriately titled ‘Honour Christian Mothers,’ and it’s sung to the wonderful tune of ‘Onward Christian Soldiers.’ So, let’s remember the mainstay, the very foundation of our families, as we belt out this tune, offering up sincere sacrifices of praise in their honour. 

All together now: ‘Honour Christian Mothers, instruments of God, Raising faithful families, worshipping the Lord, Following His commandments, showing us the way: LOVE and faith and kindness; teaching us to pray. (Chorus: Honour Christian Mothers, instruments of God, Raising faithful families, worshipping the Lord.) “Let it be,” say mothers, trusting to obey, finding strength and courage, grace for every day. Challenges surround us, but we will not fear. God’s LOVE will sustain us, help, our cross, to bear. (Chorus) 

God be with our mothers who have gone before, certain of His promise: life forevermore. In His many mansions, LOVE again we’ll share, He will take away all sorrow, wipe away each tear. (Chorus) Honour Christian Mothers—Heaven’s gift of LOVE. Join with them in service to the Lord above. Follow their example, let your lights so shine—All will see your goodness, praise the One Divine. (Chorus) Onward, still, ye mothers, tho’ the time will come; Sons will leave their parents, daughters leave their homes. We’ll remain united, Mother’s legacy; One in LOVE and faithfulness, One in charity. (Chorus: Honour Christian Mothers, instruments of God, Raising faithful families, worshipping the Lord… Raising faithful families, worshipping the Lord.’  

Oh friends, mothers are indeed the most important part of our families. They bear us in their own bodies for nine months, then painfully give us birth, ofttimes promising never to repeat the process, (smile) but soon do it again, because they LOVE children and it’s part of their godly heritage, their godly cross to bear. Then they nurture us all through our formative years, doing things for us that only mothers can enjoy doing. They teach us about LOVE, caring, compassion, humility and all the other important things we need to know. 

Most of us learn how to successfully live this live through our godly mothers. That reminds me of my own mother Molly, who went to be with the Lord some eleven years ago, because it’s she who taught me all I knew about life and LOVE in my formative years…and was still trying to teach me even in my adulthood. (smile) But that’s how mothers are. 

And I like how the ESV version of the Good Book describes mothers in Proverbs. ‘Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” … (Prov. 31:25-29) 

And in these turbulent times many women are doing double duty, without complaining too, that’s working both within the home and outside it too, so that their families can make ends meet. And don’t think that we are doing something so great on our own initiative by honouring mothers nuh, because that was one of God’s first directives to the children of Israel in the Ten Commandments. It boldly and purposefully reads: ‘Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.’ (Ex. 20:12) 

Yes sir, it’s right there in the Good Book! And if you think that was only in the Old Testament, then look again for Bruh Paul repeats it again in his letter to the Ephesians. ‘Children obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and thy mother: which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.’ (Eph. 6:1-3) Oh my brethren, honouring, obeying respecting and giving reverence to our parents is indeed called for by God, and it’s the first rule that God gave His people, that bore an attached promise; long life on the earth. 

And in Cousin Sol’s teaching on wisdom in Proverbs, he continually exhorts us to pay serious attention to what our parents teach us. For example: ‘My son, keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake not the law (teaching) of thy mother… For the commandment is a lamp; and the law (teaching) is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.’ (Prov. 6:20, 23) It is therefore imperative that we listen to our parents if we expect to live a successful life. 

And although the father is technically the head of the household, it’s often the mothers in the families who teach us the right way of living. That’s sort of become their duty, their legacy, down through the ages. A duty and legacy they’ve usually borne with honour and compassion, although it often costs them dearly. But that’s what a mother’s LOVE is all about; giving unselfishly of herself to her family. 

Jesus knew and appreciated the importance of mothers so much that on the cross, shortly before He gave up this earthly life, He saw His mother standing next to John, the disciple whom He LOVED. ‘He saith unto his mother, woman, behold thy son. Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.’ (John 19:26-27) 

Yes friends, Jesus made sure that His mother was looked after when He was gone. And that’s how we ought also to be; make provision for our mothers, for without their LOVE and hard work, we would not even exist, much less have a long and joyful life in the land that the Lord God has given to us. And I’d like to think that Jesus’ provision for her, was another of the many things which Mary treasured in her heart about her remarkable, eye-opening experiences with her wonderful Son, like the Good Book says in Luke 2:51. ‘…but his mother kept all these saying in heart.’ 

And so she should, because she had been given possibly the toughest role a mother ever had, especially in the emotional department, but one that she executed with grace, strength and faith. And so do most mothers. So please let’s celebrate them not only today, but each and every day of their lives, for that’s the Lord’s command! Much LOVE!

…without mother’s…there’d be no children…and thus…no LOVING families… 

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