Today’s Scrip-Bit 27 November 2012 Ephesians 5:14

Ephesians 5:14.     Wherefore  he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
Ah Friends, I can’t believe that I’ve already been in Paradise for a whole week! Time sure does fly when you’re having fun! I can’t say that I had much fun  though yesterday, because all I did was write, eat, sleep, talk on the phone, read, eat and sleep again. But that’s good, for sometimes the body does need a day of rest and relaxation. However, too much of that is just as bad as too little. We need to find a happy medium, so we can both rest and rejuvenate our bodies and minds, but also be up and doing God’s work. As our Bit today warns: ‘Wherefore  he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.’ Yes Friends, we’re still on the very important topic of getting out of the Lucifer induced darkness to the brilliant, salvation filled light of Christ. Hear the scholars on our Bit: ‘Since exposing sin is beneficial, God invites the unbeliever (thou that sleepest) to turn from his sin (arise from the dead), with the promise that he will be granted the spiritual enlightenment and help needed (Christ shall give thee light). And is that ever so true! The enemy just delights in keeping us in darkness, so that we can’t see and rejoice in the glorious light of Jesus. But Friends, we need to fight, with all our might, that evil, cloud-like darkness that wants to keep us in subjugation to Beelzebub and his wicked cronies. And though many of us consider the Old Testament to be like its name; old, out of date, and of no use, that’s a terrible fallacy. It’s there to be an important example to us, a reminder of how it used to be. Both Jesus and Bruh Paul quoted the Old Testament extensively. And in today’s Bit, Bruh Paul is referring to Isaiah’s hymn of praise, where he confidently declares: ‘Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in the dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.’ (Is.26:19) Bruh Paul was also quoting from Isaiah’s future glory of Zion. ‘Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.’ (Is.60:1-3) And according to the scholars: ‘Isaiah foresees a time when Israel will arise out of her darkness and shine with God’s glory. Then the Gentiles shall come to her light. Thus the sons of strangers described in this chapter will come to Jerusalem to worship the Lord.’ And my people we’ve lived to see that prophecy come to pass with Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection! Yes Friends, we cannot ignore the teachings and prophecies of the Old Testament, but must use it in conjunction with the New Testament, for if you don’t know where you’ve been, or are coming from, you cannot plot a good and wise path for your future. And the Old Testament gives us the rich history of our faith, which in these days we desperately need to build on and keep going. Wherefore, Bruh Paul challenged the Ephesians to; ‘See then that ye walk circumspectly (carefully), not as fools, but as wise.’ (Eph.5:15) Unfortunately though my brethren, too many of us are not walking circumspectly these days, but walking as certain fools, ignoring the rich Word of God, to foolishly embrace the worldly pleasures that Lucifer is tempting us with. However our need to walk carefully is becoming more important every day, especially with the recent explosion of the communications media and the ease with which every Tom, Dick and Harry can put forth their own biased, false and conniving views. We can be so easily led astray in these modern times it’s not funny, but  sadly, many of us are not taking the situation as seriously as it warrants. Fellow believers, I’m imploring us to wake up and smell the roses, see the destruction and disgrace that both the spiritual and physical forces of evil are planning and perpetrating upon our faith and those who embrace it. No wonder Bruh Paul continued by cautioning the Ephesians: ‘Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.’ (Eph.5:16) And I like what the scholars say about that verse: ‘Redeeming the time (or, “making the most of every opportunity”): Contextually, the specific opportunity in view is that of exposing the sins of the lost and being a witness to them. Because the days are evil assigns a reason to seize each opportunity. It is because the sins being committed these days are so evil.’ Oh my people, that’s pure, pure gospel truth! These are some of, if not the most wicked and evil days in the entire history of mankind. In times gone by, we were rough and barbaric and didn’t know any better. Hn! But now…now when we’re claiming to be civilized, we’re even more brutal and evil than before, if that’s at all possible. We just do it in a more underhanded, subtle manner. We’ve turned evil into both an art and a science,  a field that too many are desirous of studying and becoming very accomplished in. Friends, oh Friends, it’s only through the strong, diligent, faithful and continuing efforts of believers that this world will ever see any positive changes. So if we truly desire to see it improve, if we truly desire a better world for our children and theirs, then let’s work together in the name of Jesus nuh, with each one of us, really trying to make some small difference in our own way, beginning in our own neighbourhood. That’s the only way any positive changes will ever come about. Much LOVE!…it’s time for ALL true believers…to stop the fruitless talking…and instead step up to the plate…and make a worthwhile, even though small difference…