Today’s Scrip-Bit 25 July 2019 Daniel 6:16b.

Daniel 6:16b.    ​Now the king spake and said unto Daniel, Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver thee.

Yes friends, we late! That’s because I was up at around 3 a.m, sitting out on my porch, doing my usual communicating thing with God and nature, then I had a li’l fight with my computer again…But that’s all in the past now, especially since it’s Friday and everybody is happy that the weekend is here at last…none more so than the ordinary workingman, as he joyfully exclaims: 

‘TGIF! Thank God is Friday, and the weekend finally here! Mama Yo! Two days of rest from the slave master work! In the summertime to boot! That’s the best time ever! Can go around half-naked, enjoy the sunshine and hot weather, get a tan…do almost anything I want to do, with li’l or no restrictions. 

There’s no better time than a weekend in the summer…and also in the summer of my days! Yeah! I’m strong, healthy and have a fairly good life! I’m not rich, but I’m not poor either. And it’s not easy all the time, but I do my best. That’s all I can do! So this weekend is going to be a blast! Have a couple parties to go to. The wife and I going to step out for a change. 

Yeh, with her busy with the children at home and working part time, and I busy five days a week, as well as the odd overtime shift at the slave master’s job, we don’t have much alone time together. But brother, we certainly going to fix that this weekend. That’s why we have to thank God for Fridays and weekends oui!’ 

And yuh know friends, that’s the unfortunate state of many a household in our supposedly prosperous society. Too many parents don’t have the necessary time to spend together because they are so busy working and trying to make a decent life for their children to enjoy. And do the children appreciate it? Well that’s an entirely different can of worms! 

But what yuh going to do eh? That’s the way our society is currently set up. Many of us are even lucky to have part time jobs. And the wicked and greedy slave masters are taking advantage of the part time situation that their friendly governments are allowing to happen, with no benefits or surety of jobs. Just wait by the phone until we call. And if we call and you don’t answer…then crapaud smoke yuh pipe! 

Chuh! It’s sad and disgusting, but we seem to be reverting to the bad, old days, when the slave master held all the marbles and could dish them out how he wanted and to whom he wanted. Equity and fairness and social responsibility seems to have gone bye bye in this new world – read greedy, selfish, ungodly, and only interested in the first person singular. 

But thankfully, we Christians are different…Not as much as we ought to be though, for we are allowing the evil and selfishness of the world to invade our space and bring us more like them, instead of us invading their space and bringing them more Christ-like. We just have to keep praying and hoping, and doing the best we can, with God’s help of course! So let’s chant our Friday Chant nuh, which isn’t as worldly and rambunctious as the workingman’s, but does serve our Christ-like purpose. 

As one now: ‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through another week of work! It hasn’t been easy, but with your generous help, I made it through. Now, please help me to get sufficient fun, fellowship, rest and relaxation in these two short days off, so that I can be renewed and refreshed in soul, body and mind, to go back out and do it all over again next week, furthering your glorious kingdom with each step I take. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen!’ 

Oh, it doesn’t go as far out on the limb, as the workingman’s, but it keeps us in check, keep us on our toes, so that the enemy doesn’t get an easy and convenient toehold in our souls. And that’s our main purpose – to keep God in, and the evil one out! And yuh know my people, the best way to do that is to continually serve our heavenly Father. 

When I opened the Good Book this morning it opened at this wonderful verse in Daniel, as he was thrown into the lion’s den. ‘Now the king spake and said unto Daniel, Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver thee.’ What amazing words of encouragement from a pagan king! But the Lord put them there. 

The king knew that Daniel had been a faithful servant to him, the kings before him, and of the Lord, ever since He had been brought captive to Babylon, and he had heard of and experienced enough of God’s wonders and mercy through Daniel’s prophecy and general Christ-like behaviour to know that there was a God in heaven, who could do mighty things. 

And who hadn’t heard of the three Hebrew boys, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego brought out of the flaming fire with not even the smell of smoke clinging to them. So expecting the Lord to work a miracle on Daniel’s behalf was something he could comprehend. And when the Lord did act on Daniel’s behalf and saved him from the mouth of the lions, hear these astounding words that the king wrote to all his constituents. 

‘Then king Darius wrote unto all people, nations, and languages, that dwell in all the earth. ‘Peace be multiplied unto you. (shades of Bruh Paul) I make a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom men (must) tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the living God, and steadfast for ever, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even unto the end. He delivereth and rescueth, and he worketh signs and wonders in heaven and in earth, who hath delivered Daniel from the power (paws) of the lions.’ (Dan.16:25-27)

Oh friends, I know that most of us won’t make a splash as big as Daniel did, but I know that we can make a bigger splash than we are currently making. Let’s remember that it’s all for Jesus nuh. Our lives are supposed to bring others closer to Him, not drive them away, as so many of us are currently doing. Please, for all of our sakes, let’s truly live the life that Jesus intends for us to live nuh! We all know what we’re supposed to do, so let’s buckle down and do it…in Jesus’ name. Much LOVE!

…there’s no better way to serve Jesus…than letting our lives speak for Him…


Today’s Scrip-Bit 3 November 2018 Galatians 5:22-23.

Galatians 5:22-23.  But the fruit of the Spirit is LOVE, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness (kindness), goodness, faith (faithfulness), Meekness, temperance (self-control): against such there is no law.

Another wet morning, without even a hopeful ray of sunshine! Steups! But thankfully, there’s no precipitation currently descending from on high! (smile) Ah friends, the gloom persists, but as believers and followers of Jesus Christ, we have all we need to handle it. And to boot, we can also truthfully declare: ‘This is the day the Lord has made, we WILL rejoice and be glad in it!’ (Ps.118:24) 

And we would indeed be foolish if we did not enjoy this extra day the Lord has granted us on His great earth. And yes, every day we’re here is an extra day, so be wise and enjoy it and live obediently for Christ, do the work God has entrusted to you!

For we each have a purpose and a plan of God for this earthly life. Our God doesn’t move vie-ke-vie; in a careless, unplanned manner, so each day we’re down here means we still have work to do under His awesome, gracious, merciful and LOVING plan. So let’s get to it nuh! 

And it being Saturday, we will take a look at some of the quotes our friend Anselm sent us this week, as he aspires to inspire us for a better tomorrow. And the first quote says: ‘The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.’

And that’s oh so true! But unfortunately very few of us ever get to truly live the life of our dreams, because life is such a series of ups and downs, and none of us ever experience any downs in our dream life. (smile) 

The fact is that most of us have unreasonable dreams, and even with the reasonable ones, we’re not willing to work towards them. Now dreams are important in this life, but until we’re willing to action them, they will always remain dreams. 

 And the next quote tells us: ‘Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.’ Now that ought to be motto of the Christian believer! Christ said: ‘I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.’ (John 10:10b) What’s the point of having abundant life and not enjoying it to the fullest eh? It would only make Christ’s sacrifice a waste down. 

But to enjoy our lives, we also have to focus on the positive aspects, especially of Christ’s teaching, because the negative aspects of the world only beat and break us down. 

And the last quote says: ‘Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.’ Now that is gospel truth my brethren! In fact, death is not a loss of life at all, for believers it’s only a journey from one realm to the other, and even more importantly it’s from a short, finite and rough earthly life, to a long and glorious infinite eternal life. So we don’t suffer a loss of life at all, but move up to a higher, spiritual one. 

The problem is the stuff that dies inside of us while we’re living this earthly life. We’re talking about stuff like, hope, faith, joy, LOVE, mercy, forgiveness, empathy, self-control and self-discipline; the attributes of God we need to live a faithful and fruitful life; things we call the fruit of the Spirit.

Thus our Bit: ‘But the fruit of the Spirit is LOVE, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness (kindness), goodness, faith (faithfulness), Meekness, temperance (self-control): against such there is no law.’ 

Yes my believing brethren, those are the things we want alive and well in all of us, so that we can live the life Jesus died for us to have, and to do His work. Unless those things are reigning in our lives we’ll be unable to live good, Christian, fruitful lives like Jesus desires of us.

The Holy Spirit of God dwells in each believer, and is there for the express purpose of leading and guiding us in God-filled lives. That means we have to follow the Spirit’s direction if we want to live successful Christian lives. 

As Bruh Paul so astutely continues: ‘And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts (its passions). If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.’ (Gal.5:24-25) 

Now here are a few explanations from the scholars: ‘5:22-23. The word fruit is significant for three reasons (1) It means the result, product, outcome or effect produced by the Spirit in the believer’s life. (2) Unlike “the gifts of the Spirit” (plural), only some of which are given to a Christian, each believer is to have all nine virtues composing “the fruit of the Spirit” (singular). (3) As fruit on a tree takes time to grow and mature, so the spirit does not cultivate these virtues in the believer’s life overnight. 

LOVE is the willing, sacrificial giving of oneself for the benefit of another without thought of return. Joy is gladness of heart. Peace is tranquility of mind, freeing one from worry and fear. Long-suffering is patience with others, the opposite of a short temper, a disposition quietly bearing injury.

Gentleness is kindness. Goodness is generosity. Faith here is dependability. Meekness is gentleness, that is, courtesy and consideration in one’s relations with others. Temperance is self-control, that is, the ability to harness and control one’s passions and lusts.’ 

And there you have it friends, ‘the Fruit of the Spirit Lecture 101!’ (smile) Yes, I know it’s not easy to cultivate all those wonderful attributes, especially with the world on our back to do differently, but with the help of the Holy Spirit we can certainly work towards them and be fairly successful if we set our minds to it. 

Remember, as believers in Christ, we are done with carnal fleshly matters, and are supposed to live by the Spirit of Christ imbued in us. So let’s do that nuh, and consequently fulfill Bruh Paul’s desire: ‘Let us not be desirous of vain glory (conceited), provoking one another, envying one another.’ (Gal.5:26). Much LOVE!

…to grow good fruit…we have to sow good seed…