Today’s Scrip-Bit 28 March 2017 Psalm 118:24.

Psalm 118:24.   This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Aye mih people, it seems we’ve been granted life on God’s great earth, for at least one more day so we can enjoy the new blessings and mercies prepared especially for this day! 

What a privilege! Glory to God! Bless His holy name! He’s so wonderful to us that we don’t have words of sufficient strength and gratitude to truly thank Him. The words, ‘Thank You Lord,’ seem so measly and insufficient, but He will accept them if they come sincerely from our hearts. 

And today we’ll share a quote from one Abraham Maslow (1908-1970), an American psychologist famous for his ‘Hierarchy of Needs Theory,’ where people are motivated to achieve certain needs. When one need is fulfilled, they proceed to fulfill the next. And 

Abraham’s quote says: ‘The confrontation with death… makes everything look so precious, so sacred so beautiful, that I feel more strongly than ever the impulse to live it, and to let myself be overwhelmed by it.’ 

Ah friends, that’s so true, it’s not funny. Most of us who have had a brush with possible death, seem to come to appreciate this finite life more than those who have not. 

As my One Day Devotional for People with Chronic Illness writes: ‘Problems which once seemed overwhelming, diminish in size. The trees are greener; the sky is bluer. People are kinder and more sharing than before.’ 

The stuff we’ve previously taken for granted, now becomes so much more important as we endeavour to enjoy as much as possible, this precious gift called ‘LIFE,’ which can disappear so quickly and unexpectedly, like a vapour of smoke or breath that’s simply consumed by the atmosphere. 

As we say: ‘here today, gone tomorrow.’ But it can also be ‘here today, gone today!’ That’s how quickly our breath of life can expire, and why we need to enjoy today as much as possible under God’s canopy of LOVE, compassion, understanding and mercy. 

That’s why our Bit is also so important in our everyday lives. ‘This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.’ 

Oh friends, it’s ever so important to enjoy each day of our lives. It’s not always possible to laugh and shout and jump for joy, but we can certainly appreciate the things and people around us who make our lives better by their presence, whether physically, spiritually or emotionally. 

Life is too short for us to waste it in complaining and moaning and groaning and finding fault. It’s not going to ever run smoothly for long, but even in the rough times we need to find things and people who enliven us and bring gladness to our hearts. 

And we all know the Number ONE person in that regard is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! For even when no mortal or inanimate object can bring gladness to out hearts, Jesus can. And He will, if we turn to him with sincerity of heart and spirit. 

Now let’s look at a few scriptures which encourage gladness and rejoicing. Hear Moses as he tells the people what to do after bringing their first fruits to the Lord. ‘And thou shalt rejoice in every good thing which the Lord thy God hath given unto thee, and unto thine house, thou, and the Levite, and the stranger that is among you.’ (Deut.26:11) 

Yeh friends, rejoicing is necessary to show appreciation for the good things the Lord has both granted us and done for us. Now listen to Bruh David as he seeks preservation and blessing from Psalm 16. 

‘I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest (dwell securely) in hope. 

For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer (allow) thine Holy One to see corruption. Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures evermore.’ (Ps.16:8-11) 

Ah my fellow believers, walking faithfully with the Most High God Jehovah brings joy and gladness that we can find nowhere else in this universe! 

And what better way to end than with words of Jesus Himself from the parable of ‘the Prodigal Son.’ When the elder son complains about the joyful welcome home of his licentious younger brother, and the killing of the fatted calf, while he’s been ever-faithful, and never had even a young goat to share with his friends, the father affectionately replies. 

‘Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine. It was meet (right) that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.’ (Luke 15:31-32) 

And the scholars offer this interesting explanation. ‘15:32. The whole story is a moving portrayal of a LOVING God’s persistence in seeking out the lost – and of human perversity in resisting such grace, which exceeds our natural understanding.’ 

Oh friends, let’s not be foolish and ignorant, but rejoice and be glad whenever a sinner comes home. Now let’s declare our Tuesday Mantra with the enthusiasm, sincerity and assurance that it brings to our spirits. 

‘I’m not what I do. I’m not what I have. I’m not what people say about me. I am the beloved of God, that’s who I am. No one can take that from me. I don’t have to worry. I don’t have to hurry. I can trust my friend Jesus and share His LOVE with the world.  Amen!’ 

Now let’s go out in God’s strength and power and share Jesus’ LOVE with the rest of the world. Much LOVE!

…to live faithfully for Jesus…that is incomparable…heavenly wisdom… 

P.S. Ah Lord eh! The enemy always tries to interrupt God’s work. Just as I was about to send out the Bit, there was a complete blackout for a couple of seconds, and I had to wait for the computer to reboot and all that good stuff. Much LOVE!





Today’s Scrip-Bit 11 February 2017 Colossians 3:13.

Colossians 3:13.   Forbearing (bearing with) one another and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

Sorry that the Bit is a tad on the late side friends, but I had an Ironman’s Breakfast to go to early this morning at the church. And like every time I go out I seem to come back tired, so I had to rest a spell. Chuh! I’m tired of being tired yes! 

The great thing about this Ironman side though, is that none of us are under fifty…and possibly older. What a hoot! But we do get done the things we need to get done. And that’s the important thing. 

Now since today is Saturday, let’s contemplate a few of our Friend Anselm’s quotes of this past week. And this first one is very interesting and meaningful to many of us. ‘If I have something to say, I want it to be meaningful.’ 

Oh friends, so often, especially in this world of social media, we talk such foolishness; stuff that doesn’t deserve to be even thought about, much less spoken! Where has the wisdom gone of if you don’t have anything sensible to say, shut up? I guess that we all feel that what we’re saying is sensible. I beg to differ. 

This second quote is also interesting and pertains very nicely to our Christian faith. ‘Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.’ And isn’t that gospel truth! As Christians, we’re taught that ‘this too shall pass.’ 

And that better had be true, because that’s what I’m counting on in these days of medical malaise. (smile) But under no circumstance are we ever to quit, for quitting does not exist in Jesus’ vocabulary. Every time we fail or fall, we’re to get right back up, and with God’s help, continue pushing forward.  

And the last quote says: ‘A lot of times I find that people who are blessed with the most talent don’t ever develop that attitude, and the ones who aren’t blessed in that way are the most competitive and have the biggest heart.’ 

Now that is ever so true! I’ve seen it happen over a lifetime, where the most talented are the least motivated, and the ones that rise to the pinnacle of their profession, are usually the least talented but hardest working. 

Some might even dare to put me in that category, especially my High School Principal, who liked to write on my report card: ‘Lazy boy, could do better.’ But I don’t think I’m that talented in any particular area. I’m more a jack-of-all-trades kind of guy. (smile) 

Anyway, here is our Bit for today: ‘Forbearing (bearing with) one another and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.’ And this is definitely the last day for it. I just never got in all I had to say yesterday. 

Now we’re going to quote some of Bruh Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, per the new life in Christ, when we’re born again. ‘That ye put off concerning the former conversation (conduct) the old man, which is corrupt according to deceitful lusts; 

And be renewed in the spirit of your mind. And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.’ (Eph.4:22-24) 

Yes friends, when we receive Christ, we’re to renounce our old way of living, and renew our minds with the things of God, constantly improving, getting stronger in our walk of faith. 

Then Bruh Paul offers some practical guidelines on how to throw off the old man and put on the new. Here are a few of them. ‘Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good for edifying, that it may minister grace unto hearers. 

And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you with all malice: 

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.’ (Eph.4:29-32) 

Yeh mih breddren, those are just some of the things we need to work towards when we become Christians. And please notice how Bruh Paul ends the exhortation; with the tenet on forgiving. 

Ah mih people, forgiving in our Christian faith is so important, that I’ll end this series on it by reminding us of some of Jesus’ words on the subject. 

‘And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have aught (anything) against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.’ (Mark 11:25-26) 

That says it all my fellow believers. So until we meet again tomorrow, the Lord in favour, please let’s get serious about practicing forgiveness nuh, because however we mete it out, that’s exactly how it will be meted back out to us. Much LOVE!

…and forgive us our debts…as we forgive our debtors… (Matt.6:12)


Today’s Scrip-Bit 22 October 2016 Romans 8:37.

Romans 8:37.   Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that LOVED us.

And then it was Saturday! A day when most of us don’t have to go out and labour, punch in and out on the man’s time clock. Oh what a blessing! Although we might actually work harder at home doing household chores than when we’re out labouring for the man. But at least we can do how much we want, when we want and at the pace we want. Glory to God! 

And would you believe, I have just the right inspiration this morning for us from our friend Anselm, who always aspires to inspire us for a better day. 

And for this Saturday morning, Anselm advises: ‘Do something small and create a flow. Just clean your desk. Or pay your bills. Or wash the dishes. You just need to get started. When you have finished that small task you’ll feel more alert and ready to go do the next thing. You just have to get started to get motivated. So if you really don’t feel like doing anything, start with something small and work your way out and up.’ 

That’s pretty good advice my people, especially if you’re somewhat under the weather and you don’t feel like doing anything at all, but there are things you must do. Just start small and gradually work your way up to the big things. You’ll be surprised at how much you have accomplished at the end of the day. 

Ah friends, life is certainly strange yes! And why do I say that? Because some days you need to tackle the big things first, the ones you fear or dread the most, else you’ll just keep on putting them off and they’ll never get done. At other times, like today, it’s the small stuff we need to do to motivate us into doing bigger ones. 

And you know what? That ties in rather nicely to our Bit. But before we get to it, let’s set the scene with a couple of verses before it. ‘Who shall separate us from the LOVE of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that LOVED us. 

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the LOVE of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.’ (Rom.8:35-39) 

Oh my fellow believers in Jesus Christ, what a marvellous bit of scripture! Bruh Paul says that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can separate us from the LOVE of God which is found in Christ Jesus. Glory Hallelujah! That is something to sing and shout and gloat about my people! For once we have become new creatures in Christ, NOTHING WHATSOEVER can break that bond; neither life, death, angels, nor the evil powers that be! 

That should be very reassuring to all who come to Christ for rescue.  Knowing that even though we may be considered simple sheep to be slaughtered, the unconditional and everlasting LOVE of God shall never depart from us and will comfort us through each and any situation, be it good or bad. 

And the scholars offer this explanation. ‘8:38-39. We cannot be separated from God’s LOVE, because it is set forth in a person who is God Himself, Jesus Christ, our Saviour. God’s desire to redeem believers cannot be frustrated, because He is infinitely greater than any potential enemy. His plan will be realized because it is His purpose (cf. v.28).’ 

Yes my believing brethren, our God is the greatest power in the universe, because He created it and still controls it. Everything in it is subservient to Him. And His purpose for and towards us? Why, it’s something we all know, or should know. 

The Good Book generously shares it with us, in the uplifting words of Bruh Paul. ‘And we know that all things work together for good to them that LOVE God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.’ (Rom.8:28)  

And the scholars explain that verse thus: ‘8:28. To them that LOVE God is the human perspective. God is working all things together for good, but those who LOVE God are best able to appreciate that fact because they LOVE Him no matter what (cf. Job 13:15). To them who are the called is the divine perspective. Scripture often refers to believers as “the called” or “the elect.” 

Yeh friends, only those who truly LOVE God can appreciate the fact that even during our worst trials and tribulations, He is in the background working it all out for our good eventually. And I’m going to spoon feed you here again (smile) because the scripture is so phenomenal and relevant to what we are talking about.  

Listen to Job during his time of tribulation. ‘Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways (defend my ways) before him. He also shall be my salvation: for a hypocrite shall not come before him.’ (Job 13:15-16) 

Now isn’t that the utmost in faith? It surely is! Job has suddenly lost everything, his family and his earthly possessions, through no fault of his own, or no evil deed, but yet still he carries the flaming torch of trust and faith in the God of his fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! 

Mama Mia! How many of us possess such great faith today eh my people? Certainly not enough, for as soon as the first lash hits, and no succour is forthcoming from God, many of us begin to complain, lose faith and backslide. 

Hear the scholars on Job’s faithfulness. ’13:15. Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him expresses the unquenchable faith of one who lives by faith, not by sight.  Even when it appears that God Himself has turned against Job, he will still trust in God.’  

Ah mih people, there’s no more for me to say, except that we should sincerely ponder those scriptures that we’ve touched on today and try to see where they fit into our journey with Christ, and as always, turn to Jehovah God and ask for help in bettering ourselves faith wise. That’s the greatest wisdom available to mankind. Much LOVE!

…only when one truly walks by faith…and not by sight…can one truly appreciate the LOVE of God…found in Jesus Christ…