Today’s Scrip-Bit 8 August 2020 John 17:16.

John 17:16.     ​They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.


Raise a glass friends! Raise a toast to the most accommodating day of the week – Saturday! That’s the only day that welcomes you to do exactly as you please; work, laze, party, clean, shop, etc. etc. So let’s all declare: (yeahhh!) ‘Welcome Saturday! Welcome in the best way possible! And we gratefully thank the Lord Jehovah for you!’ Yes, we can’t forget to thank the Lord for all that we have, for it’s through His generosity, mercy, grace and forgiveness that we have all we have. (smile) 

And having said all of that, deep down, I don’t know if I’m all that thankful for Saturdays nuh, (smile) since the next task at hand is for me to interpret the quotes our friend Anselm sent us this past week, as he aspires to inspire us for a better tomorrow. Sometimes they are simple and straightforward, but at other times I have a heck of a time figuring out what the quoter really meant. Take for instance this first one today. ‘Get it down. Take chances. It may be bad, but it’s the only way you can do anything good.’ 

Now I’m not sure whether the last word in that first sentence is really ‘down,’ or he meant ‘done.’ That’s my first dilemma. (smile) But I’m going to take it that he meant ‘Get it done.’ Because that makes more sense to me. In this life, we certainly need to step out and take chances, especially when we’re in the employ of Jesus Christ, for that’s the only way we’ll ever know or do anything, be it bad or good. We need to get things DONE! Especially in this social media society where there’s way more talk than action. But it’s really action that changes things and situations! 

And that segues nicely into this next quote: ‘Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.’ Yeh friends, the daydreamer, not the night dreamer, is the one who usually effects the most change in our society. They consciously dream during the day (smile) for things that might be, things that they might be able to bring to fruition and benefit our world. That’s how many of our inventions have come about. Some thoughtful person ruminating on how to fix a stubborn problem, or simply ruminating period, then coming up with a bright idea and changing everything, hopefully for the better. That’s not to put down might dreamers, for they too have a useful purpose… just don’t ask me what. (smile) 

And then we come to this interesting quote: ‘Look for the thing you notice, but no one else notices.’ Now that’s ever so important in all walks of life, especially business and commerce, for it’s the person who has the uncommon or unnoticeable idea who has the best chance of benefiting from it. Don’t know if I put that in a very understandable manner, (smile) but a lot of stuff;  inventions and things like drive-ins and drive thru restaurants and motels did not always exist, but came from day-dreamers and those who noticed things that others didn’t. Now they are all the rage in our society. That’s the benefit of noticing, of paying close attention to your surroundings and the people around you. 

So what’s next you ask? Well the next quote gives us the answer in spades: ‘Just do your best and to hell with the rest.’ Ah mih people, that’s about all we can ever do; our best. And once we’ve sincerely done that, we ought not to worry about anybody or anything else, that’s because we can’t ever do better than our best. And as Sister Joyce (Joyce Meyer) likes to say: ‘Do what you can, and the Lord will do the rest. But He won’t ever do what you can do.’ Certainly words of wisdom my fellow saints in Christ! 

And yuh know that our Lord and Saviour expects nothing but the best from each of His followers! That means we have to be full of salt and shine as brightly as possible in this dark, sinful. evil and salt-less world! But unfortunately too many of us are not doing our best, being that effervescent salt and light Jesus desires in His followers. Remember we said above that we need to do things, and that it’s those who get things done that make the major difference in our society. 

So obviously, if we were getting the supposedly Christian things done in our society, the world would definitely not be as ungodly, sinful and evil as it is, and be so desirous of kicking God out of our midst, rather than being wise and welcoming Him with open arms. The question we then need to ask, is why the saints of Christ are not truly behaving like the saints of Christ? And I think this last quote has quite a lot to do with it. ‘The fears we don’t face become our limits.’ 

Yes friends, too many believers are too afraid to stand up and witness for Christ. That’s the long and short of the story! If all Christians were witnessing as we ought to, our world would never be so ungodly and evil! That’s a definite fact! And whoever refuses to admit that is… I won’t write what I think, because we’re a family blog. (smile) And the said part is we don’t have to go out on the street corners or shout it from the rooftops, but just live a life that’s pleasing and worthwhile to God, cut out the compromising and the complaining about what we don’t have, and be grateful for all that we have! 

We’re living better than 90 something percent of the world! So why the hell are we so complacent but yet so complaining eh? Ah Lord eh! I get so upset when I see so many supposed believers behaving worse than the world, because they are afraid to behave like true believers. That’s why the heathen mock and blaspheme holy God and laugh at us and call us hypocrites! And as the quote above says, the fears we don’t face become our limit. 

Yes that’s as far as we will ever go, until believers learn to face their fears of this evil world, and don’t just spout scripture like we can do all things through Christ who strengthen us, but actually put the scriptures into action. That’s why they were given to us; because there’s power in the Word of God and right now we desperately need to use that power contained therein! Oh friends, I got a li’l worked up there, was pounding the keyboard real hard, so I hope what I’ve written makes sense. (smile) 

But truthfully, we seem to have forgotten that Jesus desires us to be in the world, but not of the world. Remember how He put it in John 17, when He laid it all before the Father, in what is the real ‘Lord’s Prayer,’ or what some call the ‘High Priestly Prayer of Christ.’ ‘I pray not that thou shouldest take them (His followers) out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from evil (the evil one). They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.’ (John 17:15-16) 

Let’s remember that nuh friends, remember that this earth is not our home, we’re only pilgrims passing through on the way to our real home, heaven on high. Now let’s go out and behave appropriately nuh. In Jesus name. Amen! Much LOVE!

…of the world…or in the world…that is the question…