Today’s Scrip-Bit 12 March 2017 Psalm 133:1.

Psalm 133:1.   Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Well friends, it’s that most wonderful day of Sunday again, where we gather in the Lord’s house to sing and praise and worship and glorify His holy name, to listen to His word, and receive His strength, confidence and enthusiasm to face the upcoming week! 

And all God’s people gave out a delirious shout of ‘Praise the Lord for His goodness to the children of men!’ And that we most certainly ought to do at every opportunity we get my brethren. But right now, let’s begin with some sacrifice of our lips, singing the old hymn, ‘There is a Green Hill far away.’ 

As a young boy growing up in Tobago it was always one of my favourites. So let’s raise our voices on high and give the Lamb of God the praise He so assuredly deserves. ‘There is a green Hill far away, Without a city wall, Where the dear Lord was crucified, Who died to save us all. We may not know, we cannot tell, What pains he had to bear, But we believe it was for us He hung and suffered there. 

There was no other good enough To pay the price of sin. He only could unlock the gate Of heav’n and let us in. Oh, dearly, dearly has he LOVED! And we must LOVE him too, And trust in his redeeming blood, And try his works to do.’ 

Oh friends, there is so much truth in those few simple words. No one else was good enough to pay the price necessary to wash away our sins, but Jesus. And He did it so selflessly and sacrificially without complaining, because He LOVED us so much and could not stand seeing our sinful souls going to waste in Hell with Lucifer. 

And you know, all He asks in return is that we LOVE Him and each other the way He first LOVED us. Now that should not be too hard to do, but in this evil and ungodly world, for whatever reason, it is very difficult for many of us to reciprocate that awesome LOVE of God. But it’s something we have to do, if we desire to see His wonderful face come the time we leave this earth. 

Now here is some interesting and mysterious doings of our great and wonderful God. Yesterday afternoon, just before I left home for my church for an occasion we called ‘Walk a Mile in My Shoes,’ I heard about a family that had been reunited and it warmed the cockles of my heart. 

This family had been living with resentment and anger towards each other for a while, and as I was driving to church and thinking about the goodness of God, our Bit just flashed in to my mind as being rather appropriate. ‘Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!’ 

Then at the church, our Pastor, Father Jeff also made reference to it, because the occasion was a show of solidarity with the Muslim community, regarding the attack on the mosque in Quebec a few weeks ago. All the politicians were there, politicking as usual (smile) as well as people from other faiths and churches. 

Our Bit was certainly appropriate in both situations. First for the individual family that had gotten back together, as well as for the different families of faith who all live in the same community, and who all desire to live in LOVE and peace. 

But unfortunately these days, in both families and communities, that desire is being sabotaged by a few diehards, a few fools, who are following a different agenda; one of anger, hate, disunity and dissatisfaction. Consequently more families are falling apart, and more communities are now living in fear of these ignoramuses nicely called terrorists, when they are just out and out murderers. 

But that seems to be the fare of the day. However we don’t have to let it keep us cowed my people. We have the great God Jehovah as our leader, and with Him in control of our destiny, there’s no need to fear what man can do to us. We’ve got to stand up strong and fight back against these powers of evil that want to destroy our peaceful and LOVING way of life. 

And we can only do that if and when we become unified, both as families and communities and fight the enemy together, not allow them to divide and thus conquer us. Strife is the number one weapon of the enemy, but we must conquer it with LOVE! 

Now here’s a good example of how to dissipate strife. It comes from way back in the Old Testament, when Abraham and Lot’s herdmen got into strife about grazing grounds for their cattle. ‘And Abraham said unto Lot, Let there be no strife, I pray thee between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren. Is not the whole land before thee? Separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left.’ (Gen.13:8-9) 

Now friends, there isn’t always such an easy way to fix strife, especially in these rather tumultuous times, but if all parties are willing and able, then they can find a way to live amicably together. 

And we’ll close with these poignant words from Hebrews. ‘Let brotherly LOVE continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.’ (Heb.13:1-2) 

So friends, let us never forget to show hospitality to all and sundry, for it will benefit them down here on earth, put away rewards for us in heaven, and above all,  glorify our great God. Much LOVE!

…only LOVE…can truly conquer strife…



Today’s Scrip-Bit 28 February 2017 Psalm 119:105.

Psalm 119:105.   Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Well friends, it’s bacchanal time in several places in the Western Hemisphere today! Most noticeably, there’s Mardi Gras in New Orleans, and Carnival in Brazil and Trinidad and Tobago. The people are supposedly letting off the last of their carnality before immersing themselves in the seriousness of Lent, which begins tomorrow on Ash Wednesday. 

And recently I read that in a few parts of Brazil, the church has gotten them to tone down the lewdness and carnality of the festival. All power to them, because the festivals have really gotten out of hand with the amount of nakedness and lewd behaviour being displayed. 

Usually I’d be in T&T, watching the proceedings on the tube, as well as going into the big city of Scarborough (smile) to watch some in person. But since I’ve been grounded here on account of my medical situation, I’ll just have to imagine it in my mind. But them’s the breaks. 

Hopefully by next year, I will be strong and healthy enough to not only watch, but also participate in some of the activities. (smile) While there’s life, there’s certainly hope my people! 

But there’s also stuff that we can and should do, even though we’re not in the best of health. And today I want to share a quote from Eva Rose York (b Fitch), (1858-1935) organist, editor, teacher and one of the earliest female composers in Canada. This comes from her symphony titled ‘I shall not pass this way again.’ 

And it says: ‘I shall not pass this way again; Then let me now relieve some pain, Remove some barrier from the road, Or lighten someone’s heavy load; a helping hand to this one lend, Then turn some other to befriend.’ 

Yes my fellow believers in Christ, those are the kinds of things we should be concentrating on in our own little areas, in our backyards; in some form and fashion, helping those who need help. 

Remember, that’s what Jesus came to earth to do; to save and to help us in our desperate time of need. Consequently, as Christians, we need to reciprocate His caring and kindness to the needy. 

And believe me, ironically, in a world that is so full of prosperity, it is also full of people in dire need and want. So let’s try and see whom and how we can help in our little way nuh. It’s all a part of our Christian Manifesto. 

And to help us do that, we also need to consider our Bit.‘Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.’ 

Yeh friends, it’s of the utmost importance that we take the Word of God seriously and let it lead and guide us on our earthly journey, because that’s exactly what it is meant to be; a guide book, a manual for earthly living, written by our Creator and Provider for our benefit. 

The Lord doesn’t need it, since He penned it, but we miserable sinners do, and if we don’t allow it to set the direction for our lives, along the straight and narrow path, then we’ll eventually get lost, confused and blinded on the broad highway that leads to destruction. 

Now we wouldn’t want such misfortune to befall us eh? No siree! So why aren’t we more into God’s Word eh mih people? Why do so many of us complain that we can’t find the time to immerse ourselves in the Good Book? 

It’s not a matter of finding the time, it’s a matter of making the time to stay in touch with our heavenly Father and His godly desires for us. It’s easy for us to make time for the foolish pleasures of the world, but making time for God is a hard task and it usually takes second place. 

But friends, that’s a very foolish way to live. God should always be in first place in our lives, no matter what the circumstances! If you put Him second, then most likely, He’ll also put you second, and I’m sure you won’t like that. 

As the old people, would say, ‘do so, ent like so.’ Meaning that you don’t like others doing to you, what you did to them. I guess that’s just human nature though. 

Now here is an interesting take on our Bit from Cousin Sol in his warning against adultery in Proverbs. ‘My son, keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother: Bind them continually upon thine heart (mind), and tie them about thy neck. 

When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee. For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is the light; and reproofs of instruction are the way to life.’ (Prov.6:20-23) 

Yes my fellow believers, that’s how important God’s word and His instructions are to us living the good life. So please, let’s try and do better nuh, let’s make time for reading, studying, meditating and subsequently putting God’s word into action in our lives. It’s the wisdom of the ages. 

Now let’s go home declaring our Tuesday Mantra with all sincerity and truth. In unison now: ‘I’m not what I do. I’m not what I have. I’m not what people say about me. I am the beloved of God, that’s who I am. No one can take that from me. I don’t have to worry. I don’t have to hurry. I can trust my friend Jesus and share His LOVE with the world. Amen!’ 

Glory Be precious people of God! Now let’s do as we declared nuh; go out and share the LOVE of our friend Jesus with others, for there are many who desperately need it. Much LOVE!

…helping others…is a foundation rock of Christianity…