Today’s Scrip-Bit   23 February 2022 Mark 8:36.

Mark 8:36.      For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 

Well friends, it’s Wednesday, the middle of the week, and I do hope that we’ve made some headway into being the difference maker that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ expects us to be. Yes, that’s why He’s placed us on the earth at this particular time, to make a difference in His name, to be the flavoursome salt and the bright, exciting light to the evil and depraved world that currently reigns. 

And though it’s a very rewarding and interesting task, it’s not always an easy one, because it sometimes calls for a lot of sacrifice on our part, giving up our will to ensure that His is forthcoming. And that issue of sacrifice is not something that Christ hid, but He said it very clearly and plainly. 

The Good Book tells us: ‘And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it. 

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.’ (Mark 8:34-38) 

And is this generation ever sinful and adulterous! So that means a lot is expected of us my fellow saints in Christ. But the basic thing is to live for and like Him, spread His gospel and not be ashamed of Him, because when he returns in all His glory, He will be ashamed of us and not recognize us as being amongst His followers. 

Unfortunately though, many of us supposed believers are indeed ashamed of Christ, and afraid of the very sinful and adulterous world in which we now live, so we only give lip service to His words and way of life. But as the scholars note per verse 38 above: ‘Jesus makes a very close connection between Himself and His Words.’ So we cannot separate one from the other as we like to do. 

The problem is that life is so good with us out here in the western world, with all the privileges and amenities we enjoy, that we don’t want anything at all to disturb it. We just want to keep moseying along in comfort, living the life of the rich and idle. But friends, life does not, never has, and never will run smoothly! It’s a series of ups and downs, and until we learn to take the good with the bad, and live accordingly, we will be forever destined to live unhappy and ungodly lives. 

Even Christ confirmed that life is full of trouble when He said: ‘These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.’ (John 16:33) Now that’s a scripture that all of us know, but don’t truly take to heart, otherwise we wouldn’t be living the scared and anxious lives we’re living. Jesus has indeed conquered and overcome the world by His sacrificial death and resurrection, and only in and through Him can we ever have peace in this crazy, warlike world. 

That’s what He gives to us, when we truly accept Him as Lord and Saviour and try to live the way He desires of us. Oh, He knows that we will have hard times, for nobody had harder times than He did, and sometimes we will fail to do His will, but He is also very forgiving and expects us to get back up and continue the good fight in His name. He gives us the grace and power to do that, but we have to truly believe and surrender ourselves to His holy will. 

As the prophet Isaiah said so long ago: ‘He giveth power to the faint (weak), and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.’ (Is. 40:29-31) 

Oh my people, what more can we ask eh? Especially those of us living in the religious freedom of the West, while many of our fellow believers are still living very persecuted lives in so many other countries of the world. Please take a moment to ponder the situation where you could not get up on a Sunday morning, put on your finery and traipse to church to gather and celebrate with other believers, because that would get you incarcerated and even killed. But you had to hide and meet secretly, and couldn’t even call the name of Jesus out loud, otherwise crapaud smoke yuh pipe! 

A lot of our fellow believers are living under those strenuous and unfair conditions, but they are still carrying the torch of Jesus alight, still fanning the flames of His gospel and way of life. Meanwhile, we ole hypocrites out here, who have the freedom to do so much for Jesus, live scared but comfortable, talk a good talk, but have no action to back it up. 

Oh friends, if we don’t smarten up and begin living right, when Jesus returns, He will have a whole lot of separating to do, between the sheep and the goats. And sadly, many of us will find ourselves on the left hand, with the goats, and not on the right hand, with the sheep. And if you don’t know that scripture, then it’s high time you became very familiar with it, found in Matthew 25:31-46. 

Anyway, for those of us who are doing our best to live for Christ, let’s go home declaring (awright!!!) our Wednesday Wail, letting all and sundry know of our wonderful position in Christ Jesus. So, in a strong, joyful and sincere voice: ‘Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: I’m so glad to be alive on this Wednesday! Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: Thank God the breath of life is still flowing through me on this Wednesday! I am halfway home. My hands are fixed securely on the plough, and I’m not turning back. I’m not looking back at the past, not focusing on what has gone before. But my eyes are fixed straight ahead; straight ahead to a glorious future with Jesus. Glory Hallelujah!’ 

And lest we forget; if we endure to the very end, then that future will be even more glorious than we can ask or imagine! So let’s endeavor to endure nuh! It’s wisdom of the highest order! Much LOVE!

…living for Christ is not easy…but if we are serious…He generously gives us the grace and power to do it… 

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Today’s Scrip-Bit 13 December 2015 Proverbs 4:12

Proverbs 4:12.   When thou goest, thy steps shall not be straitened (hindered); and when thou runnest, thou shalt not stumble. 

Oh Friends, what is our world coming to eh…especially this supposed Christian country called Canada? Now listen to this story from an article published in the Toronto Sun newspaper a couple of days ago. It’s titled ‘ROOM FOR DIFFERENT VOICES,’ and subtitled ‘Christian group fighting to hold fest in Yonge-Dundas Square.’ 

Let’s set some parameters before we get into the meat of the article. Yonge-Dundas Square is a public square created in downtown Toronto around a decade or less ago, where shows and other events are put on. 

Now to the best of my knowledge it was paid for with public tax funds, is owned by the City of Toronto, but is run by a Management Board, which recently had a meeting with a group called Voices of the Nations who have been running a summertime Christian show in the square for the past five years. 

However, a permit to run the sixth show next year was denied because of ‘concerns over songs about Jesus Christ being too proselytizing, which is not allowed in the public square.’ 

What hogwash! What heifer dust! But nudity and crime and violence and songs about sex drugs and rock and roll are permitted. Ah Lord eh! And they boldfaced enough to want to talk about “explicit items of what is and is not appropriate behavior in the square,” and ground rules that “are free of intolerance and consistent with the values of a public institution.” 

Steupssss! I guess the negative, sinful behavior is what’s appropriate, not singing or talking about Jesus! These blooming hypocrites eh! As the organizer’s wife reputedly called it: “a de facto ban on Christianity” in the square. 

And as the writer of the article pointed out, religion IS a part of the square, because, “right now, in Yonge-Dundas Square a menorah is proudly and appropriately displayed – completely fitting and enthusiastically welcomed since we are right in the middle of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.”  

That made him wonder if after Hanukkah is over, they will also appropriately put up a crèche featuring the Nativity Scene. Hn! I won’t hold my breath for that nuh. It surely seems as though everybody else but Christians have rights in this supposed land of freedom of religion and freedom of speech. We can’t complain about other religions, but others complain about us and get their way. 

And our wonderful Prime Minister is hustling to bring in thousands of Syrian Refugees in to the country, most, if not all of them Muslim. Do you think they are going to come here and just accept the status quo? Obviously not! In fact they won’t have to because they already have more rights than Christians, and they have been taught to proselytize from young.  At one stage Christians were taught that too, but I guess we don’t any longer. 

Anyway, let me shut my mouth about all of that eh, before they charge me with inciting hate crimes, or whatever they call it. And that’s no joke friends, for in these times of all kinds of unlawful activities, high security and surveillance, anything is possible. 

The long and short though of the story my brethren is that we have no one but ourselves to blame for whatever rights are being taken away from us. We are either too complacent or fearful to stand up for what we believe in. And until we do, we will see what little we still possess, being gradually taken away. 

Just check out the amazing amount of Christian persecution that’s going on around the world right now nuh. It seems like the early days of the church once again. So my fellow believers, it’s up to us to stand up strong and fight back in Jesus’ name, otherwise we’ll soon be marginalized…if we haven’t been already!  End of sermon! 

Let’s turn to our Bit now. ‘When thou goest, thy steps shall not be straitened (hindered); and when thou runnest, thou shalt not stumble.’ 

Yes my people, that is what happens when we avoid the wisdom of this world which is mostly wickedness, and instead turn to the Lord God Jehovah for His wisdom and understanding. 

And today we’ll look at some scriptures that agree with our Bit, beginning with these awesome words from Bruh David from Psalm 18 – Thanksgiving for deliverance. He boldly declares of his God. ‘Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden (held) me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great. Thou hast enlarged my steps (path) under me, that my feet did not slip (did not stumble).’ (Ps.18:35-36)  

And if we know Bruh David’s life story, then we know that that is gospel truth! Now hear it from the opposite side of the coin, as Job’s buddy, Bildad, speaks of the plight of the wicked. 

‘Yea, the light of the wicked shall be put out, and the spark of his fire shall not shine. The light shall be dark in his tabernacle (tent), and his candle (lamp) shall be put out with (beside) him. The steps of his strength shall be straitened (shortened), and his own counsel shall cast him down. For he is cast into a net by his own feet, and he walketh upon a snare. The gin (net) shall take him by the heel, and the robber (a snare) shall prevail against him.’ (Job 18:5:9) 

Yes Friends, you have it from both sides now; words of indisputable truth, per the wise righteous and the foolish wicked. And let’s not forget that today is Sunday; the day we gather in the Lord’s sanctuary to praise and worship Him and receive His mercies and blessings, also to have our faith strengthened and our souls encouraged so that we can fight the good fight for another week. 

My fellow brethren in Christ, please don’t defer from gathering with other believers today, so that the Lord may be glorified and His children energized. Much LOVE!

…onward Christian soldiers…marching as to war…with the cross of Jesus…going on before…