Today’s Scrip-Bit 3 October 2015 Colossians 2:4.

 Colossians 2:4.   And this I say, lest any man should beguile (deceive) you with enticing (persuasive) words.

Well Friends, it’s Saturday… and in these northern climes the cold winds of autumn are now blowing steadily, with daytime highs of around 12 or 13 and nighttime lows down to 3 and 4 Celsius. That’s not a wonderful situation at all, because it means that the nighttime now calls for heat, and in the day time sweaters and coats and scarfs etc., for though the sun might be shining brightly its heat is negligible. 

But all praise to God that the Son is ALWAYS shining brightly and His LOVE and spiritual warmth never dissipates, regardless of our earthly seasons! Oh Glory to God my people, for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who sacrificed His sinless life on the cross of Calvary so that our sins could be forgiven and our souls reconciled to our heavenly Father! 

Please, let’s NEVER FORGET the awesome price He paid for our deliverance! He paid it so that we could have life abundantly, that we could be conquerors, that we could run this race of earthly life and be sure winners. And though we may fail often in this life, that’s absolutely no reason to give up. 

As our friend Anselm, who always aspires to inspire us, says in a recent quote: ‘Failure defeats losers, failure inspires winners.’ And that’s gospel truth my people! When losers fail, they give up, but when winners fail, they get right back up and keep on trying, until they eventually succeed. 

And here are a couple of other quotes from two men who met with a lot of failure early on in their careers but never gave up. And we all know the results of their persistence and perseverance, for down through the years we have enjoyed the phonograph, the motion picture camera and the practical light bulbs of Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), and the affordable motor car coming off the assembly line of Henry Ford (1863-1947), though now all in more modern forms. 

Edison is reputed to have said: ‘Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.’ 

Meanwhile Henry Ford apparently declared: ‘You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.’ And so saying he went out and developed the assembly line that built cars quicker and cheaper. And the same things apply to us Christians; we can’t give up, since giving up doesn’t exist in our vocabulary, neither can we build a solid Christian reputation on just talk. But we still try to do it anyway. (smile) 

Our lives ought to reflect that of Jesus Christ as much as possible, according to whatever stage we’re at in our race. But in this day and age of so much ungodliness, fraud and discontentment, where almost instant communication is available, and lots of out and out crooks, charlatans and false teachers abound, the believer has to be very selective in whom or what he or she reads, watches or listens to. 

Bruh Paul would have cried in dismay if he could see the amount of falsehood and deceit that’s been perpetrated in our current world. That’s why his words to the Colossians found in our Bit, are still so vital and necessary today. ‘And this I say, lest any man should beguile (deceive) you with enticing (persuasive) words.’ 

Yes my brethren, it so easy to be led astray today, especially if we don’t have personal knowledge of God’s Word. That’s why it’s ever so important for EACH and EVERY BELIEVER to read their Bibles; to study, to meditate on its contents, so you can have a good foundation and not be easily led astray by any and every nefarious doctrine that’s preached. 

Listen to how Bruh Paul puts it to the Roman church in his personal greetings. ‘Salute one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you. Now I beseech you, brethren, mark (note) them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good (smooth) words and fair (flattering) speeches deceive the hearts of the simple (innocent). 

For your obedience is come abroad (reported) unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil. And the God of peace shall bruise (crush) Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.’ (Rom.16:16-20)  

And the scholars offer these explanations on those verses. ’16:17. Words of warning concerning danger threatening the church. Paul does not want the unity implied in verses 3-16 to be broken, marred, or impaired. Paul delivers the command to mark them who are the source of divisions and stumbling blocks in the assembly, because they cause divisions and offenses (cf. 14:13b). They are to avoid them or “turn away” from them. They are not to try to argue with or convert them (cf. 14:1).’ 

‘16:18. Serve not our Lord: Anyone who mars the unity or harmony of the local church does not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, regardless of his claim. He puts his interest above the welfare and interest of the local church.’ 

Oh Friends, oh Friends,  you don’t need me to tell you that ‘divisions and offenses’ as spoken by Bruh Paul are rampant and unceasing in today’s church, both local, national and international. It seems that politics, bureaucracy, greed, selfish pride and ego, along with an insatiable hunger for power are at the forefront of today’s church. That’s why nobody is taking us seriously anymore. 

But if the church cannot be trusted to do the right thing, who can be eh? I admire Pope Francis’ down to earth attitude and his desire to turn the church around to where it is truly a conduit to Christ, but he is only one man, and an old one at that, and some of the unrighteousness is so deeply built into the church and its bureaucracy, that it will take more than him to root it out. 

Anyway my people, enough for today. There’s a lot for you to consider, to ponder on, so please do, and then let’s try and improve Christ’s church, one day, one brick at a time. With His help, we can certainly do it. Much LOVE!

…oh how good and pleasant it is…when brethren dwell together… in peace and unity…




Today’s Scrip-Bit 8 May 2013 Proverbs 18:12

Proverbs 18:12.     Before destruction the heart of man is haughty; and before honour is humility.
Oh Friends, the days are nicely morphing into each other; warm and sunny, with temps in the high teens and low twenties. It’s about time too! The only problem though is that we haven’t seen any rain for at least a week now. Let’s hope that’s not a harbinger of things to come for the summer. But anyway, as believers in Jesus Christ, whatever comes our way, we’re expected to stand steadfast in faith and bear it with His help through the Holy Spirit. And talking about faith, here’s an interesting quote attributed to Robert Veninga, a U.S. Lutheran Church minister. He says that ‘Faith has a powerful effect in helping people recover a sense of balance, tranquility and hope.’ And that’s an awesome truth my people! But it’s oftimes funny how it works. Usually we might be all faith filled, then some totally unexpected tragedy or disaster occurs in our lives, a la Job, and suddenly we begin to question why such a misfortune happened when we were so righteous. Then we begin to question God, and consequently, unlike Job, our faith level falls and we’re not as sure and assured as we were before the tragedy. But yuh know what Friends? Though reading now at a rather low and precarious level, it’s that same basic faith and trust in an omnipotent and merciful God that gets us through the dilemma, that keeps us hanging on, sometimes even by a mere thread, and eventually restores our trust in God, usually at a higher level too. That’s because once we’ve settled down, accepted our fate, and gone through the fire, we come out stronger, energized, with a more flame resistant mind and spirit. It’s simply the way our Lord works. Negative circumstances have a way of making us stand strong and believe. So whatever rough times you’re going through right now, with your faith hanging in the balance or slowly ebbing away, please don’t give up, don’t throw in the towel. I encourage you to stay with it, even though it seems overwhelming. Remember that our faithful God has promised that whatever He brings us to, or allows to come upon us, He will bring us through it, and will work all things out for the good of those who truly LOVE Him and are called to do His will. (Rom.8:28) That brings us to our Bit, which is a horse of an entirely different colour. (smile) Long time I haven’t heard or used that term. But our Bit today is definitely enlightening. ‘Before destruction the heart of man is haughty; and before honour is humility.’ Now aren’t those gospel truths my brethren? They surely are! But unfortunately our world today is thoroughly consumed with haughtiness and selfish pride, a sin the Lord despises more than most, because it makes Him entirely of no account in our lives. But it’s definitely a fact that when we’re riding high in this ungodly, evil world, we usually have more than a touch of pride and invincibility about us. Even the least proud and haughty amongst us, do feel an increase in their own strength and independence. But as Cousin Sol so wisely points out, and practical experience in life confirms, it’s usually when we’re riding high, with the least respect and dependence on God, that disaster befalls us. You seldom see the man on the low rungs of the totem pole falling any further. But it’s those at the very top, the ones who have no time or use for God, and foolishly figure that it’s their own strength and wisdom that got them to the top, who fall like a weighted stone from the height of their worldly pinnacles. And it usually doesn’t take long either. One day they’re on the top of the heap, revelling in their wealth and power, then next day, sadly, without any warning or empathy, they’re consigned to the garbage heap of life. And as I keep telling my children, be very careful what methods you use to get to the top, and how you behave when you get there, because those same methods will be used to bring you down. There will always be jealous, dissatisfied people who are only too glad and willing to help you fall. As Cousin Sol so aptly puts it: ‘Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.’ (Prov.16:18) The second half of our Bit is also bathed in truth; ‘and before honour is humility.’ And we talking about real honour here Friends, that which comes through the mysterious machinations of Almighty God, not the nonsense, the trumped up pride, the world refers to as honour. Please be aware of one thing my people, the Lord will not lift us up unless we are humble and respectful to Him. As I said earlier, pride and haughtiness keeps Him out of our lives, but humility and reverence endears him to us. Jesus said it quite plainly very early in His ministry, in the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount. ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.’ (Matt.5:3) The scholars describe the ‘poor in spirit are the opposite of the proud or haughty in spirit. They have been humbled by the grace of God and have acknowledged their sin and therefore their dependence on God to save them.’ Then Jesus declared: ‘Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.’ (Matt.5:5) The scholars say that ‘refers again to those who have been humbled before God and will not only inherit the blessedness of heaven, but also will ultimately share in the kingdom of God on earth.’ So Friends, why do we follow the foolish ways of the world eh, when we ought to know better? Even before Jesus came along, Cousin Sol wisely warned us: ‘The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is humility.’ (Prov.15:33) Oh my fellow believers, there is no doubt as to the truth of those statements, and it’s basically why our world is filled with so much confusion and turmoil. Too many of us lack the wisdom to reverence God, while too many of us also have the foolish propensity that leans toward pride, haughtiness and self-dependence. Oh Friends, please let’s wake up and realize that we didn’t make or create ourselves, and as the vicissitudes of life so clearly show us everyday, we don’t control the tempo and circumstance of our lives either. That is all done by the One who created us, Almighty God. So please wake up and smell the roses and remember: ‘The fear (reverential awe) of the Lord is the (principal) beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.’ (Prov.1:7) Much LOVE!…one cannot be proud, haughty and irreverent towards God…and expect to prosper for long in this earthly life…