Today’s Scrip-Bit 15 May 2014 Proverbs 30:3

Proverbs 30:3.    I neither learned wisdom, nor have I the knowledge of the holy (Holy One).

Ah Friends, some of us just don’t seem to ever learn nuh! We’re like what the old people would call ‘hard ears pickney.’ Hn, hn!

Would you believe I did it again? Chuh! I got up earlier on in the morning, decided it was too early to rise and shine, so I just went to the bathroom then went back to bed. Lo and behold, some two hours later I finally got up, feeling lousy, with my back and other parts of my anatomy aching.

Not only that, but during those final two hours of restless sleep, I dreamt a strange dream. In the dream, it seems like the duchess and I attended some function up some hill or the other, and after the festivities were over, she wasn’t sure of the way down, so I went over to her car and pointed it out to her, and she drove off.

Meanwhile, somehow or the other, I got into a conversation with this lady who was walking down the hill and I fell into step beside her. Halfway down the hill, we stopped at a restaurant, she to get something to eat, and me to look for the duchess. But the place was so busy and confusing that after a few minutes I gave up and continued down the hill to my apartment building.

Then, much to my astonishment and displeasure, as I was about to enter the front door of the building, which someone was holding open for me, I put my hand in my pocket and only felt my car keys.

Steups! It was only then I realized that going into the building didn’t make any sense since I couldn’t get into my apartment anyway, because I had left my car with all my other belongings back up the hill where the festivities had taken place.

Ah Lord eh! To make matters worse, the duchess was nowhere to be found. So you can imagine my consternation – no consternation is too mild a word – (smile) at having to trudge back up the hill to retrieve my car and my other belongings. 

Oh Friends, I’m chuckling now, but in the dream it surely wasn’t funny! Now would you think that the Lord was trying to send me a message?

Namely, when I wake you up, and you’re feeling fine, regardless of the hour of the morning, don’t listen to the deceitful Lucifer and go back to bed. Just rise and shine then and there, because there’s method to my madness, and you’ll be worse off later on if you ignore me.

Ah mih people, I believe I finally got the message… at least for my sake, I hope so. But life is certainly interesting though when you surrender your life to Almighty God and allow Him to unfold the plan He’s prepared for you since before the beginning of time.

And very often, like me, when we try to interject our own plans into the mix, we suffer some misfortune or setback, which only creates unnecessary turmoil in our lives, and sadly affects our communication with our heavenly Father.

No wonder the words of Agur in our Bit can be applied to so many of us. I neither learned wisdom, nor have the knowledge of the holy (Holy One).’

And that’s rather unfortunate Friends! For as Agur continues: ‘Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? Who hath gathered the wind in his fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment? Who hath established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son’s name, if thou canst tell (know it)? (Prov.30:4)

Oh my people, can we answer those questions? I surely hope so, otherwise things will be very bleak with us.

And the scholars inform us thus: ’30:4. The questions are designed, as God’s questions to Job in Job 38-41, to press home the limitations of man’s knowledge.’  

Please read those chapters sometime on your own, for they will give you great insight into God’s nature.

And yes my brethren, man’s knowledge is very limited. However, there’s One whose knowledge is infinite and limitless! His name is Almighty God, the Lord of hosts, the One and Only Living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!

Do we know Him, personally and intimately, like a son knows a father? We better had, else our lives will be unsettled, topsy-turvy, without direction and purpose.

For as Agur declares: ‘Every word of God is pure (tried, found pure): he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.’ (Prov.30:5-6)

Yes Friends, without a doubt, every word that our God utters is indeed eternal truth, and He fiercely protects those who trust in Him! And since our knowledge is limited, we ought not to try and add our own take, our own spin on His words, because our God doesn’t take kindly to falsehood.

Ah my fellow believers, as the Good Book tells us in several places, true wisdom comes from Jehovah God and from Him only!

Now let’s check out a couple of those scriptures. During his time of severe adversity, Job asked the always and ever important question: ‘But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?’ (Job 28:12)

And later on in the same chapter, he gives us the answer: ‘And unto man he said, Behold, the fear (reverence, awe) of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.’ (Job 28:28)

Oh my people, wisdom to live successfully on this earth is truly a Godsend!

And Cousin Sol reminds us of that when he proclaims: ‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy (Holy One) is understanding. For by me thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be increased (years of life will be added to you). If thou be wise, thou shalt be wise for thyself: but if thou scornest, thou alone shall bear it.’ (Prov.9:10-12)

What more is there to say eh my fellow believers? Nothing really! The questions have been asked, answered and clarified. If you want to live wisely on this earth, then you MUST first sincerely embrace Jehovah God, and then you NEED to keep Him totally involved in all your doings.

That’s eternal wisdom Friends! So let’s try and attain to it today and everyday hence nuh. Much LOVE!

…give instruction to a wise man…and he will be yet wiser…teach a just man…and he will increase in learning… (Prov. 9:10)