Today’s Scrip-Bit   12 February 2023 Luke 15:7.

Luke 15:7.        I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just (upright) persons which need no repentance.

It’s Sunday once again friends, a rather warm and sunny one, which requires us to don our Sunday best and hie ourselves to our local church for another celebration of worship and thanksgiving on this the Lord’s Day. And if you’re worshipping at home through technological means, then it’s quite okay to do so in your jammies. (smile) The important thing is to participate in some form of worship to Almighty God, our Creator and Keeper. 

And though this is not of the utmost importance, I remember when we used to dress to go to church. But nowadays you see all kinds of untidy and somewhat inappropriate dress in church. And granted the Lord will take you anyhow you come, still there is something to be said for putting on a good appearance to go to God’s house. As Uncle Charles (Dr. Charles Stanley) likes to say: ‘Look your best, Do your best and Be your best!’ And that’s certainly how we ought to be for God. But as we said, He will take us anyhow we come, He just wants us to come to Him, though we ought to show a li’l pride and look good for Him. 

Anyway, today we’re opening with an interesting song, ‘titled ‘Buried Alive’ By Buju Banton from his 2020 Upside Down Album. We all know he was found guilty of some serious wrongdoing and paid a hefty price for it, but since he’s been out of incarceration, like he’s made a complete 360 turn around in his lifestyle and has found Christ as Lord and Saviour. And this song seems to be his testimony. So please let’s do a sweet, up-tempo, harmonious, uplifting reggae version, celebrating with heaven over one sinner once lost, but now found. 

Singing: ‘Oh Lord, I was buried alive, but I’m still breathing. I don’t know what tomorrow may bring, But I’ve got a feeling. I am alive, there must be a reason, I was given one more chance, my heart’s still beating. Buried alive, but I’m still breathing, I don’t know what tomorrow may bring, But I’ve got a feeling. Now I am alive, there must be a reason, I was given one more chance, my heart ‘s still beating. 

Now all this time… I’ve been blind… only running against the wind. Friends of mine …pass with time… After living a life of sin. Now many give up, many give in. It’s my determination to win. I survived, the worst of times, I survived. Yeah, I was buried alive, but I’m still breathing, I don’t know what tomorrow may bring, But I’ve got a feeling. Oh Lord, Now I am alive, there must be a reason, I was given one more chance, my heart ‘s still beating.

 Oh, they made a ditch for one, but there would be two, In their attempt to out my life, The wicked things they do. But Jah made I brave, and I can’t care the grave, Oh no, The Lord is my salvation, Of whom shall I fear? Yeah, I was buried alive, but I’m still breathing, I don’t know what tomorrow may bring, But I’ve got a feeling. Oh Lord, Now I am alive, there must be a reason, I was given one more chance, my heart ‘s still beating… 

(One more time) Yes, I was buried alive, but I’m still breathing, I don’t know what tomorrow may bring, But I’ve got a feeling. Oh Lord, Now I am alive, there must be a reason, I was given one more chance, my heart ‘s still beating…my heart’s still beating…my heart’s still beating…my heart’s still beating…’  

Yes friends, that’s one of the wonderful attributes of our Great God, He gives second chances…. even third, fourth and fifth! Once you’re alive and willing to turn to Him, He will NEVER turn you away. And in Jesus’ philosophy, He diligently searches for the lost and brings them home rejoicing. No wonder He said after finding the lost sheep in the parable of that name. ‘I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just (upright) persons which need no repentance.’ (Luke 15:7) 

That just goes to show how much Jesus cares for the lost and is determined to find them, through us, His eyes, ears, feet and hands down here on earth. And I like how Buju refers to the old Jamaican saying, ‘If you dig a ditch, you’d better dig two,’ because whatever you plan to do might just ricochet or rebound back on you like a boomerang. And it’s alleged that Confucius said: ‘Before you embark on a journey of revenge, you’d better dig two graves.’ Meaning one for yourself too, for revenge can ofttimes go awry. 

And Cousin Sol said it this way in Proverbs: ‘Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return (roll back) upon him.’ (Prov. 26:27) It all just goes to show that evil deeds can often have surprising effects on not only the receiver, but also on the doer or giver. Buju is simply saying that those who plotted his demise, failed, and Christ saved Him and gave him another chance, which he gratefully accepted. And now the Lord is his salvation. Of whom shall he fear? Those marvellous words of Bruh David from Psalm 27:1. 

And I like how he says that he doesn’t know what tomorrow may bring, but he’s alive, and there must be a reason for that. Yes my fellow believers, there’s always a reason why the Lord has us down here on earth and not at home in heaven. The words of the song are so scriptural and reflect a serious change of heart. Listen to this: ‘Now all this time… I’ve been blind… only running against the wind. Friends of mine …pass with time… After living a life of sin. Now many give up, many give in. It’s my determination to win. I survived, the worst of times, I survived.’ 

Oh, how I wish that so many more of us supposed believers will manifest that determination in our lives, because that’s what it takes to make a difference for Jesus: NEVER, NEVER GIVING UP! And the best verse of scripture re never giving up and being encouraged is certainly this one where the Lord tells Joshua. ‘Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage: be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest.’ (Josh. 1:9) Now please my fellow saints, let’s take that verse to heart today and sincerely live by it nuh, because it’s the gospel truth! Much LOVE!

…there’s nothing or no one Jesus LOVES more than…sincerely repentant sinners… 

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