Today’s Scrip-Bit   12 February 2022 Proverbs 12:22.

Proverbs 12:22.       Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly (truthfully) are his delight. 

Anyone for a morning skate? Yes, my immediate neighbourhood looks like a skating rink because it’s covered in a layer of ice. Not snow, but ice. And that’s the worst and most dangerous part of the winter situation, for the ice is a real killer. You have to be very, very careful when you are dealing with it. Driving can be hazardous, but walking is even more critical because one false step or move and the results can be unimaginable. So many people have had their lives totally changed by experiencing a fall on ice, since broken bones don’t always heal when and how we desire, especially when we are in the upper echelons of age. (smile) 

And although earlier on I saw a man out jogging, wisdom dictates that if you don’t have to go out then please don’t. And to make matters worse, I just heard that a winter warning has been issued for the Greater Toronto Area, meaning that temperatures can drop even lower than they currently are. But we won’t fear, just be careful and keep Jesus near as always, for He is bigger than any problems or fears we might have. 

Now, let’s turn to our usual Saturday experience, that of checking out the quotes our friend Anselm sent us this past week, as he aspires to inspire us for a better tomorrow. And the first one says: ‘Who lies for you will lie against you.’ And is that the awful truth, or is it? It certainly is! You cannot trust someone who lies, even if it’s in your favour, because as time goes by, you will have doubts as to whether any of their words are true. For, as they say, a leopard can’t change its spots. 

And though we might think that li’l white lies don’t really matter, the truth is that they all add up in the end. So, Cousin Sol tells it like it is in Proverbs: ‘Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly (truthfully) are his delight.’ (Prov. 12:22) Thus, it’s always better not to have someone lie for you, since that also gives them power over you, puts more ammunition in their arsenal that they can later use against you. 

And like Anselm is on an integrity kick this new year because all the remaining quotes deal with it. Hear this one: ‘Don’t assume, ask. Be kind. Tell the truth. Don’t say anything you can’t stand behind fully. Have integrity. Tell people how you feel.’ Now that certainly contains all the Christian values, although in this day and age, telling people how we truly feel is not always the wisest thing to do, since we have become so thin-skinned, that the slightest negative assertion causes us to rear up in anger. 

Our society has become so entitled, aggressive and testy that we no longer are able to handle the truth, even when it stares us in the face. We tend to seek false compliments and what we want to hear rather than the truth about our situations. Bruh Paul’s words to Timothy from way back when, have definitely come true today in these perilous times. ‘For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned into fables.’ (2 Tim. 4:3-4) 

And that’s exactly what’s happening today. People are turning away from the truth of the gospel because they feel it incapacitates their God-given freedom, and are turning to stuff that’s not true, but which seems to give them the freedom they want to do whatever they want. And the sad part is that there are preachers who have come down to that level and are teaching what people want to hear, not what they need to hear. No wonder our world is in so much confusion with so many different truths on the same subject. 

But moving on, we come to this most interesting quote: ‘Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways.’ And there ought to be no controversy or dissension over that, because it comes straight from the Good Book. Another one of Cousin Sol’s wise sayings. ‘Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse (non-conformist, deviant) in his lips, and is a fool.’ (Prov. 19:1) Yes friends, Cousin Sol doesn’t mince words there at all! 

And furthermore, he repeats it in a slightly different manner in a later chapter. This time, he says: ‘Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness (integrity), than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.’ (Prov. 28:6) That’s why integrity is ever so important in a believer’s life, although it’s at a rather low ebb in our world these days. Many people can’t even tell you what it means, much less abide or live by it. And all integrity means is basically being honest and having good and decent moral principles to live by. 

And I definitely like this last quote: ‘Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you.’ Now that is an earth-shattering quote. And it’s something we should all take a moment to ask ourselves and truthfully consider if we are living a life of integrity and fairness, so that when our children hear or think of those words, we are the first persons to flit into their minds. 

Ah mih people, unfortunately, a lot of us won’t flash into the heads of our children when they hear those words, because so many of us are so intent on living the dog-eat-dog style of living that our current world encourages. And that certainly doesn’t include fairness or integrity, but it’s more a get whatever you can, by whatever means you can lifestyle, which is certainly not consistent with true Christian beliefs. 

In answer to that last quote, I don’t know if I will flash up into my children’s mind, although I hope so. (smile) But this I do know, that whenever I’ve done wrong, I’ve always stood my bounce, in other words stood whatever consequences came my way. And that’s also a lesson our world needs to badly learn today, because we like to cast blame, and not take responsibility for our actions and then face the resultant consequences. 

But my fellow saints, until we learn to live with integrity and take responsibility for our actions, our world will continue to be the cesspool that it currently is, and will only get worse. So please, let’s try and do better than we’re doing nuh…for our children’s sake. Much LOVE!

…living a Christian life in the devil’s playground is not always easy…but remember…with Christ on our side…we can do anything… 

P.S. Just noticed that on February 12, 22, we are teaching on Proverbs 12:22. Is that a God-thing or what? (smile) Much LOVE!

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Today’s Scrip-Bit 17 December 2016 Psalm 119:57.

Psalm  119:57.    Thou art my portion, O Lord: I have said that I would keep thy words.

Ah friends, it’s just snow and more snow… and even more snow! Steups! We had more snow again last night and our meteorologists tell us that over the next couple days we are going to have a co-mingling of rain, freezing rain, snow, wet snow and obviously somewhere in there the most dangerous of them all, ice. 

Ah Lord eh, if this is the standard for this winter then I’d better hurry up and go to Tobago yes, because I can’t take this everyday snow business nuh. (smile) Especially when Brother Kirby’s nice, hot and spicy, tasty West Indian soup is waiting for me down there. As I said before though, that’s what dreams are made of, and if you don’t dream, you might as well be dead. 

Anyway, on this cold, snowy, Saturday morning, a week before Christmas, let’s check out some quotes I received this week from our friend Anselm, who always aspires to inspire us with his wise words. 

Here’s the first one: ‘If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.’ Now that’s gospel friends, and essentially why liars get into trouble; they can’t remember every lie they’ve told, and to whom. 

And the second states: ‘Deal with the faults of others as gently as with your own.’ Now that is very difficult for many of us to do, since we always tend to make lofty excuses for ourselves, but come down heavy on others. I guess it’s just a natural human reaction, selfish and unfair though it may be. 

Listen to the third quote: ‘Help me never to judge another until I have walked a mile in his moccasins.’ That’s also a favourite failing of the human animal, even mature Christians. We tend to judge others without knowing a whole lot about them, and it is definitely an unchristian behaviour. 

Remember, Jesus told us not to judge, else we too will be judged. But we still do it a lot. However when the shoe falls on the other foot, when we are unfairly judged…Wow! What a stink we create! 

And the last one states: ‘I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’ That’s very true my brethren! And I’m sure we can all testify to it. Just think back to some of your brightest or darkest moments; you won’t remember all that was said or done, but you’ll definitely remember the emotional state in which you ended up. 

That brings us to our Bit, taken from the longest chapter in the Bible, Psalm 119, which deals predominantly with Lord’s Word. ‘Thou art my portion, O Lord: I have said that I would keep thy words.’ 

Yeh friends, throughout the Psalm, the writer continually talks about the Lord’s statutes, commandments, precepts, testimonies, judgements; how he wants to learn them, so that he can keep them. Are we so enamoured of the Lord’s Word, my fellow believers? We ought to be if we are true to our calling. 

And please remember that the Lord’s Word is not for Him, but for us. We are the ones who benefit from it. It’s a guideline for us, so that we don’t mess up our earthly pilgrimage more than is necessary. 

Now hear how the psalmist continues after our Bit. ‘I entreated thy favour with my whole heart: be merciful unto me according to thy word. I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies. I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments. The bands (cords) of the wicked have robbed (bound) me: but I have not forgotten thy law.’ (Ps.119:58-51) 

Oh friends, is that how we behave toward the Word of God? Is it like Jeremiah says: ‘But his word was in mine heart, as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing (holding back), and I could not stay (endure it).’ (Jer.20:9)  

Yes precious people of Christ, are we eager to read God’s Word and have a great desire to speak it and keep it? I certainly hope so, otherwise we won’t be worthy of calling ourselves Christians. 

And the psalmist continues thus in this passage under the heading of the Hebrew letter ‘Cheth.’ ‘At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgements. I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts. The earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercy (LOVING-kindness): teach me thy statutes.’ (Ps.119:62-64) 

Now that’s the picture of a true believer my people! How many of us rise up at all sorts of ungodly hours to give thanks because of God’s righteous judgements eh? Are we faithful companions to and have strong fellowship with others who reverence the Lord’s name and keep His commandments? 

All of that is a part of being a true Christian, including enjoying God’s LOVING-kindness which is lavished all over His great earth. And please note the psalmist’s last request: ‘teach me thy statutes.’ That is still his number one wish, for if one doesn’t know the Lord’s statutes, how can one keep them eh? 

Ah friends, it’s not easy following Jesus Christ faithfully, but if we are sincere, faithful and diligent in our approach, continually reading and meditating on His commands, statutes and precepts, then we will do a fine job. But it’s oh so essential for all believers to put out the effort to learn the word of God, if we truly want to serve Him at a high level. Much LOVE!

…It is impossible to truly LOVE the Lord…without LOVING His Word…and greatly desiring to know it…and sincerely abide by it…