Today’s Scrip-Bit   25 March 2023   1 Thessalonians 5:18.

1 Thessalonians 5:18.        In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Well, well, what a wet and gloomy Saturday morning! But to some of us, it’s the most appropriate weather if we plan to spend a lazy, indolent Saturday, one averse to any activity whatsoever. (smile) On the other hand, that type of weather might just lead some of us to a sad, sorrowful, discouraged mood, especially if we already have circumstances or situations that are tending to such a negative mindset. And furthermore, with the negative, evil and ungodly times in which we’re living, many of us do have that niggling sense of uncertainty and doubt already eating away at our souls. 

And though, as true children of God, we’re not supposed to let the dark sides of our nature triumph over the light of Jesus in us, it’s not always easy to do. So, to help us in that undertaking, today I want to share a few words on the subject of ‘Discouragement,’ from Dr. Robert H. Schuller’s book, Hour of Power. The particular piece is most appropriately titled, ‘Don’t Get Discouraged.’ I’m sure that I’ve shared it before, but I do believe that the time has come to share it again. (smile) It was written for a time such as this, and we can all, always use a pleasing word on discouragement. 

So please read and inwardly digest with me. ‘Do not be discouraged if you do not accomplish everything that you set out to accomplish. Surely if you do not expect to succeed you will hold back your full power, investment and enthusiasm. Immediately the kind of people who could help to move you on to victory begin to draw back. Your conservative and cautious attitude will reflect itself in an anxious look on your face that will disturb and discourage people from helping you. 

There are two major reasons why people fail. Both stem from a lack of mountain moving faith. (1) People who fail are often people who are indecisive. They cannot make decisions swiftly and surely. The fast-moving opportunity is past before they decide – too late – to take hold. (2) Then some decisive people fail because after making the decision, they fail to move forward with an expectant confidence. They grab the opportunity, only to lose nerve, get cold feet, and begin to wonder if they have done the right thing. They have gripped the plow but now they are looking back. Want to be a success? Develop the ability to appraise opportunities intelligently, seize opportunities swiftly, and promote these opportunities confidently.’ 

Wow friends! I couldn’t have said it any better myself. (smile) And if you all know anything about Dr. Schuller, you’ll know that he was a man who tried to practice what he preached, and thus built the Crystal Cathedral in California, the largest all glass building in the world at the time. Everybody said it couldn’t be done, but by his tenacity and mountain moving faith, he got it done. And if you don’t know what mountain-moving faith is, then listen to him tell it in what He called ‘The Possibility Thinker’s Creed.’ 

Please read with me again. ‘When faced with a mountain, I will not quit! I will keep on striving until I climb over, find a pass through, tunnel underneath, or simply stay and turn the mountain into a gold mine – with God’s help.’ Yes my brethren, that’s what mountain-moving faith is all about. Never giving up. Always finding a way, with God’s help! And I just want to let us know that in these trying and very turbulent times we can always find a way out of or through our difficulties with God’s help. Remember He hasn’t given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, LOVE and of a sound or disciplined mind, that’s self-control. (2 Tim. 1:7) 

So we’ve no need to fear, as Jesus told us so many times, neither should we get discouraged, which is the very basis of the Bible. We have an omnipotent God and a Saviour who is always there for us. They will not always bail us out of every difficult situation completely, but if they don’t, then they will enable us to go through them so that we can grow and become more mature believers. For we only grow when we go through difficult situations. The problem though is that we’ve become so soft and flaccid with the good life that we’re now accustomed to, that most of us can’t imagine going through tough times, and when tough times do come, we quickly fall apart. 

In other words, we take our hands off the plough and look back, which automatically disqualifies us. But let’s recall some appropriate scriptures nuh, that ought to help us deal with our fears and doubts. As Dr. Schuller said so correctly in his discourse, one of our major problems is anxiety, that’s an overshadowing feeling of doubt, and possible failure. But please listen to these ever so encouraging words that Bruh Paul wrote to the church at Philippi. 

‘Be careful (anxious) for nothing; But in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep (guard) your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.’ (Phil. 4:6-7) Yes friends, our first move in any situation should always be to our great and wonderful God. And please, don’t be restrained by the foolish thinking that God’s not interested in our affairs. It’s the exact opposite: He is interested in EVERY SINGLE THING THAT CONCERNS US! Be it very big or very small, and is willing to help in ALL circumstances. 

It’s therefore to our benefit to take all our problems to God in prayer. And as Bruh Paul wrote to the Thessalonians: ‘Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.’ (1 Thess. 5:16-18) Oh my fellow saints, that is indeed God’s will for us through Christ Jesus! Why do you think He sent Jesus to be our Lord and Saviour eh? So that we could be reconciled to Him and have good relationships and communication with Him. 

Remember, one of the main reasons God created us in the first place, was to have a good relationship with Him. But the spectre of sin raised its ugly head and separated us. However, since God LOVED us so much, He sent His only Son Jesus to die on the cross at Calvary so that we could be saved and thus return to His fold, to a good relationship. Jesus Himself said it in John 3:16. ‘For God so LOVED the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’ What more do we need to hear or see to believe that the Lord LOVES us in all sincerity and truth eh?  

And there’s no better way to end today than with this all-encompassing promise that the Lord made long ago to the children of Israel as they were in the wilderness slowly wending their way to the Promised Land.. ‘Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.’ (Deut. 31:8) And we all know that He kept that promise, seeing the Israelites through numerous problems, most of them caused by their rebellious and disobedient attitude, and finally brought them into the Promised Land. 

He will do the same for us, if we stay obedient to His commandments and do His holy will. It’s all up to us. Yes my people, the ball is now in our court, please let’s make good use of it. Much LOVE!

…the Lord’s provided all we’ll ever need…it’s up to us to claim it… 

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