Today’s Scrip-Bit   5 October 2023 Genesis 47:10.

Genesis 47:10.       And Jacob blessed Pharaoh, and went out from before Pharaoh.

Well, my dear friends, I’m sorry to report that the awesome sunshine and good weather that’s recently blessed my area looks like it’s reached the inevitable end. Chuh! And it was all going along so nicely… But this first Thursday in October has begun on a somewhat cloudy note, although temperatures will be fairly high. Then, if the forecasters are right, there’ll be some long-needed rain tonight, with more seasonal temperatures tomorrow, in the low to mid-teens. 

And we can’t say that we didn’t have an enjoyable extended summer! But it’s time to get back to reality now, with the cooler, less sunshiny weather. (smile) We always knew it would come eventually, but just not when. And isn’t that just like life…we never know when things will begin or end, which brings us to the amazing story of Bruh Joseph and the unlikely manner in which the Lord birthed the Jewish people. 

And doesn’t the Lord fittingly raise the drama potential by having the children of Israel begin life in Egypt on a deceitful note, reminiscent of their founder Jacob’s name and early life, by pretending to be more cattle herders than sheep herders, on the wise advice of Bruh Joseph? (Gen. 46:33-34) For sure, since it will be something that comes back to haunt them in later years. 

And we pick up the story where Bruh Joseph presents some of his brethren to Pharaoh. ‘Then Joseph came and told Pharaoh, and said, My father and my brethren, and their flocks, and their herds, and all that they have, are come out of the land of Canaan; and, behold, they are in the land of Goshen. And he took some of his brethren (brothers), even five men, and presented them unto Pharaoh. And Pharoah said unto his brethren, What is your occupation? And they said unto Pharaoh, Thy servants are shepherds, both we, and also our fathers. 

They said moreover unto Pharaoh, for to sojourn in the land are we come; for thy servants have no pasture for their flocks; for the famine is sore (severe) in the land of Canaan: now therefore, we pray thee, let thy servants dwell in the land of Goshen. And Pharaoh spake unto Joseph, saying, Thy father and thy brethren are come unto thee: The land of Egypt is before thee; in the best of the land make thy father and brethren to dwell; in the land of Goshen let them dwell: and if thou knowest any men of activity (competent men) among them, then make them rulers over my cattle.’ (Gen. 47:1-6) 

Ah friends, our God can soften any heathen ruler’s heart to give abundant favour to His people, although in this instance Bruh Joseph had done marvellous, in fact miraculous work, for Pharaoh in stemming the disaster of Egypt during the days of feast and famine. So, it was not totally favouritism, but mostly just reward. Then comes the big moment when Jacob was presented to Pharaoh. 

‘And Joseph brought in Jacob his father, and set him before Pharoah: and Jacob blessed Pharaoh. And Pharaoh said unto Jacob, How old art thou? And Jacob said unto Pharaoh, The days of the years of my pilgrimage (sojourning) are an hundred and thirty years: few and evil have the days of the years of my life been, and have not attained unto the days of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage. And Jacob blessed Pharaoh, and went out from before Pharaoh.’ (Gen. 47:7-10) 

Wow! Jacob, even in his old age, did have backbone and belly to be blessing the mighty Pharaoh twice as he did. And on those first ten verses, the scholars offer these explanations. ‘Joseph’s wise advice in 46:33-34 enabled his brothers to express their desires before Pharaoh, and to receive exactly what they wanted…permission to live in the fertile land of Goshen. Evidently Jacob was not intimidated by Pharaoh; and he blessed Pharaoh in verse 7and 10. When Jacob said his days were few and evil does not mean “sinful,” but “calamitous, constantly confronted by anger, anguish, distress, and tribulation.’ Just like the lives of so many of us today. 

The Bible then tells us: ‘And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had commanded. And Joseph nourished (provided) his father and his brethren, and all his father’s household, with bread according to their families.’ (Gen. 47:11-12) What a wonderful son, brother and family member Bruh Joseph turned out to be. Even after all his unfair trials and tribulations! 

Can it be that we’re supposed to follow his example through our own trials and tough times?  (smile) Yes friends, it’s all a part of being a good Christian, a good and true disciple of Christ Jesus. And to help us do just that, the Lord has bestowed un us a number of undeserved blessings, which we call our Thursday Blessings. So, let’s declare and activate them right now! And, by the way, we did spell declare (steups) right the first time, but not the second. (smile)  

As one strong and sincere voice: ‘I declare that I am blessed with God’s supernatural wisdom and receive clear direction for my life! I declare today that I am blessed with creativity, courage, talent and abundance! I am blessed with a strong will, self-control and self-discipline! I am blessed with a great family, good friends, good health, faith, favour and fulfillment! 

I am blessed with success, supernatural strength, promotion and divine protection! I am blessed with a compassionate heart and a positive outlook on life! I declare that any curse or negative word that’s ever been spoken over me is broken right now in the name of Jesus! I declare that everything I put my hands to, will prosper and succeed! I declare it today and every day! Amen!’ 

And having activated those blessings, we are now beholden to go out and use them in the betterment of the lives of our fellow man, just as generously as the Lord bestowed them upon us! Much LOVE!

…how you end up…is much more important…than how you begin… 

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