Today’s Scrip-Bit   1 January 2023   2 Corinthians 5:21.


2 Corinthians 5:21.        For he (God) hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

And then it was New Year’s Day! Wow! Christmas of 2022 is in the books and the new year of 2023 has begun with the same rush as the old one went out in! (smile) Anyway, we’re wishing a Happy New Year of 2023 to all our Scrip-Bit friends and families all over God’s great earth! And we hope and pray that this year will be better than the last, but let’s remember that any improvement must begin with each of us first improving our individual selves, then getting together in sincere fellowship and building Christ’s body, His church! 

Now let’s also hope that we did not party too much in the New Year’s Eve celebrations last night, to remember that today is Sunday, the Lord’s Day, and we needs must get up and go to His sanctuary and praise and worship Him with other believers for His wonderful deeds to the children of men. And as always, we’ll begin with a song of praise, but for this New Year’s Day I wanted something special, a song that would give us some encouragement and hope for this upcoming year, which won’t be an easy one. 

Let’s not fool ourselves into thinking that 2023 will be a banner year for peace and LOVE. Much as I desire it to be so, the current worldwide situation doesn’t promise it. Yes friends, with all the anger, strife, greed, selfishness, hunger for power and jealousy currently permeating our world, it only portends, is a sign of tougher times. But then again, we have Jesus, so there’s no need to be overly concerned. If we do our best, He’s promised to do the rest. And He is a faithful keeper of His promises. 

Anyhow, getting back to today’s song, I believe it’s a perfect fit for all that we’re going through on this first day of 2023. It’s one of our favourites, aptly titled Blessed Assurance; one of the many beautiful hymns written by blind American hymn-writer Fanny Crosby. The story goes that ‘One evening in 1873, Fanny’s friend and composer Phoebe Palmer Knapp was visiting and played a tune on the piano, asking Fanny what it sounded like. Fanny responded, “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine!” Phoebe and Fanny then continued to sing the melody and write the lyrics together.’ 

Isn’t ‘it awesome how songs of worship come together so quickly and unexpectedly. The hand of God is definitely involved in the writing of each one. But enough talk, (smile) it’s time to offer up our sacrificial praises to God and heaven, this New year’s day of 2023. So, in loud, but sweet harmony, in an up tempo beat, because we’re joyful in the Lord’s strength and promises, let’s offer up a rousing, heartfelt rendition of Blessed Assurance. 

Singing: ‘Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood (Chorus: This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Saviour all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Saviour all the day long.) Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight; Angels, descending, bring from above Echoes of mercy, whispers of LOVE. 

(Chorus…) Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Saviour am happy and blest, Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His LOVE. (Chorus: This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long…. Yes, This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long )’ 

Oh friends, that was a marvellous rendition! And heaven just LOVED it! (smile) And does the song ever ring out with truth, for every day we sing praises to Jesus, thankful for all the undeserved blessings He so generously and mercifully bestows on us. And all we can say is ’Thank You Jesus! Thank You for coming to earth to save us as the baby born in the manger, then dying for us on that old wooden cross of Calvary on Good Friday, taking all of our sins upon you and giving us your righteousness!’ 

Like Bruh Paul says: ‘For he (God) hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.’ (2 Cor. 5:21) And Peter reiterated it thus: ‘(Jesus) Who in his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes (wounds) ye were healed.’ (1 Pet. 2:24) 

Oh my fellow believers, that is the ultimate in selflessness! Christ died so that our sins could be forgiven! What more can we ask eh? NOTHING! What greater gift could He have bestowed eh? NONE! And all He asks of us is to be appropriately grateful and live in the righteousness that He died for us to have! 

But that’s exactly where we are falling down in our Christian walk; we’re not living in sufficient righteousness. We still have too much of the old sinful, worldly man in us. We’re still too intimidated and persuaded by the secular and unrighteous ways of the world. And understandably, since we’re only humans, it’s not easy to overlook the beautiful baubles and bangles that the world dangles in front of us, but with Christ living within us through His Holy Spirit, ostensibly to lead and guide us in righteous ways, we should be doing much better than we are. 

And any true believer who is worth his salt, on self-examination, will tell you that! The negativity that’s currently flooding our world is largely because we supposed Christians have not done the job we were given; we have not fulfilled the Great Commission enough, so that Christ’s church could have the upper hand. We have sat on our laurels way too much, enjoying the good and easy material life the world promotes, foolishly and fearfully forsaking the righteousness of Christ’s kingdom. 

Oh friends, in this year of 2023, let’s promise ourselves to do much better nuh. For our children’s sake, so much better that we will reverse some of the negativity in our world by promoting the righteousness of Christ. This year, please let our motto be truthfully the words of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: ‘But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;’ so that all the things we truly need will be added to us by our heavenly Father. That’s the ONLY way to turn things around! Much LOVE!

…if you can’t accept and believe Jesus’ words and promises…then whose can you accept eh… 

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Today’s Scrip-Bit 3 September 2021 Isaiah 42:8.

Isaiah 42:8.     I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

And then it was Friday, that blissful day we all look forward to, and joyfully declare: ‘TGIF! Thank God is Friday oui!’ It means the beginning of our weekend frolic time. And this weekend is even better because it’s the Labour Day long weekend. Unfortunately, I don’t believe there will be any big Labour Day parade in Brooklyn, New York after the terrible flooding that occurred over the last few days in that city. But mankind, being the quickest animal to rebound from a disaster, or even to celebrate in a disaster, one never knows. (smile)  

Anyhow, let’s hope and pray for our besieged world, where so much of it has recently been plagued by disease, poverty, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, wildfires, floods, famine, hurricanes, hunger and our ever-present human strife. Oh my people, it’s really a sad time in the life of our world, and one that will only improve with our turning back to Almighty God. Yes, the same One who created and LOVED us so much that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us to be saved from our abominable sinful and ungodly lifestyle. 

And please note friends, that unless we soon do something about our evil and ungodly machinations, our world will continue to crumble under our feet, until it just simply implodes or explodes with a fierceness that we cannot imagine. Oh, we blame a lot of it on what we call climate change, but who has caused climate change eh? We the people, who insist on littering the earth and the heavens with our ever-increasing refuse and polluting it with new pollutants every day. And yet we still expect it to be such a glorious place to live, and can’t believe that we’ve done so much damage to our wonderful environment. 

Now, let us not forget the strong possibility of the hand of God being present in our worldly misfortunes, because it is said that He will not allow the sinful to continue in their sinful ways for ever. Remember, one time He got so fed up with our sinful ways that He destroyed the earth and all therein by flood, except for Noah, his family and one set of every animal so that He could replenish the world, give us a brand new start. 

Unfortunately though, over time, we returned to our sinful, ungodly ways. And unless you are so living in the darkness of sin, that you are totally blind to what’s happening around you, you will acknowledge that this is one of the most depraved and sinful eras of mankind’s existence, even as his intelligence and knowledge have reached unimaginable heights. That has led him to want to remove God from the society, because he now feels that he is a god unto himself. 

But mankind forgets that he is a created being, meaning he cannot stop or prevent the death and the eventual destruction of his human body, and no matter how intelligent he becomes, he will never be able to fully replicate himself, because neither can he do the ultimate job of breathing the breath of life into a body. Yes, he can imitate it by creating an artificial being, a robot with all the accoutrements of a human body, but never the breath of life, because that’s reserved for Almighty God Himself, the creator and ultimate controller of the universe. 

We have obviously forgotten, or simply choose to ignore God’s statement to the ungodly Israelites. ‘I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.’ (Is. 42:8) And as the website tells us on the subject. ‘God’s glory is His honor, splendor, and dignity, and He will not share it with anyone. In telling Israel of how He was sparing them from destruction and giving them new prophecies, God says, “For my own sake, for my own sake, I do this. How can I let myself be defamed? I will not yield my glory to another” (Isa. 48:11) I don’t know how much clearer the Lord can be nuh. 

And we’ve said all of that friends, simply to say, that there is a higher power than mankind in this universe, and it will not let him destroy it or bring it to ruin through his sinful, ungodly behaviour. And having given us an option to reject sin, to get away from eternal damnation, through accepting His Son, Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, Jehovah God cannot be blamed if He just gets tired once more with our sinful shenanigans and destroys our world once more. And this time friends, He’s promised that it won’t be by water. 

So, can you think of other methods of destruction? I believe they are all worse than water. One commentator asks these two interesting questions: ‘God promised no more floods. Is there a loophole—fire next time? Will God continue to self-limit when faced with our continuing evil? God promised not to destroy the earth (at least by a flood). Will God let us destroy it?’ Who knows the answers eh? And if yuh want a li’l heads up on it, listen to the album titled ‘The Fire Next Time’ by that awesome rap group from T&T, 3 Canal. (smile) 

And right now friends, there are numerous wildfires burning in every corner of our universe, fires that we have been fighting for months, and are still unable to put out. Fires that are causing people to evacuate their safe and wonderful homes and cities every day. So, the world going up in flames, is not such an incredible option or idea, as so many of us would like to believe. All I know is that if we want to survive worldwide disaster, we have to, we must, bring God back into our society, re-establish Him and His rule as the Number One factor in the way we live our lives. 

And we can begin doing that right now by going to Him in humble prayer, through our Friday Chant, sincerely asking for His help. So, as one voice: ‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through this past week. You know it’s been rough… what with all the anxiety, the confusion and havoc that the Covid-19 virus and our many other problems are causing. We can’t seem to fix it on our own Lord, that means we desperately need your help. 

Oh heavenly Father, with your omnipotent help, and our trusting faith, we know that we can stand strong and steadfast and defeat both the virus and the unrest in our streets. So Lord, we sincerely ask you today to give the governments and those involved in the forefront of this serious and unexpected storm, the wise guidance to handle the situation properly, with the least amount of loss to life and property as possible. And please help those of us who must go out to work amidst all the confusion, to be responsible and to stay safe, and avoid any more serious setbacks. 

And Lord, we fervently pray that You’ll use this situation to bring a lot of backsliders back to your fold, show them the error of their ways. And please introduce a whole new flock, who will embrace your LOVE and compassion by the example, we, your faithful believers set. Yes Lord, please use this pandemic and the unrest in the streets as a means of restoring faith in You, so that our sinful world can wake up and smell the coffee, sweet and strong! We pray this in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Amen!’ 

Now friends, as always, the Lord’s answer will be based on the way we keep the promises we’ve made! Much LOVE!

…most of man’s woes…result from his own wrong doings…                                                                                                     

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Today’s Scrip-Bit 13 October 2018 Matthew 5:13a & 14a.

Matthew 5:13a & 14a.     Ye are the salt of the earth… Ye are the light of the world…
And Saturday has dawned somewhat cloudy, chilly and damp from early evening drizzle. And in Mother Nature’s eccentric way, a lot of the trees that only two days ago I said were surprisingly still green, are now almost all golden yellow. She’s delivered the final message; it’s time to buckle down for the cold winter months ahead. And we, people of God, should also be heeding Mother Nature’s missive, because I believe we’ll be in for some rather tough times in the near future. 

And talking about tough times, I was negligent in mentioning Hurricane Michael that devastated parts of Florida a couple days ago. It came up suddenly, did, it’s dirty work and was gone again. Please let’s pray for those unfortunate people, and do whatever else we can to help them. But that might just be the pattern of natural disasters, or really any kind of disaster that might soon befall us. 

You’ll notice how disasters of all kinds have happened all over the world this year with surprising regularity. I don’t want to read too much into it, but friends, if we are wise, we will at least suspect the hand of our omnipotent God somewhere about in them, sending us a warning, to repent from our sinful ways. 

I don’t know if the world has ever been this evil, adding to the fact that we’re trying so desperately to oust God from our society. Do you think He’ll just sit quietly by and let it happen? I doubt it. But that’s just a word of warning to the wise. 

And since today is Saturday, let’s look at some of the quotes that our friend Anselm sent us this week, as he aspires to inspire us for a better tomorrow. And first up is this: ‘All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.’ I’m not so sure about that nuh. 

Yes, life is indeed experimental; you have to try stuff to see if it works for you. But I truly wonder if the more experiments we try, the merrier, or better off we are? I think at some stage, when we find our true calling, that the experimenting must either cease or slow down. 

Then there is this: ‘A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.’ Now that’s basically true, but some will need a definition of wasting time before they agree, since to them doing nothing, is not always a waste of time, sometimes it can be a means of refreshing and renewing oneself. But generally speaking, just letting time fly by, and it does fly by, without doing positive and productive stuff, even if it’s simply regenerating oneself, isn’t a wise way to use it. 

Now hear this quote: ‘All of life is peaks and valleys. Don’t let the peaks get too high and the valleys too low.’ That makes sense. We can’t afford to be moving too often from top to bottom, because that just saps the energy and spirit of our souls. We need to try and establish a nice balance between the good times and the rough times, plus don’t stay down too long, or fly too high before we develop wings. (smile) 

And the last quote says: ‘My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.’ 

Now that is gospel truth my brethren! We were not placed down here to merely survive, to go about like ‘poor me ones,’ but to be salt and light and magnificent examples to the unbeliever: in other words to be excellent ambassadors of Christ. As Jesus so adamantly stated in His famous Sermon on the Mount: ‘Ye are the salt of the earth… Ye are the light of the world…’ 

Yes friends, that’s what Christ’s followers are expected to be; full of vim and vigour, showing their excellence in all matters, leading the parade in His name! Now are we leading the parade in Jesus’ name, my fellow believers? I don’t think so nuh, otherwise the evil-doers would not be having the upper hand in the world today, and we’d not be trying like hell to kick Christ out of our society. 

That just shows we’re not on top of things. We seem to be more like how Christ described flavourless salt: ‘but if the salt has lost his savour (flavour), wherewith (by what) shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden underfoot of men’ (Matt.5:13b) Likewise: ‘A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle (lamp), and put it under a bushel (basket); and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.’ (Matt.5:14b-15)  

Now if those two negative situations Jesus describes are true of us in these trying times, then it doesn’t speak well of us my believing brethren. And sadly, there is a whole lot of truth to it! Our efforts for Christ are simply not up to scratch; there are too many divisions, too much petty resentment and feuding between so-called believers, plus too much compromise with the heathen, and too much of just sitting on our laurels and figuring everything will just work itself out for good. 

No friends, winning souls for Christ, and the world for His LOVE Revolution WILL not happen without our saltiness and light blaring forth, dazzling the entire world! 

Now listen to Jesus final words on the subject. ‘Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.’ (Matt.5:16) 

Yes friends, that’s how true believers ought to be behaving, so that God can be glorified! Remember that’s our chief mission here on earth! So let’s pull up our socks and go out and do better for Jesus nuh mih breddren! Don’t you feel bad that we’re letting the world blaspheme His holy name and kick Him around like a bloody football, after all He’s done for us? We ought to! Much LOVE!

…if you’re not flavouring the world with your saltiness…and dazzling them with your light…then you’re a poor ambassador for Christ…














Today’s Scrip-Bit 22 June 2018 Psalm 119:105.

Psalm 119:105.   Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Well friends, amongst all the strife, war, hatred, anger and all the other negative stuff that’s taking place in our once beautiful world, I noticed one of the most foolish and insensitive actions take place yesterday. Yuh know the big contention that’s currently going on in the U.S… and some of you are asking which one? (smile) Well I’m talking about the recent major push to separate immigrant children from their parents. 

Now apparently, yesterday, the first lady of the U.S went to visit one of the centres where children are being held and she wore a jacket that had written on the back in big white letters: ‘I don’t really care, do u?’ How how insensitive is that eh? Even if you don’t care, half of the country you represent cares, and that’s only a slap in the face to them. But that’s the state of the U.S. these days. Matter done! 

It’s Friday, and the workingman is out there singing his happy song: ‘TGIF! Thank God is Friday! The working soon finish… and the partying soon start! What a bam bam! It’s going to be party fuh so in this summertime weather! Nobody going to stop we from carrying on anyway we want! 

And who doh like it…Hn! Tough tits yes! Let them try to do something about it nuh. They don’t know how we grateful for the break from all the weekday slavery nuh, both physical and mental. Steups!  Thank God for Fridays and the weekends oui!’ 

Yeh mih people, we Christians are also grateful for Fridays and the weekends, but we just show it in a less bacchanalian way. (smile) We don’t go to the extremes, like the worldly culture around us does. So let’s chant our corresponding Friday Chant and show them how we believers do it nuh. 

As one sincere voice now: ‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through another week of work! It hasn’t been easy, but with your generous help, I made it through. Now, please help me to get sufficient fun, fellowship, rest and relaxation in these two short days off, so that I can be renewed and refreshed in soul, body and mind, to go back out and do it all over again next week, furthering your glorious kingdom with each step I take. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.’ 

Yes friends, we have a more organized way to spend or use our weekends – while celebrating, still keeping our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ uppermost in our minds and behaviour. And I just spied a quote from a Daily Bread Devotional that highlights it quite nicely. I’ve shared it before, but it’s important enough to share again and again. ‘Commitment to Christ is a daily calling.’ 

And isn’t that the gospel truth my brethren! Everyday we awaken, we need to commit ourselves anew to Christ! That’s the only way we can stay on the tried and true path that leads to the Father. That’s why the psalmist declared in our Bit: ‘Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.’  

Yeh mih breddren, the only way to stay committed to Christ is by constantly reading, meditating and putting His word into action, for the enemy is fighting an ever-constant battle to win our souls. Remember those memorable words of the Lord to Joshua when He appointed him leader of the Israelites after Moses’ death? 

‘This book of the law shall not depart out of (be constantly in) thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then shalt thou have good success.’ (Josh.1:8) 

Oh friends, that one verse says it all: to be prosperous and have success, one must know the word and practice it! And yet we wonder why so much of us individually, as well as nationally are not having success. But the answer is right there before our very eyes; turn to God and do His will. That’s not rocket science; it’s plain and straightforward. 

And though in some cases it might be somewhat difficult to do, the Lord has faithfully promised us His awesome help all along the way. But like the workingman, many of us seem to prefer Beelzebub’s easy and sinful ways, which only lead to hellfire, death and eternal damnation. 

Yuh see how EVERY TIME, Israel turned away from God how they suffered, and how we are suffering now in our ungodliness? It’s no mistake that our world is currently engulfed in all sorts of negative problems; the hand of God and a touch of His wrath are upon us. Notice I said only a touch of His wrath, because we could never withstand the full force of His anger. 

Oh friends, the Good Book is the inspired Word of our Creator and it does not lie. So why do we think we can go against what it says and be truly successful eh? That’s why I’m imploring us, like the Lord implored Joshua and all the other leaders of the faith, to sincerely meditate on His Word, talk about it to our children and each other, and then put it into action. That’s the ONLY way our desperately struggling world and us will ever know peace and success. Much LOVE!

…how can the blind lead the blind out of darkness eh…only through the light inspiring word of Jesus…


Today’s Scrip-Bit 27 April 2016 Job 19:25

Job 19:25.   For I know that my Redeemer (lit. Kinsman) liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter (last) day upon the earth.

Aye friends, it promises to be a glorious day in my neighbourhood! Oh glory to God! As Bruh Bob (Bob Marley) crooned some time ago: ‘The sun is shining, the weather is sweet, Makes me want to move my dancing feet.’ 

However though, the ole fella’s feet may be a tad wooden right now, since he had a real long and frustrating day yesterday, and didn’t get to bed until the wee, wee hours of the morning, thus the late rising and tiredness that he’s now experiencing. (smile) 

But have no fear, our God is always near. He’s a healing God, and He will eventually enliven both my body and mind, and make my feet like hinds feet, then the dancing will begin. 

So having said all of that, what are we waiting for? Let’s shout it out, loud and proud: ‘This is the day that the Lord has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in it!’ 

Now that’s a promise we have to keep my people. We can’t afford to go around sad and depressed having made that awesome declaration. We have to lift our heads up high, throw back our shoulders and walk like the wonderful and beloved children of God that we are. 

And to help us accomplish that, let’s declare our Wednesday Wail with much gusto and sincerity. Remember, sincerity is a very important part of our faith – nothing done in God’s realm without it, avails anything. 

So with one accord, let’s wail nuh: ‘Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: I’m so glad to be alive on this Wednesday! Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: Thank God the breath of life is still flowing through me on this Wednesday! I am halfway home. 

My hands are fixed securely on the plough, and I’m not turning back. I’m not looking back at the past, not focusing on what has gone before. But my eyes are fixed straight ahead; straight ahead to a glorious future with Jesus. Glory Hallelujah!’ 

Oh, how sincerely blessed we are my brothers and sisters in Christ! And if we don’t feel that way, regardless of our current circumstances, then our faith is not up to scratch. It’s just great to be alive, each and every day, and have the opportunity to enjoy the new mercies and blessings that our magnanimous God so generously showers down on us. 

Ah mih people, the breath of life is one of God’s greatest blessing to us, so let’s treat it with the care and respect that it deserves nuh. And what better future is there than one with Jesus eh? None whatsoever! 

But to truly enjoy it, we have to keep our eyes and heads always looking forward, not backward, and keep a strong grip on the plough as we go through this earthly pilgrimage. 

That brings to our Bit, a powerful testimony of faith from Job, the renowned father of patience. ‘For I know that my Redeemer (lit. Kinsman) liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter (last) day upon the earth.’ 

Now today, we are all aware that our Redeemer is Jesus, but back then, in Job’s time, how much did the ordinary folks know a Redeemer eh? Not a whole lot. Most of them were quietly praying and hoping for the Messiah, whom they believed to be a great warrior King that would come and destroy the Romans and remove the terrible yoke of bondage from their necks. 

But Job knew, or felt something that most didn’t know or feel. He had just finished bewailing his friends’ cruelty, and seeking pity. 

‘Have pity upon me, have pity upon me, O ye my friends; for the hand of God hath touched me. Why do ye persecute me as God, and are not satisfied with my flesh? Oh that my words were now written! Oh that they were printed in a book! That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock forever!’ (Job 19:21-24) 

We all know how Job’s three supposed friends, Zophar the Naamathite, Eliphaz, the Temanite, and Bildad, the Shuhite, lit in to him, claiming that his horrendous disaster stemmed from some deep and dark hidden sin. With friends like those, who needed enemies eh? 

But Job knew otherwise. That’s why he could make that sure statement in our Bit. Then continue: ‘And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God. Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me (how my heart yearns).’ (Job 19:26-27) 

Yeh friends, despite all Job’s problems, He did not lose faith, and was quite sure that he would see God in the last days. 

And the scholars have this to say about these scriptures. ‘19:23-27. God has humiliated Job (vv.8-12), his friends and relatives have abandoned him (vv.13-20), and he has been reduced to pleading for pity  (vv.21-22). But from the depths of degradation he expresses the confidence that if his case could only be recorded for posterity, future generations would judge him favourably. (vv.23-24).’ 

And isn’t that ever so true my fellow believers? Job’s words were recorded, and we now do have a more favourable outlook on his situation than his friends and family had back then.  

‘Furthermore, he knows confidently that he has a Redeemer (v.25, Heb. go’el), One who will champion his cause and vindicate him. The Redeemer is more than an arbiter (9:33) or a witness (16:19) but a Kinsman-Redeemer who will avenge him. Clearly, Job viewed God Himself as the Redeemer and the Hebrew word is in fact used often of God. (Ps.19:14; Is.41:14, etc.). 

In my flesh (v.26) speaks of a resurrected body. Though it may also be translated “apart from my flesh,” as a spirit being, the emphasis of the original means “from the standpoint of my flesh,” in my resurrected body. Here then is clear evidence of the Old Testament belief in the resurrection of the human body.’  

Ah mih people, yuh see, unlike what many would have us believe, that the Old Testament is like it’s name; old and passé, it does hold many truths and circumstances that are still important to our faith today. 

In fact, the Old Testament is the foundation on which the New Testament is built; just look at the numerous references to it in the New One, even from Jesus. So we do need to use both Testaments in concert with each other, if we really want to know the truth of God’s word. Much LOVE!

…for God’s truth to be really known…His Word…from Genesis to Revelation…cannot be separated or considered apart…

Today’s Scrip-Bit 26 October 2014 Psalm 47:1-2‏

Psalm 47:1-2.    O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph. for the Lord most high is terrible (awesome); he is a great King over all the earth.

It’s Sunday Friends, Sunday…the day of ‘gatheration!’ (smile) It’s that first day of the week when we gather to praise and worship our most wonderful God and fellowship with each other, offering encouragement, friendship, peace and LOVE!
Wow! What a great time will be had by all! Why is that you ask? Chuh!  Because there’s nothing, no celebration in this world that compares to true believers getting together to sing and praise and worship the ONE TRUE LIVING GOD of the Universe!
And that’s because the occasion is filled with that wonderful, adorable and heartwarming emotion of LOVE, which stems directly from Almighty God, and in turn, is His most marvellous and important attribute!
And all God’s children boldly proclaimed: ‘Thank You Lord for Your LOVE! Without it we couldn’t even begin to function in this ungodly and troubled world! Please keep on LOVING us, and help us to LOVE You too, as we ought to. We pray this in Jesus’ Name. Amen!’
That brings me to an interesting quote I want to share again, on the subject of LOVE and LIFE. This comes from Jürgen Moltman, a German Theologian and Emeritus Professor, born in 1926, and noted as a proponent of his ‘Theology of Hope.’
And Jürgen wisely tells us that: ‘The more passionately we LOVE Life, the more intensely we experience the joy of Life!’
What wisdom my people! And to explain that, the One More Day Devotional for those with Chronic Illness says: ‘We can’t hide from the real-life drama around us, though we’d like to sometimes. We need to live the drama, LOVE it, cry with it, and at times even hate it. Choosing to live life on its terms brings enthusiasm and passion into our experience.’
And that’s no lie my Friends! For trying to avoid, to run from the pain and hurt inherent in life, only ‘blinds us to the joys and wonderment of living fully!’
Truer words were never spoken my people! That’s why the most joyful people are the ones who face life head on, who deal with the situations as they come up, without trying to avoid everything that’s painful, because life at its best is a combination of joy and sorrow.
Job recognized that most salient fact when he admonished his wife. ‘What? shall we receive (accept) good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil (accept calamity)?’ (Job 2:10)
 Likewise Friends, until we also realize and accept that most salient fact, and stop trying to have no painful moments, we’ll never fully understand, appreciate and enjoy life! That’s why I want us to proclaim and acclaim today: ‘I choose to be enthusiastic about my life!’
Yes Friends, life was made for living, and you can’t live life fully unless you’re enthusiastic about it. And the  psalmist, writing Psalm 47, from which our Bit is taken, understood this principle.
Though life is sometimes difficult, he still oh so wisely advises: ‘O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph. For the Lord most high is terrible (awesome); he is a great King over all the earth.’
And make no mistake my brethren, that is indeed gospel truth!
And as the psalmist continues later on in full confidence: ‘God reigneth over the heathen (nations, Gentiles): God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness. The princes of the people are gathered together, even the people of the God of Abraham: for the shield of the earth belong unto God: he is greatly exalted.’ (Ps.47:8-9)
And that my fellow believers is exactly what we need to do today and every day; exalt our great God, because He reigns supreme, as King of Glory!
Yes my people, as we come together to praise and worship the omnipotent God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, let’s remember these true and moving words of Bruh David from Psalm 68, superscripted – God has gone before His people.
‘Ascribe ye strength unto God: his excellency is over Israel, and his strength is in the clouds. O God, thou art terrible (awesome) out of thy holy places: the God of Israel is he that giveth strength and power unto his people. Blessed be God.’ (Ps.68:34-35)
And most important of all my brethren, let’s remember that when we leave God’s sanctuary today, be it a multi-million dollar building, or under a mango tree, we need to take the joy, the glory, the enthusiasm, encouragement, fellowship and LOVE that we receive there, out into the evil and ungodly world that surrounds us and share it with others who unfortunately don’t know Jesus.
Don’t hoard it, don’t try to save it all for yourself, because God blesses us so that we can also bless others. Jesus expects nothing less from us, that’s why He gave us the Great Commission before He ascended back to heaven.
‘Go ye therefore, and teach (make disciples of) all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.’ (Matt.28:19-20)
And all God’s children declared a loud, grateful and enthusiastic: ‘Praise the Lord! Amen!’
Now Friends, let’s go out and do as Jesus asks, or as our Bishop recently quoted another clergy member: ‘Get up; get out, and get lost!’ That means, take our Christianity into the world and let it shine, with Jesus as our guide, mentor, Lord and Saviour. Much LOVE!
…to be really true believers…we must be truly seen…as the salt of the earth…and the light of the world…




Today’s Scrip-Bit 17 October 2014 Amos 4:6B

Amos 4:6B.      …yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord.
So Friends, it’s Friday! What do you have to say for yourselves eh?
And everybody just began rejoicing: ‘TGIF! Thank God it’s Friday! The weekend’s here! Work soon finish, and we going to party down the place! Getting ready for Christmas and Carnival, checking out the parang, (Venezuelan based folk music popular in T&T) and whatever else there is to check out!
Yes Friends, the Christmas scenario is already being played out in T&T, and after Christmas is obviously the epic street party termed Carnival, Mas, Bacchanal, etc. etc. Imagine that nuh, in the middle of October, we already touting Christmas!
Every year it seems to start earlier and earlier, driven by the economic engines of sales and shopping. But my people, we need to remember that it’s not all about partying, or shopping, or any of those worldly related things.
It’s all about Jesus! The One who made it all possible, from a heart exceedingly filled with LOVE for us. So let’s try to put Him FIRST nuh… FIRST in all we say and do, because He is the One who enables us to do anything at all!
Now today I want to ask us to address two serious problems in prayer; that of the deadly Ebola virus that’s wreaking havoc in West Africa and is slowly spreading to other parts of the world. It’s already in Europe and North America, so please don’t think that because we’re so far away from Africa, that we’re immune to it. The very fact of our small, global village world and the ease with which we can travel makes anything very easy to spread.
And I also want us to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Jamaica, who are apparently suffering the wrath of another virus called ‘chikungunya.’ It doesn’t seem to be as deadly as Ebola, and consequently isn’t making as many headlines, but it certainly seems to wreaking havoc in J.A.
I don’t know much about it myself, but as I e-mailed some of you a message earlier on, sent from one of our Scrip-Bit family members, a doctor down there, asking for immediate prayer, because it appears to be taking a serious toll on the Jamaican population, and prayer is ALWAYS the best, if not the only solution to our woes.
Ah mih people, every day something new on the sad and unhealthy scene is raising its ugly head! If it’s not war and strife, then it’s some other natural or even manmade disaster; disease, famine, flood, storm, economic downfall, etc, etc.
We just can’t seem to get it right these days. And why is that? Because we have moved away in foolish, stubborn pride from sincerely serving and worshipping Jehovah God, the ONE and ONLY TRUE and LIVING DEITY; the ONE who created the world and all therein!
And then we wonder why our world is in such a damned state, one of death and destruction, where the positive enablers of peace, LOVE and joy are sadly lacking!
That brings us to the similarity of our current situation to that of Israel, its serious depravity, moral perversion and corruption which the prophet Amos spoke about. And our Bit is simply the end of several punishments that the Lord brought against Israel back then, unfortunately though, without the end He desired.
As the prophet wrote: ‘yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord.’ 

Can you imagine it Friends? Listen to how Amos begins Chapter 4. ‘Hear this word, ye kine (cows, wives) of Bashan, that are in the mountain of Samaria, which oppress the poor, which crush the needy, which say to their masters (husbands), Bring, and let us drink.
The Lord God hath sworn by his holiness, that lo, the days shall come upon you, that he will take you away with hooks, and your posterity with fishhooks. And ye shall go out at the breaches (breaks in the walls), every cow at that which is before her (each one straight ahead of her); and ye shall cast them into the palace (be cast into Harmon), saith the Lord.’ (Amos 4:1-3)
Now is that the kind of thing a God should have cause to say to His chosen people? Of course not! But He certainly had occasion to say it to the depraved and corrupt Israelites back then.
And unfortunately my people, today, this very day, He’s saying the same thing to us, because we are even more depraved and dissolute than Israel was back then. We just can’t seem to get it into our foolish skulls that a lot of the disaster befalling our world today is the hand of God, executing judgement on an evil, godless, depraved and disgusting society.
Hear how the scholars explain those verses. ‘4:1-3. Ye kine of Bashan is an indictment against the women of Samaria. The “cows” of Bashan were noted for being well fed and strong because of the lush pastures of the area.
The women of Samaria lived in luxurious wantonness, enjoying their luxury because they oppressed the poor and crushed the needy. When the women of the land sink to such a low moral and degraded state, God’s judgement must fall, for the entire land is degraded.’
And that’s exactly what’s happening to day my Friends! Our land is so depraved, depressed, disgruntled, distrustful, demon-filled, perverse, corrupt, beset by such doom and gloom that the true, just and holy God we are supposed to serve, has no other choice but to unleash His wrath, His punishment on us.
Anyway my brethren, enough of that negative aspect for today, let’s look now on the positive side of the ledger. Our God, He of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is a merciful and forgiving God, who LOVES His children dearly, and is only too glad to relent of His anger and punishment, if and when we return to sincerely worshipping and serving Him, as we’ve seen happen on several occasions with Israel.
Yes my people, that’s the answer to all our problems; get out from under the evil darkness of Lucifer, which is currently blanketing our world, and move rejoicing and refreshed into the bright and splendiferous light of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
That’s why He left the cozy and comfortable confines of heaven to come to earth and die in our place. And now, if we don’t accept Him, and all that He stands for, then we’re simply making a mockery of His sacrifice, making it all a huge waste of time.
Anyway Friends, let’s hope that calmer and wiser heads will soon prevail, and we will return to worshipping and serving Almighty God with sincere hearts, because that is the zenith of wisdom!
Now let’s go home chanting our Friday Chant. Thought I’d forgotten nuh? (smile) All together now: ‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through another week of work! It hasn’t been easy, but with your generous help, I made it through.
Now, please help me to get sufficient fun, fellowship, rest and relaxation in these two short days off, so that I can be renewed and refreshed in soul, body and mind, to go back out and do it all over again next week, furthering your glorious kingdom with each step I take. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.’
Now may the Good Lord bless and keep us safe from harm. May He make His face, His favour to shine upon us, and give us His extraordinary peace that passes all understanding, as well as the wisdom to make right and good choices today, as we venture forth with courage and confidence into the evil, ungodly world that surrounds us! Much LOVE!
…what’s a judge to do eh…with a proud, stubborn and foolish re-offender…but to hand down sentence…and execute punishment…