Today’s Scrip-Bit   1 May 2024   1 Timothy 6:10a.

1 Timothy 6:10a.       For the LOVE of money is the root of all (all kinds of) evil:

So it’s a fairly warm and sunshiny Wednesday in my neighbourhood, though with a bit of cloud cover as the merry month of May opens in this crazy year of 2024. Yes friends, the year is only one third done, and it’s already showing some very unstable and mentally challenged tendencies. But let’s hope as we catch our second wind for this work week that we will be able to hold our own, and even gain some ground in this mentally challenged and spiritually evil world, through the ever present auspices of Jesus Christ in our lives, that’s His guidance and endorsement through the working of the Holy Spirit. For without it, we will all surely go mad, seeing and experiencing the craziness that’s currently going on in our world. 

And all God’s people said, a loud and grateful: ‘Thank God for Jesus yes! Otherwise we’d all be lost in the sea of craziness and evil that’s overtaken the earth.’ Now, today, we’re going to read a poem from our One Year Book of Bible Promises with writings by Ruth Harms Calkin that hopefully will help us to curb one tendency in the mental madness of the world. The poem is simply but very explicitly titled ‘Seek First.’ And as always, I don’t know if I have shared this poem before, but if so, then it’s definitely worth sharing again. (smile)  

So please read with me: ‘O Lord How futile, how foolish To attempt to keep up with the Joneses On the gold-studded ladder of success. Even if we make it (Setting high, competitive  goals) We awake one dismal morning To discover the Smiths have bypassed the Joneses So it starts again – the goading competition. God, our objective is far more rewarding. You want us to “keep up” with Your plan For our individual lives. “Seek first  the Kingdom of God” Is Your shining word to us. Forgive us for moments and days (Even months)  when our LOVE of money Has exceeded our LOVE for You. Please, God Be our financial Advisor and deliver us from a thousand “if onlys.” May we never be defeated By the lack of money Or captivated by the lure of it.’ 

Wow mih bredrin, what awesomely accurate words for something that bedevils so many of us in this greedy and sinful world. And all of us, at some stage in life, have felt the agonizing heartache that the lack of money brings, and most likely have promised ourselves never to let that happen to us again. However, whether through our fault or unfortunate circumstances, we’ve been through it again and again, and that’s no sin, unless we waste whatever we have on stuff that we don’t truly need. Then as the times get tougher and harder, money becomes even more difficult to make and keep. 

But what’s an even bigger problem is the LOVE of money that so many of us have, and with that the very foolish idea of running some competition with other foolish folks about who can have the most money or the most material possessions. But most of us should, and would know better if we would only read and put the words of the Bible into action. For instance, listen to this passage from Bruh Paul’s first letter to Timothy re the Root of All Evil, and from which the Bible Promise for our poem is taken. 

‘But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment (clothing) let us be therewith content. But they that will (desire to) to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful (harmful) lusts, which drown men in destruction (in ruin) and perdition. For the LOVE of money is the root of all (all kinds of) evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows, (for which some in their greediness have strayed from the faith and ended up in a sorrowful state).’  (1 Tim. 6:6-10) 

Oh friends, it could not be any more explicit than that. And we all know people, even possibly ourselves, who have fallen into such sorrow because of greed and competitive folly. But let’s hope that at this mature stage of our lives we have gotten past the devilish LOVE of money, that can cause all kinds of evils and problems in our lives. And please note, it’s not the money itself that causes the real problem, but our great desire and LOVE for it, that causes us to do anything to get it! 

Then there’s this next scripture that deals with comparing ourselves to each other, contained in Bruh Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians, which explicitly says: ‘For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.’ (2 Cor. 10:12) There it is in black and white in the Lord’s word, my fellow believers! But yet we still persist in the foolish games of comparing ourselves, or as the poem puts it, ‘keeping up with the Joneses.’ 

And why is comparing ourselves to others, especially on money and material possessions, not good? Listen to these two commentaries that answer the question. The first one, in talking about the dangers of comparing ourselves to other believers says: ‘Comparison can drive us to sinful competition with other believers. We might find sinful motivations in our heart for serving at church or studying our Bible. If we can do more and do it better than them, we’d get the praise and recognition we “deserve.” 

Then the second one says this about the sin of comparison: ‘When you compare yourself to others, you either feel better or worse about yourself. There is no in-between. This sense of pride or insecurity can open the door to a lot of negativity. It makes you vulnerable to sin, and can breed insecurities, pride, envy and jealously; everything that God is against.’ And that’s the indisputable truth friends, as we can see from all the different cliques and groups in the church fighting for superiority, but only causing strife and further division of an already greatly divided church.  

And sadly, it’s the greed and strife, the anger and hatred, the evil doing and ungodly actions that the world is currently revolving around, rather than the LOVE, joy, peace, harmony ,unity and togetherness that ought to be uppermost. And we have no one else to blame but ourselves, for not doing what the Lord taught us: to seek first the kingdom of God and all the things we need would be given to us, and also the be the salty and bright shining Christians who go around spreading the good news of His gospel. And until we begin to seriously do those things, our world will continue to be thoroughly corrupt and evil! End of sermon. 

Now for those of us who are sincerely trying to be good disciples, let’s go home declaring (awright!!!) our Wednesday Wail, letting the whole world know of or wonderful position in Jesus Christ! As one voice: ‘Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: I’m so glad to be alive on this Wednesday! Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: Thank God the breath of life is still flowing through me on this Wednesday! I am halfway home. My hands are fixed securely on the plough, and I’m not turning back. I’m not looking back at the past, not focusing on what has gone before. But my eyes are fixed straight ahead; straight ahead to a glorious future with Jesus. Glory Hallelujah!’ 

And we’ve been promised that if we stay connected to Christ to the very end, then that future will be even more glorious than we can ask or imagine! So please, let’s be wise and plan to meet there at the very end nuh! Much LOVE!

…to be a true believer…your life must show the actions of true belief…

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Today’s Scrip-Bit   13 June 2023   1 Timothy 6:10a.

1 Timothy 6:10a. For the LOVE of money is the root of all (kinds) of evil:

So we’ve said a fond farewell to Monday and bid Tuesday welcome, wondering what it has in store for us in these very unprecedented and uncertain times. Some of whatever it has in store for us we can do nothing about, while some we can change, but what we utterly need to have is a good, godly attitude about it all. That’s the only way we will handle it in a purposeful and successful manner…in other words, give it all to God! 

But here’s an interesting poem. on a very important matter, that I also found on that yellow piece of paper where I discovered that profound reading about the Road to Success that I recently shared. Please listen closely because it’s of the utmost importance and can make a whole lotta difference in our lives, if we accept and follow what it says. 

There’s no title. It just says: ‘It can buy a House, But not a Home. It can buy a Bed, But not Sleep. It can buy a Clock, But not Time. It can buy you a Book, But not Knowledge. It can buy you a Position, But not Respect. It can buy you Medicine, But not Health. It can buy you Blood, But not Life. It can buy you Sex, But not LOVE. So you see, MONEY isn’t EVERYTHING. And it often causes PAIN and SUFFERING. I tell you this because I am your Friend, and as your Friend, I want to take away your pain and suffering…So send me all your money. And I will suffer for you. Cash is fine.’ 

Now I do hope that we paid close attention to all that it says, because it’s the gospel truth. Including the part that says send me all your money and I will suffer for you. That’s the wonderful friend I can be. (smile) But unfortunately, that’s what a lot of people, scam artists and fraudsters are doing in great numbers these days, especially feeding on the poor, sick and elderly. It has become so rampant that it has spawned an industry unto itself. What a terrible shame that we can be so despicable and uncaring to those who are the most vulnerable. 

Money is great, and it’s a very useful and necessary tool in our society, but that’s just what it is supposed to be, a tool, not the god that so many of us bow down to and worship, kill ourselves to get…sometimes literally too. And you see the worldly things it can buy you, but the godly things it can never get you. A House but not a Home. A Bed, but not Sleep. A Clock, but not Time, A Book but not Knowledge. A Position, but not Respect. Medicine but not Health. Blood but not Life. Sex, but not LOVE! 

Yes friends, money is a worldly necessity, but the real good and important things in life cannot be bought, they have to be earned in a true and godly manner. And yuh better believe too that a whole lot of the pain and suffering in our world can be traced directly back to money; the lack of it, the great desire for it, in other words, greed, and to those who have too much of it for their own good and either use it frivolously or for their own selfish purposes, and don’t share it with the many that don’t have enough. 

And by the way, the date at the bottom of that poem is 5/11/01. That means it’s not a new poem, but has been around for a long time now, but we still haven’t learned how to use money successfully. And the Good Library does have quite a few things to say about money and its usefulness or lack thereof. So let’s check out a few of those wise biblical truths nuh. And I guess the best known one is that from Bruh Paul to Timothy, where he lectures him thus. 

‘But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain that we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment (clothing…life’s basic necessities) let us be therewith content. But they that will be (whose ambition is to be) rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful (harmful) lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition (ruin and destruction). For the LOVE of money is the root of all (kinds) of evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.’ (1 Tim. 6:6-10) 

And all of that is the indisputable truth my people! The LOVE of money has driven so many of us to do so many foolish, wrong and ungodly things, that eventually bring us to ruin and destruction. And it’s a picture we see and hear about in the news every single day. Some poor, greedy, or ill-advised soul dying either literally or metaphorically because they unwisely chased down money. And there’s nothing wrong with making money, but it must not be our sole purpose in life. It ought to be a means to an end, like making a better life for our families, or sharing with others. Money is no good unless it’s used for good and useful purposes. 

And instead of running down money, these things that Bruh Paul told Timothy about, they should be the most important things in our lives. ‘But thou, O man of God, flee these things (that come from the LOVE of money); and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, LOVE, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed (confessed) a good profession (confession) before many witnesses.’ (1 Tim. 6:11-12) 

Yes my fellow believers, that’s where our focus should lie, in the things of God, not the material wealth of the world, which we cannot take with us when we die. So why focus on those things eh? And the scholars wisely tell us: ‘Man enters the world at birth possessing nothing, in order to teach him that he will exit the world in the same manner – taking nothing with him. This is a divine means of showing man that since material wealth is relatively insignificant, he should pursue the important things mentioned in verse 11.’ 

Now there are some words of wonderful wisdom, which we ought to take to heart my friends. Let’s stop running down money and the material things it can allow us to buy, and instead focus on the things that we cannot buy, but which are even more important in making a good life on this crazy and ungodly earth. And since we’ve run on longer than we expected, we’ll leave the rest of the biblical stuff on money for tomorrow, obviously if God spares life. (smile) 

Now let’s go home declaring (awright!!!) our Tuesday Mantra, letting all and sundry know to whom we belong, lock, stock and barrel. As one strong and sincere voice: ‘In God’s eyes, I’m not what I do. I’m not what I have. I’m not what people say about me. I am the beloved of God, that’s who I am. No one can take that from me. I don’t have to worry. I don’t have to hurry. I can trust my friend Jesus and share His LOVE with my immediate neighbours, as well as with the whole wide world! Glory be!’ 

And having declared that (yesss!!!) let’s now go out and share that amazing LOVE and friendship of Jesus with all we meet, so that they too can come to know and LOVE him like we do. Much LOVE!

…money, money, money…too much of it is no good…neither is too little…but sadly, few of us ever achieve a good balance… 

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Today’s Scrip-Bit   5 November 2021 Proverbs 15:16.

Proverbs 15:16.     Better is little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure and trouble therewith.

Well, like it’s finally begun friends. I’m talking about the season of frost. That’s when you awaken in the mornings and see your car windshields frozen with ice. And before you go to work or leave work to go home, you have to scrape off the annoying ice, which can ofttimes be very thick and most frustrating to remove. And the presence of frost only means one thing, we’re getting closer to winter and that beautiful white fluffy stuff we so adorably label snow, but which can be ever so dangerous, like the devil, if it gets its claws into you. (smile)  

Like day follows night, the seasons follow each other, another one of God’s many awesome mystical set ups in His amazing universe. But that’s all a part of living in the cold, northern climes. So, you just grin and bear it, and move on with your life. And as always, the Lord does give you the wherewithal to handle whatever He allows to come against you. And though you never really get accustomed to it, or even like it, except you are a skier or someone who likes snow sports, with the joy of Jesus living within you, you can even enjoy it some of the times. 

Take me, for example. When I first came here, I went all over the cold, snowy land with an ice-hockey team from my workplace, and that got me acclimatized to the situation much quicker than if I had just shied away from it. Fast forward some forty something years later, I still find it’s beautiful when it’s nice and clean, but do my best to stay away from it, especially when other human beings are also plowing through it. Anyhow, enough on the snow scene, let’s not encourage it to come any sooner than it will. (smile) 

What I am guided to talk about today is an ungodly and distasteful matter that leads too many of us believers around by the nose, like a chained animal. And Cousin Sol put’s it very nicely in Proverbs, when he declares: ‘Better is little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure and trouble therewith. Better is a dinner of herbs (vegetables) where LOVE is, than a stalled ox (fatted calf) and hatred therewith.’ (Prov. 15:16-17) 

And if that isn’t the God-awesome truth, I don’t know what is! For the presence of the Lord within a home, is so wonderful and refreshing, even when there isn’t a whole lot to eat, while hatred within a home where plenty exists, substantially detracts from the very satisfaction that having plenty ought to bring. As the scholars so wisely remind us: ‘15:16. Spiritual riches are better than material riches.’ 

And Cousin Sol touches on the subject again in Proverbs 16 and 17, where he claims: ‘Better is a little with righteousness, than great revenues without right (justice).’ (Prov. 16:8) ‘Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than a house full of sacrifices (sacrificial meals) with strife.’ (Prov. 17:1) And we see it all around us in this world full of plenty. Many of those households are unhappy despite their plentiful material riches, while the poorer households that have a reverential awe of the Lord dwell together much better. 

As Bruh David says in Psalm 133 – The joy of brotherhood. ‘Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.’ (Ps. 133:1) But that can only be accomplished if there is a strong connection with the Lord God Jehovah, and thus the absence of negative things like hatred and envy. Bruh David himself also talks about the value of spiritual over material wealth in that famous Psalm 37 – The true state of the wicked. There he proclaims: ‘A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of the many wicked. For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the Lord upholdeth the righteous.’ (Ps. 37:16-17) 

And that’s no lie friends, for within the same psalm, Bruh David sincerely advises us to: ‘Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil (for it only causes harm). For evildoers shall be cut off (destroyed): but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth.’ (Ps. 37:8-9) That’s a faithful promise of God, so we know that it will eventually come to pass. 

That means we ought to be careful how we live on this ungodly, evil earth and not run down the material wealth it seeks to compromise us with. Instead, we ought to do like Jesus advised: ‘But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you.’ (Matt. 6:33) That’s wisdom in spades my brethren! It’s the wisest decision we can ever make on this earth. 

Let us not forget these marvellous words of Bruh Paul to Timothy either. ‘But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment (clothing) let us therewith be content. But they that will be (desire to be) rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful (harmful) lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition (ruin and destruction). For the LOVE of money is the root of all (kinds of) evil; which while some coveted after, have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (for which some in their greediness have strayed from the faith).’ (1 Tim. 6:6-10) 

And we all know that’s the gospel truth, because the LOVE of money (greed) is all around us, especially in these troubled and frustrating times, and everyday it’s leading somebody to ruin and destruction. So please, let’s wake up nuh mih people, and stop selling our souls to Beelzebub for a few worthless baubles and bangles that we cannot take with us when our bodies return to the dust from whence it came. We need to be more concerned about our spiritual self which will live on after the body turns to dust. And we can only do that if we have a right relationship with Almighty God, the Creator and Controller of the universe and all therein. 

Consequently, as Jesus has enabled us to do, let’s take this marvellous opportunity and go to Him in prayer, through our Friday Chant, humbly, but confidently asking for His divine help. As one strong and sincere voice. ‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through this past week. You know it’s been rough… what with all the anxiety, the confusion and havoc that the Covid-19 virus and our many other problems are causing. We can’t seem to fix it on our own Lord, that means we desperately need your help. 

Oh heavenly Father, with your omnipotent help, and our trusting faith, we know that we can stand strong and steadfast and defeat both the virus and the unrest in our streets. So Lord, we sincerely ask you today to give the governments and those involved in the forefront of this serious and unexpected storm, the wise guidance to handle the situation properly, with the least amount of loss to life and property as possible. And please help those of us who must go out to work amidst all the confusion, to be responsible and to stay safe, and avoid any more serious setbacks. 

And Lord, we fervently pray that You’ll use this situation to bring a lot of backsliders back to your fold, show them the error of their ways. And please introduce a whole new flock, who will embrace your LOVE and compassion by the example, we, your faithful believers set. Yes Lord, please use this pandemic and the unrest in the streets as a means of restoring faith in You, so that our sinful world can wake up and smell the coffee, sweet and strong! We pray this in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Amen!’ 

But please remember, to get that divine help, we need to keep our earthly promises. Much LOVE!

…it’s useless…to have plenty earthly wealth…but no peace of mind… 

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Today’s Scrip-Bit   4 October 2021 Matthew 6:24b.

Matthew 6:24b.     Ye cannot serve God and mammon (riches).

The grace and peace of Christ Jesus be unto you, my fellow believers, on this wet and windy Monday morning in early October of this confusing and crazy year of 2021! And the universe is moving along as it should, under the ever-watchful eye of its magnificent and majestic Creator, Almighty God! We know that nothing happens in the universe unless He sets it in motion, or allows it, for whatever reason He sees fit. 

So, ours is not to reason or wonder why, but just to do His bidding and hope not to die without receiving Christ Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. That says it all friends: our earthly responsibility is to believe in Christ and live a life that is worthy of Him. When we do that, when we make it our first priority, then everything else falls into place. Like Jesus said: ‘But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.’ (Matt. 6:33) 

That’s a faithful promise. Anytime you concentrate on living for Christ, the Lord will take care of all your needs. Bruh Paul emphasized that in his letter to the Philippians. ‘But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.’ (Phil. 4:19) Yes, my faithful brethren, when we are faithful to God, He is also faithful to us. He sees the sacrifices and hardships we endure for His name’s sake and will meet our need according to His riches. 

The scholars tell us: ‘that is, in proportion to His unlimited resources. He will meet our needs in glory, that’s ‘gloriously, in a splendid manner, by Christ Jesus.’ What more can we ask for eh? Not a whole lot! However, with that scripture, we must remember that the Good Book is speaking primarily of needs, of the necessities for living, not our fleshly and lustful wants or desires. 

There can be a big difference between needs and wants, especially in this ever so materialistic and ungodly world. And that’s why Jesus also made it clear that ‘No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and LOVE the other; or else he will hold to (be loyal to) the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (riches).’ (Matt. 6:24) And that’s just a simple fact of nature, of logic, my brethren. You cannot run after two things with the same intensity at the same time, one of them will inevitably suffer. 

Now hear the scholars explain that verse. ‘6:24. This kind of spiritual double vision causes one to believe that he can serve two masters. Total loyalty to God cannot be divided between Him and loyalty to one’s own material possessions. A master is a lord or an owner. That God claims total lordship over His own is obvious in this passage. Therefore, Jesus rightly proclaimed, Ye cannot serve God and mammon. The term ‘mammon’ is derived from the Aramaic term for possessions or wealth. Jesus is not condemning money or possessions in and of themselves, but the improper attitude of enslavement toward wealth.’ 

And sadly, our world today, is maximizing the promotion of total enslavement to wealth and possessions, causing us to strive after money as the goal of life. That’s why these times are so ungodly. No wonder Bruh Paul cautioned Timothy. ‘For the LOVE of money is the root of all (kinds) of evil; which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith (for which some in their greediness have strayed from the faith), and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (caused themselves to be ruined).’ (2 Tim. 6:10) 

Remember, Ye cannot serve God and mammon. So, if we are serving mammon to such a great extent, it’s obvious that God will be left far behind, in the lurch, in the dust. And where does that leave us eh friends? In a tough situation. But, as strong and confident Christians, ambassadors of Christ, we will not give up, but keep fighting to get others to come to Jesus, by living godly and righteous lives, and letting His awesome light shine through us, as we cover the earth with His salt. (smile) 

For isn’t that how He referred to us? ‘Ye are the salt of the earth… Ye are the light of the world… Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.’ (Matt. 5:13a, 14a, 16) And that takes us right back to what we said at the beginning; ours is just to receive Christ and do the Father’s bidding. But unfortunately, we are not doing that as much as we ought to, and that’s why the enemy is in ascendance right now in the world; why the LOVE for money, power and material possessions is so great, and the desire for the things of God way down on the totem pole. 

However, today is as good a day as any other to take the bull by the horns and begin to turn things around. And prayer is where we begin; it’s always the place to start. So, let’s go confidently to the throne of grace for help, through our Monday Morning Battle Hymn, in this our desperate time of need. Altogether now: ‘Our Father, who art in heaven, we, Your humble servants, praise Your Holy Name and thank You this Monday morning for life and strong faith in Christ, despite the mass confusion in our world. 

We desperately need Your divine help, for You are the ONLY ONE with the power to solve our many problems. Heavenly Father, we admit that we have all sinned and seriously disobeyed Your Word, but we know that You are a merciful, forgiving and gracious God, who has faithfully promised to hear and answer our prayers when we humble ourselves, pray, and sincerely seek Your face. That’s why we come to You now, with sincere repentance in our hearts, pleading with You to give us wise guidance and direction to alleviate our problems. 

And Father, we pray that you will ease the pain of the many who are suffering from negative situations. Please show them Your awesome grace and mercy, and keep Your promise that You’ll hear our prayer, forgive us, and heal our land if we turn from our evil ways. Show this evil world that You are indeed Jehovah Rapha; the God who heals! We pray this in the holy and blessed name of Your Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Amen! And again, we say: Amen!’ 

And please remember my fellow saints, that the answers to our prayer all hinge on our sincerity, humility, repentance and truly seeking God’s face. Much LOVE!

…it’s much wiser to store treasure in heaven…where it cannot rot or be stolen…than down here on earth…where it rots and is continually stolen… 

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Today’s Scrip-Bit 31 July 2021 Matthew 19:26.

Matthew 19:26.      With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

Welcome to laziness day – Saturday! Yes, after a hard work week of slogging back and forth in the rush hour traffic, many of us just want to sleep in and get up leisurely, under our own steam, not to the maddening cry of some alarm clock or radio, as happens five days a week.

Now that was the pre-pandemic picture, but what’s happened or is currently happening eh? Are we seeing a different, or new normal? Many of us had no jobs to go to during the raging storm of the virus, so we got accustomed to sleeping in late several days of the week.

But since the lifting of most of the tougher lockdown regulations, some of us have gone back to the nine to five routine. I wonder how we are handling it, after all that free time at home? It must be taking some getting used to. (smile) It’s surprising how habits formed over many years, can be unlearned or cast aside in a short space of time. And how difficult it can be to relearn them. But fear not! We are the children of the Most High God Jehovah, that means we can do anything that’s within His will, for nothing is impossible to Him! All glory to God! 

That brings us to Jesus’ interaction with the rich young ruler who came seeking eternal life. When Jesus told him to keep the commandments, he said he was already doing that, but figured he lacked something. (Matt. 19:16-20) ‘Jesus then said unto him, If thou wilt be (want to be) perfect, go and sell (all) that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.’ (Matt. 19:21) 

Now that must have been like a powerful punch to the gut of the young man. For the Good Book continues: ‘But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.’ (Matt. 19:22) And many of us supposed believers scoff at the young man, but in his position all of us would have felt the same way, because it is indeed difficult to give up wealth. But Jesus was trying to show the man that although he did the outward duties, there was a problem with his inner nature. 

Yes friends, the worldly concern with wealth seriously affects our relationship with God. As Bruh Paul wrote to Timothy. ‘For the LOVE of money is the root of all (kinds of) evil, which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.’ (1 Tim, 6:10) And is that ever the living truth my brethren! 

Money and wealth or material possessions in themselves are not terrible, but it’s the insatiable LOVE for them that gets us into trouble. So much so that our greed is usually our downfall. When we strive after the riches of this world, we usually end up in trouble, for they do not allow us to take God seriously or move in the direction of His august and awesome plan for our lives. 

No wonder Jesus made these eye-opening statements to the disciples. ‘Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.’ (Matt. 19:23) Meaning that it was, or is hard, extremely difficult, for a rich man to enter heaven. And the disciples most likely looked at Christ in amazement, with their tongues hanging out of their mouths, for back then it was generally understood that it was the rich who got to heaven easily because they were blessed by God and in some sense, automatically saved. 

But Jesus corrected that misunderstanding by telling them that it was very hard for the rich to be converted, born again and be saved, because of their innate affection for their material wealth, though it was not altogether hopeless. That led Him to make this statement which has caused controversy from the time He spoke it until now. ‘And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.’ (Matt. 19:24) 

Mama Yo! What a statement! And ‘When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?’ (Matt. 19:25) Now that’s a very good question my brethren? But let’s focus for a moment on what Jesus meant when He said those controversial words. 

The scholars tell us thus: ‘The illustration of a camel going through the eye of a needle has been interpreted as a camel-hair rope going through a needle; or an actual camel squeezing through a small gate, in particular, the one called “The Eye of the Needle” next to the main gate at Jerusalem, or the absolute impossibility of a literal camel actually going through a tiny needle’s eye. This last usage is most likely.’ 

And, considering Jesus’ next pronouncement, that seems to make sense. ‘But Jesus beheld them (the disciples), and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.’ (Matt. 19:26) I guess He was trying to bring home to them, to open up their young minds to the true and awesome power that their God possessed. So powerful was He, that He could even make a large unwieldly and ungainly camel go through the small eye of a needle. And believe me friends, our God can do it! And until we truly believe that He has such awesome power, we will continue to sell Him, and consequently our faith and ourselves short! 

Oh precious people, if God could create this magnificent universe and all therein, then make Jesus come down to earth, be born of a virgin, with no man’s help, then do all kinds of miracles while being sinless here on earth. And eventually sacrifice His sinless life on the cross for us, pay for our sins and reconcile us to Himself, then have Him ascend back into heaven, and send His Holy Spirit to dwell within us, to lead and guide us, why can’t He do such a simple thing as make a camel go through the eye of a needle eh? (smile) 

Seriously though friends, in light of all we have heard and seen our God do, we still don’t believe His omnipotence as we ought to. I guess that’s because of our small, finite minds, they are simply unable to grasp the true magnitude of our great God. But please, let’s keep on trying. The worst thing we could ever do is to stop believing in Him, to give up on Him. Much LOVE!

..our God can do…whatever needs to be done…or undone…because He is the eternal Creator…                                  

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