Today’s Scrip-Bit   20 May 2024 Proverbs 29:18.

Proverbs 29:18.       Where there is no vision (prophetic vision or revelation), the people perish (cast off restraint): but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

Oh friends, what a blessed country is this land of Canada! And on this Victoria Monday holiday, I hope we realize and appreciate our blessedness, especially when compared to so many other countries that are right now only filled with strife and turmoil. Unfortunately though, we are beginning to see some of that strife and turmoil entering our otherwise fairly peaceful land. And if we ignore the good foundation we have and follow the rest of the world where nothing but complaints, dissatisfaction and discontent are ever heard, we too will also end up a strife-filled country. 

If we stop talking to each other in all sincerity and truth, stop trying to build on what we already have, and instead allow the world’s greed, hunger for power and selfishness to rise to the top, then our days will soon be doomed like so many other nations who have allowed that to happen to them. Let’s hope and pray that won’t become our unfortunate lot. And yes, we do have serious problems, but they can all be worked out if we would just take the time to do so. 

But in this modern society everybody wants everything like yesterday, and furthermore, without doing what it takes to get everything. That however is totally impossible. And even more so if we are not a God-fearing society. For with God ALL things are possible, but without Him, we cannot do a whole lot. Remember Cousin Sol words, that ‘Where there is no vision (prophetic vision or revelation), the people perish (cast off restraint): but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.’ (Prov. 29:18) 

And that’s not the leader’s good ideas and programs for his church but as this excerpt from the commentary by Jared C. Wilson on the subject states: ‘The vision is prophetic vision; what is in mind here is the revelation of God to his biblical spokesmen. Where there is no vision shared with us by the prophets, to whom God revealed the mysteries of the ages, we like savages run wild. In other words, we may have a vision, but if it is not the one given to the biblical representatives of God’s revelation and the forecasters of God’s coming glory, it is not to be conformed to. 

“But blessed is he who keeps the law.” The latter part of the verse implies that when the vision of the prophets is held by the people, the blessing of living God’s way ensues. What is the vision of the prophets? It is “the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints” (Col. 1:26; see also Rom.16:25 and Eph. 3:9). The vision is Jesus.’ 

And these are the complete verses of Bruh Paul’s message to the Colossians: ‘Even the mystery (hidden truth, secret) which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest (has been revealed) to his saints: To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: Whom we preach, warning every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Jesus.’ (Col. 1:26-28) 

Yes, my fellow believers, if a society doesn’t know Jesus and live by His basic rules and guidelines, His standard of morality, then chaos, disaster and strife will be their eventual outcome. In simple language, when societies do not accept divine guidance, the people are unrestrained, they run wild. Or as one commentator puts it: ‘where there is no revelation from God, people do their own thing instead of what God wants them to do.’ But whoever obeys the law is joyful. 

And that’s being totally proven by the rash of unrestrained and running wild societies, with the current style being for people to do their own thing instead of God’s. Consequently, there aren’t many joyful societies, if any, but the chaotic ones are indeed plentiful. And I believe this scripture from the days of Israels’ lawlessness are being replicated today. ‘And the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli. And the word of the Lord was precious (rare) in those days; there was no open vision.’ (1 Sam. 3:1) 

This verse from the Book of Judges also gives us an idea of what was happening with God’s people back then, and what’s also taking place with us right now. ‘In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.’ (Judg. 21:25) And unfortunately that is exactly what we are reverting to, a do as you like society. But friends we have prophetic vision; the mystery of Jesus has been revealed to us, so why are we living this chaotic, undisciplined, leggo-beast lifestyle eh? 

Because with our short-sighted minds, only thinking of today’s pleasures and not tomorrow’s pain, totally influenced by Satan wiles and lies, we choose not to live for Jesus. And that is exactly why our society is going down the drain, almost ready to be cast over the precipice of sin and ungodliness. But all is not lost my people, for as we say, once there’s life, there’s always hope, and with the miracle working God that we serve, if we are willing to turn back to Him, He will surely help and retrofit us, and bring us back to His fold. So please, let’s go to Him now through our Monday Morning Battle Hymn seeking divine aid. 

As one strong and sincere voice: ‘Our Father, who art in heaven, we, Your humble servants, praise Your Holy Name and thank You this Monday morning for life and strong faith in Christ, despite the mass confusion in our world. Heavenly Father, You are the ONLY ONE with the power to solve our many problems. Yes, we have all sinned and seriously disobeyed Your Word, but You are a merciful, forgiving and gracious God, who has faithfully promised to hear and answer our prayers when we humble ourselves, pray, and sincerely seek Your face. 

So, we come to You now, with sincere repentance in our hearts, pleading for wise guidance and direction to alleviate our problems. Oh Father, please ease the pain of the many suffering from negative situations, show them Your awesome grace and mercy. And faithfully keep Your promise to prosper us if we turn from our evil ways. Show this evil world that You are indeed Jehovah Rapha; the God who heals! We pray this in the holy and blessed name of Your Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Amen! And again, we say: Amen!’ 

And please remember that divine aid comes only when there is sincere repentance and a turning from our evil ways. Much LOVE!

…chaos always ensues…when we deviate from God’s law…

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Today’s Scrip-Bit   31 August 2022   Proverbs 29:18.

Proverbs 29:18.      Where there is no vision (prophetic vision or revelation), the people perish (cast of restraint): but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

And on this 31st day of August in the year of our Lord 2022, I want to wish a Happy 60th Independence Day to that fabulous twin Island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, the land of my birth! Now, the Jamaicans think they are the biggest and hottest thing since sliced bread, and they are good, I can talk from personal experience because that’s where, as the old people would say, I turned man, some fifty something years ago, but friends, there’s a quality in Trinbagonians that no one else in the world possesses. 

It seems like God put a spirit of mirth in the people of those twin islands in the sun! They have a sense of partying right at the front of their minds that no other nation has, always ready to make or play mas, and an instant camaraderie with anyone who wants to play along. It doesn’t take long to become friendly with a Trinbagonian. But their greatest gift is the expressing of heifer dust! Oh, nobody in this world could express heifer dust (S.T) like a T&T denizen! ( smile) Just go to any event, be it private or public, and once you hear heifer dust spilling out, you can bet your bottom dollar it’s a Trinbagonian! And if you have any Trinbagonian friends, you’d know that was the gospel truth. 

I don’t know why, but that truth stands out for me in one particular situation. Many years ago, I went to a local football (soccer) game in New York City, and was never more amazed when I heard the same sort of B.S. spilling out of the upper stands like you would hear in places like the Queen’s Park Oval or any soccer pitch in T&T. I don’t know why that surprised me, since I know we carry our traits with us wherever we go. I guess because it sounded so refreshing and unusual to hear it in the big city of New York. (smile) 

Anyhow, we all know that it’s been sixty hard years of slogging since independence, but we’ve made many improvements to the land and to the people, and let’s pray that with God’s grace we can do even better in the future. Now, please note I said with God’s grace, so that means we have to sincerely turn back to the God of our forefathers in worship and lifestyle, because we certainly cannot do it without Him on our side! Happy Independence Day T&T! 

That brings us to this word of warning from Cousin Sol in Proverbs. ‘Where there is no vision (prophetic vision or revelation), the people perish (cast of restraint): but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.’ (Prov, 29:18) And that’s more gospel truth my people! As the scholars explain. ‘Vision refers to the divine revelation received by the prophet. Morality is based on adherence to God’s revealed will.’ 

You see it in Moses being sent to teach the children of Israel how the Lord wanted them to live, and how quickly they moved away from the law while Moses was up on Mount Zion collecting the Ten Commandments. They found he was taking too long to come back down so they inveigled Aaron: ‘Up, make us gods (a god), which will go before us; for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of Egypt, we wot not (know not) what has become of him.’ (Ex. 32:1) And Aaron took all their gold jewelry and made them a molten calf to worship. And you can read how they displayed a complete lack of appreciation for God by worshipping the golden calf in the rest of Exodus 32. 

Then, later on, there’s the significant difference as offered by the Good Book in 1 Samuel, where it states: ‘And the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli. And the word of the Lord was precious (rare) in those day; there was no open vision.’ (1 Sam. 3:1) In nations where God’s law isn’t upheld, where there is no moral restraint, the people run amok, do their own thing, apostasy is rampant and encouraged, like we’re seeing in today’s world. 

The scholars tell us, re that verse from Samuel. ‘The severity of Israel’s apostasy (cf. Judges 21:25) caused a dearth of God’s revelatory work. The condition was perpetuating and self-defeating (cf. Prov. 29:18). By God’s grace, the prophetic institution would receive renewed impetus and standardization in the person and work of Samuel. (cf. 3:21; 19: 20) It’s indeed terrible when a nation, a society, a people, don’t know and/or practice God’s word. 

And that reference from Judges brings it all to light. It says: ‘In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.’ (Judg. 21:25) No wonder the country was in such a sad state. And, unfortunately, that’s the way our world is currently trending; everybody wants to do their own thing, there’s no absolute right or wrong, except what we choose to acknowledge. And we can’t truly say that there’s been no prophetic revelation in the land, because there has been. God made Jesus the revelation of His will and word for all time. 

Listen to the author of Hebrews. ‘God, who at sundry times (in many portions), and in divers manners (many ways) spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets. Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds (ages): Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged (cleansed) our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.’ (Heb. 1:1-3) 

Yes friends, the Father has sent the Son to reveal Himself and His word to us. As the scholars explain: ‘The author immediately shows that Jesus Christ, as the agent of God’s revelation, is far superior to the Old Testament prophets. Their message was fragmentary and incomplete. It came bit by bit through visions, dreams, events, and direct communication as men were ready and able to receive it. Christ’s revelation is climactic and complete, because He is the Son and because His is the message for the last days. His incarnation initiated the end time, and it will be fulfilled when He returns to earth to reconcile and restore all things. (cf. Acts 2:16-17; 3:19-21; 1 Pet. 1:20).’ 

So, technically speaking, we don’t need any new revelation about God and His law, because we already have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in His Son Jesus Christ! And then we have preachers teaching us His word, so what else do we need to live right eh? As someone once said; what we need is a good boot in the tail, to make us wake up and take notice of our sad and sorry lives. And believe me, if the current atmosphere of disease, economic distress, climate change, a scourge of natural disasters, and the many other problems we’re currently enduring, don’t make us wake up and turn back to God, then we’ll not only perish spiritually, but eventually, also physically. 

Now, for those of us who are trying to live right, let’s go home declaring (yesss!!!) our Wednesday Wail, letting all and sundry know of our wonderful position in Christ Jesus. As one strong and sincere voice: ‘Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: I’m so glad to be alive on this Wednesday! Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: Thank God the breath of life is still flowing through me on this Wednesday! I am halfway home. My hands are fixed securely on the plough, and I’m not turning back. I’m not looking back at the past, not focusing on what has gone before. But my eyes are fixed straight ahead; straight ahead to a glorious future with Jesus. Glory Hallelujah!’ 

And now, a gentle reminder, that if we endure to the end, that future we’re looking forward to, will be even more glorious than we can ask or imagine. So please, let’s allow that to encourage us to stick with Jesus nuh! Much LOVE!

…we did not create ourselves…and thus cannot be a law unto ourselves… 

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Today’s Scrip-Bit   10 May 2022 Proverbs 29:18.

Proverbs 29:18.      Where there is no vison (prophetic vision or revelation), the people perish (cast off restraint): but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

So, what’s new this spring Tuesday morning in May of 2022 eh friends? A sunny day when the trees all seem to be finally blooming, putting on their new look of bright green for the upcoming season, returning to an energetic life after remaining dormant for so long in the cold, dreary depths of winter. 

And I know that most of us would reply ‘same old, same old,’ to the above question. But what’s really wrong with same old eh? Nothing at all! Because that’s what life is all about; that’s how we learn, by repetition. If we had a new situation every day we wouldn’t know or learn anything. And sadly, that’s how it’s shaping up these days when we are all hungering and clamouring for something new, and quickly getting bored and frustrated although we have so many new toys to keep us occupied. 

In our recent rush for speed, we’ve developed very short attention spans, which make us quickly disenchanted with new stuff. But let me put this other question to us. What do you think will, or would have happened to us if our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ had a short attention span, and was easily bored and frustrated like us eh? We’d certainly be left out in the rain, in the dark, in the cold, without a safe place to shelter. 

But thankfully Jesus is strong and steadfast, and not worried about the same old, same old that He does by constantly saving us from making foolish mistakes and interceding for us every day to His Father. So please, let’s get wise and give up this foolish rush for speed and change nuh, because it’s causing us to lose the ability to truly enjoy life, the abundant, same old life that Christ died for us to have. 

Our appreciation for the things and people in our lives are plummeting each day, because we have so many things, we can’t keep count or enjoy them properly. And as per people, too many relationships these days are only surface deep, so false and plastic, that there’s little trust and true enjoyment to be found in them. And sadly, the relationships and situations that words like loyalty and honour breed are quietly disappearing from our vocabulary and society. How unfortunate my people, because those are the basic things that make a society rich and powerful and enjoyable, without their members having to keep a constant watch for dishonor and disloyalty which are rife in our world today. 

When a society has lost its trustworthiness then it’s on its way down. When a person’s word is no longer sacred, when even the laws can be successfully manipulated to cause hurt and dishonour, then that society is no longer growing like a strong, tall and steadfast cedar of Lebanon, but is withering like a cursed fig tree. And believe me, withering like a cursed fig tree happens much quicker than the growth of a cedar of Lebanon. So, once a society gets on that path of destruction, its demise happens rather quickly. 

And that’s why proper leadership is ever so important for a society or any organization to function properly. No wonder Cousin Sol says in his wisdom that:’ ‘Where there is no vison (prophetic vision or revelation), the people perish (cast off restraint): but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.’ (Prov. 29:18) And that’s the indisputable truth! Where there is no moral or divine inspiration in leadership, then people cast off restraint and do whatever they feel like. 

Sadly, that’s exactly what’s happening in our world today. Our leaders seem more interested in a grab for power, self-aggrandization and war-mongering than in building a moral and godly civilization. We’re even trying to remove God from our society, so why should we be surprised at the way our world is going since, as the scholars tell us: ‘Morality is based on adherence to God’s revealed will.’ And if there’s no God, then there can’t be any revealed will. 

And unfortunately, all that we’ve spoken of above is reflected in these few words of author Adrian McCullen in an article titled ‘Where there is no vision the people perish,’ on the website He writes: ‘Society has reached a stage where more people are dying from abundance than from lack. Obesity and obesity-related illnesses kill more people than starvation. People are at a point where their basic needs have been met.’ That’s in our western based societies. 

And we see the perfect example of the lack of divine vision and inspiration in the state of Israel when the Lord called Samuel. The Good Book tells it thus: ‘And the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli. And the word of the Lord was precious (rare) in those days, there was no open vision.’ (1 Sam. 3:1) 

And the scholars explain: ‘The severity of Israel’s apostasy (rejection of God)  (cf. Jud. 21:25) caused a dearth of God’s revelatory work. The condition was perpetuating and self-defeating. (cf. Prov. 29:18) By God’s grace, the prophetic institution would receive impetus and standardization in the person and work of Samuel. (cf. 3:21; 19:20) 

Ah friends, our current world is now almost like that of Israel back then. And that reference to Judges 21:25 in the scholars’ explanations spells it out in spades. It says: ‘In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.’ And unfortunately, that’s the same philosophy that’s taking hold in our current society. The moral law of God is being rejected for that which we consider appropriate to our personal needs. 

So why the surprise when we discover that our world is sinking into the morass, of death and decay eh? When we do our own thing and don’t follow God’s law, we will suffer and eventually perish, unless we come to our senses like Israel did under Samuel. It’s as simple as that. So, for those of us who are trying to live the righteous life, as set out in God’s law, let’s go home now declaring (yessss!!!) our Tuesday Mantra, letting the whole world know to whom we belong, lock, stock and barrel. 

As one strong voice: ‘In God’s eyes, I’m not what I do. I’m not what I have. I’m not what people say about me. I am the beloved of God, that’s who I am. No one can take that from me. I don’t have to worry. I don’t have to hurry. I can trust my friend Jesus and share His LOVE with the world. Amen!’ 

Now it behooves us to go and do just that; share Christ’s amazing LOVE and friendship with those we meet, so that they too can come to LOVE and worship Him like we do! Much LOVE!

…God’s law works to build up…man’s law to destroy…   

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Today’s Scrip-Bit 28 August 2021 Proverbs 14:34.

Proverbs 14:34.      Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach (shame, disgrace) to any people.

Well then, it’s Saturday, and we moving on! Yes friends, we moving on, because we cannot afford to stand still in this ever-changing world, else we’ll get left behind. However, we don’t need to move on just for the sake of moving on, but moving on when the Holy Spirit that dwells within us, and leads and guides us, tells us that it’s time to move on. And if we are afraid of the changes that are necessary, we don’t have to make them all in one fell swoop either, we can take our time and make them. 

Don’t worry, our wonderful and ever-LOVING God will look out for us, and make sure we don’t go astray. So this Saturday morning, let’s ditch fear, and embrace faith with a vengeance nuh! (smile) Remember Bruh Paul’s reminder to Timothy: ‘For God hath not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of LOVE, and of a sound mind (self-control)’ (2 Tim. 1:7) 

And having shored up our faith with that powerful and reassuring scripture, let’s see what quotes our friend Anselm sent us this week nuh. And the first quote says: ‘Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning.’ Now we can all see a fair amount of truth in that statement, for freedom is a very complicated and rather thorny subject to handle or deal with, in whatever area you choose to profess or preach it. 

That means a lot of people won’t agree or acquiesce quietly to whatever we are touting freedom for or in. Consequently, that will mean dissension and disagreement, even strife and all-out war, as we are currently seeing in so many countries of our world. Yuh notice in Jesus’ time, He claimed to have come to bring freedom, and though it was a good kind of freedom, freedom from sin, it was not the kind of freedom His people were seeking, they wanted freedom from Roman oppression, thus there was much dissatisfaction and disagreement among the different groups of the Jewish people, that even had them calling for His death. 

The very word ‘freedom’ implies agitation and disturbance, and it’s very seldom, if ever, we can have freedom without theoretically plowing up the ground, or experiencing plenty thunder and lightning. (smile) That leads us to this next interesting quote. ‘Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.’ 

Now that’s a basic truth of life. Smart leaders of countries, organizations or whatever kind of grouping is involved, will take the temperature of their people, test them to see just how far they can go, or what they can get away with, without stirring up rebellion or revolution. But the problem, as we are seeing all over the world, is that our leaders are not smart enough to take their time and learn how to control their people. The hunger and greed for power causes them to try and impose their selfish will in a draconian manner, possibly backed by military forces, but that always seems to bring opposition and consequently rebellion. 

And our world right now is a perfect example of that, with rebellion over almost everything, from the covid 19 supposed virus, that’s killing us left right and centre, which some claim to be a bacterium, to the vaccination that’s supposed to keep it in check. Then there are things like climate change, and the social type of system that some leaders want to impose on their people, from dictatorship to communism, to socialism, to free for all ism. (smile) Oh, and let’s not forget the many people who are trying their best to rid our society of God. A task that they will obviously fail at. 

The fact of the matter is that right now our world is very contrary and divided. I doubt we can find one subject or topic that most of us can agree on. That leads us to this next quote: ‘Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.’ Now that’s a truth from which we can never escape. And I think it’s borne out best in the words of Bob Marley in his song titled ‘War’ where he reiterates a part of a speech given by the Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I, in California in 1968. 

Bob sings: “That until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior, is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned. That until there are no longer first and second class citizens of any nation. Until the colour of a man’s skin is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes. That until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all, without regard to race. That until that day, the dream of lasting peace, world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained… And everywhere will be war…ah say war…”  

And that’s exactly the kind of world we are looking at until Jesus comes back and sets up His everlasting kingdom, where there is no sin, darkness, pain, tears, death or anything negative; nothing but joy and peace, LOVE and godliness for ever and ever! Glory be! That brings us to this last quote: ‘The life of a nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous.’ And if you have any sense at all, you will realize that that’s the gospel truth! Any living organism banded together can only be secure if there’s trust and truth between them. 

And in support of that please listen to these two seminal scriptures from Cousin Sol. The first says: ‘Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach (shame, disgrace) to any people.’ (Prov. 14:34) Yes friends, the Lord lifts up a nation that worships and lives under His banner, but brings shame and disgrace to sinful, disobedient peoples. And the second potent scripture from Cousin Sol declares (yeah!!) ‘Where there is no vision (prophetic vision or revelation), the people perish (cast off restraint, become lawless and godless): but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.’ (Prov. 29:18) 

Oh my people, the morality and righteousness of a nation depends on the prophetic vision the revelation of God’s people to which we sincerely and righteously adhere. Without it, we’re totally lost and headed straight for hellfire and damnation. That’s why taking God out of society is nothing but craziness, but foolishness and utter folly! 

And we’ll end with this very interesting and relevant commentary found on the website, talking about a Nation without God. It reads thus: ‘In Psalm 11:3, the question is asked, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Of course, when the foundations are destroyed, the righteous are made a prey of the wicked. Consequently, the very purpose of government is the protection of the righteous or law abiding. In other words, Government is ordained by God as a mechanical remedy against evil (cf. Romans 13:1-7). 

Thomas Jefferson clearly understood this principle (when he supposedly said “The God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that  these liberties are the gift of God?”), and so must we if we are to keep the “unalienable rights” endowed us by “our Creator.” Jesus Christ is sovereign of the universe. Consequently, His law is above all laws and all men everywhere are subject to His authority. Many earthly authorities have not understood this. Consequently, they have not heeded the wise counsel of the psalmist, who said: “Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way” (Psalm 2:11,12).’ 

It’s as simple as that friends! If you don’t have the Creator God as your mainstay, then things just go haywire. These seem to be the steps to our downfall. ‘When a nation rejects God; it turns to a false religion; then it becomes bogged down in immorality and violence; then God judges it.’ Beware my people, I believe that God is judging us right now! Much LOVE!

…without the Living God as your sure foundation…you are headed for certain destruction… 

P.S. Yes, it’s a tad long (smile) but I think it’s good, and hope you do too. Much LOVE!                                                                                                                                  

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Today’s Scrip-Bit 5 August 2021 Proverbs 29:18.

Proverbs 29:18.      Where there is no vision, (prophetic vision or revelation), the people perish (cast off restraint): but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

Then came Thursday, the pen-ultimate day of the workweek…and the frowns were being lessened, because everyone knew that tomorrow would be the big day of Friday, the end of their work week woes! Now, it’s interesting to note how we shun and bad talk work in our society, when it’s work, both mental and physical, that has provided us with all the good things and amenities that we currently enjoy. 

If a society doesn’t keep working and producing, it dies. That’s the simple but indisputable truth! Look at all the great societies that have passed through this world, all have worked hard and been very productive in the beginning, but once they reached a certain level of wealth, where many could afford to sit on their laurels and do nothing, they eventually died, for lack of inspiration and innovation. 

And looking back through the pages of history, you would also note that those societies that had God as their main inspiration prospered immensely, but as soon as they got too big, prideful and full of their own importance and relegated God to the background, they also died an undistinguished death. I think those facts prove that the two most important things in a society, if it is to flourish, are God and the desire to work diligently and excellently. 

Now we don’t have to overdo any of them, because overdoing stuff is just as bad as underdoing. And remember, God instructed us to have at least one day off in each week to rest, just like He rested after creating the universe. However, without that God-given desire to face challenges and come up over them, no society will ever last for long. That’s why Cousin Sol told us that: ‘Where there is no vision, (prophetic vision or revelation), the people perish (cast off restraint): but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.’ (Prov. 29:18) 

Basically, what that means is that a society without God, or a God-given morality or revelation, will become totally immoral and run into all kinds of trouble. It’s the prophetic revelation of God, through His Word and the prophets who declare it that keeps a society on an even keel, that leads to prosperity and divine blessing. And that’s why our society today is so directionless; God is lacking. People are not involved or challenged enough in its betterment. 

Look at our attitudes at work and towards work, the main way most of us gain a living. We’re apathetic, just going through the motions, putting in time till pay day… that’s if and when we show up for work. Sick time is currently one of the biggest detractors from productivity. But does anybody care? Not really, because it’s just a job, a botheration, to many of us. And we have a very good example of that kind of attitude and behaviour way back when, in the time of Samuel. 

The Good Book tells us about how the Lord called Samuel to minister to his people. ‘And the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli. And the word of the Lord was precious (rare) in those days; there was no open vision.’ (1 Sam. 3:1) Yuh see that friends? When Samuel came along the word of the Lord was rare in Israel; there was no prophetic revelation, God was not uppermost in their thoughts and hearts, so the people suffered, ran around like chickens with their heads cut off, like we are now doing. 

And the scholars offer this explanation of that time. ‘3:1. The severity if Israel’s apostasy (turning away from God) (cf. Judg. 21:25) caused a dearth (a scarcity or lack) of God’s revelatory work. The condition was perpetuating and self-defeating (cf. Prov. 29:18). By God’s grace, the prophetic institution would receive renewed impetus and standardization in the person and work of Samuel (cf. 3:21; 19:20).’ And that’s exactly what we are seeing today; a lack of God’s revealing word, but to make matters even worse, we are not following what little is being revealed to us. 

And when you check out that above reference to Judges, this is what you get. ‘In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.’ (Jud. 21:25) And that’s what we’re also facing right now friends. Everybody is doing more or less as they please. There’s no such thing as a basic truth again, for everyone’s making up their own truth. Hn! And the disastrous spread of a negative social media isn’t helping the problem any. For as the scholars mention, such a condition is both ‘perpetuating and self-defeating.’ It feeds off its negative self. So, left alone, it can never improve, but can certainly get worse. 

We need to wake up and realize that the inordinate or large amounts of strife, enmity, anger, sickness, poverty, economic failure, greed, jealousy and natural disasters that are presently consuming our world is a direct result of an ungodly attitude towards each other, and lack of sincere reverence towards God. And unfortunately, it can only be overcome through the restoration of a godly vision; the reinstatement of Jehovah God and His awesome Word as our number one priority. 

Fellow saints of Christ, we desperately need to boost our level of faith and evangelizing, so that we make a difference in our communities and consequently our world. The world desperately needs what we have; that’s Christianity, or rather Christ in us. We need to show how Christ changes lives, improves them and sets them on the right path to salvation and eternal life. And we have been given numerous tools by our heavenly Father to accomplish that task, so please let’s put them to use nuh. 

We’re talking about our Thursday Blessings, which we now need to declare if we want them to take effect, for a blessing is not a blessing until it’s declared. So altogether now: ‘I declare that I am blessed with God’s supernatural wisdom and receive clear direction for my life! I declare today that I am blessed with creativity, courage, talent and abundance! I am blessed with a strong will, self-control and self-discipline! 

I am blessed with a great family, good friends, good health, faith, favour and fulfillment! I am blessed with success, supernatural strength, promotion and divine protection! I am blessed with a compassionate heart and a positive outlook on life! I declare that any curse or negative word that’s ever been spoken over me is broken right now in the name of Jesus! I declare that everything I put my hands to, will prosper and succeed! I declare it today and every day! Amen!’ 

And having said that, it’s our duty to now go out and share or use those blessings just as generously with others, as the Lord shared them with us. Much LOVE!

…without God in his life…mankind is doomed to eternal damnation…                                                                                                             

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Today’s Scrip-Bit 19 July 2021 Proverbs 29:18.

Proverbs 29:18.     ​ ‘Where there is no (prophetic) vision, the people perish (cast off restraint): but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.’

And before you know it, the weekend is done, and the weekly cycle of work has begun again! Yeh friends, the weekend seems to pass so quickly, while the workweek seems to take forever. But you know, that’s only a matter of our perception, for all the days are the same in length and are controlled by the same mechanism. And we just think that what we like passes quickly, and what we don’t like lasts an interminably long time. 

But never fear, for there is method to the Lord’s madness. He is the Supreme Being and knows what He’s doing. He set up His universe the way He thought best, so who are we, a mere creation, to doubt, or find fault with His decision making eh, just because it’s somewhat tough on our mortal bodies? (smile) 

And there is only one way to overcome that, by asking the Lord for understanding, as set out in Psalm 119. ‘Teach me O Lord, the way of thy statutes (unchangeable regulations); and I shall keep it unto the end. Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law (Word); yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart.’ (Ps. 119:33-34) Yeh friends, when we have pliable or teachable hearts and go to the Lord sincerely seeking understanding, He will gladly give it to us. 

But we have to get the ball rolling by going to Him, we can’t wait for Him to come to us. His will must be our heart’s desire, so that we can truthfully declare: ‘Make me to go in the path of thy commandments (directives, charge); for therein I do delight.’ (Ps. 119:35) And that’s no joking matter my brethren, because the Lord takes His commandments very seriously, so you can’t tell Him that unless you truly mean it, just to try and appease Him. He will not fall for it, because He checks the motives of our hearts for every word we say to Him. 

So, unless you are serious about all this stuff, please don’t go asking for it. But if you are, the Lord will be overjoyed for you to say to Him: ‘Incline my heart unto (cause me to long for) thy testimonies (what You have said about Yourself and Your will), and not to covetousness. Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity (looking at worthless things); and quicken (revive) thou me in thy way. Stablish (establish) thy word unto thy servant, who is devoted to thy fear (fearing thee). Turn away my reproach which I fear: for thy judgements (decisions) are good. Behold, I have longed after thy precepts (instructions): quicken (revive) me in thy righteousness.’ (Ps. 119:37-40) 

Oh my people, we can never go wrong by seeking God and all that He has to offer. Remember Jesus’ fateful words of warning from the Sermon on the Mount, re serving one master and running down earthly stuff: ‘But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.’ (Matt.6:33) Yes my fellow believers, our number one priority ought to be seeking God and His righteousness, and then all the other stuff we need will be given to us by Him. 

And on that subject, please remember Bruh Paul’s directive to Timothy. ‘But refuse (reject) profane and old wives’ fables (because they promote ungodliness) and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.’ (1 Tim. 4:7-8) And the scholars paraphrase that last verse thus: ‘For physical exercise is of limited value, but godliness, the result of spiritual exercise, has unlimited value, since it brings blessings for both now and eternity.’ 

Matter fixed friends! We need more spiritual exercise than we do physical, but unfortunately, the gyms, with their tough workout routines are enticing many more people than the churches in these godless times. Meaning that spiritual exercise seems to be taking a back seat to the physical aspect. Consequently, that doesn’t bode well for our society, for a society that rejects God will always suffer serious consequences. Like Cousin Sol says: ‘Where there is no (prophetic) vision, the people perish (cast off restraint): but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.’ (Prov. 29:18) 

That means when you don’t have God’s direction, divine revelation in a society, there are no restraints, and people do whatever they want, like in our current world. The scholars tell us that ‘Morality is based on adherence to God’s revealed will.’ And it obviously hasn’t been revealed to us because we are a very immoral society. 

But it’s not too late to get some divine revelation friends, however, as we said above, the onus is on us to get the ball rolling by going to God for direction. So let’s do that right now nuh, go to Him in prayer, through our Monday Morning Battle Hymn, laying out all our problems, fears and doubts before Him, asking for divine wisdom and guidance. 

Altogether now: ‘Our Father, who art in heaven, we, Your humble servants, praise Your Holy Name and thank You this Monday morning for life and strong faith in Christ, despite the mass confusion in our world. We desperately need Your divine help, for You are the ONLY ONE with the power to solve our many problems. 

Heavenly Father, we admit that we have all sinned and seriously disobeyed Your Word, but we know that You are a merciful, forgiving and gracious God, who has faithfully promised to hear and answer our prayers when we humble ourselves, pray, and sincerely seek Your face. That’s why we come to You now, with sincere repentance in our hearts, pleading with You to give us wise guidance and direction to alleviate our problems. 

And Father, we pray that you will ease the pain of the many who are suffering from negative situations. Please show them Your awesome grace and mercy, and keep Your promise that You’ll hear our prayer, forgive us, and heal our land if we turn from our evil ways. Show this evil world that You are indeed Jehovah Rapha; the God who heals! We pray this in the holy and blessed name of Your Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Amen! And again, we say: Amen!’ 

Now, remember that humility and sincerity are essential for positive answers to prayer. So, let’s hope that we were sincere and humble. Much LOVE!

…only through seeking God’s kingdom…and its righteousness…will mankind see heaven…and not hell…                                                                                              

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Today’s Scrip-Bit 26 November 2020 Mark 3:25.

Mark 3:25.     ​And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

Well a Happy Thanksgiving to our Southern neighbours in the U.S. of A! It’s their biggest holiday, but shackled by the Covid-19 pandemic and the Presidential election shenanigans that are still going on, who knows what kind of Thanksgiving Day it will be. 

Unfortunately, there will be much strife and resentment just about visiting family and having big gatherings, mask less and not physically distanced, which means the virus will be even more prevalent in the next couple of weeks. And if you add the wide division in the election proceedings and results, it doesn’t make for a real thankful day at all. But we wish them all the best anyway. 

But I want to warn them, and us too, of two simple but ever so important factors from the mouth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who knew what He was talking about. The first is when the Pharisees accused Him of casting out demons in Satan’s name, He calmly informed them: ‘How can Satan cast out Satan? And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.’ (Mark 3:23-26) 

And that’s the gospel truth friends! But we didn’t even need Jesus to tell us that, it’s been so obvious from day one of mankind’s sojourn on the face of this earth. Look at the division between Cain and Abel and between so many of God’s people down through the ages. And surprisingly, the battling factions in the U.S. are fairly equally divided, so there is plenty strength on either side. So it won’t be a cakewalk for either side. 

That brings to mind the statement supposedly attributed to President Abraham Lincoln on the subject, at the time of the Civil War: “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” I believe the government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other.’ Now those were strong words, and the Union did survive in the technically free form, but right now it is so divided that it certainly has the potential to fall apart again. 

And the second point we need to remember is the foundation on which we build our lives and societies is also ever so important in their sustainability, whether they will last or go under in short order. And there’s no better word on this than that of Jesus. ‘Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a (the) rock. 

And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a (the) rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.’ (Matt. 7:24-27) 

Oh my people, when we’re building anything at all, the most important part is always the foundation, because that’s what everything else sits on. So if our lives or our societies are not built on solid foundations, the most solid being Jesus, how can they hope to last eh? Look at the number of buildings that collapse simply because the foundations are not solid enough to uphold them. Thus Bruh Paul proclaimed to the church at Corinth: ‘For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.’ (1 Cor. 3:11) 

Oh friends, any other foundation will just be consumed by fire eventually! That’s why Peter further explained that Christ is the living stone upon which all lives ought to be built. ‘To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed (rejected) indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, Ye also as lively (living) stones, are (being) built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. 

Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Zion a chief corner stone, elect (chosen), precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded (put to shame). Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed (rejected), the same is made the head of the corner (chief cornerstone). And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient (being disobedient to the word): whereunto also they were appointed.’ (1 Pet. 2:4-8) 

Yeh friends, Peter was there quoting the prophecy from Isaiah 28:16, the promise of a sure foundation, a chief cornerstone to anchor His people. And that turned out to be none other than His glorious Son Jesus Christ, chosen and precious to Him, but rejected and unacceptable to His people Israel. Oh my people, Christ is in the amazing and wonderful process of building a spiritual house in all His believers, and He is a Master Builder, so why won’t we allow Him to build that strong, solid edifice in our lives eh? 

We’re behaving like the foolish man who built his house on the sand and the elements toppled it without a moment’s notice. But Jesus is the Rock, the solid foundation on which to build our lives, a foundation that will not be washed away or burnt away but will endure forever! Anyway, enough preaching for today. (smile) Let’s go home giving plenty thanks for all the Blessings that have been bestowed on us this cloudy, rainy Thursday morning nuh, by our magnificent and magnanimous Maker. 

All together now: ‘I declare that I am blessed with God’s supernatural wisdom and receive clear direction for my life! I declare today that I am blessed with creativity, courage, talent and abundance! I am blessed with a strong will, self-control and self-discipline! I am blessed with a great family, good friends, good health, faith, favour and fulfillment! 

I am blessed with success, supernatural strength, promotion and divine protection! I am blessed with a compassionate heart and a positive outlook on life! I declare that any curse or negative word that’s ever been spoken over me is broken right now in the name of Jesus! I declare that everything I put my hands to will prosper and succeed! I declare it today and everyday! Amen!’  

And as always, the Christian reaction to that declaration (awright!) should be to get on with sharing those wonderful blessings with others less fortunate, the same way the Lord generously shared them with us!Much LOVE!

…where there is no prophetic vision…the people perish… 

Today’s Scrip-Bit 20 November 2020 Proverbs 29:18.

Proverbs 29:18.     ​Where there is no vision, the people perish.

Uh oh…it’s Friday! Already? Yes boy, with bright sunshine too, something we haven’t seen around here for a few days now! But don’t let the sunshine fool you nuh, it also have a strong chilly wind blowing with it! Well what else do you expect eh, it’s time for the cold days to come creeping into these northern climes. Only thing is they don’t creep in, they generally just hit you with an unexpected rush. (smile) 

But thankfully, there’s no need to worry because we have our Lord and Saviour, Guide and Protector, Jesus Christ looking out for our welfare, and we know that we can do all things through Him who strengthens us, who imbues us with divine strength and protection! Glory Hallelujah my believing brethren! 

With Jesus in our corner ALL things are possible and nothing that comes against us will harm or have victory over us because He has faithfully promised never to leave nor forsake us, and we know for a fact that He keeps every one of His promises, for faithful and true is He! And that’s my li’l sermon, my li’l reminder of God’s goodness and mercy for today. (smile) 

Now let’s hear the ordinary workingman’s spiel nuh. And sadly, he doesn’t seem to be his usual enthusiastic, ebullient self. His opening remarks are somewhat lacklustre, and with good cause too. ‘TGIF! Thank God is Friday and the weekend is finally here!’ And so is the blooming Covid-19 virus yes! It coming back for a second go round. Why eh? Because we so stupid and childish we can’t keep weself quiet and stay home for a li’l bit! 

Oh Lord, the only thing we have to safeguard us from the virus is masks and social distancing, so why we can’t do them simple things eh? Steups! Since when we this big social animal that we must get together all the time eh? In normal times, so often we don’t see each other for long periods because we too busy, but all of a sudden we must get together! Foolishness yes! 

What a world we living in eh Captain Jack! And then that other jack down in the U.S not even bothering with the Covid situation, he only intent on trying to retain his wannabe dictator powers and causing so much confusion in the land, when he full well know that he lost the so and so election. And yuh know why he fighting so hard to stay in power? So that he and his blooming crooked family could stay outa jail, because he know that as soon as he step foot outa the white house, they going to lock up him and his crooked and thiefing family. 

Brother! Ah never see such imbecile and incompetent and thiefing leaders like we have all over the world nowadays nuh! Ah sorry for mih children if this state of affairs continue yes. But ah keep on thanking the Lord for Fridays and weekends, so I could get some rest from the slave master work and spend some quality time with mih family.’ 

Yes friends, the ordinary working man is not a happy camper, and he has a right not to be, because it’s the ordinary working people who are suffering the most in this pandemic situation. They are the ones who have lost most of their jobs, and thus are having money, food and housing problems, while the rich and well to do are getting richer and more well to do. The sudden pandemic has certainly shown up the vast inequity in our society, and if we don’t do something about it soon, then our society will eventually implode. 

And we’re already seeing serious signs of implosion because quite a large part of the population is suffering unnecessary injustice and inequality. But the powers that be don’t seem to truly care. Once they can fill their already bulging pockets and bellies all’s well with them. But for the creation who is supposed to be God’s greatest and wisest, we’re sadly ignorant and selfish too. That brings us to this eternal saying of Cousin Sol. ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish.’ (Prov. 29:18) 

And that’s the gospel truth my people. Where there is no prophetic vision, no thought of, or word from God in a society, the people cast off restraint, do as they please and eventually fall into oblivion, for a society can’t survive successfully without the word of God as it’s banner. A society can’t sincerely rise to its challenges and commitments without a godly infrastructure. 

Thus the words of the psalmist Asaph from Psalm 73 – The mystery of prosperous wickedness – hold true. ‘For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee (are unfaithful to thee). But it is good for me to draw near to God. I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works.’ (Ps. 73:27-28) 

Oh friends, history is filled with the rubble of so many great societies who turned away from God when they became rich and prosperous, do we want ours to be numbered amongst that infamous lot? I certainly hope not! That means we have to do our best to keep God’s word and His mores alive in our society. And the first step in doing that is turning to Him in prayer, asking for help, mercy, grace and divine succour. So let’s do that right now nuh through our Friday Chant nuh. 

Altogether with sincere hearts. ‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through this past week. Yuh know it’s been rough… what with all the anxiety, the confusion and havoc that the Covid-19 virus and the racial strife causing. We not accustomed to that kind of life Lord, and it really telling on us. And we know we can’t handle it on our own, that we desperately need your help. Oh heavenly Father, with your omnipotent help, and our trusting faith, we know that we can stand strong and steadfast and defeat both the virus and the unrest in our streets. 

So Lord, we sincerely ask you today to give the governments and those involved in the forefront of this serious and unexpected storm, the sure and wise guidance to handle the situation properly, with the least amount of loss to life and property as possible. And please help those of us who must go out to work amidst all the confusion, to be responsible and to stay safe, so that we can avoid any more serious setbacks. And Lord, we fervently pray that You’ll use this situation to also bring a lot of backsliders back to your fold, show them the error of their ways. 

It’s also a good opportunity to introduce a whole new flock, who will embrace your LOVE and compassion because of the way we, your faithful believers, handle the situation. Yes Lord, please use this pandemic and the unrest in the streets as a means of restoring faith in You, so that our sinful world can wake up and smell the coffee, sweet and strong! We pray this in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Amen!’ 

And if we were truly sincere in our plea and vow, then we now have to go out and handle the situation as faithful believers. Let’s not let down our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ nuh! Much LOVE!

…unless the people wake up to God…they will be cast aside…  

Today’s Scrip-Bit 5 November 2020 James 3:16.

James 3:16.     ​For where envying and strife is (where self-seeking exists), there is confusion and every evil work.

Well the craziness down south is still going on; no official winner just yet, but a whole lot of claims and counterclaims and legal suits. Only in the U.S. of A, you say. That’s for sure! And what’s totally mind boggling is that despite the incumbent President’s rather poor showing over the last four years, his obnoxious behaviour, his lack of class, his bully boy style and having done nothing for the poor of his country, but plenty for the rich, half of the country, many of them the poor ones he cast aside, still apparently voted for him. How unbelievable! 

One would never have thought that he had a real chance after all his callow, unpresidential and dictator-like behaviour. But that just goes to show the mentality and sad state of the nation and how badly divided and strife-filled it is. That reminds us of this ever-true statement from James: ‘For where envying and strife is (where self-seeking exists), there is confusion and every evil work.’ (James 3:16) And that’s no lie my brethren! We all know it, for we have seen it in our friendships, our families and it has recently taken over the whole globe, just more in some countries than others. 

Yes friends, the whole world is now a boiling, bubbling cauldron of hate, resentment, envy, strife, anger and all the negative actions of an evil heart and nature. Our world is certainly not a very godly place in these disturbing and rather frustrating times. As Bruh Paul said to the Corinthians in his first missive when he heard that they were feuding amongst themselves. ‘For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying and strife, and divisions (dissensions), are ye not carnal (fleshly), and walk as men (according to the dictates of man.)’ (1 Cor. 3:3) 

Oh my people, there’s no doubt that right now we are surely and rather sadly walking after the dictates of mankind more than of God, and that’s a very unfortunate and disastrous thing for any family, society or nation. As Cousin Sol so clearly points out in Proverbs: ‘Where there is no vision (prophetic vision or revelation), the people perish (cast off restraint): but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.’ (Prov. 29:18) 

Now the scholars explain that verse thus: ‘29:18. Vision refers to the divine revelation received by the prophet. Morality is based on adherence to God’s revealed will.’ And over the years people have used this verse conveniently to mean all sorts of things, but basically what it’s saying is that without good leadership and a godly, fairly unified purpose in a nation, that society will eventually crumble and fall. Everyone won’t always agree on a path of life, but most of them have to, if the society is to grow and prosper. 

And just for our enlightenment, here are a few of the interesting translations from the 29 different translations of the Bible, I recently came across. Never knew there were so many translations of the Good Book. (smile) But here’s an interesting aside, why someone could so rightly answer a question on church building this way: ‘The answer to your question is simple. And it involves a look at the BIBLE. You know, that book that all Christians profess to believe in, yet seemingly ignore a lot of what is in it.’ 

I just could not help including that quote friends, because it’s oh so true. (smile) Too many of us, supposed believers talk about the Good Book, but hardly ever open it. In too many homes it sits gathering dust in a prominent position, where all can see it. But the truth is, we ignore it to our own detriment, not the Lord’s, because He knows what’s in there, since He caused it to be written. (smile) 

Anyhow here are those translations. ‘Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.’ ‘When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful.’ ‘Without revelation people run wild, but one who follows divine instruction will be happy.’ ‘A nation without God’s guidance is a nation without order. Happy are those who keep God’s law!’ 

‘In the multitude of the evil ones a people is breached and he that keeps the law is blessed.’ ‘There shall be no interpreter to a sinful nation: but he that observes the law is blessed.’ ‘Without a Vision is a people made naked, And whoso is keeping the law, O his happiness!’ ‘When prophecy shall fail, the people shall be scattered abroad: but he that keepeth the law is blessed.’ 

Ah mih people, the enemy is using that age old, but rather powerful and successful tool called ‘divide and conquer.’ And it’s certainly working in these perilous and uncertain times. We though, the saints of Christ, have the divine duty to resist the onslaught of the enemy, and where possible recapture the unity and godliness of our church and society. It’s up to us friends, the bride of Christ, the church, to start making amends to the ungodly and strife-filled behaviour that’s currently paralyzing our society. If we don’t do it, who’s going to do it eh? Certainly not the enemy and his evil demons who benefit greatly from it! 

That’s why these words of Bruh David from Psalm 18 – The creation and covenants of God – are so true and mightily important even to this day. ‘The law of the Lord is perfect, converting (restoring) the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear (reverence) of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the (drippage of the) honeycomb. Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.’ (Ps. 19:7-11) 

That says it all my people. Without the law of God as our guide and stronghold, we will eventually perish. So now, for those who have accepted our role as godly uniters and not evil disrupters, let’s go home proclaiming (Hn, hn! Couldn’t spell that right either) our Thursday Blessings. As one strong voice now: ‘I declare that I am blessed with God’s supernatural wisdom and receive clear direction for my life! I declare today that I am blessed with creativity, courage, talent and abundance! I am blessed with a strong will, self-control and self-discipline! 

I am blessed with a great family, good friends, good health, faith, favour and fulfillment! I am blessed with success, supernatural strength, promotion and divine protection! I am blessed with a compassionate heart and a positive outlook on life! I declare that any curse or negative word that’s ever been spoken over me is broken right now in the name of Jesus! I declare that everything I put my hands to will prosper and succeed! I declare it today and everyday! Amen!’  

And the natural consequence of all those blessings is not to selfishly hoard them, but for us to share them with others as generously as the Lord has shared them with us.Much LOVE!

…if LOVE…instead of hate…ruled the world…what a wonderful world it would be…  

P.S. And the enemy is so intrusive, he just made me lose twenty minutes trying to find out why my computer stopped writing. It was all in the batteries of the keyboard. Steups! So be careful, he’s all around, trying to create havoc in our lives, anyway possible. Much LOVE! 

Today’s Scrip-Bit 7 October 2020 Colossians 1:10.

Colossians 1:10.     ​That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;

Chuh man! It’s a wet and dreary looking Wednesday morning in my neck of the woods! But it would not really matter to me if I didn’t have to go out the street later to run some errands. Let’s hope the rain stops by then. But be that as it may, the most important thing though is that we are alive and kicking, meaning that there’s work for us to do, and we have Jesus for our Comforter, Guide and Saviour! Glory Be! 

That means nothing can stop us, because when He’s walking beside us we’re unstoppable, invincible and everlastingly mighty! (smile) That’s the power He has and so generously shares with us. Give Him some much deserved thanks and praise my fellow saints! 

And today I think we should take a look at Bruh Paul’s prayer for the church at Colossae, a church and people he had never seen but had heard of their problems from his friend in ministry, Epaphras, who had planted the church. Now hear his prayer: ‘For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;’ (Col. 1:9) Please notice the first thing Bruh Paul desires for the Colossians; ‘a knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.’ Not clothes, or food or money or some material stuff, but spiritual food. 

And the scholars explain that verse thus:‘1:9. Wisdom is an accurate perception into the true nature of things. Understanding is the skillful application of this wisdom in practical situations.’ And oh my people, how insanely important it is in these perilous and troubled times for us all to pray for wisdom and understanding; the knowledge of truth and how to practically apply it, because we definitely lack it right here and now, when we need it most, that’s why we are foundering on the rocks of total disaster! 

Remember, without a vison, the people perish. (Prov. 29:18a) That’s Cousin Sol’s wisdom, and there certainly doesn’t seem to be any revelation of God’s will, and thus a morality based on it, in our current society. That’s why we are now wallowing in the mire of strife and sickness and sinking fast, like we’re in quicksand. And Bruh Paul continues: ‘That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;’(Col. 1:10) 

Yeh friends, knowledge of God helps us to walk worthy of Him, and what Bruh Paul so desired for the Colossians, is also what we desperately need today. And not only a static understanding of our Lord and God, but even more importantly, an ever increasing and growing knowledge that will enable us to stay on the straight and narrow path. 

And Bruh Paul then breaks it down: ‘Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and long suffering with joyfulness; Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet (qualified us) to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in (the) light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated (transformed) us into the kingdom of his dear Son (the Son of His LOVE):’ (Col. 1:11-13) What a powerful message my brethren! One that we need ever so badly today, if we are going to avoid the many pitfalls that are heading our way. 

But let’s hear the scholars now with some interesting explanations of all that wonderful scripture.‘1:10.This verse expresses the reason that in verse 9 Paul wants the Colossians to obtain a knowledge of God’s will. It is that they may walk (live) properly and fully please God. In Greek, the four explanatory participles of verses 10b-12 spell out and precisely define what a worthy walk entails: the believer is (1) fruitful in every good work, productive in Christian service; (2) constantly increasing in the knowledge of God, ever coming to know the Lord better; (3) always strengthened with all might, becoming spiritually stronger and stronger; and (4) in the habit of giving thanks, sincerely expressing gratitude to God in both the pleasant and unpleasant experiences in his life.’ 

Mama Mia! It’s definitely not an easy walk that Bruh Paul’s asking and praying for, but he knows, from his own personal experience, that the Lord won’t ask it of us and not give us His divine help to accomplish it. And sadly, that’s where many of us fall down. We don’t acquire the ever-increasing knowledge and wisdom of God and thus our faith doesn’t grow, so we’re not able to withstand the wiles and lies of the devil and the storms of life that naturally come against us. 

Hear the scholars further: ‘1:11. Patience is persevering through problems, trials, tribulations, and so forth. Long-suffering is forbearing the faults and offences of others.’ But with ever increasing knowledge of God, and His generous grace and mercy, it is all possible. And some more from the scholars: ‘1:12. This verse also might be translated “thanking the Father, for He made us fit to share in the salvation belonging to the saints who are in the light.” Light is the ethical condition in which God’s children live, namely, that of spiritual understanding with its accompanying morality and happiness.’ 

And finally from the scholars.‘1:13. Darkness is the religious state in which unbelievers exist, namely, that of spiritual ignorance with its attending immorality and misery.’ Thus friends, I guess it all boils down to whether we want to live in darkness with immorality and misery, or in the light, with its attendant morality and happiness. We have to choose one or the other, we can’t live on the fence, as so many of us are trying to do. It’s either heaven or the world that eventually leads to hell, we can’t have both. 

And in my humble opinion, heaven is indeed the better choice, although the pathway to it might be a tad more difficult. (smile) But as we keep on saying, if we choose heaven, God will give us the tools, the grace, mercy and wherewithal to make it safely and successfully. Now it’s up to you to choose your eternal destiny. But for those of us who have already chosen heaven, let’s go home now joyfully declaring (steups!) our Wednesday Wail, letting all and sundry know of our wonderful position in Christ Jesus. 

In strong voice, with sincere hearts: ‘Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: I’m so glad to be alive on this Wednesday! Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: Thank God the breath of life is still flowing through me on this Wednesday! I am halfway home. My hands are fixed securely on the plough, and I’m not turning back. I’m not looking back at the past, not focusing on what has gone before. But my eyes are fixed straight ahead; straight ahead to a glorious future with Jesus. Glory Hallelujah!’ 

And if we stick it out to the end, the future will be indeed even more glorious than we can ever ask or imagine!Much LOVE!

…two ways to live out eternity…in the comfort of heaven…or the misery of hell…take your pick… 

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