Today’s Scrip-Bit 5 July 2012 Psalm 115:1

Psalm 115:1.    Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy and for thy truth’s sake.
Oh Friends, it’s another new day! Glory be! And it’s also going to be another hot one, though possibly not as hot as yesterday, or as hot as tomorrow is forecasted to be. But as usual, we believers have cause to celebrate each new day since our ever-LOVING and merciful God does new and blessed stuff every day. Now I don’t have a Bit as yet, but the Spirit has put this idea of freedom and independence in my mind, so I’ll just run with it. (smile) Yesterday was the 4th of July, Independence Day celebrations in the U.S, but I wonder what kind of celebrations they really had with the country currently suffering so much affliction; terrible natural disasters on the East Coast and in Colorado, a stinging heat wave traversing all North America, plus the unfortunate economic distress that so many are suffering in the still richest country in the world. I’m sure it was not as huge and worldly as it usually is, but much more subdued and prayerful. For how can you be overly happy when so many don’t have light, food and water, or even a place to live, as so many down there are unfortunately experiencing? Even the capital, Washington D.C. is suffering from the recent storms. Then there are many other nations who are soon going to be celebrating their independence, like Jamaica and T&T, fifty years in the making. How have all these supposed free nations done in their independence though? Most of them haven’t done too well at all. So what’s the big deal about it eh? Most of the nations have only exchanged a colonial power as their master for one of the global banks or big money organizations, who rape these countries worse than the old colonial masters did. Yet we all still clamour for freedom, for independence! But sadly none of us ever become truly free, for we’re always responsible for, or to, something or someone else. So though on paper we’re free to make our own determinations, they certainly cannot be made in isolation, especially in this age of the global village. Oh Friends, the price of supposed freedom is exorbitant, both in economics and personal freedom of movement, as we can see from the economic disaster that’s facing our world today, and the many graves all around the world, with more being added every day, and still nobody’s free, freedom remains as elusive as ever. Man searches, begs, fights, dies, does so many things to try and attain freedom, but cannot, because it’s basically a figment of our imagination. Let me share a quote from the In Touch Magazine, July edition, from the Devotional Section, which says: ‘It may sound like a paradox, but true freedom isn’t about independence. The spiritually maturing believer is one who grows increasingly dependent on God.’ And that’s the living truth my people! Because the more mature we become in Christ, the more dependent we are on Him. Reality steps in and shows us that maturity doesn’t mean breaking free from Him, but rather accepting His easy yoke and light burden more and more with each passing day, for that’s the only way to truly know and learn about Him. Friends, it’s all well and good to be free, but from what, and how do we sustain that freedom? It’s very difficult and oftimes impossible, because though you may have freedom in one sense, you soon discover that you’re inextricably tied to something else. The Spirit though says it’s time for me to shut up about freedom and find a Bit. (smile) I do hope though that the ideas I threw out, give us some stuff to seriously think about, because the clamour for freedom and independence is becoming louder every day. And the Spirit is so wonderful, it hooked me up with an appropriate Bit, right where the Good Book was opened all along, from Psalm 115, re Trust in God, not in idols. More gospel truth Friends! ‘Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy (LOVING-kindness) and for thy truth’s sake.’ Yes mih people, the glory is not for us, for we don’t have anything to be glorified about. But the Lord’s name, His LOVING-kindness and truth are indeed worthy of glorification, for He’s the Creator, Controller, Protector and Provider of our universe! And we all know that He’s very jealous of His name; doesn’t want it trodden down or used inappropriately. No wonder when He rebukes Israel’s unfaithfulness, He declares through His messenger Isaiah: ‘For my name’s sake will I defer (delay) mine anger, and for my praise will I refrain (restrain) for thee, that I cut (destroy) thee not off. Behold, I have refined thee, but not with (as) silver; I have chosen (tested) thee in the furnace of affliction. For mine own sake, even for mine own sake, will I do it: for how should my name be polluted (profaned)? and I will not give my glory unto another. Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last. Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned (stretched out) the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together.’ (Is.48:9-13) Wow! What a truly mighty God we serve my people! Yes, the Lord God Jehovah, He is the ultimate Being! And though we can get some sort of independence and freedom from man and his organizations, freedom and independence from Almighty God is neither wise, nor even possible. Why? Because He can get on your case and make your life miserable, as he’s doing to so many who are trying to turn away from Him these days. On the other hand, the wise man will instead surrender His life, his God-given freedom of choice to God and allow Him to run his life, because He’s so much stronger and wiser. Please Friends, let’s show the ultimate in wisdom today nuh, by totally surrendering our freedom to God, so He can improve our lives. It’s the most sensible path to take, the one least fraught with potholes, high hills, winding curves and dangerous gullies. Much LOVE!…total freedom and independence are merely the utopian imaginings of man…for in reality…they do not exist…   P.S. It’s somewhat long, but thought provoking. (smile)