Today’s Scrip-Bit 19 July 2019 Proverbs 11:25.

Proverbs 11:25.    ​The liberal (generous) soul shall be made fat (prosperous): and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.

And then it was Friday; the worker’s favourite day, especially in the summer where the dress rules are sometimes relaxed for something called ‘casual Fridays.’ Some people don’t even work on Fridays during the summer months, they take the time off to get to the cottage and enjoy a longer weekend. 

All power to them yes! Less wealthy or privileged folks like me can’t afford to do that, so we have to stay here in the city and bear the brunt of, endure the heat of the raging sun. (smile) But I’m okay with that, because going to the cottage also has its own drawbacks. I’m comfortable right where I am, and with age creeping up on me, the desire for change is not that strong. (smile) 

And the ordinary workingman seems to agree with my sentiments as he belts out his weekend song. ‘TGIF! Thank God is Friday yes! Thank Him for granting us this release in the weekend, specially in the summer, else we’d all die from heat exhaustion and overwork. And though the weekend sorta too short, we still going to enjoy it as much as possible. 

And where yuh see we in the full swing of summer now, with all the summer heat and flash floods and inconsistent rain, the weekend is we only saviour, where we could get to do what we want, when we want, with no slave driver flashing his figurative whip at you any time yuh try to take a rest. 

But nobody ever said life was going to be easy, but you have to enjoy the fruits of your labour, and this weekend we surely going to do that; eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow you might die! We going to party, go out and play in the park… and since I can’t afford to go to the cottage by the lake, we just going to go and dunk we self in the public swimming pool, like all mih other working class friends and them. 

We not greedy, but we do like to be able to enjoy we time some. So as you enjoy the weekend, please remember to give thanks to God for whatever li’l you have eh, because it have plenty people who have plenty less than you!’ 

And isn’t that the gospel truth friends! Whatever little you have, there is always someone, somewhere who has even less than you. What a paradox! Even in the supposedly first world countries there’s a level of poverty in some areas that’s just mind-boggling. You can’t believe that amongst all the prosperity there is such a dearth of basic necessities. But that’s the reality of life, and for some reason or other we just can’t seem to, or want to fix it. 

However my fellow saints in Christ, please remember what Jesus said, about the unfortunates and those who helped them. ‘For I was an hungered (hungry), and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.’ (Matt.25:35-36) 

Yes precious people of God, that’s the kind of thing we’re supposed to be doing as servants and followers of Jesus, because if we don’t, when Jesus comes to judge, He’ll put us on the left hand with the goats, who’ll be thrown ‘into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.’ (Matt.25:41) Yes friends, ‘even as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.’ (Matt.25:40) 

So please, let’s stop concentrating on ourselves and concentrate on what Jesus wants us to do nuh; that’s helping the poor and needy. Remember too that we reap what we sow. And as Uncle Charles (Charles Stanley) likes to say, we reap what we sow, more than we sow, and later than we sow. So be it bad or good, our sowing produces a big harvest of the same things we sow. 

And though it’s nice to have earthly wealth and be comfortable, that’s not the prescription for greatness in Christ’s kingdom. Hear how Cousin Sol, in his God-given wisdom, puts it nuh. ‘The liberal (generous) soul shall be made fat (prosperous): and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.’ That’s how it is in God’s kingdom my people. The more you give, from a right heart, with proper motives, the more the Lord will increase you. And that’s exactly how it ought to be. 

Consequently, Christians ought to be the biggest and most generous givers in this whole wide world! But unfortunately we’re not. We’re even more miserly than plenty of the unbelievers. And strangely, but unfortunately, where we’re most miserly is in giving to God’s church. 

We’ll go out and buy all the nonsense the world has to offer without a qualm, but giving an extra penny to help do God’s work, brother, for so many of us believers, it’s like pulling teeth without any anesthetic. But everybody wants to see a nice, clean, spruced up church. How yuh thing it’s going to get so eh, if we don’t give generously of our time, talent and treasure eh? 

Anyhow, enough sermonizing for today! And who knows if it will make any difference anyway. (smile) So let’s go home chanting our Friday Chant, in all sincerity and true sense of purpose. ‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through another week of work! It hasn’t been easy, but with your generous help, I made it through. 

Now, please help me to get sufficient fun, fellowship, rest and relaxation in these two short days off, so that I can be renewed and refreshed in soul, body and mind, to go back out and do it all over again next week, furthering your glorious kingdom with each step I take. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen!’ 

Enjoy the weekend friends, but please keep in the back of your minds, which hand you want Jesus to put you on; on the left as goats, or on the right as sheep, for your actions today, will help make that monumental decision then. Much LOVE!

…Jesus came to help…the poor, the sick, the lost and the needy…and that’s also what He expects of His followers…