Today’s Scrip-Bit 16 November 2018 Job 27: 3-4

Job 27:3-4. All the while (as long as) my breath is in me, and the spirit (breath) of God is in my nostrils; My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit.

Ah mih friends, as the ole people would say, when is not one thing is two yes… and sometimes even three, as happened with me this morning. Steups!

The first thing is I woke up late, about nine o’clock, because my sleep schedule was somewhat thrown off kilter last night. Then when I came down to write the Bit, I couldn’t get on to Microsoft Outlook, which is where my stuff is.

The server has proper access and good strength, but Outlook seems to be on the blink. For those of you who use it, the circle at the bottom of the stylized ‘O L’ just keeps going around in circles. So after about fifteen minutes of trying, couldn’t even get to it through Firefox, I decided to try the laptop upstairs.

And wonder of wonders, the third thing happened; as I turned on the light to go up the stairs, the bulb blew. Hn, hn! I couldn’t do anything else but laugh. But upstairs on the laptop, the same nonsense happened.

Now at eleven o’clock I’m back downstairs on my desktop, and still can’t get through to Outlook. I can get everything else but that. And without it, I can’t send off the Bit.

So finally, the Lord, in His infinite wisdom, put the brilliant idea to just write it in Word, like I always do anyway, and then transfer it whenever Outlook becomes available. Now why couldn’t I have thought about that two hours earlier eh?

And I would hate to think that the little snowfall that happened yesterday afternoon and overnight has put the great Microsoft system down for the count! Well, in fact it wasn’t a li’l snowfall, but the first big one for the season. (smile)

And during the night it looked so beautiful; pure, virginal and unsullied by man, covering the rooftops and the trees in a perfect white blanket. But then the morning comes, and man gets into it…and it gets all dirty and ugly, as man’s penchant is to make a mess of everything his hands touch.

Look at the mess we’ve made of God’s great earth…and how we’ve messed up the moon and are in the process of messing up any other terrestrial place we happen to land. But the most refreshing action of the morning is the workingman out there singing his song of weekend freedom, despite the snow and the hard times.

‘TGIF! Thank God is Friday yes mih working-class breddren! The weekend is here; two days of freedom from the slave driver’s whip! And don’t mind the snow nuh, because we don’t have to go outside to party, we can do it inside just as well.

So let the alki flow…and bring on all the food, because yuh know a man can’t drink on an empty stomach…is not a wise thing to do! And just forget everything about work and the slave labour we involved in for the next couple days…And besides, if when Monday come yuh still black up and tired, then don’t go to no blooming work!

What the slave massa going to do eh? Fire yuh… so what! Yuh go to work for another slave driver. It have plenty ah them out there who willing to hire you for the li’l pittance they willing to pay.

The important thing though, is to enjoy yuh weekend and the li’l free time as much as possible and doh give a darm about anything else! Just thank God for Fridays and weekends so you could enjoy the fruit of yuh labour like the Good Book says!’

And as always, the basic thing that’s wrong with the workingman’s song is his worship of the god of pleasure Bacchus and his bacchanalian ways. We as believers in Christ are not allowed to go that far because then the enemy will delightedly grab the opportunity to invade our souls and cause enormous confusion.

Thus our weekend song, our Friday Chant, is not as liberal and essentially borderless as the workingman’s song. Please chant it here with me now nuh, in sincerity of heart and a strong sense of purpose.

‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through another week of work! It hasn’t been easy, but with your generous help, I made it through. Now, please help me to get sufficient fun, fellowship, rest and relaxation in these two short days off, so that I can be renewed and refreshed in soul, body and mind, to go back out and do it all over again next week, furthering your glorious kingdom with each step I take. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen!’

Oh friends, it is important to realize that as Christians, we too are entitled to have fun, to rejoice and enjoy the fruit of our labour, but not to the extremes that the workingman takes it to. We still have to keep a level and sober head, because the evil leader of this evil world and his evil cohorts are just lying in wait to destroy us.

And here, I opened the Good Book to these wonderful words of Job that comprise our Bit. His spirited response to the overly judgemental accusations and allegations of his supposed friends. ‘All the while (as long as) my breath is in me, and the spirit (breath) of God is in my nostrils; My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit.’

Yeh friends, those are words that we should both think and utter whenever life seems to come against us. Despite hardship and adversity we should always try to be truthful and of good integrity.

As Job continues: ‘God forbid (far be it from me) that I should justify you (say you are right): till I die I will not remove (put away) mine integrity from me. My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach (reprove) me as long as I live.’ (Job 27:5-6)

Ah my fellow believers, that’s the attitude we need to have in this evil world. As the scholars explain. ’27:6. In spite of the loss of family, wealth, and health and the accusations of his friends, Job maintained his integrity to the end.’

Please let that be said of us in these tough and trying times nuh! Much LOVE!

…in the world ye shall have tribulation…but be of good cheer…I have overcome the world… (John 16:33b)

P.S. At 12.45 I’ve published the Bit on the Blog, but I still can’t send it out by email! Steups! But what can one do eh, now that we are slaves to technology! Much LOVE!