Today’s Scrip-Bit 19 July 2015 Psalm 133:1

Psalm 133:1.   Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Ah Friends, our God is surely something else yes! Remember yesterday I talked about not having much real summer weather although we were in the middle of July. Well what do you think His response was to my statement? Yesterday showed up with a temperature of 28 C, and today and tomorrow are forecasted to have temps of 30 degrees on both days.

Hn, hn! It just goes to show that you must be very careful with your words, and also in what you ask for, because you are very liable to get more than you bargained for.

Oh by the way, please accept my apologies for that messy looking Bit yesterday. I had some problems with the computer not doing what it usually does. And even after I separated the paragraphs in the second Bit, it still jumbled them together.

Ah Lord the vagaries of modern machines eh! They oftimes do their own thing, regardless of our directions. (smile)  But please remember that man was made before machines and we must not allow them to lead us, or direct our lives in ways we should not go.

Now here is an interesting quote from our Friend Anselm, who aspires to inspire us for a better tomorrow.  He says to ‘Live your life so that the fear of death can never enter your heart. When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light. Give thanks for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. And if perchance you see no reason for giving thanks, rest assured the fault is in yourself.’

And that’s gospel my brethren. If we can’t find anything to give thanks for, then it’s our fault, because there are so many things in this life to be thankful for, especially the breath of life that’s flowing through our body.

And don’t forget that today is Sunday, so we are expected to gather together with other believers and praise and worship Almighty God, giving thanks for all the wonderful blessings He’s bestowed on us. And in the process have Him raise the level of our faith, strengthen our backbones with patience, perseverance and the indomitable resolve to be obedient to His holy will in the upcoming week.

Yes Friends, we gather every week so that we can encourage and be encouraged in our Christian faith. And all of that just fits in nicely, segues smoothly in to our Bit; Bruh David’s famous words on the joy of brotherhood. ‘Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!’

Yes my people, there’s no better way to live, both in our biological and our church families than in unity with each other. As Bruh David explains it. ‘It is like the precious ointment (oil) upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts (edge) of his garments. As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for ever more.’ (Ps.133:2-3)

The psalm’s short, only three verses, but sweet Friends. And the scholars have this to say about it. ‘Psalm 133. This psalm is all about the preciousness of family unity. Its blessedness is exclaimed (v.1) and explained (vv.2-3). It sanctifies (v.2) and solidifies (v.3).’

Ah mih breddren, if only we could regain the unity we once had in families, both biological and church that we once had! What a blessed world this would be! But unfortunately we have allowed Lucifer, his evil minions and an ungodly world to remove that unity, only to be replaced by disunity, infighting, greed, selfishness, resentment and anger to those closest to us. 

Biological families are no longer guided by their blood ties, nor the church by the true teachings of Christ, but by whomever or whatever is most convenient and beneficial at the time. The old people once claimed that blood was thicker than water, and back then it was certainly true. Families stuck up for each other and stuck together regardless of the circumstances.

But sadly that doesn’t seem to be the case any longer, for blood ties are no longer held as sacred bonds of unity, and in the church, the overwhelming presence of Christ, has been certainly lessened. All of this simply leads to a breakdown of the family, and eventually the church and our society. And that’s exactly what we are currently seeing; the deterioration of all that we once held sacred.

And the sacrosanct idea of unity is well borne out in Abraham’s words to Lot when their herdsmen were engaged in strife over the feeding grounds of their cattle. ‘And Abram said unto Lot, Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren.’ (Gen13:8)

Yes Friends, those last four words said it all: ‘for we be brethren.’ And brethren are not supposed to be fighting amongst themselves. But how many of us nowadays would even say that, or even think that way eh? Not too many. For it seems as though there’s more infighting between brethren these days than fighting with outsiders.

And we’ll end with a couple of well-known verses from Hebrews, re service well pleasing to God. ‘Let brotherly LOVE continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.’ (Heb.13:1-2)

Ah mih people, what wise words indeed! The author is there talking about the people who visited Abraham (Gen.1-3) and Lot (Gen.19:1-2) That means we’re to be LOVING, kind and hospitable to whoever shows up at our door, for we never know whom our visitors will truly be.

Unfortunately though, in these modern times hospitality is a lost art, but as Christians, we are advised to be hospitable, to all and sundry too, because that is what Jesus desires and expects of us. So my brethren, let’s sincerely and diligently try to regain that sense of family nuh, of unity, and of hospitality, for it will only serve us wonderfully in the long run. Much LOVE!

…how wonderful Christ must feel…when His people dwell in true unity…LOVE and hospitality…