Today’s Scrip-Bit 9 April 2021 Genesis 6:8.

Genesis 6:8.     ​But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

Well, hello there mih bredrin! One more day is here. Our Creator was really wise, giving us just one day at a time, because He knew we couldn’t handle any more than that. It’s hard enough to handle each day that comes upon us, can you imagine if we had more than one to handle at a time? We’d drive ourselves even crazier than we are right now. But God in His divine wisdom gave us the night time to rest, to regain our strength for the upcoming day, so we could handle it the way He desires. 

Now that’s the important key that opens all the treasures of heaven for us; handling each day the way the Lord desires of us. We call it in general, obedience to God’s word and will. And it’s something we need to ask ourselves every day when we arise, and when we put our heads on our pillows at night, as well as often times during the day…have we followed, or are we sincerely following, obeying God’s will and word as we go about our daily lives? 

And friends, we need to answer that question truthfully. Please, let’s not fool ourselves, or those around us, by thinking, or pretending to be what we are not, because we can’t fool God, and He is the ONE we need to satisfy, not mankind or ourselves. So, on this Friday morning in early spring, the time of regeneration and new growth, it’s an appropriate occasion for us to sit and ponder our overall response to God’s will and word…are we doing as well as we ought to, and can we do better? 

And if so, let’s promise Him, and ourselves, to do better nuh, for our world really needs Christians stepping up to the plate right now and hitting the ball out of the park! There’s so much hate, strife, anger, controversy and negative things holding our world to ransom right now, and only the LOVE of God, through us believers can make it right. Christ has already paid the ransom for our sins, but the enemy is still trying to extract as much as he can from us. And unless we put a stop to Him, right now, it will make Christ’s sacrificial death of no meaningful purpose. 

Yes friends, if everybody turns to the enemy, Christ’s ransom would have been a waste of time. And He’s depending on us not to let His sacrifice be in vain. The Father has already broken His heart by sacrificing His only Son for us, I’m sure we don’t want to break it again by allowing many of His best creation to be sentenced to eternal death and damnation by bowing to the enemy. Remember, as Peter says: ‘The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.’ (2 Pet. 3:9) 

As the scholars say: ‘God is not willing that any should perish clearly expresses His desire for the salvation of all who will trust in Him. Salvation is equated here with repentance.’ That’s why He’s given us so much time to get saved before Jesus’ Second Coming. But please don’t think that He will wait forever. 

Remember the days of Noah, when sin and evil were so rampant in the world? The Good Book says: ‘And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination (intent) of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually (all the day). And it repented (sorrowed) the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.’ (Gen. 6:5-6) Don’t you think that right now God’s heart is also sorrowful and grieved at the worldwide sinfulness of mankind? I’m sure it is. 

And God gave those folks back in Noah’s day, time to change their evil ways, but they didn’t. ‘And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth (sorrows) me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.’ (Gen. 6:7-8) So God eventually destroyed the world by a flood of water. (Gen. 7:17-24) 

But He saved a remnant for Himself in Noah; just like He will do when His patience is finally worn thin with our continued sinfulness, and He sends Jesus back to earth to right things down here. Now that won’t be a very pleasant time my people. The only thing we’re sure about though, is that we won’t be destroyed by water again, because the Lord promised it. (Gen 9:11) 

So please friends, let’s try and correct our behaviour nuh, and help those around us to do the same, because the next time will be the last time. After that, we’ll spend eternity wherever we end up, be it heaven or hell, there won’t be any more chances to change our minds. And right now is the best time to begin making the necessary changes in our lives, through repentance and prayer. So as one voice, let’s offer up our Friday Chant in all sincerity and truth. 

‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through this past week. Yuh know it’s been rough… what with all the anxiety, the confusion and havoc that the Covid-19 virus and the racial strife causing. We not accustomed to that kind of life Lord, and it really telling on us. And we know we can’t handle it on our own, that we desperately need your help. Oh heavenly Father, with your omnipotent help, and our trusting faith, we know that we can stand strong and steadfast and defeat both the virus and the unrest in our streets. 

So Lord, we sincerely ask you today to give the governments and those involved in the forefront of this serious and unexpected storm, the sure and wise guidance to handle the situation properly, with the least amount of loss to life and property as possible. And please help those of us who must go out to work amidst all the confusion, to be responsible and to stay safe, so that we can avoid any more serious setbacks. And Lord, we fervently pray that You’ll use this situation to also bring a lot of backsliders back to your fold, show them the error of their ways. 

It’s also a good opportunity to introduce a whole new flock, who will embrace your LOVE and compassion because of the way we, your faithful believers, handle the situation. Yes Lord, please use this pandemic and the unrest in the streets as a means of restoring faith in You, so that our sinful world can wake up and smell the coffee, sweet and strong! We pray this in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Amen!’ 

Now please remember my people, that each day we procrastinate in getting ourselves right with God, it’s one day we’re drawing closer to eternal damnation, for Christ can return at any time, and once He does, all bets are off! Much LOVE!

…a word to the wise is usually sufficient… 

P.S. The ordinary workingman again refused to talk to us. His anger was sky high because of the even tighter lockdown in the province this week. Much LOVE! 

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Today’s Scrip-Bit 30 November 2020 Genesis 6:5.

Genesis 6:5.     ​And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination (intent) of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually (all the day).

Welcome, welcome one and all, to that great day called Monday, the first day of our new work week! Now, not because I am pledging allegiance to Monday, which so many people dislike, for one reason or another, means I have lost a mental screw. In fact, I am here to inform you that I am in complete control of all my mental faculties! (smile) Ah friends, somebody must stand up for Monday as it’s so hard done by, with so much abuse and derogatory remarks unjustly hurled at it. 

And today, I’ve decided to be its white knight in shining armour! Wow! What bravery and courage! (smile) And we even going to say: ‘TGIM! Thank God it’s Monday! Time for us to rise and shine and go to work – those of us who still have jobs that is, and are actually allowed to go out in the streets! 

Ah Lord, what a life eh? Who would have thought some months ago that life would be this disastrous eh? But it is…all over the world. So why have things deteriorated so far, so fast eh? I believe there is one common denominator: SIN! Our world is so evil, sinful and wicked that it has just reached a stage where it can’t handle it comfortably anymore. Yuh know, like when yuh have a container and you’re putting stuff in it, after a while it’s reached its physical capacity, and adding anything further will cause it to break or burst, the bucket bottom drop out, or it simply overflow? 

Well that is what’s happened to our world. It’s simply reached its capacity for sin, and like a swollen river, it’s now overflowing its banks and causing havoc all over. And remember way back when, after God created man and they populated the earth, what happened? The Good Book tells us: ‘And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination (intent) of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually (all the day).’ (Gen. 6:5) 

And yuh know what mih bredrin? We’re approaching that breaking point of sinfulness again. That first time it so disappointed the Lord that the Good Book relates it thus: ‘And it repented the Lord (He was sorry) that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me (I am sorry) that I have made them.’ (Gen. 6:5-7) 

And He destroyed the earth and all its people by means of a flood, it rained steadily for forty days and forty nights. Only Noah, who found grace in the sight of the Lord, and his family and two of each of the other creations were saved in the ark the Lord instructed Noah to build. Hn! That’s certainly food for thought! 

But before we go any further, let’s clarify one thing as the scholars explain. ‘6:6-8. Repented does not imply that God made a mistake in His dealings with men, but rather indicates a change in divine direction resulting from the actions of man. It is an “anthropopathism” (a human emotion applied to God) describing the pain that is caused God by the destructiveness of His creatures. It is used 30 times with God as its subject, each time speaking of a change of mind or intention that accords with His righteous purposes, and results in action commensurate with those purposes.’ 

And yuh think our current sinfulness isn’t grieving God’s heart? For sure it is! Especially after He sacrificed His only Son Jesus Christ so that our sin debt could be paid in full and we receive salvation and everlasting life by believing in Him. That would hurt even the hardest heart, and our God’s heart is certainly not hard. It shows our ingratitude like nothing else can. 

Now I don’t know if He’s planning to destroy the world again, cause He only promised not to destroy it by water, but it’s something we should certainly consider with the heightened level of sin that’s running rampant today. But as the ole people would say; ‘time longer than twine yes,’ and the Lord might just sit down and wait and leave us to destroy our own selves, because if we continue the way we’re going, that will be the eventual outcome. 

Oh mih people, I’m sure the Lord doesn’t want to destroy us again, but if we give Him no choice, what’s He to do eh? If we continue with the obstinate and stubborn disobedience it might just come to that. But thankfully, we’re wiser and smarter than we’ve been credit for, and we’ve come to our senses and realized our behavior is indeed foolish and shortsighted and can only lead to further calamity. (smile) Thus we’ve decided to give up our sinful ways and return to the God of our forefathers in true repentance and sincerity. 

And right now we’re going to go to Him through the medium that He’s appointed, prayer – our Monday Morning Battle Hymn, and tell Him just that. So all together, let’s pray:‘Our Father, who art in heaven, we, Your humble servants, praise Your Holy Name and thank You that this Monday morning we’re alive and standing in faith despite the mass confusion that’s currently prevailing in our world. 

We desperately need Your divine help, for You are the ONLY ONE with the power to solve our many problems; the pandemic of Covid -19, the racial, political, and religious strife that’s ignited worldwide, plus the natural disasters like storms, famine, drought, plagues, climate change, wildfires, earthquakes and erupting volcanoes that suddenly seem to be blossoming more and more as time goes by. 

Heavenly Father, we admit that we have all sinned and seriously come short in obedience and compliance to Your Word, but we know that You are a merciful, forgiving and gracious God, and You have faithfully promised to hear and answer our prayers when we humble ourselves, pray, and sincerely seek Your face. That’s why we come to You now, with sincere repentance in our hearts, pleading with You to give us, ordinary folks, as well as our leaders, employers and medical personnel, wise guidance and direction to bring our problems under control. 

And for those who are currently suffering from the many negative situations, we pray that You will ease their suffering and heal them. Father, please show them Your awesome grace and mercy, and keep Your promise that You’ll hear our prayer, forgive us, and heal our land if we turn from our evil ways. Show this evil world that You are indeed Jehovah Rapha; the God who heals! We pray this in the holy and blessed name of Your Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Amen! And again we say: Amen!’ 

All I can say now is that we better had pay that vow we just made to God, for as Cousin Sol so rightly says, He hath no pleasure in fools. (Eccl. 5:4) Yes friends, it’s all up to us now! Much LOVE!

…only sincere repentance can save our world…from eventual implosion…or divine intervention…