Today’s Scrip-Bit   5 January 2022 Isaiah 59:2.

Isaiah 59:2.     But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. 

And the days move along ever so quickly, just like they’ve been programmed to do by Almighty God, their awesome Creator. Yes, it’s already the fifth of the month, and we were just celebrating New Year’s Eve. And it’s already Wednesday, when we were just getting our heads around Monday and a new work week. But that’s the way the world works; it waits for no man, but for its creator. 

Like it did way back in Joshua’s time, in a battle between the Israelites and Amorites, when, to give His people time to overcome their enemy the Lord said ‘in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon, and thou Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies… So the sun stood still in the midst of the heaven, and hasted not (did not hasten) to go down about a whole day. And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the Lord hearkened (heeded) unto the voice of a man: for the Lord fought for Israel.’ (Josh. 10:12-14) 

Now, there’s another of God’s many miraculous acts on Israel’s behalf and yet they continued to turn away from Him and worship idols and other false gods. That just boggles my imagination. All I can think of is that they were a rather selfish, stubborn and hardheaded people like we are, always asking the foolish question, like we do; ‘What have you done for me lately?’ All I’ve done before doesn’t seem to matter, just what I’ve done lately. 

That’s the mark of an ungrateful, selfish, egotistical and ungodly person and society. And, unfortunately, that question is currently prevalent throughout our now for now, want it immediately society. And it leads to all kinds of selfishness, deceit, fraud and corruption, as we try to keep up with the wanton greed and first-person singular society that we’ve become. 

No wonder, the prophet Isaiah warned Israel thus: ‘Behold the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. For your hands are defiled with blood (bloodshed), and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness. None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity (empty words), and bring forth iniquity.’ (Is. 59:1-4) 

Oh my people, if we are honest with ourselves, we would all agree that that is an excellent description of our current society and world. And as the scholars’ remark: ‘Chapter 59 continues the judgements enumerated in chapter 58 regarding Israel’s hypocrisy. God’s hand is not yet beyond the reach of salvation. But their sins separated them from His presence, and they are described in detail throughout the chapter.’ 

Yes friends, if you read the agonizing truth of Israel’s blasphemy and idolatry you will find it remarkably resembles ours in almost every category. And if you don’t believe me, let’s listen to some more of Isaiah’s reproach. ‘Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity, wasting and destruction are in their paths. The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgement (justice) in their goings (tracks, ways): they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace. 

Therefore is judgement (justice) far from us, neither doth justice (righteousness) overtake us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity (darkness); for brightness, but we walk in darkness (gloom, blackness). We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if we had no eyes: we stumble at noonday as in the night; we are in desolate places as dead men.’ (Is. 59:7-10) 

Ah mih bredrin, our world is in the same sad and sorry state that Israel was in back then. The big difference though is that we have the Messiah and all His teachings and a host of other opportunities that they didn’t have or know about, yet we still have gravitated down to their sinful and ungodly level. No, in fact we are worse than they ever were, because we have been placed on a higher level, gotten more from the Lord, thus more is expected of us. But in our foolish wisdom, we have chosen to imitate, to follow Satan instead of Jesus. 

How unwise that is! You just have to look at the strife-filled, distrustful, disunified state of our world to realize it. Unfortunately, though, not enough of us are doing that, thus we are not seeing that the only hope we have is turning back to Jehovah God, away from the anemic, wicked and deceitful fool called Satan. Who, as we all know, got kicked out of heaven from his cushy job as an archangel because he wanted to overthrow the One who created him. How foolish is that eh? And yet, today, we are basking in the unholy glow of that same unwise, impudent creation whose abode is the depths of Hades, filled with sin and hellfire! 

What’s wrong with us friends? Are we so shortsighted or so enamoured with the immediate pleasures of sin, that we can’t spare a moment to think of the harsh consequences that come from such behaviour? We all know that the wages of sin is death, that’s spiritual death, but somehow or other we either don’t truly believe it, or think that somehow or other we will be able to escape it. But that’s pure folly my people! 

The ONLY thing that will save us from spiritual death, from eternal separation from God, and eternal damnation with Satan is to accept Christ as Lord and Saviour, and live the way He desires! But sometimes it seems like we’re flogging a dead horse when we teach these sentiments, because so many of us are just dying to get, living for the sinful pleasures of this sinful world! That’s enough preaching for today though! (smile) 

However, for those of us who are set on the right path, the narrow one that leads to Jesus, let’s go home declaring (yeahhh!!!) our Wednesday Wail, letting all and sundry know of our wonderful position in Christ. And hopefully when the heathen hear it, they will adjust their thinking and reach out to Him for dear life, the life that never ends.  

Altogether now: ‘Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: I’m so glad to be alive on this Wednesday! Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: Thank God the breath of life is still flowing through me on this Wednesday! I am halfway home. My hands are fixed securely on the plough, and I’m not turning back. I’m not looking back at the past, not focusing on what has gone before. But my eyes are fixed straight ahead; straight ahead to a glorious future with Jesus. Glory Hallelujah!’ 

And believe me, if we endure to the end, that future will be even more glorious than we can ever ask or imagine! It will be mind blowing mih people! Much LOVE!

…the pleasures of sin are short lived…but the consequences can be eternal…  

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