Today’s Scrip-Bit 13 January 2019 Psalm 30:12.

Psalm 30:12.   ​To the end that my glory (my soul) may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto thee forever.
Aye mih people, what’s this world coming to eh? Supposed friends are so faithless and fickle nowadays that it’s not funny! Hear my story: Just recently that panacea for all ills, sleep was my best friend, at least that’s what I thought. Anytime I put down my head, I would fall asleep shortly thereafter. But recently; within the last week or so, it’s been a completely different story; I sleep for a few hours, then suddenly wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed and can’t get back to sleep regardless of how hard I try. 

Case in point; I went to bed about 12.30 last night and by four o’clock I was up. I went to the bathroom, then got back in bed, and just turned and tossed because sleep had deserted me. Now I don’t know whether that was the work of the enemy, or simply the Lord telling me to get up and write the Bit, but I was adamant that I wasn’t getting up at such an ungodly hour of the morning. 

And so I lay there sleepless, turning and tossing, until about 6.45, when I finally got up, had a hot shower, dressed for church then came down to write as much of the Bit as I can before going to church. Ah Lord eh! But how can I be expected to live a balanced life eh, if I don’t get sufficient sleep? (smile) Don’t worry though friends, we won’t belabour the point, especially in this year of 2019, where our complaining is going to be minimal. Hear that…? 

Instead, we’re going to be obedient and do what we ought to; go to the Lord’s sanctuary and fellowship with other believers; praise His holy name, give Him much thanks, listen to His word and just revel in all the goodness and mercy He has to offer. So saying, let’s belt out this Fanny Crosby song titled, Praise Him, Praise Him,’ which ‘celebrates Jesus as our “blessed Redeemer” and praises his amazing gifts of salvation and redemption.’ That will soften up our hearts and make us more receptive to His amazing, encouraging and reassuring word. 

All together now: ‘Praise him! Praise him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! Sing, O earth – His wonderful LOVE proclaim! Hail Him! Hail Him! Highest archangels in glory, Strength and honor give to His holy name! Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children – In His arms He carries them all day long: (Refrain: Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His excellent greatness! Praise Him! Praise Him! Ever in joyful song!) 

Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! For our sins He suffered and bled and died; He our Rock, our hope of eternal salvation, Hail Him! Hail Him! Jesus the Crucified! Sound His praises – Jesus who bore our sorrows – LOVE unbounded, wonderful, deep and strong: [Refrain] 

Praise Him! Praise Jim! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! Heav’nly portals loud with hosannas ring! Jesus, Savior, reigneth for ever and ever, Crown Him! Crown Him! Prophet and Priest and King! Christ is coming, over the world victorious – Pow’r and glory unto the Lord belong: [Refrain]’ 

Oh my fellow believers, what powerful and uplifting words and sentiments! Jesus is so important to us eh, that we can’t even begin to consider the ramifications! (smile) Our Saviour, our Rock, our Redeemer, our Salvation and pathway to the Father! And we could go on and on… That’s why we ought to esteem Him so highly and praise Him as much as possible. 

As Bruh David so emphatically declared in Psalm 30 – A thanksgiving for deliverance from death. ‘Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth (sackcloth of my mourning), and girded me with gladness.’ (Ps.30:11) Oh friends, that’s exactly what Jesus has done for us: taken us out of the depths of Hades and made us a new home in heaven on high! Glory Hallelujah! 

That’s why Bruh David emphatically continues: ‘To the end that my glory (my soul) may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto thee forever.’ Oh my people, my people, that’s how we ought to be; constantly singing praises to Almighty God, being thankful and spreading His word and miraculous deeds to all and sundry! Not being silent and keeping it all to ourselves as so many of us do! 

However, I’ve got to go now, the duchess is ready to take me to church. Can’t keep her waiting now. (smile) Soon Come… 

An hour and a bit later, we’re back. Had a good fellowship, just no singing at this early morning service. I’m singing in the Bit. (smile) And Bruh David continues his entreaty and promise to give the Lord thanks and praise in Psalm 35 – A prayer for rescue from enemies. ‘I will give thanks in the great congregation: I will praise thee among much (a mighty) people.’ (Ps.30:18) Now that’s what ALL believers ought to be doing, not being fearful and timid and refusing to spread the good news of Jesus! 

And hear how Bruh David ends that psalm: ‘Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant. And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all day long.’ (Ps.35:27-28) 

Oh friends, if we sincerely favour Jesus’ cause, then we ought to be glad and shout for joy and magnify His name and speak of His righteousness and sing His praises all day long! That’s what a faithful follower does! So let’s get serious and do what we know we ought to do nuh. That’s wisdom to the nth degree! Much LOVE!

…let everything that hath breath…praise the Lord…shout Hallelujah…praise ye the Lord…shout Hallelujah… (Ps.150:6)






Today’s Scrip-Bit 15 January 2017 Psalm 23:1.

Psalm 23:1.   The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want (lack).

Ah friends, it’s just been one of those crazy nights and mornings. Steups! I went to bed at a decent hour, fell asleep, then got up about an hour later. 

Obviously I refused to get out of the bed, because I’m supposed to be resting (smile) so I turned and tossed, fell asleep again, then repeated the whole manoeuvre once more. 

The sad part is that when it was really time to get up, I couldn’t, the sleep had me all wrapped up then. And when I did get up, I felt all lousy and drowsy, so I had to spend some time catching myself. And that’s why the Bit is so late. 

I had even contemplated going to church this morning, but obviously that never happened. So on this cold Sunday morning let’s offer up some praise and worship to get us ready for the hearing of the word. Let’s raise the roof with this musical tribute to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. 

In full voice now: ‘Crown Him with many crowns, The lamb upon the throne: Hark! How the heav’nly anthem drowns All Music but its own! Awake, my soul, and sing Of Him who died for thee, And hail him as thy matchless King Through all eternity. 

Crown Him with many crowns Crown Him with many crowns Crown Him the Lord of Heav’n: One with the Father known. One with the Spirit through Him giv’n From yonder glorious throne. To Thee be endless praise. For Thou hast died for me; 

Be Thou, O Lord, through endless days Adored and magnified Adored and magnified Crown Him with many crowns His glories now we sing, Who died and rose on high, Who died eternal life to bring And, lives that death may die. Crown Him with many crowns.’ 

Ah my fellow believers, Jesus Christ is indeed worthy of many crowns, since He is indeed King of Kings, and Lord of Lords! He is also worthy to be adored and magnified for the selfless sacrifice He made on the cross of Calvary on our behalf. He died so that we might live… 

Wow! What an awesome and amazing gesture! So I really can’t understand why so many people turn away from Him, blaspheme His holy name and revile Him is such despicable ways. But yuh know what, they’ll all get their comeuppance one day. 

In the meanwhile, we who truly believe, let’s continue to praise and glorify Him with all out hearts, minds, bodies and souls! And all God’s people declared a loud and grateful: ‘Praise the Lord!’ 

That brings us to our Bit, one of the most famous verses of the Good Book. ‘The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want (lack).’ 

What an amazing line! It captures the whole essence of our God and our awesome relationship to Him! Simply stated, it means our God will guide us safely and provide us with all necessities. Glory Be! That can truthfully be said of no other deity. 

Then Bruh David expatiates further, expands the wonder of the Lord even more. ‘He maketh me to lie down in green pastures (pastures of tender green grass): he leadeth me beside the still waters (waters of rest).’ (Ps:23:2) 

Oh friends, I can think about so many still waters and pastures green that I could be currently resting beside in sweet Tobago! (smile) 

‘He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.’ (Ps.23:3) What can be better than all that eh mih people? Nothing really! 

It reminds me of how the Lord, in a time of drought, sent the prophet Elijah to hide by the brook of Cherith, where he rested, was fed by the ravens and his soul restored. (1 Kin.17:2-7) Oh how mighty and faithful is our God! 

And if all of that wasn’t sufficient, Bruh David adds this very crucial statement. ‘Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.’ (Ps.23:4) 

Mama Mia! What wonderful assurance my brethren! Even though I’m going through some sad and deathly looking times, I won’t be afraid! Glory Hallelujah! Because like a true shepherd, the Lord’s rod and staff will protect and comfort me, even in the most evil of days. 

Yuh know what friends? I think we’ll stop there for today and give us time to ruminate on all we’ve said so far. I don’t want to push our short attention spans, (smile) but there is much more to be said. 

So tomorrow, the Lord in favour, we’ll continue studying one of the two most popular and beloved passages of scripture. The other one is ‘The Lord’s Prayer.’ 

Please, let’s spend sometime today meditating on the Lord’s word, and in particular, His shepherd-like qualities towards us, His wonderful adopted children. That will most certainly bring us comfort and joy and restore our souls! Much LOVE!

…in earthly pastures green…by quiet and soothing waters…my soul finds heavenly rest…




Today’s Scrip-Bit 19 March 2015 Psalm 89:1‏‏

Psalm 89:1.  I will sing of the mercies of the Lord for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.

Oh Friends, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa! Truthfully, I don’t know what happened this morning. I went to bed at my normal hour, around two o’clock, expecting to get up by seven. Unfortunately though I got up after five to go to the bathroom and after that… Lord have mercy, I just turned and tossed, trying to find a comfortable position to ease the pain in my aching shoulders. Steups!

Somewhere along the line, I must have eventually fallen asleep because when I did open my eyes, it was after eight. And to make matters even worse, I got up with a cramp in my left thigh! Glory Hallelujah! What more can I say eh? (smile) And now I’m drinking a cup of caffeine that really doesn’t thrill me – not strong or sweet enough, but since I’m trying to cut back on my coffee and sugar intake, I just have to grin and bear it.

And those are my early morning woes! (smile) But yuh know what my people, I’m still very glad and thankful to be alive, regardless of my petty inconveniences. Lots of others have it much worse than you and I, so please let’s not complain too much when we’re beset by unfortunate circumstances.

Let’s just learn to take it in our stride, knowing that our wonderful God is looking after our every move. And though we might not understand how and why, He’s working it all out for our good. He has promised that and He ALWAYS fulfills His promises. So though the morning has begun on a somewhat rough note, I’m sure it will end up very well. Glory to God!

And my Friends, this morning I have a poem to share with you from the One Year Book of Bible Promises with writings by Ruth Harms Calkin. It describes us to a T. When I read it yesterday, I just had to laugh. It’s titled ‘What Is Your Schedule, God?’  

And it reads: ‘Lord Many years ago Martin Luther said “It’s God’s nature To make something out of nothing. That is why God cannot make anything Out of him who is yet nothing.” In ways I had never anticipated, Lord Slowly but persistently You continue Your hammering and crushing In every hidden crevice of my life.

You seem determined to reduce me to nothing In order to make me something. I wonder… What is Your schedule, God? As You creatively continue To reshape and remake me How long will the process last? Lord, could You hurry a little?’

Oh Friends, doesn’t that sound just like us? The Lord’s trying to remake us in the image of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, but it doesn’t happen easily or quickly, and having become accustomed to the easy life and impatience of our times, we can’t stand the pain or the waiting. We want to be a beautiful image of Christ, but we don’t want to suffer the changes or spend the time necessary on the potter’s wheel of the Lord.

And the promise for that poem is a rather appropriate one. ‘Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform (complete) it until the day of Jesus.’ (Phil.1:6)

Yes my fellow believers, our God will continue whatever work He has begun in us until that day that Jesus returns in all His splendour and glory. So there’s no need to worry about what we’re going through, for we have a Master Builder and Master Potter looking after us.

That’s why Friends, we can confidently say like the Ethan the Ezrahite in our Bit: ‘I will sing of the mercies of the Lord for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.’

Yes my people, though it is indeed our duty to pass on the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness to the up and coming generations, our souls should be so full of the joy of the Lord that all those things should just come naturally to us.

And there’s no better example of that than Bruh David in his songs. Listen to this one, his psalm of thanksgiving, when the Ark of the Covenant was brought up to Jerusalem.

‘Then on that day David delivered first this psalm to thank the Lord into the hand of Asaph and his brethren. Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye of all his wondrous works.

Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord. Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his face continually. Remember his marvellous works that he hath done, his wonders, and the judgement of his mouth; O ye seed of Israel his servant, ye children of Jacob, his chosen ones.

He is the Lord our God; his judgements are in all the earth. Be ye mindful always of his covenant; the word which he commanded to a thousand generations; Even of the covenant which he made with Abraham, and of his oath unto Isaac; and hath confirmed the same to Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant,

Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot (allotment) of your inheritance. When ye were but few, even a few, and strangers in it. And when they went from nation to nation, and from one kingdom to another people. He suffered no man to do them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes, Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.

Sing unto the Lord, all the earth; show forth from day to day his salvation. Declare his glory among the heathen; his marvellous works among all the nations. For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised: he also is to be feared (held in reverential awe) above all gods.’ (1 Chr.16:7-25)  

Oh Friends, we have to stop there, because the psalm is at least half as long again, and we don’t have the time nor space to capture it all. But it does show how Bruh David tied in all the different aspects of Israel’s dealings with their God. It was also a teaching tool, so that the people could learn of Israel’s history, something to be orally passed down to the generations, since writing and reading weren’t as universal as they are today.

Let us therefore remember Friends, not only the Lord’s goodness to Israel in their time, but also His LOVING-kindness to us in these trying days. And thus cause our voices to be raised in song, in thanksgiving for His everlasting mercies to us, His people, the flock of His pasture, so that others can hear it, and come to know Him like we do. That is indeed heavenly wisdom. Much LOVE!

…to true followers of Jesus…singing His praises…ought to come naturally and constantly…as breathing His breath of life…