Today’s Scrip-Bit 22 September 2015 Isaiah 46:4

Isaiah 46:4.   And even to your old age I am he; and even to hoar hairs (gray hairs) will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you.

Aye mih people, welcome to another wonderful day in the annals of life! (smile) It looks to be a terrific Tuesday, although a tad chilly and noisy in my area. Oh Lord eh! It’s never amusing, inviting or interesting to awaken to the sounds of heavy machinery rumbling along the roadway and jack hammering pounding away at the road. 

Unfortunately that’s what I awakened to today. I thought they had finished working in the neighbourhood, and all that was left to do was pave the main road. But when I looked out it seems they were digging up around the manholes, after having smoothened out the road for paving last week. Steups! 

Now couldn’t they have dug up around the manholes then, instead of doing it now? To my small mind that would have made much more sense. But the whole enchilada of roadwork and construction this summer has made little sense whatsoever. Anyway it seems as though they have moved on further down the road, so I’m not hearing the noise like before. 

And here’s an interesting prayer that seems to cover all bases. It comes on a single sheet of paper. Somebody gave it to the duchess and she gave it to me, and now I’m going to share it with you…. Another of God’s mysterious movements! (smile) It seems to be taken from a Blog called ‘Mary’s Musings – Life and times of a small town Nana…’ And the prayer is titled ‘A Prayer for Later Years.’ 

Please pray with me Friends. ‘Lord, thou knowest that I am growing older. Keep me from becoming too talkative, and particularly keep me from falling into the tiresome habit of expressing an opinion on every subject. Release me from the craving to straighten out everybody’s affairs. Keep my mind free from the recital of endless details. 

Give me wings to get to the point. Give me the grace, dear Lord, to listen to others describe their aches and pains. Help me to endure the boredom with patience and keep my lips sealed, for my own aches and pains are increasing in number and intensity, and the pleasure of discussing them is becoming sweeter as the years go by. 

Teach me the glorious lesson that, occasionally, I might be mistaken. Keep me reasonably sweet. I do not wish to be a saint (saints are so hard to live with), but a sour old person is the work of the devil. Make me thoughtful, but not moody; helpful, but not pushy; independent; yet able to accept with graciousness favours that others wish to bestow on me. 

Free me of the notion that simply because I have lived a long time, I am wiser than those who have not lived so long. If I do not approve of some of the changes that have taken place in recent years, give me the wisdom to keep my mouth shut. Lord knows that when the end comes, I would like to have a friend or two left.’ 

And all God’s people let out a loud shout of ‘Amen! Praise the Lord!’ 

The paper went on to say: ‘The author is unknown but I wish I had written it. I think it is appropriate for those of us of a “certain age.” 

Now I agree with that to a certain extent, but with the kind of talkative society we now have, I believe people of all ages should embrace that prayer, for it does cover a lot of useful ground. 

I also disagree with the point about ‘the pleasure of discussing my aches and pains is becoming sweeter as the years go by.’ Definitely not! They are certainly increasing, and discussing them only makes me remember them and dread their persistence in my life! (smile) 

Overall though, it’s a blessed good prayer for ALL of us to pray, since we ALL are guilty of a lot of it. And now I’m going to do exactly what the prayer warns about; complain about my aches and pains. (smile) But it serves a useful purpose, explaining why the Bit is so late. 

I went to bed earlier than normal, and woke up at some God-forsaken hour, but refused to get up so early. But as the Lord would have it, after much turning and tossing, I got up late, with a terrible back pain, which I seem to get anytime I lie down too long in bed. So I’m finally convinced that going to bed early is strictly for the birds! End of excuse! (smile)  

Now there’s not a lot of time or space left for our Bit, but it is a very interesting promise of God, especially to us old fogeys. ‘And even to your old age I am he; and even to hoar hairs (gray hairs) will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you.’ 

Yes Friends, the same God who made us, has also faithfully promised to carry us all the way through this earthly life; right down to our old age with our gray hairs prominently proclaiming our age and our wisdom. Now isn’t that something to be excited about? It certainly is! 

No other supposed deity makes that kind of promise. Instead, they all try their best to brow beat us, push and keep us down, with all sorts of disadvantageous rules and regulations. 

Only the ONE TRUE AND LIVING GOD; He of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, encourages, uplifts and promises to look after us from creation in our mother’s womb till the time our mortal bodies return to the dust from which it was taken, and our immortal spirits soar to meet Him in the high heavens! 

And all God’s people gave out a loud and grateful shout: ‘Oh thank You heavenly Father for being so wonderful, so generous, LOVING, merciful and gracious to us undeserving children of a sinful nature. We LOVE You, praise and adore Your Holy Name, now and forever more. Amen!’ 

Now Friends, may we all walk the path of peace and LOVE, wisdom and understanding, blessed by the wonderful grace and mercy of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Much LOVE my brethren!

…blessed is the man or woman…who follows after Christ… from birth until death…to whom a wonderful earthly life is granted…along with salvation and eternal life…