Today’s Scrip-Bit 28 July 2015 Psalm 139:1

Psalm 139:12.    O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.

Aye Friends, believe it or not, it’s Tuesday! And it’s supposed to be another scorcher, making this old B.B King cover tune rather appropriate: ‘Hot town, summer in the city. Back of my neck feeling dirty and gritty. Cool cat, looking for a kitty. Gonna look in every corner of the city.’


Yeh my people, it’s summertime, summertime, summertime! (smile) The time when the great outdoors calls to man; man who lives in the northern climes. That means the hot rods, the motorbikes, the close to naked people in the streets, the parks, the playgrounds and around the filled pools, the endless barbecues, tanning and beach gatherings are all in full swing.

Beer is being swilled by the gallon, and all the unhealthy foods are being consumed with pleasure. Why not? It’s summer! Cottage country is hopping with all the city slickers spending time and money in the more rural areas of the land. 

But please remember Friends, Almighty God is still on His throne, in full control and His eyes are on us wherever we go. So He’s till showering us with His blessings of mercy and grace and forgiveness, but also keeping a close eye on our obedience to His will.

So though you are somewhere in the backwoods of the country, the Lord’s watchful presence is ALWAYS with you. Wherever you are, He’s always close by. Never forget that!

And to go along with that all-world truth, here is this gem from my P.S. I LOVE YOU Poster. ‘No one is guaranteed happiness. Life just gives us time and space. It’s up to us to fill it with joy and meaning.’

And yuh better believe that’s the living truth my brethren! Life doesn’t guarantee us anything, not even life itself, for the breath of life can be withdrawn at any time, without even a moment’s notice. So it is essential that we pay close attention to all that we do and say.

But the beautiful part of life for Christians is that we have a wonderful Father God, a knowing and understanding Lord and Saviour in Jesus Christ, and a blessed guiding and helping Holy Spirit to help us find that joy and meaning. Glory to God! Hallelujah!

What a bam bam this life would have been without the Holy Trinity to keep us focused and well grounded! That’s why Bruh David could excitedly declare in our Bit from Psalm 139, one of my favourites – The everlasting presence and power of God. ‘O Lord, thou hast searched me and known me.’

More words of eternal truth my people! The Lord made us and knows us to a ‘T.’ As Bruh David continues: ‘Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising; thou understandest my thought afar off. Thou compasseth (comprehendeth) my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.

For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it all together. Thou hast beset (enclosed or hedged) me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.’(Ps.139:2-6)

Ah mih people, I don’t know why some of us still foolishly try to hide from God nuh, when He knows everything there is to know about us. He even knows stuff about us that we don’t know. That’s because He is the Creator and Controller of all things and people on Planet Earth.

Hear how Bruh David puts it. ‘Whither shall (can) I go from thy spirit? Or whither shall (can) I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.

If I say, surely the darkness shall cover (fall on me); even the night shall be light about me. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee (darkness is not darkness to you); but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.

For thou hast possessed my reins (formed my inward parts): thou hast covered (weaved) me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right (very) well.’ (Ps.139:7-14)

Oh Friends, what beautiful imagery woven into that indisputable truth! I can still remember, and will to the end of my days, when the Psalm first caught my attention. It was one Sunday, several years ago, on the Hour of Power, when I heard Gramps Schuller (Dr. Robert H. Schuller) read it from the pulpit of the Crystal Cathedral!

Oh Friends, it was one of the most expressive and passionate pieces of scripture that I’ve ever heard read! And those of you who knew him, know how passionate he was about life in general, but his passion especially soared when he read the scriptures, he acted it our like I’ve never seen anybody else do.

So my people, what do we have to say to Bruh David’s treatise on the everlasting presence and power of Jehovah God eh? Do we agree on it all? We should, because it’s all gospel truth.

And we’ll close today with this summary from the scholars. ‘Psalm 139. Certainly one of the grandest psalms in all of the Psalter, it is also one of the richest theologically. It combines an exposition of the greatness of God’s character with the reality of human experience.

From verses 19-22 we find that David wrote the psalm during a time of opposition. It therefore contains truths that were meaningful to him during these troublesome times. They may be summarized under four key thoughts as David addresses the Lord: You know me (vv. 1-6), You are with me (vv. 7-12), You created me (vv.13-18), and Your cause is my cause (vv.19-24).’

Ah mih breddren, how awesome is the God we serve and worship, and how heartrending and soul searching are Bruh David’s words to describe Him!

I strongly suggest that we all sit down today and read the psalm in its entirety and let it refill, let it renew our thoughts about God and increase our LOVE for, and joy in Him! Hn! If that isn’t heavenly wisdom, then I don’t know what is. Much LOVE!

…how can we not LOVE and revere God eh…especially when we read those beautiful descriptions of Him in scripture…it just touches the longing soul…