Today’s Scrip-Bit   4 June 2023 Psalm 37:5.

Psalm 37:5.       Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

It’s that joyful time again my faithful brethren! I’m talking about gathering in the Lord’s sanctuary on His day to fellowship with other believers and give our great God much wonderful thanks and praise! There’s no other time like that in our busy, mundane lives, (smile) and besides it’s something we’ve been strongly advised to do, so that we can also stir up and encourage each other. The author of Hebrews tells us: ‘Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.’ (Heb. 10:25) 

And the day of Jesus’ return is fast approaching my people, so we need to get with the programme and gather together regularly, so that we can raise each other’s faith and spirit. And one of the best ways of doing that is by joining together in sacrificial praise to Almighty God. And today, we open with a marvellous song that highlights exactly what we need in these turbulent times in much greater amount from those who call themselves believers; that’s strong, true, sure, undefiled commitment to Christ Jesus The song is called ‘I Am Committed!’ originally done by the popular Jamaican Evangelist and Gospel Singer, Maxine Duncan. 

Yes friends, there’s nothing that Jesus needs more from us right now than our sincere commitment to His most worthy cause. So, let’s raise the roof of the sanctuary with our sweetly flavoured sacrificial voices of praise, in a sincere, heartfelt, scintillating, soulful rendition of this beautiful song. Singing:  ‘Hn, hn, hn! Dear Lord! Thank You Jesus! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Early this morning, I woke from my sleep I heard His voice speak softly to me He says my child you have had some lonely nights That’s why I am here to comfort you if you only believe 

(Chorus: That’s when I committed my life to Him Cause I know that He cares for me Yes I have committed my life to Him I know he cares, He’ll always be there That’s why I am committed.) It was in the dark, He revealed Himself to me He said my child I am your destiny Lonely nights I spent in agony As I prayed secretly, I started to cry I am committed [Yes I have committed my life to Him I know that he cares for me Yes I have committed my life to Him I know he cares, He will always be there That’s why I am committed) 

When Trials come and they seem so hard to bear Yes Jesus knows what you are going through Your circumstances, He will fix it for you He’ll take your hand, he’ll lead you on You will always be strong. (Yes I have committed my life to Him Cause I know that He; cares for me Yes I have committed my life to Him I know he cares, He will always be there That’s why I am committed. I know he cares He will always be there That’s why I am committed. I know he cares He will always be there That’s why I am committed’  

Oh my people, that was wonderful! There wasn’t a dry eye in heaven, because they heard the sincerity in our voices. That means we can’t let them down now, we have to actually show that serious commitment in our daily walk with Christ. And since the last days seem to be on the horizon, this is a time when true commitment is badly needed so we can get as many people as possible under Christ’s umbrella of salvation before it’s too late for them. And there are so many scriptures in the Good Library that deal with commitment that we can only highlight a few here. 

Now, possibly the most widely known one is that penned by Bruh David in Psalm 37: ‘Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.’ (Ps. 37: 5) Then there’s this one by Cousin Sol, when he dedicated the temple to the Lord, that most of us don’t know. He told the congregation of Israel: ‘Let your heart therefore be perfect with the Lord our God, to walk in his statutes, and to keep his commandments as of this day.’ (1 Kin. 8:61) 

And I like how the scholars explain that verse. They say, Cousin Sol ‘closes his prayer with a challenge to Israel to be perfect with the Lord, that is, fully and wholly (completely) committed to His person and standards (cf. Matt. 5:48) for a growing spiritual maturity.’ And my fellow saints, that is the challenge that I’m throwing out to all of us this day. We need to be fully and completely committed to Jesus and rise to the occasion to fulfill His Great Commission in whatever way we can. Time is of the essence and we cannot afford to dilly dally any longer or just talk a good talk, we desperately need to walk the walk, right now! 

And by the way, the reference above there to Matthew 5:48, just happens to be Jesus teaching on LOVING one’s enemies, and He ends on this note. ‘Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.’ That means possessing a complete LOVE like God’s. and we can only get close to that goal by being truly committed to walking in His ways. Meanwhile, there are some scriptures that Bruh Paul wrote to Timothy in his second letter about being committed. 

Listen up: ‘Wherefore I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles. For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against (until) that day.’ (2 Tim. 1:11-12) And therein lies a major problem with why more believers are not fully committed to Jesus: they are afraid of the sacrifices they might be called on to make, and they are also ashamed of Jesus and what He stands for. How then can we ever get real kingdom work done when so many are not committed eh? 

Then there’s this advice Bruh Paul gave to Timothy: ‘Study (be diligent) to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.’ (2 Tim. 2:15) And the scholars explain that thus: ‘The command to study means “give diligence and be zealous.” It involves a total effort of mind, emotion and will. Rightly dividing (lit., “cutting straight” the word of truth. The apostle appeals for effort to be made to properly interpret the word of God.’ And do we ever need proper interpretation of God’s word in these deceitful and treacherous times! 

And when it’s all said and done friends, we ought to be able to truthfully say words like Bruh Paul did. ‘For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure (death) is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course (race). I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them that LOVE his appearing.’ (2 Tim. 4:6-8) 

Oh my people, not all of us can be as zealous as Bruh Paul in Christ’s cause, but we can all be more zealous than we currently are. So, please, let’s raise our level of commitment today nuh, if we truly LOVE Jesus! Much LOVE!

…no cause can be won or accomplished…unless its devotees are truly committed to it…and are willing to input the necessary elbow grease… 

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Today’s Scrip-Bit   26 April 2023 Psalm 119:105.

Psalm 119:105.       Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

So it’s Wednesday and we’re catching our second wind of this work week. Let’s hope that we made a positive difference in the opening days, that we were salty and bright like Jesus desires us to be, and that today will reenergize us, refill us with the Holy Spirit, so that we can continue the good work we’re doing in Jesus’ name down here on this abused and degenerate planet Earth. 

And it’s of the utmost importance that we realize that if we ever hope to see positive changes in our world, that they will have to come from us, believers in Christ. It will have to be our elbow grease, belly and backbone that stands up against the very prevalent evil schemes and wiles of the devil and his evil cronies. No one else is going to want to, or be able to do it. But if we believe, with Jesus in our corner, then anything is possible, and if He wants us to take over the world then we can do so with His help. Yuh see how much success the first twelve disciples had in spreading the word. 

However, to do that, we need to have the courage and desire to do it, the courage and desire that they possessed. And right now, it’s obvious that not enough of us possess those necessary qualities. And with the total disunity in Christ’s supposed church, it’s becoming a cakewalk for the evildoers, as they divide and conquer us with impunity. Yes friends, as a body, we’re falling down on the job, but that doesn’t mean as individuals we can’t make a decent difference. 

And yes, it’s difficult when you’re fighting in your little corner of the world by yourself, but please, let’s not give up hope, because when Christ gave us the Great Commission, He promised in very positive and certain terms: ‘I am with you always, even until the end of the world.’ (Matt. 28:20) That means He is always with us when we are doing His work, so there’s no need to fear or lack courage when we sincerely and enthusiastically decide to get out there and witness for Christ. 

But enough of the negative aspects of our spiritual journey, let’s change the tempo. (smile) And I’ve found something in our One Year Book of Bible Promises with writings by Ruth Harms Calkin, that I don’t think I’ve ever shared before, but it’s truly interesting and rather appropriate in my life right now. It’s simply titled ‘New Bible!’ 

So please read with me: ‘This was an exciting day for me, Lord! This morning I opened my new Bible. Not a single word was circled Not a single phrase underlined. Now with each new day I can circle and underline again I can word-clutter the margins and I know what will happen. Lord – I’ll be asking as I read Why didn’t I see that before? 

But even with the joy of the new Bible I’m going to miss my old one with its tattered pages – Its creased and torn edges. Oh, how many personal notes Are jotted on the margins How many God-whispered secrets. Yes, Lord, I’ll miss it. But thank You for a friend’s reminder: “If your Bible is falling apart Chances are your life isn’t.” 

And that’s the gospel truth my brethren, because the falling apart of your Bible means that you’re in a lot, and thus the Word of the Lord is very prominent in your life, and you’re doing your best to be a good witness and disciple for Christ. And I can personally attest to what is written in the poem because my old Bible that I used to write the Bit, seven days a week for numerous years, was indeed falling apart on me at the end of last year, and I considered taking it to get it rebound because of the familiarity and ease of use. I even called up one binder about it, but never followed it up, and at the beginning of this year, simply bought a clean, brand new version of the old one instead. 

And was it ever strange opening the new one and not seeing any underlining or stuff written in a kaleidoscope of colours. But with the passage of time, I’m getting accustomed to this new one. And although they are the same King James version, just a newer printing, there was something about the old one that I miss. I knew where to find everything I wanted. This one though is set up in a slightly different manner, and I’m still learning how to use it. The old one was also solid and could take the rough handling, but in comparison, this new one seems somewhat flimsy, and I find myself treating it with kid’s gloves 

But I guess it’s like everything else nowadays, from humans to cars, to books, everything in these modern times is much more fragile, not as strong and sturdy, but they cost much more than the old versions though. (smile) And it all reminds me of the ole folks saying: ‘new broom sweep clean, but old broom know the corners.’ Yes, when you become accustomed to something, it’s hard to change to something newer, although the new thing might even function better. 

Anyway, it’s all history right now. I’m into the new Good Library, and it’s telling me the same thing the old one did; ‘Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.’ (Ps. 119:105) And so it is indeed my fellow believers! Be it torn and tattered or brand new and unblemished, the Good Library contains the same wonderful information, yesterday, today and forever! It leads and guides us on our earthly journey. It’s the believer’s guidebook for living. And that lamp unto my feet and light unto my path scripture was the verse associated with our poem. 

Ah mih people, our world is slowly, but steadily falling apart, what with all the evil schemes and wiles being perpetrated in it each and every day, but as true believers, we just can’t sit around and allow it to happen. We need to make our voices heard and our actions felt, regardless of how small and infinitesimal they may be. That means continual reading and meditating on the Word, putting our Bibles to good use, letting them become torn and tattered by constant handling, and not allowing them to sit and gather dust, as so many are currently doing is so many Christian households. 

Now, for those of us who are trying our best to live for Jesus, let’s go home declaring (yesss!!!) our Wednesday Wail, letting the whole world know of our wonderful position in Christ Jesus. Altogether now: ‘Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: I’m so glad to be alive on this Wednesday! Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday: Thank God the breath of life is still flowing through me on this Wednesday! I am halfway home. My hands are fixed securely on the plough, and I’m not turning back. I’m not looking back at the past, not focusing on what has gone before. But my eyes are fixed straight ahead; straight ahead to a glorious future with Jesus. Glory Hallelujah!’ 

And it’s been promised that if we endure with Jesus right down to the very end, then that future will be even more glorious than we can ever ask or imagine! Wow! So, let’s use that as encouragement to endure to the very end nuh! Much LOVE!

…the Bible is God’s Word…and you can only learn about Him by reading it…

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Today’s Scrip-Bit   7 January 2023   1 Timothy 6:12.

1 Timothy 6:12.        Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed (confessed) a good profession (confession) before many witnesses.

Can you imagine that the first week of 2023 is already in the annals of History? Yes, it is! These past few years have been behaving like a Jamaican fella called Usain Bolt. They only bolting through their paces, regardless of circumstances, with no respect for man nor beast. (smile) I think though that’s just our perspective, for the Lord has set their pace from time immemorial and nothing has changed in his realm. Anyway, this lazy Saturday is a much better day than the last few; the place is dry and still above freezing, with a tad of sunshine fighting through the clouds. 

But enough talk, because we have a lot of stuff to consider from our friend Anselm this past week, as he aspires to inspire us for a better tomorrow. And the first thing he does is wish: ‘Happy New Years to all my friends and family.’ Then continues with these words of wisdom. ‘Things to think about for 2023: 1. Talk less; listen more; 2. Remind yourself you are not the General Manager of the Universe; 3. Sit on your ego; 4. Take one day at a time; 5. Separate worries from concerns. If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you to do and let go of the anxiety. If you can’t do anything about a situation, forget it; 6. Pray.’ 

Now I can’t find fault with any of that, because it’s all a part of what I’ve been trying to encourage us to do for this New Year, that’s live for Jesus! Then he solemnly advises in the next quote: ‘A fantasy noted down with a date turns into an objective. An objective partitioned into ascertained strides turns into an arrangement. An arrangement bolstered by activities makes your fantasies work out as expected. So, this New Year, take your fantasies, travel the distance to their goal and make them a reality.’ 

Now that’s also ever so true. Our successes usually begin with dreams which we consciously set out to make come true, and we nurture them every step of the way by doing what’s necessary to bring them to fruition. They don’t just blossom and flower like the grass, overnight, but lots of patience, elbow grease and LOVE have to be consumed on them before they become reality. That means we have to put plenty effort into bringing our dreams to fruition; ofttimes work very hard and sacrifice a lot. 

Like Bruh Paul said to Timothy. ‘Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed (confessed) a good profession (confession) before many witnesses.’ (1 Tim. 6:12) Yes friends, that’s how we need to go through life; fighting the good fight, both for Christ and for the dreams that God’s put in our hearts. So, let’s promise ourselves to do just that this new year nuh, because godly warriors are badly needed in this ungodly and evil world. 

Meanwhile, the next quote tells us: ‘Don’t try to lessen yourself for the world; let the world catch up to you.’ And that’s wonderful advice. As followers of Jesus, we must never bow to the world, its ways and its standards. We must always endeavour to bring the world up to our level, not drop down to its substandard level. Remember, we are the light of the world, and we are supposed to shine as such, lead the way, set the example. Remember what John said in his gospel. ‘And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.’ (John 1:5) 

That light was Jesus! And I like how one translation explains it. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not understood it.” In this sense, it isn’t just that Jesus has overcome the darkness. It’s that He presents such a stark contrast to the defeated sentiment of this world that the darkness does not even understand or comprehend His light.’ Glory be my people! That’s how we ought to be; like Him! And Martin Luther King Jr. apparently said it this way. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only LOVE can do that.” 

And is that ever the gospel truth! Therefore, this year, let’s pledge to be true lights of Christ nuh. And while doing that, we can also do what this other quote says: ‘Tell someone you LOVE them today, because tomorrow is not promised. To my family and friends, I LOVE YOU.’ Now that should come as no surprise to us, because it’s all a part of living sincerely for Christ. However, saying ‘I LOVE you,’ is something that we don’t do enough of. We expect others to take it for granted. But that’s not how Jesus operates, in His kingdom the spoken word is also important. Remember, it’s how the Lord created the world and all therein, through the spoken word. 

How does Cousin Sol put it in Proverbs: ‘Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.’ (Prov. 16:24) And the scholars explain: ‘The proverb likens the effects of honey to gracious words. These would be words of encouragement, appreciation, comfort or anything positive. Just like honey, these words reach the soul and feel good. We all know how kind words uplift us especially when we need them.’ That’s the indisputable truth! 

And it brings us to the last quote, or rather the last set of instructions for this new year. Our friend Anselm proclaims: ‘This is my change of address notice for 2023: I have moved out from 1 Beggars Alley, located at 2 Poverty Lane at the corner of Bleak and Buster Circle. As of today, I have a brand new home. My new address is: Living Well on 3 Abundance Drive, located at the corner of Blessings Street and Prosperity Peak. No longer will I allow myself to travel on the Begging Peter to pay off Paul route, located at a dead-end Intersection called: I Don’t Have, it connects with Borrowers Junction. 

I no longer hang out at Failure’s Place, near Excuses Avenue, next to Procrastination Point. I’ve moved on to an Upscale Community called Higher Heights with unlimited potential and opportunities for me to succeed. Look at me, each day that I’m awake, I am thankful to be a product of my new environment. All my clothes are tailor made. I’m dressed in life’s finest. Let me introduce you to all of them: Conceive, Believe, Act on, Have Faith, Be Persistent, and Always be Prepared to Achieve. Life is good because God is good! 

Care to change your address? We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives… not looking for flaws, but for potential.’ 

I guess that says it all. 2023 is the year that we must all make big strides for Jesus, if we expect our world to improve and not flounder even further and finally implode. Only we sincere believers can make that happen, working with the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Please, I plead with us, to get serious and do our bounden duty; that’s fight the good fight for Christ in this new year of 2023!  Much LOVE!

…one cannot fight a good fight…unless one truly believes…in one’s leader and their cause… 

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Today’s Scrip-Bit   23 April 2022 John 8:32.

John 8:32.      And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 

And then it was Saturday; the Jack of all trades day, meaning you can work, rest and/or party comfortably, without any self-recriminations on Saturdays. (smile) Some of us choose to work, especially around the house, doing the personal things we don’t have time for during the work week. Others choose to be simply couch potatoes for the entire day, in front of the boob-tube. And then there are those of us who think that Saturdays were simply made for partying…and nothing else. 

For us though here on the Bit, Saturday means checking out the quotes that our friend Anselm sent us this past week as he aspires to inspires us for a better tomorrow. And the first one says: ‘Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.’ And that seems true enough, for you can’t do something or go somewhere unless you’ve first decided what you’re going to do or where you’re going to go. It all begins in the mind’s eye. And that’s also the first law of Christ’s kingdom: You’ll see it when you believe it. That means walking by faith and not by sight. (1 Cor. 5:7) 

Remember Jesus’ words to Martha before He raised her brother Lazarus from the dead. ‘Said I not unto thee, that if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?’ (John 11:40) The same thing applies to us today my faithful brethren; we won’t see the glory of Almighty God unless and until we believe that He is able to do anything and everything. Likewise, in our personal lives, we won’t bring anything to reality unless we first envision it in our minds and then believe, with God’s help we can make it real. 

That brings us to this next quote: ‘On any given Monday I am one sale closer and one idea away from being a millionaire.’ And that’s no lie! On any new day it’s possible to do great things, because we are always, only one step away from greatness, from doing the improbable, especially if the Lord God Jehovah is in our corner and He thinks the time is right for a monumental blessing. And surprisingly, it often takes only ONE of anything, to propel us to lofty heights. Which seems sort of contrary to this next quote, which tells us that ‘If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.’

 Now that’s gospel truth, especially in the entertainment business. Somebody who we’ve never heard of before comes up with a hit song or something, and we quickly claim that they’re an overnight success. But we never hear of the years they been toiling in the trenches for a pittance, begging for breaks they never got, or being ripped off by unscrupulous promoters. Most of them have done their time, have spent time learning their craft, living hand to mouth, doing odd jobs so they can survive. But we never hear about that, just the seemingly quick path to success. 

However, there are some true overnight successes, but they never last. They are here today and gone tomorrow. And the truth is, if we want to make it big in anything at all, and remain at a decent level, we have to put in the time, the elbow grease, the disappointments, the wondering if we will ever succeed, or if we made a mistake doing what we’re doing. But remember too, that without perseverance and endurance you will never get to the winner’s circle. 

And there’s no field of endeavour in which that’s truer than in our Christian walk of faith. Without taking up our crosses and bearing them with a good attitude, which can only be fuelled by serious meditation on God’s word and serious time spent talking to Him, we will never become model Christians for others to see and want to emulate. It’s why Christ calls us, or rather desires us, to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We are needed to add flavour and light to a dark and desolate world, which, unfortunately, we are not doing such a good job at, otherwise the world would still not be as dark and desolate as it is currently. 

This Easter Season, we’ve made a big fuss over Jesus, His death and resurrection, just like we do over his birth at Christmas, but then in the twinkling of an eye we forget all the wonderful things we claim He’s done, is doing, and will do for us, and we revert to our normal behaviour; that of living more in the world than in the kingdom of God. No wonder the world doesn’t get any better. Shame on us friends! 

Then we come to this quote: ‘There is no harm in repeating a good thing.’ Technically speaking, that’s true, especially where learning is concerned, but in our current society nobody wants to hear, see, or do the same thing over and over. Our penchant nowadays is for something new, with new seasons for cars, clothes, phones, even for people, (smile) although we have not understood or hardly used the last new thing. That’s made us into a ‘throwaway society.’ And then we wonder why there is so much junk in our world and why our environment is being so badly abused. 

The hard fact of the matter though is that we only learn anything by repetition, doing it over and over. And again, that is oh so true of our Christian faith. We can only learn God’s ways by reading and studying His word over and over. And that’s exactly what He said to Joshua when he made him leader of the Israelites after the death of Moses. ‘This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.’ (Josh. 1:8) 

And I guess that explains why so many of us supposed Christians aren’t prosperous and don’t have good success: we don’t meditate on God’s word, and therefore don’t do what it says. That brings us to this last quote. ‘No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.’ And I’m in a quandary over that one, because we all hate those who tell lies, but at the same time if we consider the word of God as being the truth, then many are disliked when they speak it. And we are all supposedly searching for and seeking truth, which is basically facts, the actuality of things or events and reality. 

But with Jesus, truth comes from Him, as He says, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life…’ (John 14:6) His truth stems from the fact that we are all purveyors of sin, but He tells us that, ‘If ye continue (abide) in my word, then ye are my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’ (John 8:31-32) But by the same token, Jesus warned about those who hold to His truth. ‘And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.’ (Mark 13:13) 

Yes, my fellow saints, there’s no better way to end this Saturday morning than on those words of truth. The world doesn’t like followers of Christ and will do its best to make our lives miserable, but we know the truth, that’s Jesus, and that awesome knowledge has set us free, and we WILL abide in it right to the very end! Much LOVE!

…in this world…EVERYTHING revolves around Jesus…from Creation to Salvation…that’s the truth…

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Today’s Scrip-Bit   9 October 2021 John 3:17.

John 3:17.     For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Oh, what a perfect Saturday morning for sleeping in, at least in my area! We are talking about dark skies on a fairly warm morning for this time of year, and a lulling, drizzle of heavenly blessings. But here I am up early, working. Chuh! That’s because I went to bed early this morning, that’s early by my standards. (smile) 

Anyway, it’s no use griping about it now, because I’m already up and at ‘em. So, like we do every Saturday, let’s check out the quotes our friend Anselm sent us this past week. I pray the Lord will give me the wisdom and understanding to do a good job on them, because it’s all for His glory. 

This first one says: ‘All great changes are preceded by chaos.’ Now I don’t know if it’s absolutely true, but there is a fair amount of truth to it. Just look at all the great changes forced upon the world by the numerous wars and strife that’s happened down through the ages. 

Look at what’s happening right now. Chaos is in our midst, with serious differences over the cause and effect of the Covid 19 pandemic, the strife that’s been injected over the vaccine, the lust for dictatorial power that’s currently running rampant, the greed of the rich, who are getting insanely richer while the world is beset by numerous natural and man-made disasters, poverty and economic misfortune, climate change, racial differences etc. etc. There’s no doubt that when the dust settles, our society will be significantly changed… but who knows how. 

And let’s not forget the chaos and great changes made by the coming of our Lord and Saviour two thousand years ago. Jesus turned His then Jewish society upside down and the world right side up! Remember what He said: ‘For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.’ (John 3:17) And the world has never been the same since He came…neither will it be, after He comes again! (smile) 

The second quote tells us that: ‘If you are bored with life, if you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things—you don’t have enough goals.’ I don’t know about not having enough goals nuh, but rather of having the wrong goals. For if you even have one goal of sufficient interest and importance to you, then that will have you getting up every morning burning with passion to fulfill it. What’s the point of having goals that aren’t actively cultivating your interest? None whatsoever! 

The problem with today’s society, why we are so easily bored, is that life’s just too easy for too many of us. There are so many amenities now that we can easily get by without hungering and thirsting after anything, so serious goal setting is not as important as it used to be back when things were harder. 

A real goal is something that calls for elbow grease, for getting out of your comfort zone, that causes you to see a light at the far end of the tunnel and drives you towards it. But since so many of us are averse to working hard, or working at all, who wants to do that eh? Consequently, when we do set goals, they are often of the easy, lacklustre kind and obviously don’t fire us up. 

And that’s where this next quote comes in: ‘Dreams are extremely important. You can’t do it unless you can imagine it.’ Yes friends, our dreams, the things we would like to acquire or do, are extremely important, and they are the things that should usually become our goals, because they will inspire us to get up and get a move on. And the second part of the quote does have some truth to it. 

Generally speaking, you must be able to imagine something before you can do it. You don’t always need to see the finished product, but there must be ideas about whatever you want to accomplish continually buzzing about in your head. Otherwise, you won’t have the necessary incentive to keep working on it. 

That’s why the following quote is important. ‘The future belongs to people who see possibilities before they become obvious.’ No doubt about that friends. You just have to look around at all the amazing inventions in our current world to see it. They were created by those who were thinking ahead. They had an idea, a dream, a goal, to make something better, or do something differently, and they kept working at it, despite numerous failures, until they succeeded. A good example of that is the vast and tentacle-like network of social media we have nowadays. Some people saw the possibilities and took advantage of their opportunities. That’s what it takes to be successful in this world. 

And the same thing goes for believers in Christ Jesus. We also need to be forward thinking; seriously gauging possibilities and seeking opportunities to bring others to the knowledge of Christ. That’s our job as His earthly messengers and ambassadors. So don’t think for one moment that Christians don’t also need dreams, goals and successful operations in Jesus’ name. We just have to do them within His framework; that of His holy word. 

His church is His big organization here on earth. But how is that working eh? Not as good as it ought to. It cannot, with all the divisions, disunity, strife, anger and evil that’s currently going on in it. And one would think that in these terrible times, the church of Christ would take the obvious opportunity to be a calming, settling and uniting force, working to bring peace, LOVE and the Spirit of Jesus to the situation. But unfortunately, it is just as divisive and strife filled as the rest of the world. 

What can we as individuals do eh? Not a whole lot, except sincerely show Christ to those around us and pray. And what we call our Serenity Prayer is the last of our quotes for today. So, let’s pray it nuh. ‘God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.’ 

Yes my fellow saints, that’s why Cousin Sol advises us through the Good Book that: ‘Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding,’ (Prov. 4:7) It’s absolutely imperative that in in these dangerous, evil and ungodly times that the children of God seek His wisdom and learn what we need to do, by studying His word, talking to Him, and being led by His Holy Spirit. 

This is an opportunity for all true believers to step up to the plate and make a real good and Christ-like difference in the lives of others and in our scarred and scared world. That’s what Jesus is expecting of us. So please, let’s not disappoint Him nuh. Much LOVE!

…when things are getting out of hand…that’s when Christians step up and take control…                                                                                                       

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Today’s Scrip-Bit 4 July 2020 Philippians 1:10.

Philippians 1:10.     ​That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ. 

Another glorious summer’s day has dawned in my area as we wish a Happy 4th of July to the U.S. of A! Let’s hope and pray that they will celebrate it in a safe and responsible manner and not foolishly increase the problems they are already experiencing. But as they say, a people without proper direction is doomed from the start, and furthermore, you get the kind of government you deserve. 

Nuff said. It’s Saturday, so let’s turn to those quotes of our friend Anselm which so many of you anxiously wait for all week. (smile) Let’s see what words of wisdom he has imparted this week as he aspires to inspire us for a better tomorrow. And I think this first one is boss: ‘If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution.’ Although I wouldn’t go as far as to say that you have the solution, but you are definitely on the right track, for how can you solve a problem if you don’t know what it really is eh? 

And sadly, that’s where so many of us go wrong in these dangerous times; we set out to solve the problem without first considering its true aspects. Contrary to popular opinion, problems are like pains, they might seem to be coming from one spot, but are actually being caused by something in an entirely different spot. So please, let’s analyze our problems fully before we begin to solve them nuh. That’s wisdom for all the ages! 

Then there’s this: ‘Before you say you can’t do something…TRY IT.’ Now that’s also a useful behaviour. In these times of much laziness and entitlement, we’re quick to say we can’t do things without even considering them properly. And ofttimes all we need to do is apply a li’l elbow grease, or even some blood, sweat and tears. But who knows, or even cares about those nowadays eh? Not a whole lot of us! And it looks so bad on us believers when we just wave away actions because they seem difficult, especially when we like to spout about how we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! 

Hn! With Christ in the picture, everything is possible, so we ought to shy away from stuff until we at least try them! That means this next quote is also important. ‘A relentless barrage of “why’s” is the best way to prepare your mind to pierce the clouded veil of thinking caused by the status quo. Use it often.’ I don’t know about ‘a relentless barrage,’ but we must always ask ‘why’ and ‘why not?’ Because that’s the easiest and best way to find out answers to our questions. 

The human mind must always be searching, always be reaching for higher levels, that’s how we advance our civilization. And a mind that is not constantly searching and growing, regardless of the body’s age, is one that is figuratively dead and dying, since it’s not being challenged. 

Yes, from the days of Adam and Eve, the status quo has been challenged by those small but rather powerful words, ‘why’ and ‘why not.’ That’s what Eve asked: ‘Why can’t we eat from the tree of life?’ And you know what happened after; the bottom fell out of the basket. That’s why it’s also important to consider who we ask those questions of, and seriously consider their answers, because we can easily get into a whole heap of trouble otherwise, just like Eve did. (smile) 

Now I don’t know what our friend Anselm is trying to do to me with this next quote nuh. ‘The thing is, continuity of strategic direction and continuous improvement in how you do things are absolutely consistent with each other. In fact, they’re mutually reinforcing.’ It might just be a bit too cerebral and philosophical for me. (smile) 

So let’s see. What I believe he’s saying is that one needs a strategic direction in one’s life, or whatever one is doing. That’s knowing where you’re going, or want to go, on a particular project, or over the long haul, but then as you grow and move in that strategic direction, you must also improve on how you do things. 

As we were saying above, the human mind must always be in a challenged mode for it to improve. And contrary to what some might believe, having a strategic direction and improving as you go along are not inconsistent desires, but actually complement each other. And that’s certainly true! It’s all about making good plans whether it be for a single project or for our lives, and improving them as we go along. You have to know where you want to go, and how you’re going to get there, before you embark on your journey. 

And that brings us to this last and most important quote: ‘Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.’ Oh my people, how I wish that that quote could enter the minds of our entire world today, because quality, in almost everything, has taken a marked decline down through the years. 

At one point things were built to last, but today they’re built to fall apart quickly so you need to buy a new one in a relatively short space of time. And even the more expensive stuff that’s supposed to be of better quality doesn’t always hold true to Confucius’ maxim: ‘cheap thing no good, and good thing no cheap.’ (smile) 

But friends, as true believers in Christ Jesus, that’s exactly what’s expected of us’ sincere efforts along with diligence and excellence of product, whatever it may be. Christ doesn’t do cheap and shoddy stuff! And Bruh Paul said it in so many words to the Philippian church. ‘And this I pray, that your LOVE may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgement; That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ. Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.’ (Phil. 1:9-11) 

Yes friends, as believers we must think of things that really matter and do things in an excellent manner, for that is Jesus’ desire for His followers. And later on in his letter to the church at Philippi, Bruh Paul qualified it with these awesome words. ‘Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest (noble), whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise (anything praiseworthy), think (meditate) on these things.’ (Phil.4:8) 

I could not put it any better my people. So in these dangerous and uncertain times let’s get to practicing that kind of stuff nuh, it’s what is expected of us. Much LOVE!

…to follow Jesus…diligence and excellence…must be at the top of your list…

Today’s Scrip-Bit 30 May 2020 Luke 9:62.

Luke 9:62.    ​No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of heaven.

Well there’s a fierce battle going on outside between the bright morning sun and a huge dark cloud for supremacy over the day! Who’s going to win eh? Well that’s anyone’s guess! But whoever does, and our day continues with either rain or shine, it will undoubtedly be with our great God Jehovah still at its helm, still ruling the roost! And all God’s children said a loud, proud and grateful: ‘Praise the Lord!’ And we also have to be thankful that our friend Anselm has apparently risen from the dead, because he’s sent us a full slate of quotes this week, though some rather short and pithy (brief, concise) ones. (smile) 

So let’s look at them together nuh. Here’s the first one: ‘Dream it. Wish it. Do it.’ Yeah friends, in general, that’s how we ought to operate. You dream the dream…then wish upon it, hoping and believing that God and man will support you…then you go out and put that dream plan into action with the help of God and man! Oh, it does seem so simple and easy eh. But in reality, it very seldom is because according to this next quote: ‘Success doesn’t just find you. You have to go out and get it.’ 

And that’s for certain sure! Success doesn’t usually come a looking for you, you have to get up off your fanny and go looking for it, seeking it wherever it may be hidden. And all of this assumes that you are doing it with the help of the Good Lord, for if you aren’t, success is even more difficult to locate and make your own. That’s why Cousin Sol wisely advised us to: ‘Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (make them straight).’ (Prov. 3:5-6) 

Now, considering all the problems, trials and tribulations we will face in this world – even Jesus acknowledged that in John 16:33 – those are incredibly wise and wonderful words of advice. And it leads us to the following quote: ‘Great things never come from comfort zones.’ Now that’s another certain sure thing! (smile) We never move on, move up, or achieve anything worthwhile in life without getting out of our comfort zones. It’s basic logic. How can anything be great if you don’t make an extra effort, extend yourself, put some elbow grease into it eh? 

If you just snap your fingers and it happens, then it doesn’t usually fall into the category of great. Many of us can sit on our fat fannies and make things happen, but the real great and worthwhile ones always require that we get motivated and get up off our rear ends, and go that extra mile that Jesus advised us to go. And you know what? It’s strange but true, as this next quote correlates: ‘The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.’ Mamacita! Now isn’t that the gospel truth! It surely is! 

The more elbow grease, the more blood, sweat and tears we put into a project, the greater the enjoyment we experience when it comes to successful fruition! And that’s why we work so hard to make projects successful! As we were saying above; li’l elbow grease means li’l satisfaction. As Jesus says: ‘and with what measure ye mete (use), it shall be measured to you again.’ (Matt. 7:2b). Granted, He was referring there specifically to justice, but my people, that principle works in almost every arena of life. Our rewards are usually measured by the effort we put into our plans. 

And then we come to this last and most important quote for this week: ‘Sometimes later becomes never.’ And isn’t that the living truth! Most of us can testify to that in spades. We say we’ll do something later, but that later so often turns out to be never. That’s where laziness and procrastination and negative emotions come into play. The duchess reminds me of it almost every day. I keep saying I’m going to do this or that, but always keep putting it off. Meanwhile, if she has something to do, even if she isn’t feeling well, she wants to get up and do it. 

And as I look around me right now in the office, I can think of numerous things I want to and have to do down here. And though they are too many for me to do all at once, if I would only get up off my fat fanny – well it’s not really fat – (smile) and do more than I’m currently doing, I would feel much better, get more satisfaction from my efforts. But I keep saying, tomorrow, tomorrow… but tomorrow never seems to come…and I remain displeased with myself. So please learn from my procrastination. 

And that’s why Jesus said to the man who wanted to follow him, but first wanted to go and say goodbye to his family: ‘No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of heaven.’ Oh my people, when we begin a project, dream a dream, come to Jesus, or simply desire to succeed in some walk of life, we cannot afford to procrastinate, to tarry too long…or look back. Once we make a commitment to something or someone, we need to stick to it and do our best, keep looking and moving forward, with Jesus’ help of course. And yes, I’ve gotten the message: ‘Doctor, heal thyself!’ (smile) Much LOVE!

…no matter the roadblocks…be of good cheer…Jesus is always with you… 

P.S. What a way the Bit short today! (smile) Much LOVE!

Today’s Scrip-Bit 25 April 2020 Mark 6:50b.

Mark 6:50b.    Be of good cheer (take courage); it is I; be not afraid.
And the world keeps turning, like the Lord planned it to: it’s pages quietly and unconcernedly rolling along from one day to the next, regardless of what happens from one day to the next! (smile) And it’s finally rolled around to this Saturday in what’s supposed to be spring time, but we haven’t seen any rain in such a long time that the old adage ‘April showers bring May flowers’ is in danger of not being true this year of the Coronavirus. But what else is new eh? Cousin Sol said long ago that there’s nothing new under the sun. Yes: ‘The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.’ (Eccl. 1:9) 

And yuh know, if the wisest man ever said that, then it ought to be so. (smile) But it also shows up in our age old cliché that ‘History repeats itself.’ And that is oh so true. If we look back we can see every powerful society that ever walked the earth making the same mistake of getting too full of themselves, too big for their britches, replacing God with man made idols as they obtained some basic knowledge of life, and then getting fat and lazy off of their prosperity, which meant they stopped growing and began falling behind into eventual oblivion. 

And the same thing is happening in our current society, and our current worldwide trouble is simply a reflection of our stubbornness, hard heartedness and highly egotistical nature. It’s a wake up call from the Creator to the created, warning that we’re on the edge of a terrible precipice, and if we don’t heed the warning and repent and turn back to Him, a whole lot more damage will be done to our world. He who has ears to hear, let him hear! End of sermon! And friends I’m chuckling here, because I never came out to preach this morning, but that’s where I was led, so please take it easy on the ole fella nuh. 

But moving right along, since it’s Saturday, that lazy, late wake up day – most days are like that now though – let’s see what interesting quotes our friend Anselm sent us this past week, as he aspires to inspire us for a brighter tomorrow…and do we ever need one! And he seems to have been on progress kick this past week. Hear this first quote: ‘Delay is the enemy of progress.’ And so it is! Laziness and procrastination, and anything else that keeps us from doing what we have to do, is in fact delaying our progress. We can’t progress unless we get up off our fat fannies and do what we need to do! 

And the next quote also declares a great truth: ‘Comfort is the enemy of progress.’ Yes my people, as we said above, that’s why most societies eventually die. We start out by working hard and making progress, then when we reach a certain point of prosperity, we believe we can now rest on our laurels and enjoy what we have. But the sad fact of the matter is that continued prosperity depends on continued hard work, and resting comfortable on one’s laurels only eats away at said prosperity. 

It’s like your savings in the bank. The more you put in the more you will have, but when you stop putting in and only withdraw, then it will wither away li’l by li’l until it runs out. Well it’s the same way with progress and prosperity. Unless you keep building, working and saving, you will stop making progress and eventually fall. 

Now hear this one: ‘Some quit due to slow progress. Never grasping the fact that slow progress is progress.’ That’s more gospel truth my brethren! Good progress is usually a creeping thing that includes some failure in between. We don’t just begin something today, if it’s a worthwhile project, put in a li’l elbow grease and declare victory or significant progress tomorrow. No friends, progress is a time consuming thing, and ofttimes needs a lot of blood, sweat and tears before it can be significantly achieved. 

And that’s a major problem for this generation. We the parents have not taught the children sufficiently about waiting and working and being satisfied or contented with a little, that’s why they’re all going crazy, feeling entitled to everything while not wanting to work for or make a sacrifice for anything! That thing called true progress is ever so slow my people that sometimes you can’t even see it, although you know you’re making it. So let’s not quit when it looks like positive things are not happening for us nuh. It just means that the Lord is working in the background, doing the hard and dirty work that’s necessary to move us forward. 

In light of all that, it is therefore necessary for us to quickly befriend this next quote and hold on to it tightly, as our very lives may depend on it. ‘Courage means to keep making forward progress while you still feel afraid.’ And isn’t that the living truth! All of us feel afraid at some time or other in our lives, so it’s not a matter of never being afraid, or never having fear, for fear is a natural aspect of human life. But the important thing there is like Sister Joyce (Joyce Meyer) puts it: ‘doing it afraid.’ That’s what courage is really all about; doing what we need to despite the fear or anxiety we might feel. 

And the only thing that really conquers fear is faith! That’s why the most used command or warning in the Good Book is ‘Fear not! Do not be afraid!’ Moses said it thus to the Israelites when they were leaving Egypt and the massive Egyptian army was hot on their heels: ‘Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation (deliverance) of the Lord, which he will show to you today: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again no more for ever.’ (Ex. 14:13) And that promise did come true in spades as the entire Egyptian army was drowned in the Red Sea when the Lord closed it back up. 

And the psalmist gives us this small but everlasting treasure: ‘The Lord is on my side, I will not fear: what can man do unto me?’ (Ps.118:6) Yes friends, if the Lord is on our side, man cannot prevail over us. And Isaiah drives it home on the Lord’s behalf. ‘Say to them that are of a fearful heart, be strong, fear not: behold your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense: he will come and save you.’ (Is. 35:4) And he did exactly that through His Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 

And when Jesus walked on water towards His disciples and they were afraid, His comforting words were simply: ‘Be of good cheer (take courage); it is I; be not afraid.’  Yes my people, simple, but oh so reassuring words from our Master. That’s the beauty of His philosophy and words! 

And we’ll end with this most important warning from Bruh Paul to Timothy in his tough times, which we all ought to know by now, even if we didn’t know it before Covid-19. (smile) ‘For God hath not given us a spirit of fear; but of power (His Holy Spirit), and of LOVE, and of a sound (disciplined) mind.’ (2 Tim. 1:7) Now let’s go out and use those marvellous gifts in His work nuh! Much LOVE!

…fear and courage…two sides of the same coin…

Today’s Scrip-Bit 30 August 2019 Proverbs 2:6.

Proverbs 2:6.    ​For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.

Aye friends, the ole fella must really be getting old yes, because believe me, the aches and pains and them seem worse today than they did yesterday. And the hard part is all I did yesterday was rest! (smile) However, not to worry, because I have the greatest healer in the world working with and on me, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! And He’s also offered the Greatest Invitation ever offered: ‘Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.’ (Matt.11:28) 

And yuh better believe friends I’m accepting that invitation yes…in fact I’m running as fast as I can towards Him, not even thinking about falling down, because He’s also promised to catch me when I fall, to have angels guard me so that I don’t hurt myself! Wow! What a wonderful Saviour we serve and worship my people! 

And hear this li’l note of advice nuh: I’d highly advise that you run to Him with all haste too, if you have any problems whatsoever burdening you down, because He specializes in that sort of thing: His yoke is easy and His burden light! And we can learn oodles from Him, cause He is meek and gentle and lowly in heart! Glory to our great God mih faithful breddren! 

And even the ordinary workingman who isn’t as schooled in the ways of Almighty God knows that He is mighty and majestic, as he declares in his weekend song: ‘TGIF! Thank God is Friday yes! The day He release we from jail, from slavery and torture in the slave master work! When He gives us a couple of days rest and relaxation, to do whatever we want; just relax and do nothing, or party as hearty as we want, to eat drink and be merry, just in case tomorrow we die! 

And with August coming to an end, which means summer is also drawing to a close, I just think that this weekend we going to mash up the place, inviting everybody over, partying enough – can you ever party enough though (smile) – just in case we don’t get another chance to do so before the cruel and harsh winter weather sets in! Oh thank God for Fridays and weekend yes!’ 

And don’t you just LOVE the workingman’s optimism and candour? His frankness is like a breath of fresh air in this stale and evil world! Oh yes, he does go overboard somewhat, but he’s not restrained by righteousness as we are. But our Friday Chant is still best for us believers, as it sets some boundaries for us, to help keep the always-lurking enemy out of our souls. 

Let’s chant it now nuh, with sincerity and pride: ‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through another week of work! It hasn’t been easy, but with your generous help, I made it through. Now, please help me to get sufficient fun, fellowship, rest and relaxation in these two short days off, so that I can be renewed and refreshed in soul, body and mind, to go back out and do it all over again next week, furthering your glorious kingdom with each step I take. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen!’ 

Yuh see mih people, we too can have rest and relaxation, as well as fun and fellowship! We just have to be careful not to give the ole devil a chance to invade our righteous and godly souls. (smile) That’s called wisdom friends! And we get it by seeking it from Almighty God. 

As Cousin Sol, in the role of a wise father, so wisely says in Proverbs: ‘My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide (treasure) my commandments with thee; So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding: Yea, if thou criest after knowledge (discernment), and liftest up thy voice for understanding; 

If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear (reverential awe) of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.’ (Prov.2:1-6) 

Ah mih people, what words of wisdom! And how yuh think Cousin Sol acquired all that wisdom eh? Because he sought it and searched for it like treasure, and the Lord gave it to Him! He certainly didn’t come by it just so. But had to put some elbow grease in his efforts to acquire it. 

And likewise, so do we have to seek and search for wisdom my brethren, cause it’s essential for living a righteous and godly life, but it’s just not handed out freely, some effort, along with some faith must be put into our search so that we can truly appreciate it. Yuh know how they say we never truly appreciate something unless we work for it. The same goes for wisdom friends! And the only place to get that most valuable commodity is from Almighty God. 

As Cousin Sol says earlier on: ‘The fear (reverential awe) of the Lord is the (principal) beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.’ (Prov.1:7) Yes friends, knowing and recognizing the ‘amazingness’ of God is the beginning of ALL wisdom! 

However fools, and those who foolishly associate with Beelzebub, despise it, since they have to abide by certain rules and regulations. But no organization, society, or whatever have you, can last for any length of time without some basic rules and regulations, otherwise there’d be simply anarchy, with everybody doing as they please, especially in this greedy and selfish world. 

So in closing, I’m asking us, pleading with us to be wise. Do like the scholars suggest: ‘2:1-22: The conditions for obtaining wisdom are given first: one must earnestly seek it, as a prospector would search for gold (vs. 1-4). It is not an undirected search, however, since the parent’s instruction is the basis. The consequences of obtaining wisdom are then listed (vs.5-22): knowledge of God (vs.5-8) and right conduct (vs.9-22).’ 

Yes friends, let’s go out today and prospect for wisdom nuh, armed with the fear and knowledge of God and right conduct. And we’ll surely find it if we’re sincere and persevering in our search! Much LOVE!

…one cannot be wise without knowing Jehovah God…for it’s from Him…that ALL true wisdom comes…


Today’s Scrip-Bit 28 June 2019 Philippians 2:15.

Philippians 2:15.    ​That ye may be blameless and harmless (innocent), the sons (children) of God, without rebuke (fault), in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation (generation), among whom ye shine as lights in the world;

Summer days are here again…Glory Hallelujah! Yes my people, it surely seems as though the summer time is fully upon us now, what with all these beautiful days all in a row with warm temps and what not! (smile) And it’s a long weekend to boot; Canada Day weekend where we celebrate our Independence from our Colonial masters. 

Yes friends, we’re a hundred and fifty two years old now; young compared to many other nations, but we’re growing in strength, faith, godliness and LOVE daily! Give God the thanks my Canadian brethren! 

And before we go any further, let me remind us of those wise, immortal words of Granny that are so applicable to this weekend of mucho celebration. ‘Sonny boy; drunk or sober please mind yuh business!’ Please take serious note my people and be very careful this long weekend. And is the workingman ever bursting to sing his weekend song, so let’s hear him nuh. 

‘TGIF! Thank God is Friday oui…and the weekend here at last! And was this ever a rough week because the slave master had plenty work to get out before the long weekend. And wow! Is Canada Day long weekend, which means party, party, party! And the weather supposed to be nice everlasting too, right up there in the high 20’s! Mama Yo! Are we ever going to mash up this weekend. 

Yuh can’t rightly celebrate Canada independence without a big bash! Lots ah eating and drinking, imbibing some good brew…and even some of the hard stuff too! I can imagine what cottage country going to look like this weekend. All the big shots and them going to be having a blast and the lakes and them going to be full ah boats riding up and down with parties galore on them. 

But is okay. I don’t jealous them their high life. I’m going to enjoy my low life right down here in the city. Me and my pardies, we going to have just as good a time…and possibly even better. So leh we just thank God for weekends and this wonderful country of Canada nuh!’ 

Ah friends, yuh see why Granny’s words are so important when coming to these big celebrations. In all the excitement and joy, we just liable to go overboard like the workingman’s planning to do. But as believers in Christ Jesus we can’t afford to go that far into the bacchanalian situation because the enemy will jump right into that opening and mess up our souls and spoil our witness for Christ. 

That’s why our Friday Chant is somewhat more reserved, thoughtful and even-tempered than the workingman’s weekend song. So let’s chant it now nuh, in loud voice, with a strong sense of purpose. ‘Oh Lord, thanks for getting me safely through another week of work! It hasn’t been easy, but with your generous help, I made it through. 

Now, please help me to get sufficient fun, fellowship, rest and relaxation in these two short days off, so that I can be renewed and refreshed in soul, body and mind, to go back out and do it all over again next week, furthering your glorious kingdom with each step I take. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen!’ 

Yes mih breddren, ours is a more sedate and responsible life. Now that doesn’t mean that we can’t party and have fun too, but we just have to be a li’l more careful when we let our hair down and don’t give the enemy a chance to invade our souls and cause us to do wrong, because that is his sole purpose in life…get a Christian to fall flat on his face, both literally and figuratively, then laugh in Jesus face and gleefully declare: 

‘Look, look at yuh boy down there in the gutter nuh…drunk like a skunk! And he is the one yuh was praising up so much, about how he so good and godly. But yuh see how he really soft. Can’t even stand li’l bit a temptation! Hn, Hn, Hn! And it have plenty more like him out there too yes. Going to show yuh them every time ah conquer them!’ 

Oh my fellow believers, we definitely can’t have Satan taunting and laughing up in Jesus face like that nuh! That means we have to seriously mind our p’s and q’s, else we liable to fall in the gutter too. And the church, Jesus’ body, already has enough black eyes on it, it doesn’t need anymore. That’s why friends, this Canada Day weekend, we need to consider seriously these words of Bruh Paul to the Philippians. 

‘Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of (according to) his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings (grumbling) and disputings: 

That ye may be blameless and harmless (innocent), the sons (children) of God, without rebuke (fault), in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation (generation), among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth (fast to) the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.’ (Phil.2:12-16) 

And all that basically means friends, is now that we’ve been saved by the free gift of grace from God, not by anything we did, we have to stay attached to Christ and work at keeping our lives going in a godly direction. Being godly and righteous doesn’t just happen automatically once we’re saved, we have to work at it, run our race like Bruh Paul did. 

And if we are sincere about running that godly race, then the Lord will help us do so through the leading, guiding and comforting of His Holy Spirit. But that means we can’t grumble and complain when things don’t go our way, neither can we live in anger and resentment with our fellow man. We need to be bright and shining lights for and of Jesus in this most perverse generation ever of mankind. 

Remember, God has a plan for each and every one of our lives, and though He’ll gladly show us what it is, and help us accomplish it, He won’t do it all for us, we need to do our part of the covenant and put in some elbow grease too. So this Canada day weekend, let’s keep all of that in mind as we party hearty, and enjoy ourselves, for that is one of the reasons Christ died in our place; that we can rejoice and be happy in living and working for Him. Much LOVE!

…I am come…that they might have life…and have it more abundantly… (John 10:10b)


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